Chapter 8 Photographs

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The Public Beach Lands

Protecting and Selling a Town Treasure

(Note: Page numbers are from Mr. Randall’s book. )

Page 318: Wreck south of Boar’s Head with the Ocean House in the background, before 1885. The small buildings at far left probably are the cottages of squatters. The Town sued the owners of these structures in the 1880s, asking the court to have the buildings removed. Courtesy New Hampshire Historical Society.

Page 318: Moving a house along Ocean Boulevard. Perhaps this was one of the houses ordered moved when the Town won its case against the squatters in 1894. Note the [Thomas] Nudd house in the background. Courtesy Gertrude Palmer.

Page 321: Early houses on North Beach north of Plaice Cove, ca. 1918. From left: Herman Smith’s bathhouse, which had three lockers and was built ca. 1903 and which was later removed and used for the trolley station [“Portsmsouth Junction”, then moved back again; Josiah Clark Bennett’s bathhouse, built in July 1898 and probably the first house on this section of the beach, Donald A. Chase house, and houses of W. H. Brown and Captain Newcomb. No data on the others to the right. The bathhouses were used by their owners during the day for changing clothes and having lunch, but they would then return to a dwelling elsewhere for the night. Bennett’s house was on Exeter Road, the home of the late Baron William Frary von Blomberg. Courtesy Gardner B. Macintosh

Page 321: Some of the same cottages shown in the early houses on North Beach north of Plaice Cove on page 321, in this 1920s view. Courtesy Jewell Brown.

Page 322: Storm damage on the beachfront north of Plaice Cove, 1930s. Postcard courtesy Carrie Hackett.

The Fish-House Case

Page 333: Map used in the Fish-House Case, November 1950. (See Chapter 8 – Part 2 for key to building numbers.)

Page 336: Oceanside view of the fish houses, ca. 1950s. The buildings, from left, were owned by the Nortons (no. 12), the Palmers (11), Arthur Doggett (10), Harold Mace (9, now owned by the Town), Kenneth and Pauline Langley (8), Blake and Marston (3), Shirley MacRae (2), and the house of Alfred Nason. Courtesy Gardner B. Macintosh.

Page 336: Street view of the fish houses. Mace Fish Market at right. Other buildings, from left, owned by Arthur Sherburne (no. 4), Edmund Langley (5), Lillian Randall (6), Kenneth and Pauline Langley (7 and 8), Harold Mace (9), the Palmers (11) and the Nortons (12). Courtesy Gardner B. Macintosh.

Page 339: The fish houses, and, at center, the old home of William Moulton, a fishmonger. Later owned by Reverend Erasmus Eldridge, a minister of the First Congregational Church, the house was later purchased by Amos Leavitt and rented for a number of summers to Old Town, Maine, Indians who lived there and sold sweet grass baskets, giving the place the name, “The Indian House.” Frank Leavitt eventually inherited the building and had it torn down about 1922, replacing it with a shop that eventually became the Mace fish market. Courtesy MHGMHA.

The Bound Rock Case

Page 340: Historic Bound Rock at the bottom of its protective encasement. Photograph by Ralph Morang III. Courtesy Arthur Moody.

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