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Compiled by John M. Holman

Hampton History Volunteer

Lane Memorial Library


1. Who was “Goody” Cole?
2. Who wrote the “History of Hampton” NH in 1892?
3. Who founded the town of Hampton, NH? In what year?
4. Where is the Meeting House Green, Founders’ Park and the Tuck Memorial Museum?
5. What was the original name of Hampton?
6. What does the Indian name “WINNACUNNET” mean?
7. Name two (2) places in Hampton named “Winnacunnet”.
8. What was HAMPTON, NH named after?
9. The first public school opened in Hampton on May 31, 1649. What was the name of the first teacher?
10. Who was the MARSTON SCHOOL named after?
11. What is the name of the river at Hampton Beach?
12. What is the name of the river that runs into the Hampton River?
13. Name the street that goes from Hampton Center to the Ocean (North Beach).
14. What is the name of the roadway that leads to The Marston School?
15. A wooden building once stood where the Centre School is What was it …. where is it now …. what is it being used for now?


1. Eunice “Goody” Cole, the “Witch” of Hampton.
2. Joseph Dow.
3. Rev. Stephen Bachiler in 1638.
4. At 40 Park Avenue, near the Winnacunnet High School.
5. “Winnacunnet”.
6. “Beautiful Place of Pines”.
7. Winnacunnet Road and Winnacunnet High School.
8. Hampton was named after the town from which Rev. Stephen Bachiler came, SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND.
9. JOHN LEGAT (See Historical marker #28 on the Hampton Centre School front lawn.)
10. ADELINE COPELAND MARSTON (A 1st grade teacher in Hampton for many years.)
11. The Hampton River.
12. Taylor(‘s) River.
13. High Street.
14. Marston Way.
15. The Grammar School. It is now the Hampton District Court House and is located at 132 Winnacunnet Road.

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