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In Grateful Remembrance .. Adeline C. Marston

1883 – 1963

Marston Way, N.H. — Dedicated February 3, 1957

[Compiled & Edited by Priscilla Triggs Weeks – 5/20/1991]

Miss Adeline Copeland Marston was born “Addie”[*] Copeland Marston on April 29, 1883, the daughter of Otis H. and Lucy Godfrey Marston. Her only brother, Herbert Berry Marston was born March 28, 1867. A native and life-long resident of Hampton, she taught in the local schools for 47 years. A new elementary school was named in her honor when she retired in 1954.

[* In 1912, Miss Addie C. Marston began using the name “Adeline”.]

Miss Marston served three generations faithfully and successfully and was deeply interested in the cause to which her life had been devoted, Hampton and its children. She deserves to be held in grateful remembrance as an integral part of one of the grandest institutions in the world, the American Public School.

She was actively interested in preserving the history of her native town and was a past president and long-time member of the Meeting House Green Memorial and Historical Association. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a life member of the Women’s Relief Corp and a past president and member of the Hampton Garden Club. She was on the Beautification Committee of the Garden Club and was a member of the first Conservation Commission in Hampton, donating marshland for conservation purposes. She was particularly interested in the protection of trees … speaking out against the cutting down of Elm trees to extend Leavitt Road. Through her efforts, geraniums were placed on Women’s Relief Corp graves.

Miss Marston lived in the family homestead on Lafayette Road, which has since been moved to #55 Lang Road in Rye, New Hampshire, having been renovated and bought by Alex Herlihy. The land where the house stood is now for sale, 1.5 acres, which is near Wickes Lumber Company.

Miss Marston resided with her mother and father and, later in life, with a niece Lenora P. Wing, a World War I nurse, writer and mynah bird enthusiast. This bird also enjoyed the freedom of the house along with some kittens!

From all reports, Adeline was more “practical and down to earth” as evidenced by her Garden Club activities when she was interested in getting flowers on the graves as opposed to creating a flower arrangement. She was described as not being a “wishy-washy” type of person and knew what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go and could motivate others to do the same!

She was a member of the Monday Club and she was also a member of the Portsmouth Community Chorus for 25 years. She was also a Sunday School teacher.

In order to become familiar with her long teaching career, with emphasis on happenings in Grade I and Centre School where the greatest part of her teaching took place, it seemed noteworthy to record happenings that occurred during her tenure. The annual school reports provided the background for such material.

Addie was valedictorian of her graduating class from Hampton Academy in 1902, and attended the Newburyport Normal Training School, via the street car, in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

When Miss Marston started teaching she told her cousin and other relatives that, under pain of death, they were not to call her “Cousin Polly” but Miss Marston and “that was difficult!”

In 1907, the school board secured the services of Miss Marston in the Intermediate School and “the work of the school has been praiseworthy for the past year.” In this school, the board found the same trouble as the previous year, there being too many scholars in the fourth grade for the teacher to do full justice to all of them. To obviate the difficulty, those scholars living near the North Primary School, where the fourth grade is taught, were transferred to that school. At this time, Miss Marston was receiving wages of $126, annually. In 1910, the scholars enrolled in the Intermediate school amounted to 65 with an 89% attendance. Hampton had one grammar school, one intermediate school and three primary schools — Centre, East and North Primary.

(Annual Report 1910)

Once more we should like to emphasize that it is not the good work of one pupil for one week, but the sum total of all the pupils for the whole year, that shows the amount of advancement made. No matter how earnest and efficient the work of your teachers may be, they cannot obtain gratifying results, when the attendance is not regular. If a pupil is absent for any length of time, it not only affects his own standing as a scholar, but it lowers the per cent of attendance for the whole school. Tardiness, also, cannot be too greatly deplored, and the habit of always being on time, is one which should be firmly fixed early in life. We ask the assistance of the parents in this matter, and trust that they will send their children regularly to school on time. We are endeavoring to keep up the high standard of our schools in every way, and we want and need your hearty cooperation in the matter, that your children may become good citizens. We ask and urge the parents to visit the schools as often as possible, thus obtaining an insight into the school work, and by their interest and presence encouraging both pupils and teachers.

