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1946 – 1995

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
Monday, July 31, 1995

Contestant’s “Fun” Day

There’s a great deal that happens prior to a pageant. A young woman reads a press release, meets the criteria of age and marital status and decides to make the commitment to the event ….. and commitment it is.

The search is on for her sponsor, a pageant style bathing suit and the “perfect” evening gown. Two day of TOUCH rehearsal for opening dance numbers as the steps are rehearsed over and over again. Hot and tired from rehearsal there’s quick break for lunch and then run-way practice with a representative of the Miss USA State Pageants, and instruction on presenting yourself to the public. In addition to the two days of rehearsal, there is para-sailing, jet skiing, watersliding, photo shoots and modeling at the Fox Run Mall (but that part is not so tough). We call it Contestant “Fun” Day and it is jam-packed with activities that highlight the outdoor entertainment aspect of Hampton Beach.

They make a group video and have “Old Time” photos taken. By the end of that first day, friendships have already been formed (there’s a strong trust factor that develops when you are in the open ocean together on a Jet-Ski!). By the day of the pageant the support system for one another is evident …. encouragement after interviews with judges …. assistance with a troubling step of the opening number …. advice for a run-way walk. Tonight’s young women have been a terrific group. They have worked hard to get to tonight and any one of them has earned the right to the title Miss Hampton Beach 1995.

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