Vol. III, No. 8

Published Monthly from October to June — 1928

Price 5c a copy

Editor………………………Frances Drew
Asst. Editor ………………Richard Munsey
Business Mgr.…………………..Fred Allen
Asst. Business Mgr.…………Phillip Janvrin
Senior Class Reporter………..Phyllis White
Jr. Class Reporter ………….Aaron Winslow
Sophomore Class Reporter …..Constance Adams
Athletic Reporter …………Edmund Langley



Graduation—the very word tells us that we must part from the things which we have been accustomed to for so many years and begin a new course. Some will go to college to obtain greater knowledge; others will go to work.

Graduation is often called Commencement. We are graduating from the old and commencing the new. Life is before us. What has gone before has been merely preparation and now we are about to begin that which we have been preparing for.

Our success in the world will depend upon our method of study and how seriously we have taken hold of our work in high school.

Everyone has his part to play in this world whether in the business world or at home. The question which remains to be answered is, as one great man has said. “Whether,r we shall play that part well or ill”.


Perhaps it might surprise us to learn how many folks there are who never do any thinking. Everybody is well equipped with some thinking apparatus. However, thinking machinery alone is not enough. One must take care of it to make it function properly. If it is left to be idle long at a time it will become rusty and hard to manage.

There are a good many fellows who let someone else do their thinking for them. The man who really succeeds is the one who collects facts and reasons out what these facts mean. Anyone can repeat a lot of words that he doesn’t know the meaning of, but he is not smart. It is better to say nothing than to repeat what the other fellow has thought out.


“Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics.”
—Ed. Langley.

“Life is a jest, and all things show it; I thought so once, but now I know it.”
—Tommy Lewis.

“Pains of love be sweeter far Than all other pleasures are.”
—Fred Allen.

“Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul.”
—Phyllis White.

“Modesty seldom resides in a breast that is not enriched with nobler virtues.”
—Alice White.

“Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart and gather to the eyes.”
—Evelyn Brown.

“Such sweet compulsion doth in music lie.”
—Alice White.

“Variety’s the very spice of life.”
—Glenn Young.

“‘Tis woman that seduces all mankind;
By her we first were taught the wheedling arts.”
—Mary Hadley.

“Woman’s at best a contradiction still.”
—Edith Raymond.

“There is no royal road to Geometry.”
—Robert Scales.

“We have met the enemy and they are ours.”
—Advanced Math Class.

“Knowledge is more than equivalent to force.”
—Mr. Tyler.

“Ofttimes nothing profits more than self-esteem, grounded on just and right, well managed.”
—Walter Perkins.

“Absence of occupation is not rest, A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed.”
—The Sophomore Class.

“‘Tis better to have loved and lost, Than never to have loved at all.”
—Aaron Winslow.

“Drink to me only with thine eyes
, And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I’ll not look for wine.”
—Nelson Sprague.

“For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!'”
—Russell Durant.

“‘Mid pleasures and places though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”
—Hampton Academy.

“Life is a great bundle of little things.”
—John Rowe.

“Farewell! a word that must be. and hath been, — A sound which makes us linger; yet -— farewell.”
—Class of ’28.


The Trip to New York

The members of the Senior Class who took the trip to New York were: Evelyn Brown, Mary Hadley, Alice White, Phyllis White, Glendon Young, Fred Allen, Thomas Lewis, Clifton Seavey, and Edmund Langley. We were very fortunate in having Mr. Herbert Walker as our chaperon.

The class started from India Wharf, Boston, at five o’clock on Monday night. The trip to New York was enjoyed by all, for even those who were fortunate enough to have had the thrill of being seasick, admitted it was a new experience, one quite different from what was expected. Several of the party had expressed their desire to have a real storm while on the steamer and their desire was fulfilled, for after we had been out for some time, the wind began to Wow, the rain came down in torrents and 1 he sea was very rough.

After two hours of seemingly misery for the greater part of the class, the water became calm ‘again and 1 those who had decided that their berths seemed the best place to stay were able to go out again and enjoy the remainder of the trip.

We arrived in New York on Tuesday morning and went directly to the Prince George Hotel, where we were to stay while in New York.

After resting a bit we went on a sight-seeing and lecture tour through what is known as Lower New York. This trip took in the shopping sec-Cons and the dwelling places of the l r orer classes. Among the many interesting places seen on this trip were: Tiffany’s Famous Jewelry Store, John Wannamaker’s Store. the largest and wealthiest in the country, the Bowery, Brooklyn Bridge, Metropolitan Opera House, Clothesline Al-ley, where as far as one could see were clotheslines strung from win-clew to window on each floor of the many apartment buildings; the Bread Line, consisting of many men waiting along the street for contril:utions of bread because of lack of work; the Aquarium, where all sorts of fish were exhibited; EliiS Island; Push Cart Alley, where as far as one could see were push carts lined cne after another along the streets, all sorts of merchandise. One very interesting thing noted on this trip was that etch nationaliy in New York seemed to have a separate section of the city. They had their own stores and had villages of their own. There was a separate section for the Italians, the Japanese, Chinese, Negro, French and other nationalities.

In the afternoon we went to Roxy’s theatre, the largest theatre house in New Yoe:lc. This was very wonderful and proved extremely interesting to us. Later in the evening we went to the New Amsterdam Opera IIouse where we saw a very good musical comedy.