The following is the list of books used:
Baldwin’s Readers
Supplementary reading not confined to any particular books
Milne’s Arithmetics
Tar & McMurry’s Geography
Elson’s History
Mother Tongue, Books Nos. 1 and 2
Baldwin’s Physiology
Progressive Course in Spelling
Whitehouse System Writing Books


As mentioned in the February 15, 1911, school report, “The Intermediate School had had the same teacher as last year, Miss Addie C. Marston. The work of the school has been thorough and the pupils have made gratifying advancement in the various studies.” The study of vocal music still continues to hold the interest and enjoyment of the schools. This school had an increased enrollment of 74 with an average attendance of 91%.

(Annual Report – 1911)


We feel that we have reason to be proud of our schools, which are fully up to their former high standard In every way. Our teachers are efficient and faithful, as the gratifying results of their labors plainly show. But, notwithstanding this, we must again call attention to the drawbacks incurred by tardiness or non-attendance. A satisfactory showing cannot be made by a class or school, when even a small proportion of the pupils are late or absent, and it is not just that the standing of all should suffer because of the delinquency of the few! We cannot too strongly urge the pupils to make an effort to maintain a high standard of excellence In prompt attendance, as well as in their studies, realizing that habits of promptness inculcated in youth are of inestimable value in later years.

To the parents we extend a cordial and urgent invitation to visit our schools often, by their interest and presence encouraging both pupils and teachers, and keeping in touch with the general work of the schools.

In 1912, Miss Addie C. Marston began using the name, Adeline.

1914 … “Let me remind you that the Superintendent holds office hours by appointment one evening each week and 9 to 11 0’clock on Saturday.”

Miss Marston taught at the East Grammar School, grades V and VII, with 57 pupils and an average attendance amounting to 94.38%. She would have lunch with a friend whose residence is now the Hampton Playhouse.

“A live business-like wholesome atmosphere prevails in our class-room. Inculcation of hygiene and principles of ethical and patriotic ideals has been constantly emphasized.”

1915 … Report for a central school… “In manufacturing towns, the modern school buildings with all the latest improvements are filled with children of foreign parents and are very fortunate in their facilities. Are the children of this strictly American community any the less worthy of the best educational facilities?

Gladys Godfrey received first honor in the speed and accuracy test in addition. Nine schools were competing and she had no errors. Her time was two minutes and the normal time is 2 and 1/2 minutes for a sixth grade pupil. Wheaton Lane won second honors in the same test in 2 and 5/6th minutes. Laura Davis Grade S (Miss Marston’s pupil) won third honor in the same test with no errors. Her time was 3 and 1/3 minutes. Normal time for Grade S pupils is 4 minutes.

1916 … Efforts were made to improve the quality of oral reading, hand-writing and spelling in the schools. Plans were made for forming a speller from misspelled words on the English papers of pupils, plus a list of business correspondence words from the Russell Sage Foundation, called the “Hampton Speller”.

Letter writing to other schools has been taken up by the pupils of the third grade. Nature study has been carried on through home garden work. One hundred gardens have been planted and cultivated with reports from pupils. Plans of gardens were drawn.

There is a decrease in retardation. We have an average of one per grade held back. The Russell Sage Foundation recommends the age of 6 as being the best age to enter the usual elementary school.

A May Festival was held in the town hall. Our thanks to the teaching corps. School is not a preparation for living but rather as places where actual living is carried out.

1918 … “On account of the high cost of living, we had to pay the salaries to hold the teachers. The school board recommends a central gymnasium for organizations such as the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire girls. It would do much to counter all the vulgarity in the street.

An influenza epidemic was prevalent along with several cases of whooping cough, measles and scarlet fever. Many children are suffering from bad cases of adenoids and enlarged tonsils which impairs greatly the mentality of any person suffering from the same. It is absolutely impossible for a child who has adenoids to do good school work. We are in need of a dental clinic for very few children have been found with perfectly sound teeth.

The box stoves should be jacketed in order to provide more uniform heat. “The out houses are kept fairly clean, but they are exposed to the weather and not connected with the buildings by covered walks, with latticed walls to furnish protection from the weather, to pupils, and proper ventilation as they should be. The children should not be compelled to go out of doors to reach these buildings in cold stormy weather, as often proves harmful to their health. The best solution, in my opinion, would be the installing of flush closets, with a septic tank to receive the waste, or chemical toilets, in the basement, at both the Grammar and East End schools.”

Our fiberboard blackboards become quite glazed and should be changed to slate. The lights in the school are opposite and inefficient and it should be preferably from the left of the pupil or from left rear.

