Hampton News from the Exeter News-Letter, 1880

January 2, 1880

Hampton, Dec. 24. -- Mr. Samuel Drake, Jr., was taken suddenly ill on Friday morning last, but, having never been sick a day in his life, supposed it was nothing serious, and, against the earnest entreaties of his wife, he became alarmed by the symptoms, harnessed his horses and proceeded with his son, eleven years old, to his farm, about two miles away, for the purpose of hauling hay to the depot. After reaching his farm he grew worse, and was induced by some of the workmen to return home. As they started he told his little son to look out for the horse, but did not speak again until he was assisted from his wagon by his wife and another lady, who succeeded in getting him into the house. He then spoke once or twice, but soon became unconscious. The doctor soon arrived and pronounced it apoplexy. Every means were used that human agency could devise to restore consciousness, but to no avail. The light of life gradually grew dim until half past three in the afternoon, when he quietly dropped away. The announcement of his death fell like a shock, and cast a gloom over the whole community. Mr. Drake was 52 years old last August, and has always been a hard working man, as a brick maker and farmer, and by industry and frugality had accumulated considerable property. The town has lost one of its esteemed and respected citizens, his family a devoted husband and a kind and indulgent father, the church a good man. The funeral services were held at his residence Monday afternoon, and, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, were largely attended by friends from this town, Hampton Falls, and Salisbury, Mass., to sympathize with the afflicted, and to pay a last tribute of respect to the departed. Rev. Messrs. W. C. Cutler, A. B. Carter, and L. L. Harmon administered words of consolation to the sorrow-stricken family, and endeavored by their remarks to deeply impress upon the minds of all present the importance of being also ready, as we know not the day nor the hour when we may be called to an account of our steward ship.

The eyesight of Mr. Daniel Hobbs, has become so impaired that he has been unable to read for fifteen months, and fears are entertained that he may become totally blind.

Mr. John W. Lewis, killed a porker for Mr. C. G. Toppan last week that weighed 542 pounds.

Our fishermen are doing remarkably well, when they have weather suitable to attend to their trawls. Mr. Edmond Mason is buying their fish for parties in Boston, and paying $1.50 per cwt.


Hampton, Dec. 29. -- Christmas festivals were held at all three of the churches, and were fully attended and of unusual interest. We speak more particularly of the Methodist, not having been present at the others. The order of exercises was skillfully arranged and admirably carried out by Rev. A. Carter, the pastor, Ita Belle Carter and S. Abbie Towle. The opening exercises consisted of an anthem by the choir, prayer by the pastor, songs by the Sunday school, "Christmas Bells," by Ita Belle Carter, "Star of the East," by the choir. Declamations interspersed with singing followed, by George Barbour, Miss Mande Lamprey, Miss Lizzie Godfrey, Milo Hook, Miss Addie Merrill, George Emery, Master Walter Emery, Miss Mary Lamprey and others, all of which were very appropriate and profoundly interesting. Now came the pleasantest part of the exercises for the young folks, who anxiously waited with palpitating hearts to hear their names called as the large tree, heavily laden with gifts, some of which were quite costly, commenced to be unloaded of its burden. Most, if not all, we should judge, received some token of remembrance from their friends with the exception of your humble servant. Fortune doesn't always favor the brave, and sometimes we have thought that if we should buy a present for ourself (as many do) and hang it on the Christmas tree, some one else would be lucky enough to get it, so we will try and be content to see others have a merry Christmas, if we cannot.

The noble horse "Nabob" is dead, owned by Mr. Ira E. Lane ; had he lived till June he would have been 32 years old.

Potatoes are dull at fifty cents per bushel and farmers are holding on. They say they cannot afford to chase "tater" bugs round all summer and raise potatoes at that price.

A donation was given Rev. Mr. Cutler Monday night.

A story is told of a Newburyport, Mass., voter at the municipal election, who received a dollar to vote a certain ticket. Being slightly fuddled, he dropped the greenback into the ballot box, and chucking the vote into his pocket, started off with the impression that he would go and take something.


January 9, 1880

Hampton, Jan. 6. -- The number of deaths in town the past year were 17; united ages 856 years ; an average of about 50 years.

Jan. 2, Mrs. Jesse Knowles, aged 79 years.
Jan. 5, Mrs. Ann Cutler, aged 79 years.
Jan. 11, Mr. James Philbrick, aged 40 years.
March 13, Mrs. Jesse Lamprey, aged 67 years.
March 15, Mrs. James Godfrey, aged 79 years.
March 22, Miss Annie Brown, aged 18 years.
March 23, Infant child of John M. Akerman.
March 25, Child of Charles Flanders.
April 25, Mrs. Oliver Page, aged 58 years.
May 15, Mrs. John D. Lamprey, aged 79 years.
June 3, Mr. Abram P. Towle, aged 79 years.
July 20, Miss Josie Weare, aged 7 years.
July 23, Mr. James Nudd, aged 88 years.
July 28, Mrs. Hannah Lovekin, aged 56 years.
Aug. 26, Child of J. Warren Mace, aged 1 year.
Dec. 16, Mrs. Dorothy James, aged 83 years.
Dec. 19, Mrs. Samuel Drake, aged 52 years.

From the first of January, 1836, to December 31, 1879, there have occurred in this town 886 deaths, an average of nearly 21 deaths a year. The lowest number for any one year was 11 ; the highest number 37.

During the past year the matrimonial wave has engulfed eight of our young ladies, and the end is not yet. In addition, four of our young men have secured partners from adjoining towns, making twelve marriages in all. And we would further state for the interest of all who may feel concerned, that there is still a good supply of smart, capable young ladies left, who will be disposed of if called for soon. None but good, steady, enterprising young men need apply.

The number of births the past year was twelve.


January 16, 1880

Hampton, Jan. 12. -- Our fishermen are again complaining that not only their fish but their trawls are being "Garceloned" by the schooners from Portsmouth, Newburyport and other places along the coast.

Mr. John G. Drake, of Chelsea, Maine, is about to move to this town to take charge of the farm owned by his uncle, Mr. Samuel J. Drake, recently deceased.

Mr. Fred Sanborn has recently opened a barber's shop near the depot, where he will lather, shave and clip to the satisfaction of all who will favor him with a call.

The shoe business is better than for many years past, and the little shops that have stood on and around the corner, as bleak monuments of better days, are now open, and the diligent cease from worrying and the loafers are at rest.

Last week was observed as a week of prayer, and the meetings are to be continued afternoon and evening through this week.

Mr. William I. Blake, of South Boston, Mass., son of Mr. Francis P. Blake, of this town, was brought here on Monday for interment, aged 32 years. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Rev. A. B. Carter officiating.


January 23, 1880

Hampton, Jan. 20. -- Miss Fannie B., daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Johnson, who has been in failing health for a year past, quietly passed away on Tuesday evening of last week, aged 18 years and 9 months. Miss Johnson was a most amiable young lady and was tenderly cared for from the first, everything being done that loving hearts and skillful physicians could do to restore health, but to no avail. The funeral on Friday afternoon was largely attended, especially by her young associates, who wished to pay a last, sad tribute of respect to one they so dearly loved, and who looked not as one dead, but beautiful and serene in sleep. The tie of friendship which so firmly bound her to all with whom she came in contact while in life having been severed, her memory will be enshrined in the hearts of her young associates and will ever be fondly cherished. The family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

The shore and schooner fishermen during the moderate weather of the past week have presented quite an interesting sight, as they have been busily engaged in setting and drawing their trawls. Fifty two schooners have been counted on the inner fishing grounds at one time. The average is about thirty-five, carrying from four to twelve men, average about eight. One hundred weight of fish to a man is considered rather a poor catch. Allowing this, it will give 28,000 pounds or 14 tons. So any one can get a slight idea of the amount of fish taken from the old Atlantic every (what the old salts called a) fishing day, all of this within a radius of about three miles.

Daniel Palmer, Esq., is making preparations to build a new house in the spring.

John J. Leavitt, Esq., has two hogs which are estimated at the lowest to dress 1207 pounds.


Hampton, Jan. 19 -- The ball held in the town hall, Wednesday evening, was not alone enjoyed by Hampton people, but by a large number from out of town. Several couples from Amesbury, Mass., taking advantage of the excellent sleighing, were in attendance and enjoyed a good time generally.

Our temperance reformers are not doing much at present for the cause of temperance. We hope they are not entirely disheartened, and we would advise everyone who engages in a good cause, to carry it out.

Quite a lively contest was witnessed a few days since in one of our quiet streets, between two females, who, for some cause or other, could not agree, and the way the false hair came down was a caution to weakminded females.

We learn that Prof. Manly, of the Hampton Academy, intends to teach through the spring term. Prof. Manly is an excellent teacher, and it is hoped that he will have a good number of scholars.


January 30, 1880

Hampton, Jan. 26. -- Mrs. Hulda J. Marston, the oldest person in town, who is nearly a centenarian, has reached the age of 99 years and 3 months. Mrs. Marston enjoys excellent health, and at all probabilities will live to be a hundred.

Owing to the moderate weather, none of the hotels at the beach has received their summer's supply of ice.


Hampton, Jan. 28. -- The Y. E. C., of Exeter, will give a ball at the town hall, Hampton, Friday evening, February 6. The music will be furnished by Cook's quadrille band, of Haverhill, Mass.

