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Photos from Hampton, Part 2

Courtesy Photos by Ralph Morang, Peter Wise, Homer Yost, Larry Ritchie & Israel Yost

Hampton Union, Friday, February 10, 1978

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

Great Storm of 1978. February 10, 1978, during the third day of
higher-than-normal tides, waves pound the sea wall in Hampton Beach.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#1)

Great Storm of 1978. February 10, 1978, people examine damage done to cottages in the Sun Valley section of Hampton Beach.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#2)

GREAT STORM OF 1978 — February 10, 1978, volunteers try to move a truck frozen in salt water ice. National Guard trucks arrive in the background.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#3)

MOTHER NATURE’S WRATH — Hampton Beach property owners of these buildings are still trying to figure out what they must have done to incur Mother Nature’s wrath. A series of high tides over the last two days coupled with 80-mile-an-hour winds just about leveled some of the cottages along the oceanside.
[Staff Photo] (#4)

Cottages along the far north end of Hampton, on the ocean-side, were devastated by mammoth waves that tore them apart like match boxes. Exeter-Hampton Electric Company crews along with National Guardsmen were on the job to restore the damage and keep sightseers away. (#5)

Cars along Ocean Boulevard in Hampton
are seen where they came to rest after the blizzard of ’78. (#6)

BATH HOUSES converted from fish shacks used to sit right on North Hampton’s beach until Tuesday. Hurricane force winds and high tides pushed the less-damaged shacks inland, while many were demolished.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#7)

POPE’S ICE CREAM STAND, located across Ocean Boulevard from North Hampton’s public beach, was pushed off its foundation by Monday night’s high tide and winds.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#8)

SPLINTERED WRECKAGE littered the parking lot and Ocean Boulevard at North Hampton’s public beach on Tuesday. These are former fishing shacks used as summer homes and bath houses.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#9)

TWO HOURS BEFORE HIGH TIDE, a car was already up to its doors in water on Brackett Road in Rye, which is more than half a mile from the ocean. When the tide reached its peak, the water reportedly reached the roof of this car.
[Photograph by Peter Wise] (#10)

THE DISPATCHER at the Hampton Police Station was on the telephone almost constantly during and after the storm. Sylvia Moulton also had front desk duty.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#11)

RESIDENTS WERE EVACUATED from their homes all along the New Hampshire coast from Rye to Seabrook. Here, a firefighter and three volunteers take people to dry ground in Hampton
[Photograph by Homer Yost] (#12)

FISH HOUSES on North Hampton’s beach were battered by rocks and waves. The force of the storm knocked one house (center) back onto the road.
[Photograph by Larry Ritchie] (#13)

KILLER WAVES — A new moon tide and winds gusting to 70 miles per hour pushed the ocean over breakwaters, causing extensive property against the seawall and tower above nearby houses.
[Photograph by Israel Yost] (#14)

A HELICOPTER, “parked” at the state park at Hampton Beach, was used by a private concern to document storm damage.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#15)

AT THE HEIGHT of the storm, a National Guard truck leaves Ancient Highway at Hampton Beach after checking for stranded people.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#16)

HAMPTON AMBULANCE 38 was damaged in an accident Tuesday with a National Guard truck at Landing and Tide Mill Road. Two ambulance attendents and two Guardsmen sustained minor injuries.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#17)

THE ONLY WAY to get around Tuesday with cars snowed in was on foot. These two on skiis were fouind on North Shore Road at Hampton Beach.
[Photograph by Ralph Morang] (#18)

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