Courtesy of Gertrude (Paulsen) Palmer Estate

(Courtesy of Donald R. and Allen G. Palmer — 2002)

Founded as Hampton Academy, 1810.
Reorganized as Hampton Academy & High School, 1885.

“Here’s To The Academy Of Hampton”

Words: Marian Berry, ’18

Tune: “Our Director”

It’s the roar and rattle of study’s battle
That we enter into, you see;
And to keep the standard up to the mark
It’s up to you and to me. So!
Now get busy, we’ll make them dizzy,
For they never dreamed of this day;
We’re on our way with a Hip, Hooray!
For we’re going to good Old H. A.

So, here’s to the Academy of Hampton
We love so true;
Here’s to our schoolmates, and our teachers too;
Here’s to all alumni, where’er they be
As we sing this song for our Academy.

So, here’s to the Academy of Hampton
We love so true;
Here’s to our banner of the White and Blue;
Here’s to all alumni, where’er they be,
As we sing this song for our Academy.

“Old School Song”

Words: By an Academy Student

Music: “Fair as the Morning”

Years, years ago, the story is told,
To Winnacunnet came goodmen bold,
Far from their home land, far o’er the sea,
Seeking for homes more free.

More and more the story will be told,
While we sing the song that’s never old,
Then let our voices join in the glee
In our Academy.

Then, then it was Our State was begun,
No towns were known, but all were in one,
Seeking for guidance, truth to be free,
In noble charity.
School days were then not more than a few,
All found their work the hardest to do,
But all their labors ever will be
Blest to posterity.
Schools grew and flourish’d, none more renown’d
Than this old school found here in this town,
Fair is her hist’ry, fair is her fame,
Long live her famous name!
Sing of her students, fame has enroll’d,
Choate, Tuck and Morrill, stories of old,
Clark, Grimes and Joy, and what they have done,
Leave not a single one.

“Boom, Boom, De-Ay”

Boom, Boom, de-ay,
Boom, Boom, de-ay,
Hampton High School
Is right here today.

“Stand Up, Boys!”

Words: Richard Taylor, ’19

Tune: “Dartmouth Touchdown Song”

Come, stand up, boys, shout for Old Hampton!
Hampton sure must win today!
We will put it over Sanborn,
In the good old fashioned way. Hip! Hip!
Fight! Fight! Fight! Old Hampton!
And lam them off the field.
Home Run! Home Run! Hampton!
Oh, Sanborn’s strength must yield.

“The Blue And White”

Words: Robert Elliot, ’20

Tune: “We’ll Pay Our Debt to Lafayette”

Say, we will try to let you learn,
That we all with courage burn,
When we stand up to help out our old H. A.
And we fight with all our might,
For a school that’s in the right;
And that’s why we are here to cheer today.

Now, you see, we love our school,
And we all make it a rule,
To keep her upon the winning side, you bet!
Our girls are for her yet,
And our boys are full of pep
And the Blue and White we’ll honor more each day.

“”Esprit de Corps”

Words: Noel H. Winter, ’22

Tune: “The Orange and the Black”

When we first did come to Hampton
To the colors, “White and Blue,”
There we found a wondrous spirit
Which they did in us embue.
It won for us many a victory,
It cheered us in defeat;
Through a staunch determination
Made impossible retreat.
It won for us many a victory,
It cheered us in defeat;
‘Twas that firm determination
Made impossible retreat.

So when we’re from those fair scenes gone,
And the seasons by us roll,
We will strive with increased courage
To reach our goal.
All the drawbacks shall not hinder,
We’re safely carried through
By that same determination,
We had at the “White and Blue.”
All the drawbacks shall not hinder,
We’re safely carried through
By that same determination,
We had at the “White and Blue.”

“Hampton, Dear Old Hampton”

Words: Norman Leavitt, ’22

Tune: “Annie Laurie”

Our dear old Hampton High School,
Oh! long we’ll hear its name;
And ’twas this old Institution
That sent us on to fame.

‘Twas Hampton High School, dear,
Which ne’er will be forgot;
And ’twas Hampton, dear old Hampton,
Which lives in our minds and thoughts.

Oh! how the first two years,
Did drag so slowly past;
But the last two years of study
Flew fast, so very fast.

(Second Chorus)
The teachers we will not forget
And our school mates so close and dear.
Oh! ’twas Hampton, dear old Hampton,
The source of our future so near.