Hampton, Jan. 26. -- The annual meeting of the Hampton Library Association was held on Monday evening, Jan. 5. The old board of officers were re-elected. It was voted to adjourn to meet on Monday evening, Feb. 2d, to act upon the following subject : "To see if the Association will vote to donate the said library to the town, for the purpose of making it a free public library to the citizens of the town." The Hampton Library Association was organized fifteen years ago, with Jacob J. Brown as President : Joseph Johnson, Vice President ; Geo. W. Lane, Secretary ; E. P. Young, Treasurer and Librarian ; John P. Towle, Assistant Librarian ; Executive Committee, W. T. Merrill, B. H. Weston, Joseph Dow and Jona. M. Lamprey. During the fifteen years that this library has been in operation, it may be said to the credit of the present and past librarians, that there has not been a book lost or stolen.


February 6, 1880

Hampton, Feb. 2. -- A select party is held "under the Hill" every Saturday evening, where the company enjoy dancing, and singing. Managers, Mr. Nudd, Miss Mary Grace.

Mr. John Emery, while away visiting his relatives, was robbed of quite a sum of money.

Mr. James W. Blake, has trapped nine minks, twenty-five muskrats so far during the winter.

Our enterprising barber, Mr. Fred Sanborn, we think will have to look for an apprentice, he has such a rush of customers.

Mr. Charles Marston, intends to put a cracker in his mill. We think this an excellent idea.

Mrs. Eli Lampray is about to have a house of two stories erected on the old place.

The farmers in this vicinity are in a dilemma as to what to do about their potatoes, as no one at present is buying.

Doddle says he can make a "slip up."


February 13, 1880

Hampton, Feb. 9. -- The winter so far has been so open that our farmers have been very much disturbed about getting their hay from off the salt marsh. We think there is little cause to be alarmed, for there is sufficient time for plenty of cold weather yet.

The fishing schooners which have troubled our fishermen's trawls not a little during the winter, have "hauled off" into deep water, and our fishermen are allowed to pursue their occupation undisturbed.

Mr. David J. Lamprey has been engaged the past week in filling the ice house of the milk company. Mr. Lamprey fills nearly all the ice houses in this vicinity, as well as other places, and can do it in as short a time as any of them.

Messrs. Brown & Scilly are well under way in the shoe business, and can meet demands to any extent.


Hampton, Feb. 11. -- All quiet over the Hill just now -- occasionally there is seen a team hauling off hay from the marshes, while the women are busily engaged in braiding rags for mats. We counted nine pairs of old pantaloons on a line to-day, washed purposely to be braided into mats.


Hampton, Feb. 9. -- The Congregational church in this town was built during the ministry of the late Rev. Erasmus Darwin Eldridge, and was dedicated in January, 1844.

The following extract from Deacon Dow's Historical address, delivered in 1838, will be interesting to many of the readers of the NEWS LETTERS : "An event occurred during the ministry of Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, worthy to be noticed, not only on its own account, but more particularly on account of the circumstances connected with it. I refer to the great earthquake, October 29, 1727. This phenomenon is here associated with the name of Mr. Gookin, from his being led in the providence of God, to preach to his people on the very day preceding the night on which the earthquake happened, a solemn discourse from Ezekiel, vii : 7 : "The day of trouble is near." In the course of his sermon he remarked : "I do not pretend to a gift of foretelling future things, but the impression that these words have made upon my mind in the week past, was so great that I could not bend my thoughts to prepare a discourse on any other subject, saving that on which I discoursed to the forenoon which was something of the same nature. I say, it being thus I know not but there may be a particular warning designed by God of some day of trouble near, perhaps to me, perhaps to you, perhaps to all of us. How forcibly must these solemn words have been impressed on the minds of those who heard them, when, after only a few hours had elapsed, and while the words still seemed ringing in their ears, a low , rumbling sound was heard, which soon increased to the loudness of thunder, while the houses shook from their very foundations, and the tops of some of the chimneys were broken off and fell to the ground, the sea in the meantime roaring in a very unusual manner. Mr. Gookin labored to improve this event of Providence for the spiritual benefit of his people, and his labors were richly blessed. Within a few months after it occurred, large additions were made to the church."

At the adjourned meeting of the Hampton Library Association, held on Monday evening, Feb. 2d, it was "voted that any and all persons may take out books from the library, by the payment of twenty-five cents, for the current year."

Hampton, Feb. 11. -- Mr. David Brown has sold his farm to Josiah S. Smith, Esq., of Raymond.

The remains of Mr. Thomas Dunbrack, of Newburyport Mass., formerly of this town, and the wife of Mr. Alfred Godfrey, of Concord, were brought here week before last, for interment.

Mr. Jeremiah W. Brown has received intelligence of the death of his brother, Mr. Samuel J. Brown, of Poland, Maine, who died Nov. 16, aged sixty years. Mr. Brown was a carpenter by trade, and went away from this town nearly forty years ago.

One of our neighbors has a calf eight months old, measuring two and one-half feet from tip to tip, eleven inches deep, four inches thick. Proposals will be received by the owners until May 20, for pasturing said calf. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals.

Our town is greatly in need of a society for P of C to A.

A teacher in one of our schools, a few days ago, asked a little five-year-old boy, if he should have three cents and his father should give him two more, what he would have? The little fellow quickly answered, "One of Chase's five-cent monkeys."

Owing to the mild changeable weather thus far this winter, it has made it very difficult and dangerous for the farmers to get their hay from the marsh, and many are greatly in need of it.

As Mr. C. G. Tappan, one day last week, was crossing a treacherous bog, his oxen went down and in pulling them out one of their horns was pulled off.

It is reported that an Odd Fellows lodge is about to be instituted in this town.

We notice by the papers that transmitting telephones are being connected with some of the church pulpits, so that invalids may enjoy the church services. So far so good. But wouldn't it be a good idea to put in some telephones with something like a fog horn attachment at one end to arouse the trawlers, gunners, wood choppers, barn crack, batteners, and the man that don't know his pig has been out all the week until Sunday morning? If some such arrangement could be perfected, we doubt not the Sabbath would be more quietly observed.

Mrs. Thorndyke gives a temperance lecture in the Methodist church Wednesday evening.

The thermometer stood at 14 degrees below zero Tuesday morning.


February 20, 1880

Hampton, Feb. 16. -- Willie Moulton, formerly of this town, now a resident of Exeter, has killed one hundred and five partridges since the first of September.

It was our priviledge a few days since to take by the hand Edward J. Hobbs, Esq., keeper of White Island Light, Isles of Shoals, who is at home on a visit to his father.


Hampton, Feb. 17. -- Mr. C. B. Batchelder, our popular butcher, is as well calculated to take the cents (us) as any we know of in this vicinity.

A gentleman stopping at the hotel, a short time since, who was an extensive traveller and very sociable, soon got into an animated conversation with several present, whom he greatly interested from his accumulated stock of useful knowledge. Among other things, he stated that he had visited every town in the New England states. One of our citizens who always keeps an eye on the glass ware, and had intently and quietly listened, stepped forward, and said he : "Mr., were you ever in Pagetown?" This seemed to nonplus the gentleman amidst the roar of laughter which followed, and he spiritedly acknowledged that there must at least, be one town in the old Granite State that he hadn't seen.

All of our schools, eight in number have closed, and a marked progress is manifest. All have been taught by home talent, with the exception of one.

One of the correspondents of the Statesman has run out Blaine and Harrison for President and Vice President. Who's Harrison, and what's his reputation as for truth and veracity?


February 27, 1880

Hampton, Feb. 22. -- The school in district No. 6 closed last week. The winter term as been taught by Miss Nellie B. Chase, who, though young and inexperienced, has met with fine success and undoubtedly possesses the elements of a true teacher. I am told that one of her pupils has not missed a single question during the term, another but one, another three, which speaks well for the school. I also heard it remarked the other day that our present Superintendent of schools was the youngest in the state, if not the youngest town officer. If this is so we believe he has taken a deep interest in our schools and they have been well managed and generally successful.


Hampton, Feb. 24. -- We mentioned in last week's NEWS-LETTER that all of our schools had closed. But having had the pleasure of being present at some of the examinations, we feel in justice to the teachers, scholars and parents we should refer briefly again to some of them. The school in district No. 3, has been under the instruction of Mr. Horace M. Lane, who is a teacher of ability and experience. The good order, promptness and precision in which the varied exercises were gone through with, were very characteristic, showing plainly that Mr. Lane was master of the situation, whose principal aim was thoroughness in all branches of studies, especially in arithemetic. When the scholars learned any principle, they are called upon to make some practical application of it. This served not only to fix the principle in their minds, but to make it useful to them in after life. The progress of the scholars was highly creditable to the teacher, and gave general satisfaction to the parents.

The grammar school in district No. 1, has been taught by Miss Flora Taylor, and we think we are safe in saying that no previous terms have closed more auspiciously than the present. Miss Taylor has had the advantages of the Normal school, and is a first class teacher in every respect. Many visitors were present during the examination and remarks were made by Messrs. Lamprey, Coffin and others, congratulating the teacher on her success in bringing the school to such a high standard. Prizes were awarded Morris Perkins, and Miss Etta Leavitt, as being the two best spellers. The scholars presented Miss Taylor with a very nice gilt framed picture, as a token of their esteem.

