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Special to the Atlantic News

Atlantic News, Friday, May 13, 2005

[The following article is courtesy of Atlantic News]

CAN YOU DIG IT? – Hampton Garden Club members Sandy Taube, Janet Todd and Lisa Cote (in background) spruce up the main flower bed and surrounding turf at the Lane Memorial Library. [Atlantic News Courtesy Photo]

HAMPTON — The Hampton Garden Club recently met for its annual spring cleanup on the grounds of the Lane Memorial Library in Hampton. Now that the weeding, raking and trimming has been completed, the library is ready to welcome the summer.

As part of garden club membership, each member is asked to assist in providing the Lane Memorial Library with flowers for a month. The library flowers are provided this month by Priscilla Caira and Catherine Fletcher.

The club’s next meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 8, when Master Gardener, Tom Mickey will provide a slide presentation on “How to Design a Perennial Garden.” Don’t scramble to perfect this year’s “perennial garden” – come join in and learn how to struggle less when it comes to gardening experiences. Refreshment hostesses will be Karen Ryan and Marcia Gaudioso.

The Hampton Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, located on Winnacunnet Road in Hampton. Annual membership is only $10 per year and includes interesting speakers as well as many informational topics throughout the year. Membership Chairman, Mary Hildreth can be contacted at (603) 926-3114 for more information.

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