“The Jolly Grind”

Words: Lawrence Thompson, ’23

Tune: “Maryland”

Once more we’re back to school-days, boys, —
Desks and books and daily grind;
We’ve left behind vacation’s toys,
Now to train our youthful mind.

The Grind, the Grind, the Jolly Grind,
‘Tis thus we polish up our mind.
We’ll mind the rule and boom the school, —
Our dear old Hampton High School.

We’ll parley-vous and Latin too,
And grind them all together;
We’ll study math., with mournful wrath,
In fair or stormy weather.

“We Never Will Turn Back”

Words: Robert Elliot, ’20

Tune: “The Orange and the Black”

‘Tis true we have always favored
The pure White and the Blue;
And the sturdy sons of Hampton
To these colors will hold true.

We will have true sportsman’s spirit,
Nor courage will we lack. Ra! Ra!
While we fight for dear old Hampton.
We never will turn back.
We will have true sportsman’s spirit,
Nor courage will we lack. Ra! Ra!
While we fight for dear old Hampton
We never will turn back.

Oh yes, we will strive our hardest,
To keep our record high;
To become strong and manly,
And never to say die.


“Hampton, Here’s To You”

Words: Maybelle Perkins, ’20

Tune: “Boola Song”

Our high school days we’ll ne’er forget,
At Hampton, of honor and of fame;
Our hearts are bound in truest love,
We’ll ever be loyal to her name.
Mid pouring rain and winter’s blast
We’ll struggle for our school;
Throughout each year that life may bring,
“More Faithful,” shall ever be our rule.

Give a cheer, then, for Old Hampton!
Give a cheer, then, for Old Hampton!
H-A-M-P-T-O N -—
Good Old Hampton,
Here’s to you!

We all do love thee, Old Hampton,
And to the White and the Blue,
W~’ere’er our work, where’er our play,
We always and ever will be true.
We will ever guard thy honor,
Bright thy mem’ry be —
Good Old Hampton, dear Old Hampton,
Hail, all hail to thee!

Give a cheer, then, for Old Hampton!
Give a cheer, then, for Old Hampton!
H-A-M-P-T-O N -—
Good Old Hampton,
Here’s to you!

“Happy Days At Old H. A.”

Words: Adeline Janvrin, ’22

Tune: “Just Before the Battle, Mother”

How fondly we will cherish
Memories of school days;
And altho’ we have parted
And have all gone different ways,
Teachers, classmates, schoolmates, alumni —
All to us who are so dear —
We’ll not forget them, but remember
Happy Days at Old H. A.


May our hearts be ever loyal
To our dear old school H. A,
And may we ne’er forget her dear name,
Though we’re all so far way.

(Second Chorus)

Then we shall be well rewarded
For our service, when, some day,
She will claim us with affection,
Though we’re scattered far away.

“Hampton, The School We Love”

Tune: “Tell Me”

We’ll sing to dear old Hampton,
Hampton, the school we love;
That’s where we get our knowledge -—
That old book knowledge that comes so hard.
We’ll grind away our school days
For that’s the thing to do,
So, one and all, we’ll do our best, boys,
And to our H. A., we’ll all be true.

“The Fairest High School”

Tune: “Eton Song”

To the fairest high school of them all
‘We will sing with hearty will,
Till the echoes from each class and hall
Fill all our hearts with answering thrill.
Hail, Hampton High School! Our well loved High School!
Dear Old H. A., we’ll sing to thee;
We’ll love thee ever, forget thee never,
And evermore will faithful be.

“Hampton Academy”

Words:, Noel H. Winter, ’22

Tune: Commencement Song

Now schoolmates, stand together, come give a song of praise;
We’ve gathered here for study, to learn what life portrays;
So that autumnal weather again for us shall tell
The time of glad reunion, at scenes we love so well.
So let your hearts be full of joy. smooth shall the future be;
We’re all the same under the name “Hampton Academy.”

And as each year rolls past us, we toil upon our ways.
‘Till graduation draws nearer, to many the day of days;
Then May the month of flowers is on us and is past;
Yet memory will sweeten departure at the last.
So let your hearts be full of joy. smooth shall the future be;
We’re all the same under the name “Hampton Academy.

Founded as Hampton Academy, 1810.
Reorganized as Hampton Academy & High School, 1885.