The primary department was tenderly cared for by Miss Mary Palmer, a young lady highly educated, and apparently with a bright future before her. She is well calculated to teach a school of higher grade.

A good report comes from all the other schools, which goes to show that the first requisite for a good school is a good practical teacher, secondly, co-operation on the part of the parent ; with these two essentials, no school will fail of success.

Mr. Samuel A. Towle, one of our esteemed citizens, informs us that in crossing his mowing field on Friday of last week he saw hundreds of grasshoppers, and as he could find out but little as to whence they came or whither they were going, and for fear they might do injury to themselves or some one else by their ceaseless hoperation he captured several and put them in a bottle. Our oldest citizens say they never knew anything of the kind about here at this time of the year. Since writing the above Mr. Towle has shown us the grasshoppers and we pronounce them as bright and healthy, apparently as any grasshopper that ever trod the Granite hills of New Hampshire.

If the various correspondents of the NEWS-LETTER will favor us with a copy of their town's reports, we will endeavor to reciprocate the favor. All who feel disposed to do so, will please address "Spud," box 42, Hampton.


March 5, 1880

Hampton, March, 2. -- In mentioning the schools, we omitted to speak particularly of the Grammar school in district No. 2, which was taught by Miss Maria Perkins, one of our most popular and accomplished teachers. With her superior Normal school training, she has been enabled to cope successfully with higher branches of studies and to govern the more unruly boys better than any teacher in town. Miss Perkins is very agreeable in her manner, a zealous worker, and a good disciplinarian. We would cheerfully recommend her to all committees in search of an active, wide-awake teacher.

Two deaths occurred in this town last week : Mrs. Morril M. Lamprey, aged 45, and Mr. Samuel Perkins, aged 32.

The "editorial" in the News-Letter of last week was sound, logical and convincing.

The singing school taught by Rev. A. B. Carter, during the winter, closed on Friday evening last. The Methodist church, in which the school has been held, was well filled.

The welcome harbinger of spring, the bluebird, has put in an appearance.

We understand our citizens contemplate an advance movement on the old town house next Tuesday.


March 12, 1880

Hampton, Mar. 10. According to notice, and agreebly to the rules and regulations of the constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire, our election was held in the town house on Tuesday, March 9, and was quite fully attended considering the inclemency of the weather, but not so large a vote was thrown as usual. The meeting was called to order at 10 o'clock by Mr. Morris Hobbs, chairman of the Supervisors, and Sewell W. Dow, was chosen Moderator. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Cutler, after which the following named officers, all Republicans, were elected for the ensuing year : John W. Akerman, Town Clerk; John F. Marston, W., E. Lane, Joseph Johnson, Selectmen and Assessors ; George W. Lane, Treasurer. Collector of taxes, Constable and Superintending School Committee are to be chosen by the Selectmen. Everything passed off harmoniously, and the business was transacted more expeditiously than for many years.

We are sorry to report that Mr. Edward Leavitt, our Superintending school committee, is quite sick with pheumonia.

A horse belonging to Dr. Wm. T. Merrill, as he was being driven on the street, on Monday, in someway dislocated his ankle joint, which necessitated his being killed.

Eight cars of a freight train got off the track near the depot on Tuesday evening, and one was badly smashed.


March 19, 1880

Hampton, March 10. -- One of our smart, intelligent young men who is better calculated (we should judge from observation) for a schoolmaster, doctor or lawyer, than a seafaring man, being ambitious and entertaining a vague idea that he would like a taste of salt water shipped as a deck hand with Capt. E. H. Perkins, and Johnny Boon, for a trip down the river after a load of hay. The hay was soon put on board, when they started for the wharf, Capt. Perkins on one bank with a tow line, Mr. Boon on the other, our hero having charge of the wheel. Everything went merrily until this came to a point in the river where it was necessary for the helmsman to use a spruce pole to keep in deep water. He worked manfully for a while, when all at once his pole failed to reach bottom and overboard he went. Well, its no laughing matter, but to hear Johnny Boon (who is afflicted with an impediment in his speech) give a description of the scene which followed is about as good as a circus. He says there seemed to be a flock of Porpoises under the stern of that gondola, all puffing and blowing at once. We are happy to report, however, that aside from a good ducking no injury was done, and as our young hero is about to command a craft of his own, we trust his experience as a sailor will prove instructive.

J. J. Leavitt, Esq., has in his store a goose egg, weighing eleven ounces.


Hampton, March 15. -- For the past week or two thousands of tons of ice have been transported over the Eastern road. The ice is of very good quality.

Messrs. Brown & Lamprey who run on the "east end" mail and express route, are doing quite an extensive business.


Hampton, March 15. -- The unwelcome visitor, death, has again snatched from our quiet town one of our best young men, taken away suddenly in the bloom of health, and in the prime of manhood. Mr. Edward W. Leavitt died of pneumonia, on Friday last. So unexpected was this sad event, that every one who knew him, was filled with sorrow. Every heart has been filled with anguish in behalf of the afflicted parents, on whom this sudden blow has so heavily fallen. Yet, we can only sympathize, words of comfort are unavailing to this mother ; none but those who have been called to lay in the grave their "first born," can ever know the sorrow that has filled her soul. May the kind Father who cares for us all, give her strength to bear up under this bereavement, and may she find consolation in the assurance that there is to be a meeting hereafter of loved ones gone before us, where there shall be no parting. Mr. Leavitt has filled the office of Superintending School Committee the past year and won a reputation highly commendable, a young man of rare qualifications, honesty and integrity being his watchwords. Long will he be missed by a large circle of friends. At the time of his death he held the office of Secretary of the Hampton Library Association, and at one time was a regular correspondent to the NEWS-LETTER from this town.

L. P.

March 26, 1880

Hampton, March 20. -- Ira E. Lane, Esq., in moving some of his outbuildings has added attractiveness to his place, besides, making it much more convenient.

Josiah S. James, Esq., of Raymond, is making extensive improvements on the building he recently purchased of Mr. David Brown. The work is being done by J. A. Dearborn and J. W. Towle. We understand that Mr. James is to take up his residence here the first of April.

Mr. Daniel Moulton and David J. Garland, have exchanged land and buildings.

Some of our shoemakers are making Misses' shoes with edges so thin that they have to wear two pairs of "specks" to see to set them up.

We notice by the paper that our neighboring town of North Hampton has a new lodge organized, K. O. T. M. "Keep Out The Mud." We are going to have one if this weather holds much longer.

Rev. A. B. Carter is seriously ill, and was unable to preach on Sunday.


Hampton, March 22. -- Rev. W. H. Cutler exchanged with Rev. J. W. Kingsbury, of Rye, who preached a very excellent sermon from Corinthians iii : 11.

The many friends of Rev. Mr. Chandler were pleased to see him in town last week.

"Spud" will please accept our thanks for extra copies of town reports received.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, March 22. - We think the quantity of snow which fell Sunday morning is worthy of remark. Six inches fell between one and five o'clock.

Mr. William Gookin is about to discontinue driving the shoe express, and is hoping that Brown and Lamprey will take his place.

Mr. James W. Blake, the "boss" trapper, caught five minks last week.

Business is not very "rushing" at the present time (except under the Hill.)


April 9, 1880

Hampton, April 5. -- Among our smartest and most active old gentlemen is Mr. Thomas L. Marston, now 83 years of age. Mr. Marston was born in North Hampton and commenced life a poor man, working at his trade (wheelright) for about thirty years. He reared a family of five sons and two daughters, and by industry and frugality acquired considerable property. He moved to this town about twenty-five years ago, and since that time has been largely engaged in speculation in all kinds of country produce, and by integrity and strict attention to business had gradually worked himself up until he now ranks with our largest real estate owners. Mr. Marston, lost his wife a worthy and estimable lady eleven years ago, but since married another most estimable woman and frugal housekeeper, daughter of Mr. Josiah Hobbs. Mr. Marston, in giving his varied experience up to this time, seems to take pride in stating that he is three years elder than his father-in-law.

The amateur dramatic association of Rye, gave an entertainment in the town hall, Wednesday night of last week, which was a decided success. Every one seemed highly pleased with the programme and the manner in which it was carried out. The hall was well filled, considering the bad travelling. We are not prepared to give a full account, as we are unable to learn the names of all who acquitted themselves in a manner so highly creditable ; therefore, we will leave it to our genial friend "Kim," who was present and with whom we were pleased to meet, to give a more minute account and do justice to all concerned.

A nice, refined, young lady, after considerable difficulty managed to waggle into our largest grocery store a few days since and inquired of one of the proprietors if they had a "Rebecca," evidently unacquainted with the proper name used for one of our most indispensable kitchen utensils. This seemed to knock our accommodating storekeeper all askew, and for a moment he seemed completely dumbfounded, but by a tremendous effort maintained his composure, and bracing himself up to an interrogation point, he soon learned that a "Rebecca" was nothing more nor less than one of these common short lived earthern vessels, with an image on one side representing "Rebecca at the well," (we never thought it looked much like "Rebecca)" and commonly used by our good housewives to steep tea in. We should think most any one would know what a "Rebecca" is.