“I wish to call your attention to the great shortage of teachers that is threatening not only the schools of New Hampshire but the schools of the whole country. General Streeter, Chairman of the State Board of Education, pointed out this great danger to all. The reason most generally assigned for these conditions is the inadequacy of salaries to hold the teachers now in service or to attract new ones to that service.

1919 … President of the Hampton Academy Alumni Association. 1927

1920 … Assigned to the North School … Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4.

First … Children are taught rote songs simple in technique and words and yet possessing strong musical value. Second grade plain Rote songs are continued and even those so-called monotones who have persistent individualized attention given to them can usually sing by the time they enter second grade. Ear training and sight reading is established.

1920 … North School … Grades 1, 2, 3, 4
Superintendent plans standardized tests to all pupils in the union.
3rd and 4th grades . . Rote songs are given although not to such an extent for sight reading is being developed.

1921 … Plans for a Junior High School in the Centre School building now being developed (new name for grammar school).

Only one pupil not promoted. “We are fortunate to retain Miss Marston.” Trained teachers are becoming quite particular as to the sort of building they have to work in.

1922 … We commenced work in our new commodious and up-to-date building in September. We do need space a hundred yards square behind the building for we have an enthusiastic group of baseball and football players but the ground is tricky and dangerous as I proved to my own dissatisfaction last fall by stepping into one of the many holes. (John Donald, Principal).

1923 … Miss Marston, who had previously served us so excellently was elected to Miss Cutt’s place. (Grades 2 and 3). Miss Gookin, Grade 1 teacher, will assist Miss Marston by taking a slower group of Grade 2 for special drill.

High averages have resulted in Spelling in every grade. Low scores have occurred in Writing in every grade and also in Composition except in grade three, the average of which was about the standard.

There was a considerable increase found in the number of the following defects: malnutrition, pulmonary defects and hypertrophied tonsils. Evidently the services of our community and school nurse are still much needed for follow up work in the homes.

The average cost per pupil for education is $48.64.

1924 … Miss Marston is teaching Grades 2 and 3 in Centre School. One pupil had “roll of honor” (almost all A’s in majority of subjects) plus A in effort and application.

Arithmetic and spelling are receiving special attention. History and geography have been stressed for the remainder of the year. No special methods are employed, merely clear presentation of material, together with constant drill in the fundamental subjects. Here, again, the home influence plays an important part in training for success.

The heart of schools today stand firmly for promotion of good health as well as correction of defects, when found. Clean surroundings, healthful exercise, milk service, a warm lunch and systematic inspection are all essential.

1925 … The Centre school purchased moving-picture machine for $800. We have two mottoes in school . . “Do It Right” and “Better Scholarship”. Annual average wage for elementary male teachers is $1,900.

1932-33 … A new method of reading is incorporated into first grade, introducing the child to complete sentences from the very first day. Children rejoice in action and not lists of disconnected words. Self-help and self reliance are fostered from the first grade. An emphasis is placed on pupil-directed recitations.

The National Government furnished one-half pint of milk a day to undernourished children. There are many problems with adenoids, vision and malnutrition. Attendance is low due to epidemics but there are still many unwarranted absences.

Many of the chairs in the basement lunchroom are in wretched condition.

1934 … pupils are given cod-liver oil.

1935 … Music was a big concern and interest. Attendance in the class amounts to 34 and there are many visits by the Superintendent of schools.

1936 … There is acknowledgement of Miss Marston’s presence in the Hampton Garden Club.

1937 … Centre School excels in reading and Mr. Edward Hazen is Principal (a Dartmouth graduate with 9 years experience and an annual salary of $2,200. Miss Marston has 37 pupils in her classroom. Many of the Garden Club projects to better the Hampton community were carried out under the tutelage of Miss Marston and will be mentioned throughout The was Conservation Chairman and plant markers were sold through the Garden Club. Pink Petunias were chosen as the town flower.

1938 … Miss Marston had 18 pupils and the Superintendent visited 282 times this school year. The “citizens” made 256 visits.

Music appreciation is promoted along with “A sound mind and a sound body” and emphasizing reading. An art teacher is introduced.

In August of this year, the Hampton Garden Club submitted a float for the Tercentenary Celebration. In June, the Garden Club met at Miss Marston’s home to plan for a flower show. A flag pole was erected at the five-corners park as part of the Tercentenary celebration and petunias were planted in Depot Square (now Marelli Park) and other parts of the town.

