The following story is the first Hampton-related story ever printed in the Exeter News-letter

May 17, 1831

THIEVES APPRENENDED.– For several months past, many tools have unaccountably been missing from our mechanics’ shops, and divers kinds of property mislaid; and it was strongly suspected that some unfriendly persons were prowling about our neighborhood, who coveted their neighbour’s goods.

Circumstances, which recently occurred, tended to fix suspicion on some individuals of the name of Shaw, who reside in the border of Hampton, about three miles from this town. A search warrant was obtained on Wednesday last, and a great variety of stolen articles discovered, some of which had been missing for several years.

Many keys of different sizes, and small saws were also found, the uses of which were obvious. Two of the above mentioned persons, Joseph and Henry Shaw, were apprehended, and brought before Peter Chadwick Esq. of this town. One of them made a full confession of his guilt, and both were committed for trial.

A number of circumstances tend to prove that some other persons have been connected with these men: and we hope the connection will be drawn closer.

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