As Mr. Ira E. Lane, was leading his horse to water, one day last week, the horse made a grab, and catching Mr. Lane's ear between his teeth, nearly tore it from its foundation. We well know how to sympathize with him as we came near losing an ear once when we went to school. Our first advice was to give the horse a severe reprimanding, but thinking the horse might possibly be acting upon the impulse of the moment, and this being his first offense, we concluded he should be leniently dealt with. Mr. Lane coincided with our views and acted accordingly. The lacerated member was promptly dressed by Dr. William T. Merrill and is now doing well.

All those who intend to be in Exeter at the opening of the little tin box mentioned in the NEWS-LETTER of March 26, will please forward their names to our office. Don't forget the time, 1976.

The frogs are out.

The wild geese that went north some time ago, are winding their way southward again, probably finding it colder north than they anticipated.

Our most enterprising farmers have their potatos behind the stove sprouting, and will set them out as soon as the ground is in order.


April 16, 1880

Hampton, April 12. -- We wish to express our thanks to "Spud" for the able explanation he gave to that useful article known as a "Tea pot" viz "Rebecca," Webster defines "Tea pot" as a "vessel with a spout, in which tea is made, and from which it is poured into teacups."

Eggs are selling for one cent apiece, Western meal per bag of 100 pounds $1.25, Early rose potatoes 45 cents per bushel, butter 18 to30 cents per pound.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, April 12. -- Our farmers are very busy at present preparing for planting. Potatoes and onions seem to be all the rage for the coming season, though several of our farmers have their last years crop of potatoes, it does not seem to discourage them in the least.

Mr. Jesse Lane, our expressman, has been quite sick the past week, rendering him incapable of duty.

Diphtheria is somewhat prevalent in town, two cases having been reported.

The population of Hampton has increased somewhat during the month of April. The rising generation is very promising.

The school-house in district No. 1 is receiving a new coat of paint, which will add much to its attractiveness.


Hampton, April 12. -- It is quite sickly in town at the present time, many suffering from severe colds, throat and lung troubles, not any severe cases so far as we know.

A few welcome little strangers have been added to some households here within a few days past, though of the feminine gender, there is great rejoicing.

Services were held in the Congregational meeting house on Fast day. Mr. Cutler occupied the pulpit, and preached a very instructive sermon from Deut.xviii-15. We would that there were more present to listen to him, as on this occasion the speaker availed himself of the opportunity to present to his hearers very many broad practical truths, with illustrations to prove that man is the instigator of the curse that befalls him here in this life showing that the natural heart was prone to consider all misfortunes, accidents or reverses met with here, as sent upon us through Providence. Such a historical sketch showing so plainly wherein we as a people should rise above the common error of heaping upon ourselves trials and repeated curses through sin. May there spring up with us good results to show that the labor our worthy pastor may not be in vain.

Rev. Mr. Haley, of Seabrook, occupied the pulpit at the Congregational church on Sunday last.

April 23, 1880

Hampton, April 20. -- The Rye Cornet band gave a concert in the town hall on Thursday evening of last week, consisting of instrumental and vocal music, farces, songs, solos, duets, etc. The band made a fine appearance in their new uniforms and discoursed some excellent music. Most of our citizens are not very partial to good music when it costs anything to hear it, therefore they were not greeted with a very full house. When the gentlemanly members composing the organization see fit to give us a free concert, we can warrant them a big crowd.

Probably the potato bugs will be pleased to know that several of our farmers have put in their early potatoes.

Mr. John C. Marston's brindles heifer has had twin calves, one perfectly white the other all red.

The correspondents of the Statesman seem to think the Grant boom is waning. Just let them wait till "Sleeptown" speaks then they will know where the hen scratched.


April 30, 1880

Hampton, April 28. -- Another of our good mothers in Israel has been taken from our midst by the hand of death. Mrs. Amos T. Leavitt, aged 70 years, 11 months. Mrs. Leavitt was a noble, whole-souled kind-hearted woman and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. A marked attachment was always manifest in her family and its connections, and she will be greatly missed not only in her own home where she has two sons with their families living, but by her daughters and son who are married and living in Massachusetts, whom she was wont to visit so often. The father, daughter, a grandson, now the mother, all have been called to rest within three years and the sad bereavement hangs as a cloud of gloom over the once happy, now sorrow stricken family and community. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, a large number attending. Rev. Messrs. Harmon, of this town, and Garland, of North Hampton, officiating.

Daniel Palmer, Esq., is making preparations to build a new house.


May 7, 1880

Hampton, May 5. -- It will be remembered that the old tide mill was removed a little more than a year ago for the purpose of giving a better drainage to the marsh and meadow lands above it, and to make the drainage more perfect the town passed a vote at the last annual meeting instructing the Selectmen to see "that the causeway bridge and glade ditch (so called) be cleaned out." But as one year's experience has shown no perceptible improvement in the land, and as the stench which is said to emanate from these barren wastes is likely to prove detrimental to several who make a business of keeping boarders, therefore a town meeting was called and held on Wednesday of last week, to see if the town would rescind that vote. But little interest was manifested, however, either by the marsh owners or our citizens in general, as the attendance at the meeting was rather light. Mr. Morris Hobbs was chosen Moderator, after which remarks were made by Charles M. Lamprey, Esq., and others in favor of a more thorough and systematic drainage as the surest and quickest way of making the land more productive, and getting rid of the miasma which at times arises from these ponds during the warm weather. Judge Thomas Leavitt, of Exeter, was present, and, by request, spoke at considerable length on the subject, and held that neither the town or owners of this land had any right to drain it, if in so doing a nuisance would be created that would be injurious to any man's property or business. After a little more skirmishing on both sides, it was voted to rescind the vote. So the matter of drainage remains the same as last year.

Uri Lamprey, Esq., who has been very sick, we are glad to report is now convalescent.

Messrs. Abbot L. Joplin and David A. Philbrick, two of our highway surveyors, have been using the Goodrich patent road scraper on their respective districts, and it is said to work first rate.

Ice made, three-eights of an inch thick, May night.

We notice quite a number have drawn off their vinegar, and are rinsing out their old barrels. More fortunate than some that put their cider into new casks thinking perhaps to make better vinegar, but find themselves happily disappointed. We would say to those who are desirous of making good vinegar to stick to the old rule rather than try new experiments.

It is very evident that our farmers will have a lively time with the potato bug again this season, as the advance guard have made their appearance and quite a number have been killed. Now's the time to pat 'em with the hoe.

"Shadow" must have gone where the parsnip twineth.

On Monday three members of the sportsmens' club went to Hampton and bagged thirty coots. If the day had been more favorable they think they would have shown a better record.


May 14, 1880

Hampton Beach, May 11. -- Quite a number of persons drove down here Sunday. Mr. Yeaton, of the Ocean house, and Mr. Batchelder, of the Penobscomuck house has come to stay. Mr. Lord, of Lawrence, Mass., is planting his garden and Mr. Bradley, of Haverhill, Mass., was here last week putting in order his beautiful cottage. Others have commenced to put their cottages in order and we predict a lively season if the weather is favorable. A dense fog prevailed this morning and there was brisk shooting from the boats off the Head.

Two ladies driving away from the beach last Friday, witnessed a strange proceeding. When midway between Charles M. Lamprey's residence and the school-house, a team ahead of them stopped and the driver, an ugly looking man, went to the fence, pulled off a pick, knocked over a couple of hens, tied their legs, threw them into his wagon and drove off. The whole thing was done very quickly and adroitly, as if he was accustomed to it.

For some reason theredoes not appear to be the usual amount of building at the beach this spring. Perhaps owing to the sharp advance in materials.

Charley Perkins brought down sixteen sea fowl Monday morning at ten shots.

The same south wind blew here last evening, but the temperature was quite different from what it was away from the sea. This morning opened grey and cloudy but there was no fog and poor shooting. About a dozen boats were ranged off the head, while the Seabrook boats danced to the tune of "the rolling deep" about "sunk rocks."

The billiard saloon here bristles with lightning rods. It would seem a safe place in a thunder storm, or is the fluid "lightning" inside more dangerous, than the electric fluid outside.

Fish and lobsters are scarce and high.


Hampton, May 12. -- The following is the inventory of this town for the year 1880. The amount given in dollars:

No. of polls, 310,Valuation, $31,000
No. of horses, 255, Valuation $12,540
No. of cows, 458, Valuation, $9,135
No. of oxen, 140, Valuation, $5,045
No. of hogs, 5, Valuation, $57
No. of sheep, 181, Valuation $486
No. of carriages, 30, Valuation $2,180
Money at interest, $671,391
Stock in banks, $2,900
Stock in trade, $7,150
Mills and machinery, $2,340
Total valuation, including improved and unimproved land and buildings, $671,391
Rate of taxation, $10.50 on $1,000.
Rate of taxation on highways, $2.30 on $1,000.

We notice that the rate of taxation on highways in Exeter is only .78 on $1,000. Is that correct? [.78 on $1,000 valuation. -- Ed.]

Mr. James W. Blake, one of our oldest and most experienced gunners, met with a severe and painful accident at Boars Head on Monday morning. In loading one barrel of his gun the other was accidentally discharged, the contents shattering the middle part of his hand so badly that his two middle fingers had to be amputated. Dr. Wm. T. Merrill performed the operation.