1939-40 … Elected president of the Hampton Garden Club.

1939 … Mr. Edward Hazen, Principal. Miss Marston was teaching Grade 1 with a salary of $1300 and 28 years experience.

The chief task of the first three grades is the teaching of the mechanics of reading to the young child…reading for thought, reading for enjoyment and reading to obtain information. Children may gain in the mechanics but do not gain in their later years because of the failure to use the acquired skill.

1939 … Grades 4, 5 and 6 are developing reading skills through parallel readings, through dramatizations and through time allotted to silent and informal readings. Miss Perkins, Miss Bartlett and Miss Whitney continue to increase the skill of the pupil. In Miss Whitney’s class, choral reading is done in unison and so helps the poor and slow readers.

Metropolitan Achievement Tests and Otis Classification Tests guide their progress.

The teachers of the school appreciate the small motion picture machine used as a teaching device and not an entertainment device. Tests made, show that pupils, particularly poor readers learn more readily by seeing something pictured rather than by reading.

Music Appreciation is taught through rhythmic motion with melody. Grade 2 has a rhythmic-band assembly with a motto “Every child for music … Music for every child”. Even mono-tones are being taught to sing in tune.

Dr. Wayne Bryer gave physical examinations to first and fourth graders and reported any defects to the parents. The P.T.A. furnished cod-liver oil for children of school age.

Our superintendent talked with managers of various picture theatres in neighboring towns and they, also, were troubled by the fact that children seem to prefer the more exciting and less elevating type of showing. Managers notified the schools of pictures of real worth being presented such as “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”

Little work books and primers are now being developed on safety hazards — Lafayette Highway, in particular.

In September of this year a Junior Garden Club was recommended and Miss Marston engaged school children to display flowers at the library. She was instrumental in getting stereopticon lectures for the garden club meetings. Another tree was planted in the Depot Square and she instituted the lighting of the Christmas tree there. Miss Marston led the discussion on ragweed and its elimination and enjoyed a “dime-in-a-cake contest!

1940 … Miss Marston’s Grade 1 had 43 pupils. An assistant was hired to help her. Average attendance was 95%.

The mechanics of reading and the introducing of students to the arithmetical processes was stressed.

Fourth, fifth and sixth grade had Walter Damrosch Appreciation Hour every Friday afternoon.

The pupils enjoyed the physical activity during the singing of the songs and very few monotones were noted.

Miss Frances Smith, the nurse, is coming in to visit our classrooms and Dr. Bryer examined the first and the sixth grades. “The Parent-Teachers Association has again given toward the cod-liver oil fund for the school children. The Association has also recently given money so that some of the children who are in need of extra nourishment may have hot lunches throughout the cold weather. This is of great benefit and is greatly appreciated.”

“The Monday Club and the Mothers Circle Club have also contributed toward the cod-liver oil fund and the Mothers’ Circle toward the hot lunches as well as private individuals towards both.

1941 …. Miss Marston’s Grade 1 enrollment was 41 pupils.

The first three grades formed a unit . . Miss Marston, Miss Philbrick (Mrs. Squire, who resigned this year) and Miss Norton. Progress through these earliest and most critical grades, in learning to work and play together, was so important. It is the foundation of all later learning, inside and out. Sight reading is stressed to prepare the children for a larger self expression. Schools are stressing democracy and learning the great truths which controlled the lives of great heroes, implanting in the minds a devout respect for religious thought.

1940-41 … Miss Marston had 39 pupils (with an assistant).

A large number of citizens came to view the art work which bespeaks the widespread interest in school work. All grades joined in presenting a pageant “The Nativity” to the P. T. A. and members of the Centre School. The P. T. A. put on teas after school.

The American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons donated an audiometer for detecting the loss of hearing.

Tone, tune, rhythm and appreciation took place in music, along with folk dances and rhythm instruments.

“Our nation is now at war and the morale of democracy is foremost in our minds.” Many teachers are doing war work which is nationally valuable in times of emergency … air-raid wardens, observation posts, Red Cross work and attending First Aid Classes.

1943 … “We have had frequent interruptions in school time because of war contributions. War brings change with more emphasis on geography, air routes and trade channels. The army tells us that a definite program for physical education must be an important part of our activities. We must guard our own welfare by exercise, rest and food … each in the right proportion.”