On Wednesday morning we took the trip to Upper New York which proved to be quite different from the previous trip because it took us to the quieter parts of New York where the wealthy people lived. We went to East Side and then to West Side, and on to Riverside Drive. While on this tour we saw statues of many famous personages, the largest Cathedral in the world, which was started twenty three yars ago and it is claimed dill be completed in thirty-two years. We also saw the Trinity church, with a thousand spires, and the Palisades along the Hudson River. We went in Grant’s tomb and saw the flags of all the countries which was very intersting.

In the afternoon we returned to the hotel and from there we went to the National Museum of Fine Arts. This building was very large and so we were unable to cover the entire build-ing in the time which we could devote t.) it. We went through three sections which seined to be the most interest-ing to us, namely the Art Gallery, Statuary Hall, and the American Home Section, which showed the furniture from the earliest homes in ‘vmerica.

We returned to Hampton on Thursday afternoon, after having spent a very wonderful vacation.

Class Parts

The class parts for the Graduation exercises are as follows:

Frances Drew, valedictory; Phyllis White, salutatory; Fred Allen, essay; Robert Scales, essay; Helen Lamprey, class history; Alice White, class will; Evelyn Brown and Edmund Langley, class gifts; Edith Raymond and Mary lladley, class prophecy; Thomas Lew-is, tree oration; Glendon Young, presentation of class gift.


APRIL 23, 1928.

“All ashore that are going ashore!”
Cried the Captain of the boat;
Then the hawsers loosed and away we went.
The happiest crowd afloat.
The clouds hung low, the winds did blow,
And the rain it came right down;
But sway we sailed o’er the bounding main
Toward the great New York town.
“Oh I I feel fine,” said Evelyn Brown;
And “ain’t It great?” said all the girls;
But Fred said “no I” as the boat to and fro
Set his stomach in a hundred swirls.
Phyllis and Mary, the long and the short
Ilad discussed with ninny a snicker,
Just how long before the feeling would come
And would they be sick? or sicker?
Soon Alice, poor girl, who is seasick on trains,
Had an empty, gone feeling she’d fill;
So down they all went, two decks below,
To the boat’s most excellent grill.
They read the fine menu thru every line;
Just longing for something to eat.
Alice, looking white, said: “There’s something I want,
But I am sure I don’t want meat.”
Then up to her state-room we hastened apace,
She lay down on her cot, still and pale.
“It’s my stomach,” she said, “it don’t stay down,
Get me a bottle of good ginger ale.”
The parson said little, but lay quite still
And munched on a cracker alone;
But he vowed right then, that never again
Would he act as a sea-chaperone.
Glendon too, and Thomas and Frcll,
Said “this boat’s got a horrible wobble
Just ask the Cap. to stop it ten minutes
And a mighty big supper I’ll gobble.”
The conductor thought wise not to bluff a disguise,
As he too had a touch on him stealing.
But we all want to know, why tall folks can go
To sea without sen-sicky feeling.
And this is the reason, they are so long —
So Clifton and Evelyn answer —
That when they swallow a good meal or two
And the seas says come up, it just can’t, Sir.


The Hampton Ademy baseball team has not shone as well this year as it has in years past. Undoubtedly this is due to the fact that the boys have not been playing schools in their class. Exeter and Newmarket both have strong teams. Yet is spite of this, the games have all been good, in some cases very close.

The following is a list of the games played so far and their scores:

  Hamp. Oppon.
Berwick Academy 9 13
Exeter 1 8
Newmarket 5 15
Hampstead 10 3
Newmarket 2 12
Merrimac 7 8
Exeter 17 1


Fred Allen
Old enough to know better
5 ft. 10 in. short
Farm Engineer
French Humor
Wake up and die right!
Cut glass
Evelyn Mae Brown
18 jrs, 5 mos, 3 wks, 2 dys, 5 hrs, 35 m
5 ft, 7 in, in the shod foot
Feeding Folks Pills
English, without a doubt
Oh, I’m going to be a lady!
Making life miserable for somebody
Everything in general
Frances L. Drew
17 years, 2 months
5 ft., 6 inches
Go sit on a tack!
Dancing & movies
Yeast cakes
Mary W. Hadley
17 yrs, 1 mo, 2 wks, 5 dys, 3 hrs, & 59 min.
5 feet 6 inches
Economics!! especially tests.
I know I’m going to die!
Tutti frutti
Helen Lamprey
18 years
5 ft., 4 ½ in.
Sweet Essence of Marigold!
Dancing & Swimming
Chow mein
Ed. Langley, Jr.
19 years young
5 ft., 11 inches
Stock Broker
History & Finance
Broiled live lobster
Thomas Lewis
16 years, 10 months
5 ft., 7 inches
Jiminy Crickets!
Chewing Gum
E. Edith Raymond
17 years, 4 months
5 ft., 4 inches
A Nurse
Oh say, you’re all too fresh!
Trying to get slim
Robert S. Scales
18 years, 4 months
5 ft., 10 inches

Ford Pilot

Playing with Henry
Alice A. White
18 years
5 ft., 3 inches
Kindergarten Teacher
Domestic Science
Oh, Heavens!
Wishing for something I haven’t got.
Ice Cream Soda
Phyllis White
17 years
5 ft., 2 inches
Commercial Teacher
Office Practice
Gosh! I’m Hungry.
Baseball in summer, skating in winter
Strawberry shortcake
Glendon V. Young
18 years
6 feet
Soda Fountain Cowboy
Solid Geometry
Drawing pictures
Anything but chop suey