We saw one of our farmers hoeing his early potatoes Monday morning.


May 21, 1880

Hampton, May 18. -- Mr. and Mrs. William Norris celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday evening last. Two of their sons, who are engaged in business in Texas, were present. They had not been at home before for nine years.

Our schools have all commenced their summer terms under the charge of reliable and efficient teachers. Miss Blodgett, who teaches in district No. 5, is a daughter of the lady who was so unfortunate as to loose her buildings by fire in Londonderry last week.

Mr. Abbott Young, our new sealer of weights and measures, is right after his biz.

Our report of the inventory showed $45,-195 at interest, instead of $671,391 as the types had it last week.

Nearly one hundred years ago, a very pious but rather worldly gentlemen, who lived not a thousand miles from here, made it his constant practice to call up his family before day in order to attend prayers, and be ready for their labors in good season. One morning, having mustered his family rather earlier than common, he commenced family duties by prayer, during which he returned thanks to the Lord that they were brought to see the light of another day. An old negro standing by cried out, "Top, top, vass a vit, no day yet, massa, sartin, no day yet, no sar ee."


May 28, 1880

Hampton, May 25. - I see that the farmers are very busy in their potato patches trying to keep the potato bugs from destroying their crops. The ground appears to be full of them. It is hoped that every farmer will try his best to kill as many bugs as possible for it is the only way to get rid of one of the greatest pests that ever befell the husbandman.

Complaint has been made about the taking away of the old-tide mill so called. It will be remembered that the mill was bought by the town of Henry J. Perkins, Esq., for the sum of $1500. Afterwards the town passed a vote to give the mill to Mr. Perkins if he would take it away. Mr. Perkins sold the mill to Mr. Batchelder, of Hampton Falls. Some thought the mill was a damage to the marsh, &c., but it has been proved beyond a doubt to every owner, that their marsh land has become nearly or quite worthless ; that where good grass once grew, the scythe will never be used again. Judging from appearance, not one ton of hay will be cut from the whole spring marsh, so-called. It looks like a prairie after being burned over.

Death has once come into this town and selected Mr. David Lamprey for its victim. Mr. Lamprey was a sail-maker and worked in Boston for many years. He at one time carried on business in Boston, but gave it up, moved to Hampton, and worked in Newburyport, Mass.

Hampton, May 24. -- Supervisor Jenks has made a wise selection in appointing Mr. Horace M. Lane as census enumerator for this town. Mr. Jenks may rest assured that all matters pertaining thereto will be conducted in a straight forward, business-like manner.

Mr. Samuel Dearborn, a respected and peaceable citizen, was, by order of the selectmen, taken to the County Farm about eighteen months ago, where he died on Monday night of last week, aged 76 years. His remains were brought here for interment. Prayer at the grave by Rev. Mr. Cutler.

Our town has been afflicted by the potato rot, small-pox, canker worms and the beetle. Now to cap the climax, we are to have the Boston Post brought into town every Sunday morning.

Let the boys in blue be ready to give Gen. Grant three times three on Thursday morning, June 3. We would propose that as soon as General Grant is nominated the delegates unite in one grand chorus in singing "America."

Never have the potato bugs been so numerous at this season of the year as now, and many of our farmers have commenced the use of Paris green.


Boar's Head hotel, Hampton Beach, S. H. Dumas, proprietor, will be opened to the public on June 9th. The hotel has always had a fine reputation, and occupies one of the best positions on the coast.

June 4, 1880

Hampton, May 24. -- The following is taken from Deacon Dow's Historical Address, which was delivered on the 25th of December 1838, and will be of interest to the many readers of the NEWS-LETTER:

"The first town meeting, of which any record remains, was held in Hampton, October 31, 1639. William Wakefield was chosen Town Clerk. One of the articles acted upon at this meeting was, "Imposing a fine of one shilling on each freeman, who having had due notice of the meeting, should not be at the place designated, within half an hour of the time appointed." On other occasions, similar votes were passed, and rules were adopted to secure order and regularity, when the people were assembled in town meeting. At the close of each meeting, a moderator was chosen, to preside at the next meeting. Every meeting was to be opened and closed with prayer by the moderator, unless one of the ministers were present, upon whom he might call. After the prayer at the opening of the meeting, the names of the freeman were to be called, and the absentees noted, by the town clerk. When any person wishing to speak in the meeting, he was to do it standing, and having his head uncovered. No person was to be permitted to speak, at any meeting, more than twice, or three times at most, on the same subject. On different occasions, votes were passed to prohibit the selectmen from admitting inhabitants. The first vote of this kind, on record, is dated on the 6th of the 10th month, 1639. "Liberty is given to William Fuller, of Ipswich, upon request, to come and sit down here as a planter and smith, in case he bring a certificate of approbation from the elders." "On the 25th of the 9th month, 1654 -- By an act of the town, Thomas Downes, shoemaker, is admitted an inhabitant, who is to make and mend shoes for the town, upon fair and reasonable terms." On the 8th of the 10th month, 1662, an order of the town was passed determining who should be regarded as inhabitants. It runs thus : "It is acted and ordered, that henceforth no man shall be judged an inhabitant in this town, nor have power or liberty to act in town affairs, or have privilige of commonage, either sweepage or feedage, but he that hath one share of commonage, at least, according to the first division, and land to build upon."

The following is an extract from a work entitled, "Wonder Working Providence of Zion's Saviour."

"Much about this time [1639] began the town of Hampton, in the county of Northfolk, to have her foundation stone laid, scituate near the sea coast, not farre from the famous river of Merrimack, the great store of salt marsh did intice this people to sit downe their habitations there, for as yet Cowes and Cattell of that kinde were not come to the great downfall in their price, of which they had 450 head ; and for the form of this Towne, it is a Flower-de-luce, two streets of houses wheeling off from the maine body thereof, the land is fertile, but filled with swamps, and some store of rocks, the people are about 60 Families ; being gathered together into church covenant, they called to office the reverend, grave, and gracious Mr. Dalton, having also for some little space of time the more ancient Mr. Bachelor to preach unto them also."

Rise of various denomination, by Rev. Robert F. Lawrence : The Piscataqua colonies adopted the Congregational form of worship. In 1633 a Meeting house was erected at Dover. Hampton, Exeter and Dover were the only towns that enjoyed the benefit of a settled ministry in 1670. In 1700 there were but five Congregational churches, in 1748 there were thirty. An Episcopal Chapel was built at Portsmouth, before 1638, and Rev. Richard Gibson was employed to preach in it. A society of Quakers was organized in 1701. The first Baptist Church was formed at Newton, in 1755, and Rev. Walter Powers was their minister. In 1719 the Presbyterians entered Londonderry. First Freewill Baptist church was planted at New Durham in 1780, by Rev. Benjamin Randall. First Methodist Society was in Chesterfield, in 1797, Ninety-two members. In 1800 they had one hundred and seventy-one members. First society of Universalists was formed at Portsmouth in 1781. Shakers first appeared in 1782, and were gathered into a church-state, in 1792, by Elder Job Bishop.


Hampton, June 1. -- Mr. O. H. Whittier, proprietor of the Union house has thoroughly renovated his stable, and is now finished in a neat and tasty manner with a view to convenience, health and comfort for horses. It is light, airy, and perfectly ventilated, without causing a draft of air past the horses head, as is commonly the case in most stables. It is pronounced by competent judges to be the best stable in every particular between Portland and Boston. His carriage wash-room has not excaped notice and is a model affair. In fact the house with all its connections has been put in excellent condition for the accommodation and comfort of summer boarders. Considering the location, with the many advantages, its grassy lawns, and beautiful shade trees, with O. H. Whittier, Esq., its accomplished landlord and Mr. A. J. Batchelder its obliging clerk, we unhesitatingly claim it to be unsurpassed by any country hotel in the New England states.

Mrs. Ames, having sold her house to Mr. Joseph Dow, intends to erect one of more modern architecture on the same site.

Wanted. The fellow who went through town the other day on a bicycle, and ran over two young ones on the back road. Fortunately however, the machine was going so fast that it didn't hurt them much.

In Bengal, nearly one hundred years ago, the ceremony of marriage, was, according to the direction of their spiritual guides, performed in standing water, in which the priest and bridal pair hold a cow with her calf by the tail, and pour water on them. Then he ties the clothes of the bride and groom together, and walking around the cow and calf, they are joined in the bonds of holy wedlock. But mark the epilogue of the comedy. The parson has the cow and calf for his fee.

Quite a heavy shower of hail and rain accompanied by a strong wind passed over this town on Wednesday evening of last week, tearing up trees, breaking glass, besides, doing considerable damage to the young crops. The hail stones were the size of half once bullets.

Eri P. Blake, Esq., formerly of this town, but more recently of Boston, where he has been extensively engaged in the roofing business, has moved here again with his family to spend the summer months. It is rumored that he is to purchase a half interst in the fish and lobster business, which is now managed by Blake, Towle & Co.

Quite a number of our citizens were present at the Memorial services in Exeter on Monday.


June 11, 1880

Hampton, June 8. -- Rev. Elihu Scott, and wife celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday evening of last week. About fifty of their friends were present and passed the evening very pleasantly. At the close of the festivities Mr. Scott was presented with a very handsome reclining chair, and Mrs. Scott with a handsome vase.