Teachers and students have been buying war bonds and stamps regularly. The Centre School reports $2300 in war stamps and bonds. Three national registrations have been entrusted to the teachers of the nation … sugar, gasoline and oil. Children have worked long and diligently collecting metal and rubber, so badly needed by our armed forces. Hampton schools reported 35,398 pounds of scrap collected in the drive.

The Junior High socials are being held after school instead of Friday evening. Dancing school, for good social results, is popular with the children and is under the auspices of the P.T.A. (followed by the school dances.)

A little instrument called the Tonette is introduced by Miss Perkins.

A new guidance service is under the direction of Miss Velna Adams.

1944 … We have a united effort and similarity of procedure among teachers. Music appreciation is by note and by rote with stories about the different countries from which the song came. The P. T. A. is raising money for a sound, motion-picture machine. Mr. Shaw presented his extensive collection of mounted birds and animals to the school district.

1947 … The Zaner-Bloser system of penmanship has been in operation since 1945. Grades 1 and 2 have free and self-expression in art work. There is one-half a period of art work per week.

The Centre School is a new participant in the visual education library at U. N. H., making the visual-education program very effective with the new projector. “We recently acquired a tape recorder for use in English, music and commercial classes.

1948 …. There is a record Grade 1 at Centre School — 47 pupils! A new color scheme has been used in the first and fifth grades making lighter rooms available. New Oil heat replaced the worn-out coal furnace. Fluorescent lighting has been completed in Centre School along with germicidal lamps being placed in the first grade. Two lamps placed on room walls is recommended by the health authorities. Barbara Brown is the full-time school nurse and has notices the number of absences because of colds is materially less than in former years.

The P. T. A. has given generous support to the school lunch program and dancing classes. An outdoor pageant was formulated in the spring.

The new handwriting system is being secured with the unity of style, method and objective. This Rinehart Functional Handwriting System has had satisfying results. Each Month a representative visits and personally supervises one lesson in each grade. She corrects existing faults in position and form. Each grade worked hard to attain the gold-star standard which indicates excellence in writing.

An allotment time was recommended in the school program for the study of local history — together with the advantages of working in the town.

There is a five point music program — singing, playing, dancing, creating and listening and physical education is carried on twice a week.

1949 … With the increase in enrollment, Grade I needed two rooms. A music and dance festival was planned for Tuck Field. Foot candles of light are installed upon the pupils desks. In a limited number of cases, the Red Cross pays for needed health and dental services. The Federal Department of Agriculture provided the schools with surplus commodities. Through the efforts of Miss Marston and the Garden Club, the Five Corners area has been cleaned up during the month of May.

Miss Marston hostessed a picnic for the Garden Club in the yard of her home on Lafayette Road.

Driver education and a master dictaphone set, including typewriter control is introduced in the high school.

1950 …. Miss Marston is receiving a salary of $2,700 and the school budget for the 1950-51 year is $130,000.

In Grade 1, stunts and tumbling is introduced and the full practice of poster paints in the first six grades (instead of just crayon and free-hand cutting.

1950 … Federal school aid is reduced, making increased cost of the school lunch from 15 cents to 20 cents.

“Teachers are now attending First Aid Classes and they are receiving direction as to their procedure in case of attack, either immediate or nearby.

1951 … Miss Marston is receiving an annual wage of $3,000 (with forty years of experience.)

A flower show is initiated with the Grange with Miss Marston involved.

1952 … Print-script instead of cursive writing is instituted because research has proven that children learn to read more quickly and easily when the type of letters they use in their writing conforms more closely to the kind they see in their reading.

Centre School now has an Activity Room for free play. The Activity Period is in addition to the regular music period. The physical fitness among our youth will provide a better defense if they are approaching induction in the armed services.

The operetta production of “Six and Four are Ten” was presented at the Centre School. The Principal recommends “purchasing a television antennae ” and if we have an antennae it is not too difficult to obtain a television set for special events e.g., the recent inauguration or the upcoming coronation.

Very few girls are electing Home Economics. This is a very worthwhile course and should be taken by more students. They could easily build this around other courses.

1952-57 … Miss Marston was president of the Hampton Garden Club.

1953 … Her wages, at school, amounted to $3,350 annually A “Helping Teacher” was employed in the union.

All six grades in the Centre School participated in a Christmas program.

A Wood’s light was purchased for use in examining a child’s head for ringworm. TB patch tests were given.

