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Atlantic News, October 12, 1982

Hampton Union, October 27, 1982

HAMPTON — The first monthly meeting of the Diamond Jubilee year of the Hampton Monday Club was held a the Ashworth Hotel. Seven New Hampshire Federation of Women’s Clubs state officers joined 125 members at a special luncheon to start the 75th year of service to the community.

Naomi Bishop, president, opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and the singing of “America the Beautiful” and the club collect. This as been the traditional opening of every business meeting for many years.

Reports were given by each standing committee chairman in all departments. Chairman Barbara Drew of the art appreciation committee announced a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Louise Gee of the Brentwood committee will begin again with flower arrangements. Connie Vogt of the civics department reported that they will continue their Vial of Life, Watch Your Step, and Neighborhood Crime Watch projects. Clare Murray will be the Craft’s department demonstrator this month. Madelyn Younker and the Drama Committee are preparing a play for November. Eleanor Dawson and the Veteran’s Affairs committee will start collecting books for their annual sale

Helen Hayden then gave a short history of the Monday Club’s first decade. She turned back the clock to what women had to do 75 years ago. There was no friend with an automobile to pick you up for the meeting, and no Micro-wave oven to whip up dinner when you got home. Every woman did laundry. Helen said white clothes were boiled, then scrubbed, and put out on a clothes line to dry. There were no electric irons for starched petticoats, just the irons on a coal stove.

Mrs. August Locke and Mrs. Howard Lane wanted to do something with their “spare” time, so they got together with some friends to educate themselves and to help anyone who needed help; There were ten members (the membership was closed at fifteen). The yearly dues were fifty cents, and if a member was absent or tardy, there was a five cent fine. The programs were prepared by the members; book reports, special music, or other talent. Their motto was “The Truth shall make you free,” and this has remained the club motto for the 75 years. In 1909 the Hampton Monday Club joined the General Federation of Women.

Early projects the first ten years were organizing a boy scout troop. They sent the Winnacunnet seniors on a trip to Washington (cost for whole trip was $47.00). They maintained a room at the Exeter Hospital, then called Exeter Cottage Hospital, and they were responsible for the first school nurse here in Hampton. A quote from the philosophy of those first ten women and their first ten years was “Make the home the center, not the boundary.”

Dorothy Boudreaux introduced Mr. Richard Ray, music director, and the Winnacunnet High School Choral Group. They entertained with songs, both old and new. Their music blended well with the festive occasion.

President Elie Janetos of the NHFWC presented a certificate to the club, commending 75 years of service.

A silver plate was presented to the club from the NHFWC junior club director Beth Roth.

NHFWC state officers in attendance were Elie Janetos, State Pres. of Dover, Ruth Brown, Pres. Elect of Conway, Annis Murdock, Vice Pres. of Windham, Erica Smith, Recording Sec. of Penacook, Pat Tilton, Treas. of Hampton, Kathy Rugg, Corresponding Sec. of Greenland, and Barbara Navelski, Portsmouth District Dir. of North Hampton.

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