A True Hint.
God, and the Doctor, we alike adore.
Just on the brink of danger; not before.
The danger past, both are alike requited.
God is forgotten, and the Doctor slighted.

Twelve boarders at the Union house.

If our surveyors would cause the small stones to be removed from their respective districts which are so annoying, we could boast of as good and pleasant roads as any town in New Hampshire. Most of our thrifty farmers take pride in planting trees and by keeping their fences in good repair, which not only adds attractiveness to the street, but to their own beautiful fields. We have but few exceptions and most of these on the most delightful street in town, running from the depot along the high ridge to the eastern part of the town, which commands a splendid view of the broad Atlantic, the Isles of Shoals, Cape Ann, Ipswich bay and the county for miles around. Here some of our good citizens allow their fences to tumble down and in many instances obstruct the sidewalk, detract beauty from the street as well as from their neighbors who strive to keep everything looking neat and orderly. This ought not so to be; although the law does not require it, yet every man should be compelled by law to keep a good substantial fence next to the highway, not only to protect his crops from the ravages of stray cattle, but because public decency requires it.

It is very apparent that a lady in this town has been swindled by a pretended newspaper publisher by the name of Dr. Sweet, of Boston, Mass. This lady received a copy of the paper entitled Health and Home, with the following offer : one copy with chromo for one year, and forty cents on the $1.25 which she received from subscribers. As the beautiful chromo which was to accompany the paper was quite an inducement she succeeded in procuring quite a number of subscribers very readily and forwarded the money according to directions. After waiting for the papers till patience ceased to be a virtue, and writing several letters and receiving no answer, she finally sent an expressman to know the whys and wherefores in the matter. The expressman went to 245 Tremont street, Boston, as directed and instead of finding a newspaper establishment it happened to be a hotel. The expressman was informed by the clerk that several had called of late inquiring for the same man. We understand that he first commenced these operations in the west, and has probably gone now to more lucrative fields of labor. All strangers soliciting subscribers for newspapers in this vicinity hereafter will be required to show their credentials.

Mr. "Shadow" will please reef his fans; owing to a change in the programme "America" willl not be sung at present by your humble servant.


June 18, 1880

Hampton, June 17. -- In your last issue the question of fencing highways, by force of law, is somewhat zealously advocated. But there is a growing conviction throughout the country, that the immense expense of construction, and the heavy annual outlay for repairs of roadside fences is too great a tax and burden upon the farmers of the land, and ought to be saved. All admit that fenced roads are convenient for drivers of cattle, but otherwise expensive and useless, a practical nuisance in winter, by blocking the roads with drifting snow. The chief benefit of them is not for the land owners, but for those who gain free pasturage by letting their stock run at large to plague and torment their neighbors. As to the disfigurement of our beautiful High street, so strongly complained of, your correspondent doubtless did not know that the fence, for several rods, was broken down and thrown upon the sidewalk by a party, in the exhuberance of their glee, homeward bound "in the wee sma' hours" from a drunken frolic in his part of the town, including the front fence of a very estimable and retired widow lady, who could have given them no cause of offence, or excuse for the injury done her property.

C. H.

Hampton, June 15. -- About two hundred persons assembled on the beach Sunday afternoon to witness the baptism of one person by Rev. A. B. Carter, of the M. E. church.

So near and yet so far, as the fellow said as he stood by his neighbor's cellar case meditating upon the probabilities of getting through another hot day, while the owner of the cider was in Portsmouth.

Our census enumerator finds that all the broom corn raised about here is done so by the handle, so he don't ask the women folks how old they are any more.


June 25, 1880

Hampton, June 21. -- Some of our farmers I see are preparing for haying and will be soon hard at it. Grass looks much better. There will be, from appearances, a good crop of hay.

The beach travel has commenced in good earnest. All of the hotels at the beach have some guests. Things begin to have a lively appearance. Mr. Whittier, the popular proprietor of the Union hotel, has his usual number of guests. This is one of the best kept hotels, and one of the pleasantest situated in any town between Boston and Portland. Mr. Whittier is a man ever pleasing to all who come under his hospitality. He also has the very best of help, and everything is done up in apple pie order.

The private boarding houses will soon have their complement, every room being engaged. Mr. John J. Leavitt has made improvements, and the residence of E. J. Hobbs has been improved. Here the popular boarding mistress, Mrs. E. S. Leavitt, makes everyone feel at home.


July 2, 1880

Hampton, June 28. -- We noticed that "C. H.," stated in a recent NEWS-LETTER that there is a growing conviction throughout the country, that the immense expense of construction, and the heavy annual outlay for repairs of roadside fences is too great a tax and burden upon the farmer, and ought to be saved. We would like to have "C. H." take a careful survey through our good old town and through the neighboring towns of North Hampton, Rye, Greenland, Stratham and Exeter, and mark the contrast between the men who adorn their homes with paint, fruit and shade trees, and more than all else good fences, and the men who go on the tumble down as you please principle. Then he will be enabled to see who are the most industrious, prosperous and law and order loving citizens, and perhaps give us some useful information in relation to the class who manifest a disposition to disregard what would be for their own interest as well as that of their neighbors. He goes on farther to say that fences are a practical nuisance in winter, on account of snow blocking the roads. To be sure fences have a tendency to stop the snow, but during our short pilgrimage we have never known a man so shiftless that he couldn't repair his fences, that ever gave himself much trouble about the snow in the winter, otherwise than find fault because his neighbors didn't break the roads out better. We do not hold that the chief benefit of fences is for those who gain free pasturage, neither do we countenance anything of the kind. There is nothing we detest more than having cattle running at large. We know of no one of our citizens who intends to injure or torment his neighbor in this way ; even if they do, the law furnishes a remedy, and also protects the fences of the widows if rigidly enforced. The fences we referred to were not torn down by our young men and we were not aware of any drunken frolic occuring in town, and furthermore we do not hold ourselves responsible for anything of the kind. The M. E. G. T. U. O. B. J. society is looking after this class. With a very little labor and expense a man can keep a suitable fence next the highway and he can have no excuse for not doing so but mere shiftlessness.

J. H. Johnson, Esq., one of our highly esteemed and enterprising townsmen, devotes most of his attention to the raising of early fruit and vegetables, and years of practical experience has taught him that a thing "worth doing at all is worth doing well," therefore Mr. Johnston works upon this principle, as a look at his growing crops will convince anyone, consequently his efforts are crowned with success which is well merited. To excel in the strawberry culture seems to be his delight, and anyone need only see and taste for themselves to be convinced that no larger or richer flavored strawberries are gown in Rockingham county. Mr. Johnson will please accept our heartfelt thanks for his kind remembrance.

The high ground grass in this section is coming in light.

We understand a history of the daring exploits and startling adventures, thrilling narratives, heroic achievements and hazardous enterprises, interspersed with numerous accounts of most singular and interesting facts pertaining to the early settlers of this town, is being written by Jeremiah L. Marston, Esq.


July 9, 1880

Hampton, July 6. -- We learn from our census enumerator that our town at present contains 1184 inhabitants ; a gain of seven. Among the number we have 65 by the name of Blake, 70 Lampreys and 75 Browns.

Some of our farmers have commenced to market their early potatoes, which are, however, rather smaller than usual at this time.

The afternoon service at the Congregational church is to be discontinued through July and August.

All the private and public boarding houses are now open, and many of them are well filled with guests. That big sea-serpent is expected off the point sometime this month.

We notice the population of Stratham is on the decrease ; probably if "Shadow" succeeds in the grafting business there will be more -- apples ten years from now.

Stray army worms are reported scouting about town.

Mackerel have been quite plenty off the shore the past week, but they don't seem to like the idea of being hooked, although a large number have been so unfortunate as to run their heads into the fishermen's nets.

The observence of the Fourth was about the same as in years past. The old bell, guns, pistols and in fact everything that had any of the old liberty-loving spirit and music in it was called into requisition. The antiques and horribles paraded the streets from five till seven o'clock, and at two o'clock a large and enthusiastic crowd assembled at the entrance of the depot yard to reverence the old flag as it was raised and proudly floated to the breeze. The names of Garfield and Arthur which are destined to become favorite household words are placed at the bottom.


Hampton, July 6. -- The glorious old Fourth was ushered in by the patriotic boys of Hampton, at half past eleven Sunday evening, by the firing of guns and ringing of the bell. This was continued through the night to the great disgust of people who were less patriotic. We heard of no accident through the day, with the exception of a boy who was slightly wounded in the leg by the discharge of a musket in the hands of another. Quite a crowd visited the Beach during the evening to witness the fireworks.

A young man, well-known though from a neighboring town, was detected in the attempt of picking the pockets of several ladies on the piazza of the Boars Head hotel. We have not heard how well he succeeded.

The yacht Una, while getting under weigh, drifted ashore on the rocks off Boars Head, and was again floated at high water, receiving little or no injury.

The farmer has reason to be thankful for the rain of the past week, as it came just in the nick of time.


