Hampton Union, September 1957

STATES FIRST LADY, Mrs. Lane Dwinell (right) was among the guests present at the 50th anniversary tea of the Hampton Monday Club this week. Others present were, left to right: Mrs. Joyce F. Culick, 1st vice present of the N.H. Federation of Women’s Clubs; Mrs. Theodore F. Breon, Federation president, and pouring, Mrs. Helen Hayden of the Monday Club.
[Staff Photo from newspaper]

One of the highlights of the Fall social season took place Monday afternoon when the Hampton Monday club held a 50th anniversary tea at the historic Colonial home of Mrs. Vrylena Olney on Winnacunnet Road.

Perfect September weather marked the affair which was attended by the First Lady of New Hampshire, Mrs. Lane Dwinell, and many officers of the State Federation including Mrs. Theodore F. Breon, president; Mrs. Joseph F. Culick, first vice president; Mrs. E. Nute Howard, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Clifton Gilman, Portsmouth District Director.

Nearly 100 clubwomen enjoyed the catered tea with the dining room beautifully arranged with two golden tea services and matching candlesticks, gold accentuated table cloth and centerpiece of yellow button mums, tastefully arranged. In addition to the three tier 500th anniversary formal cake, fancy assorted afternoon tea cookies were served.

Mrs. Brown presented Mrs. Robert Simons, Hampton Monday Club President, with a 50th Anniversary Scroll, with the following inscription:

“The General Federation of Women’s Club 50th Anniversary Scroll presented to Hampton Monday Club, Hampton, N.H., in recognition and appreciation of distinguished service to the community and to the Nation.
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
Washington, D.C.”

Also attending the tea were the presidents of the following local organizations: Mother’s Circle, Mrs. Alvin Nudd; Catholic Women’s Club, Mrs. Arnold Parizo; Hampton Beach Women’s Club, Mrs. Harry Youngman; Congregational Church Guild, Mrs. Edwin Batchelder, Jr.; American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Ruth Snider, ex officio for Mrs. Perley George; Lioness, Mrs. Carroll Blackden; Kiwanaides, Mrs. John Little.

FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE to the community was recognized this week as the Hampton Monday Club celebrated its 50th anniversary of founding. Mrs. Theodore F. Breon, president of the N.H. Federation of Women’s Clubs (left) presents the 50-year plaque to Mrs. Robert Simons, club president.
[Staff Photo from newspaper]

Past Presidents were honored as follows: Gertrude Carlisle, 1918; Mrs. Christopher Toppan, 1919; Mrs. Walter Noyes, 1921; Mrs. John Wingate, 1926; Mrs. Robert Brown, 1928; Mrs. Roy Gillmore, 1932; Mrs. Edwin Batchelder, 1933; Mrs. John Brooks, 1936 and 1937; Mrs. Leonard Hayden, 1938 and 1939; Mrs. John Perkins, 1940; Mrs. Edgar Warren, 1941 and 1942; Mrs. Wiear Rowell, 1943; Mrs. Ray Goding, 1944; Mrs. Maurice Emery, 1945; Mrs. Howard Lamprey, 1946; Mrs. Carl Bragg, 1947; Mrs. Herbert Casassa, 1948 and 1949; Mrs. Norman Coffin, 1950; Mrs. Lawrence Hackett, 1951; Vrylena Olney, 1952; Mrs. Louis Winkler, 1953; Mrs. Roger Blake, 1954; Mrs. Guy Amberg, 1955; and Mrs. Donald Ring, 1956.

In the club’s history over the past 50 years, it has subscribed to and sponsored national, state, and local organizations and charities. Recent projects have included a blood typing program for the town of Hampton in 1950 and a 17th birthday party for the club’s sponsored organization, the Girl Scouts, held in 1957. A distinguished Unit Citation was awarded to the Hampton Monday Club in 1957 by the Air Defense Command. The award was given for active participation by club members in GOC and in other branches of Civil Defense. The Monday Club was the first Federated Club to be so honored

The committee in charge of arrangements for this highly successful affair was as follows: invitations, Mrs. Edwin Batchelder and Mrs. Leonard Hayden; catering service, Mrs. Donald Ring; name cards, Mrs. Carl Bragg, Mrs. Edward Seavey, Jr., Mrs. Norman Coffin, Mrs. Robert Simons; flowers and guest book, Mrs. Guy Amburg; history, prepared by Mrs. James Tucker, Sr.; reception, Mrs. Lawrence Hackett, Mrs. Floyd Gale, Mrs. Carl Lougee, Mrs. Robert Simons; pourers, Mrs. Ralph Harris, Mrs. Carl Lougee, Mrs. Leonard Hayden and Mrs. Edwin Batchelder.