In 1953 the Hampton community was asked to cooperate as individuals, civic groups and service clubs in a project to buy, move to Tuck Field, and restore the old “Main Road School House” (North Primary School) …. the only one-room district school building left in our town. At the time, Miss Marston was President of the Hampton Historical Society and she arranged for the immediate purchase. This energetic and enterprising lady saw to it that the school house was moved from in back of Helen Henderson’s barn (Atlantic News location at the rear of 893 Lafayette Road) to its present location on the abandoned foundation of the razed replica of Hampton’s first church in Tuck Field. This turned out to be a one-woman project!

Her last days of teaching took place during the 1953-54 school year. At this time a Resolution was presented by Mr. James W. Tucker as follows:


At the adjourned Town Meeting held at the Winnacunnet High School on March 16, 1963, a RESOLUTION was presented and unanimously approved by the assembly present:

“RESOLUTION: In view of the demise of our Town Historian, Miss Adeline Marston, who was also a member of the “Grist Mill Committee”, I would ask that this body place in its records due consideration for a lifetime of teaching our young, recording our towns actions for posterity, working personally for the good of the Town with love and devotion to her last day, and many of these without compensation.”

1954 …. In April of this year white geraniums were placed on the Women’s Relief Corp graves under the direction of Miss Marston and the school children helped. Roadside Improvement Beautification was established with waste cans being put at some of the picnic grounds, making our roadsides look much nicer. Alan Shepard’s mother was state president when Miss Marston was local president of the garden club. The club purchased wildlife stamps and the shut-ins were remembered at Christmas time by the Garden Club.

Miss Marston’s brother died during this year.

1955 …. Former students and citizens honored Miss Marston at a testimonial in the Centre School auditorium. She was presented a money bouquet by the Hampton P. T. A. President Kenneth Ryan.

As part of the 100th anniversary of the National Education Association she was also awarded an Oscar for her outstanding service to children.

Miss Marston was a great booster of the Litterbugging Program.

In November of this year, the Garden Club won the Damon Cup for Outstanding Civic Beautification. A spruce tree was re-dedicated to the Veterans (in hopes that perhaps, this time, it wouldn’t be cut down.)

1956 … The Garden Club proposed a Conservation Camper Scholarship. It also instituted a littering-poster contest at the schools. Fourteen town plots were attended to by the garden club as well as entering the Roadside Improvement Contest. Picnic tables were built and the Garden Club urged that bird charts be used for the Centre School. A mosquito-control meeting was held at the Court House and the Garden Club requested curbing for Depot Square. Forsythia was planted around the town offices.

1957 … A special bookshelf regarding gardens was installed at the library, and flowers were put in the library by the school children. A sign ordinance was instituted and tulips were planted at five corners.

Miss Marston brought in 15 four-leaf clovers and said that it was a good-luck omen. The “Good Luck Junior Garden Club” was established.

1955 … Enrollment increased with the addition of the Portsmouth Jet Bomber Base.

1956 … Construction started on the new “Adeline C. Marston” school at the end of Marston Way, off High Street. It consisted of 12 rooms and auxiliary services.

1957 … The new school was opened on January 28th with the accomplishment of moving eleven grades on one day, with the help of the school staff and the Hampton P. T. A. “The overcrowded conditions we had experienced were alleviated.”. Grades 1 through 6 were housed in this new school.

The “Adeline C. Marston Elementary School” was dedicated on February 3, 1957. An open house was held the following Sunday from 3 to 5:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Reverend Norman Allers and the ribbon was cut by Miss Adeline C. Marston. Fortunately she was able to see that mark of appreciation from the town and its citizens for her long service.

1958 … Arborvitaes were planted in back of the court house along the playground area.

1959 …. The Garden Club observed Miss Marston’s school retirement and as a token of her high esteem and for appreciation of her untiring efforts they gave her a pin and earring set.

On May 30th, the scouts helped to plant geraniums on the W. R. C. graves. Miss Marston motivated the members to decorate the tree at five corners as well as judging the House Decorating Contest.

1960 … The Shade Tree Commission was established. Sears Roebuck and Company gave the Garden Club an award for the improvements and use of the Fish House area as a town park. The dead elm trees in town was:a subject of interest to the Garden Club.

1963 … A maple tree, with red foliage, was planted at the East End Schoolhouse in Miss Marston’s memory.

[See also, Poems, Plays Offer Warm Welcome For Firemen,
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