July 23, 1880

Hampton, July 16. -- We are informed by the old fishermen that never were so many mackerel seen along our shore as have been within the past two weeks. The water seems completely alive with them for miles seaward. Several vessels are busily engaged seining them and hundreds of barrels are caught daily. After being taken on deck of the vessel the largest are culled out, the rest thrown overboard. Probably where one barrel is saved, twenty barrels are thrown away ; so anyone can make but a slight estimate of the large number of mackerel destroyed in this way along the coast during the season.

Our Garfield and Arthur flag majestically floats between two poles about ten inches in diameter at the ground and five inches at the top and are forty-two feet tall. Mr. Samuel W. Dearborn Democrat, agreed to crawl up one of these poles and place his hand on the top, if Mr. Horace M. Lane Republican, would vote for Hancock. To this Mr. Lane readily assented providing Mr. Dearborn would vote for Garfield if he failed to accomplish the feat. Mr. Dearborn confident of success, and thinking perhaps that Hancock might need just one vote to elect, complied with the arrangement. One pleasant evening, however, before the time arrived to "crawl," Mr. Dearborn, (as he lives near) went out as he supposed unobserved, with the intention of practicing a little. He went for the old pole with the same indomitable pluck that always characterized him while at the front as a member of the old 3d N. H. regiment, but we are sorry that he can't make so good a climber as he did a soldier. After considerable scratching succeeded in getting up up about fifteen feet, where he hung like a canker worm for a moment, and, casting a quick, wistful glance heavenward, down he came kerthrash, and started for home, fully convinced that Garfield is the man. Consequently he failed to put in an appearance at the time appointed. So it is safe to score one for Garfield.

Rev. Mr. Durgin, of Michigan, formerly pastor of the Baptist church in this town, is spending a week with his family at the Hampton Beach Hotel.

Capt. Jonathan Godfrey, caught a "puff pig" in his net one morning last week.

Corn in this section is looking first-rate, and is shooting well for ears.

Don't drink too much water these warm days ; let the women folks make some ivy leaf tea or steep some thoroughwort. This will cure all hankering for ginger ale or malt bitters.

All the boarding houses in town are well filled.


Hampton, July 19. -- Rev. DeWitt C. Durgin, President of Hillsdale College, Mich., preached at the Freewill Baptist Church, on Sunday, the 19th, to a full house. Mr. Durgin was pastor of this church about twenty-five years ago., and was very popular with the people of the town.

X. Y. Z.

The visitors at Hampton Beach are increasing fast. The Boars Head hotel has one hundred or more boarders, the Ocean House is nearly full, and the other hotels have a respectable number. Among the visitors at Dumas' are noticed George Wadleigh, Esq., who for forty years was editor and proprietor of the Dover Enquirer. Senator Rollins will be at Dumas' this week, and the Hon. Edward F. Noyes, Minister to France, is expected in a few days. Dumas' hotel will soon be crowed to its utmost capacity. The public know how to appreciate a good house.

July 30, 1880

Hampton, July 27. -- A sad and probably fatal accident occurred on Friday afternoon of last week. As the 3.40 p.m freight train from Boston was crossing the marsh, the engineer, Mr. George Douglass, was looking out from between the cab and tender at a hot box in the rear of the train, when his head came in contact with the railing of the draw-bridge, knocking him from the train. The train was quickly stopped by the fireman, and Mr. Douglass was taken up insensible and brought to the depot. Dr. Wm. T. Merrill was immediately summoned and rendered all necessary aid until the arrival of the 5.15 train from Portsmouth, when he was conveyed to his home in Salem, Mass. By the aid of several physicians Mr. Douglass was restored to consciousness at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, having been nearly twenty-four hours insensible. But little hopes are entertained, however, of his recovery. Mr. Douglass was considered one of the best engineers on the road.

Another Garfield and Arthur flag has been thrown to the breeze on Shaw's hill, by Oliver Garland, Esq., who is one of our most zealous workers in the Republican cause.

Miss Eva Burpee, of Haverhill, Mass., 19 years of age, was drowned at the beach, Monday, while bathing.

A disgraceful affair took place in a berry pasture a short time since. One of our most estimable widow ladies got permission of a man to pick berries in his pasture, and supposed everything was all right, but his Hibernian house-keeper happened along, whose pugilistic propensities are somewhat noted, and ordered her away. The young lady not moving with the celerity of the pugnacious webfoot thought she ought, drew off and gave a blow square from the shoulder which took effect on the back of the lady's neck and caused quite a commotion for a few minutes ; but the lady evacuated the field in good order. The end is not yet.


Drowning Accident. On Monday, Miss Eva Burpee, formerly of this town, was drowned while bathing near the Ocean House at Hampton Beach. It appears that with Miss Alice M. Kimball, of Haverhill, Mass., she had been stopping at the cottage occupied by Mr. C. H. Downing, and the pair went into the water as usual. Venturing out a short distance Miss Burpee disappeared and was not seen again alive. Miss Kimball gave the alarm immediately, assistance was at once obtained, and the body recovered after about fifteen minutes. Drs. Chase and Eustis did all in their power to restore the victim, but life was entirely extinct. The accident was probably caused by a strong undertow, as the body was found a considerable distance from where Miss Burpee disappeared, and the water was but four feet deep. The funeral took place Wednesday, from the Methodist church of this town.

August 6, 1880

Hampton, August 1. -- The summer arrangement on the Eastern railroad gives Hampton eight trains from Boston and seven trains to Boston daily--Sundays, one train from Boston and two trains to Boston.

Rev. Mr. Lewis, of South Berwick, Me., preached at the Congregational church last Sunday, on exchange with Rev. Mr. Cutler.

Eggs, 20 cents per dozen.

In reply to the account, as given by "Shadow," of the wonderful dog that would readily give three cheers for Hancock and English, we would beg to say that "one dog story is good till another is told." Your correspondent bears in mind a dog owned by a man in this town, as long ago as when Zachary Taylor was a candidate for the Presidency. This dog when asked which he would do, vote for "Old Zack" or die, would at once fall down and apparently die. He would lie for several minutes in a deathlike manner, and allow his owner to pull him about like a dead dog. Can "Shadow" beat this?

"Shadow" states that he stands ready to climb that Hampton, pole, etc. Now Mr. "Shadow," we want you to come over and climb to the top of our Garfield and Arthur flag pole ; we will not require you to say your prayers or repeat the Declaration of Independence, but we will assure you that our citizens will go to the ballot box next fall uninfluenced by either politicians or money. We do not know of any voters hereabouts who sell their honor for money or adhere to influences contrary to their own principles, and not for any rum and molasses. No, not here.


Hampton, Aug. 4. -- Having been misinformed, we were rather premature in announcing in last weeks NEWS-LETTER, that another campaign flag had been thrown to the breeze the week before on Shaw's hill. As this interesting occasion did not take place until Thursday and Friday of last week, we therefore beg leave to give a more extended and minute account of the proceedings through the columns of your valuable paper. The beautiful flagstaff, which is the first ever raised in town, was prepared by Mr. Morris Hobbs, one of our most thorough mechanics, and hoisted into position under the supervision of Mr. Hobbs, and Mr. John M. Pearl, amid the exultations of the large crowd that had assembled. After the staff had been firmly imbeded in the ground a shower coming up induced the managers to postpone the raising of the flag with the accompanying ceremonies until five o'clock Friday afternoon, when nearly two hundred, about one half being ladies, were promptly on the ground ready to make the occasion one of unusual interest. Morris Hobs, Esq., was chosen chairman. The old flag was immediately hoisted to the truck amidst a continual round of cheers. Among the number were some of our good mothers, who rejoiced with tears in their eyes as the stars and stripes proudly floated to the breeze, yet with bleeding hearts they remembered the loved ones whom they so willingly sacrificed for their country's good, it may be, as one good woman remarked, all for naught. The chairman, after brief remarks, requested that the exercises be opened by all uniting in singing the good old partriotic and soul-stirring hymn, America. Divine blessing was then invoked by Deacon Knowles upon the viands which the ladies had so bountifully supplied and placed upon the table surrounding the flagstaff, after which all were invited to partake, and the ladies soon learned how well their services were appreciated. Appropriate speeches were now made by Deacon Knowles and Oliver Garland, Esq., which were frequently applauded. Amidst the rejoicing and confusion due praise was not fully accorded to Deacon Knowles. Therefore we take this method to express the thanks of all present for his sympathy and kindness, and all unite in wishing him many years of health, happiness and prosperity. The ladies also deserve special praise for contributing so largely, and working so hard to make the occasion one long to be remembered by all present. Their names we would be pleased to have appear in print did space permit. Our venerable friend and fellow citizen, Deacon Knowles, is now eighty-three years old, and for eight years previous to March, 1879, was totally blind. At that time his eyesight returned so that by the aid of glasses he can see to read, which affords him much comfort. In connection with the above we would state, that Mr. Charles W. Clements whose residence was close by hoisted a handsome Garfield flag, which added enchantment to the scene.

We are pleased to report that Mr. George Douglass, the engineer, who was at first supposed to be fatally injured at the drawbridge, is now out of danger and doing well.

No one has any objection to Mr. "Shadow" climbing the flag pole and saying his prayers, provided it be generally understood. We would not give the impression to strangers frequently passing that we had hung Hancock in effigy. As for the Republicans voting uninfluenced, he may rest assured on that point. They will, and must do it, because the opposite party does not use money or any of the "all powerful factors."

It must be real consoling to those Southern gentlemen to hear the Northern Democratic papers tell how near Gen. Hancock came of wiping them from the face of the earth.


August 13, 1880

Hampton, Aug. 9. -- A general panic was created among the liquor sellers of Hampton Beach by a quartette of sheriffs, who made a search of thrteen different places for the ardent, and were wonderfully successful. One smart man got the start of them by barring his entrance until he had secreted everything suspicious. All were brought before the police court, and with one exception, waived examination to appear before the October term of court. We will further remark that the smart man has since been captured.

"SPUD" says in last week's NEWS-LETTER that Mr. Charles Clements hoisted a Garfield flag from his residence. "SPUD'S" eyes must have deceived him, for Mr. Clements declares he would not do such a thing, and that it was a Hancock instead.


Hampton, Aug. 10. -- As Mr. Charles Coffin was crossing the street near the depot, on Friday evening last, he was knocked down by a horse and considerably bruised. Mr. Coffin is very deaf, and the driver was looking in another direction.

The Rockingham County Temperance Association held their convention in the town hall on Thursday of last week. A collation was served in the lower hall at noon. Large delegations were present from Portsmouth, Newmarket and other towns. Several eloquent speakers were present, and the exercises were very interesting throughout the day. There were but two of our best citizens present to show their affiliation to the cause, which seems a little singular when there are so many apparently so deeply interested in the temperance work. Hon. Frank Miller, of Portsmouth, is President of the association.

Judge O'Neal, of Ohio, is boarding at Mr. Edmund Mason's.

Several wise men of Gotham have gone to sea in a bowl. The length of the story will depend somewhat upon the strength of the bowl.

The annual festival of our glee club took place at the house of Mrs. Susan W. Brown, on the 5th inst.


August 20, 1880

Hampton, August 16. -- About half-past one Wednesday morning of last week, a mob of low-born, drunken vagabonds laid seige to the residence of Mr. N. P. Rhines, of Concord, who is residing at the Beach, and bombarded the castle until nothing was left but splintered boards and chips. Mr. Rhines was alone in the building at the time, and remained concealed for his life, which was threatened if he showed his head. The ringleaders are well known and it probably will cost them dear as they will be speedily brought to justice.


Hampton, August 17. -- Mr. Thomas S. Blake has a pear tree of the Clapp's favorite variety, which blossomed at the usual time in the spring, but all the buds were blighted. It soon blossomed again and pears formed, and when they had grown to the size of walnuts, it blossomed the third time, and pears also formed from these blossoms, which are now the size of ounce balls. And still the tree, seemingly determined to eclipse anything of the kind ever known about here, is now again in full bloom. The pears from the second and third bloom are looking well and growing, but from the fourth bloom it does'nt yet appear what there will be.

Mr. O. H. Whittier, proprietor of the Union House, gave his numerous guests a rare treat in way of a delicious clam bake on Saturday afternoon last, on the lawn adjoining the house. In the evening the house was made resplendent by over two hundred Chinese lanterns suspended around the broad piazzas and triangularly across the street. Brilliant fireworks were displayed during the evening, while the jovial crowd danced to the splendid music of Edney's quadrille band. Interspersed was singing by several of the lady guests. Mr. Whittier has had a full house for nearly two months and has turned away a large number whom he was unable to accommodate.

Mr. John J. Mason died on Monday, August 9th, as his home in Somerville, Mass. Mr. Mason was born in this town, and learned the printer's trade in the office of the Rockingham Messenger, at Portsmouth, after which he was connected with the American Ballot, at Portsmouth. He removed to Boston, Mass., about twenty-four years ago, and was connected with the Atlas, Traveller and Evening Voice, in an editorial capacity. Since 1866 he has been connected with the Advertiser, as proof reader and foreman. Mr. Mason was 49 years of age, and leaves a wife, seven children, and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. His remains were brought here on Wednesday of last week, for burial.


August 27, 1880

Hampton, Aug. 23. -- Schools in district Nos. 1 and 2 commenced to-day, taught by the former teachers. We congratulate ourselves on being able to procure the services of these efficient teachers.

As for the last dog story as told by "Shadow," we cannot beat that so shall not undertake to. We only testify to what we have seen, and know to be a fact.

We have been on the look-out and have not seen nor even heard of the "Garfield" pole being climbed. No, not even by Shadow, and have come to the conclusion that talk is cheap.


Hampton, Aug. 23. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Darwin Perkins and son have been in town for a few days, on a visit to their parents, Deacon James Perkins, and started for their home at Santa Fee, New Mexico, on Thursday last. Mrs. Perkins has charge of the Mission school in Santa Fee, and is to resume her duties as teacher the first of September. May they return safely, feeling well paid for taking so long a journey, and come again, is the sincere desire of their many friends here.

We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, from Concord, are sojourning with their friends in town.

L. P.

Hampton, Aug. 23. -- The Democrats of this town raised a Hancock and English flag on Tuesday evening of last week, in front of the Union House. Quite a crowd was present from both parties. A speech by I. Bradford, of Exeter. The Rye cornet band furnished the music. We don't know exactly how big Gen. Hancock is, but at the close of the exercises some one proposed to give him three chairs. A Democratic lady, getting a little excited as a spark of partiotism went vibrating through her mortal bussum with an undulating motion, said to a Republican lady, that she knew nothing about poli-tics, luna-tics, bed-tics, wood-tics nor any other kind of tics, but she hoped she was Democra-tic.

The Republicans have procured two portraits of Gen. Garfield and have had them placed on each side of their flag.

Some of our farmers, we guess, are fixing to dig their potatoes. They are mowing their weeds. Mr. George Dow is buying at the depot at fifty cents a bushel.


September 3, 1880

Hampton, Aug. 30. -- I noticed in your paper that Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Perkins were in town last week on a visit to their parents, and that they had left for their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he has been engaged in carpentering the past year or more taking jobs with quite a number of men in his employ. Mr. Perkins, has been largely engaged in mining since he has been absent from home the past twelve years. He has a large valuable claim in Mexico, where the Indians have troubled the white settlers, but now have been driven far into Mexico. On Mr. Perkin's return, he will open up his claim where he expects a rich deposit of silver. Mr. Perkins was one who enlisted as a soldier in Company K. 16th New Hampshire Volunteers, Joseph H. Thacher, Captain. He went to New Orleans and served under General Banks. Mr. Perkins was a good, faithful soldier always found at his post of duty, ready and willing to undergo all the hardships of the soldier. No one can form a correct idea of what the soldier endured for the life of the country, but he who served at the front, where are the honors today ? How much is bestowed upon him more then on those who remained at home ? I well remember those dark days of the republic, when men's hearts failed them, when we were called upon so very often to fill our quota. Those days are not forgotten by those who responded to the calls. Are not they forgotten in a great measure by those who took no active part ? I can but respect the south for the interest they take in their soldiers. They help them to places of honor, and not to dishonor. What percentage of soldiers have the North in Congress in comparison with the South ? I would say to the "Boys in Blue," throw your ballots for those men who threw their bullets with you. Such men you can trust in civil as well as military service. Fight for the right boys, fight for the right !


Hampton, Aug. 31. -- The Republicans living in the vicinity of Shaw's hill, not feeling satisfied with their flag staff, owing to its shortness and other defects, have procured a new one, which was shaped with perfect symmetry and successfully hoisted in position on Tuesday afternoon of last week, under the direction of Mr. Morris Hobbs and Mr. Joseph Perkins. It is 75 feet tall and capped by a spread eagle. As the work of fastening the staff was nearly completed, the ladies formed a circle around the same and in turns threw a shovel full of earth about its base to make it more firm in honor of Generals Garfield and Arthur, who are to be our standard bearers for the next four years. The old stars and stripes, which have been consecrated to liberty and equal rights, were now hoisted to the peak, amidst the huzzas of the assembled multitude, and the Republicans of old Hampton take up their march once more, keeping step now, as in the past, to the music of liberty, truth, justice and right, which can never perish, and knows no defeat, and never will until every citizen throughout this broad land without distinction of race or color, shall be in full possession of all their rights, and are equal before the law. Deacon Knowles was now introduced by the President, Mr. Morris Hobbs, who spoke forcibly and to the point, and frequently elicited applause. After this Col. Peter Sanborn, who is fully alive to the great issues of the day, and who voted with the Democratic party, as he expresses it, d__l and all, for twenty-five years, took the stand and made a pungent speech which was well received and heartily applauded. After singing "America" all were invited to partake of the collation which the ladies had so bountifully provided, which greatly enhanced the enjoyment of the occasion. Excellent music was furnished during the afternoon by the Atlantic cornet band, of Seabrook.

Several of our citizens have lost sheep the past week, by being killed by dogs.

The busiest place in town at the present time is in the marsh. Thousands of tons of salt grass have been cut and stacked within a week.


Hampton, Aug. 30. -- A new liberty pole, erected in Hampton, was stepped on Shaw's hill, in the east part of the town, by the Republicans in that vicinity. It was put up Wednesday last in place of the one erected two weeks ago. This pole is 75 feet from the ground to the truck, upon which is placed a very handsome eagle, which heads to the wind every time. After the topmast was on end, a large nice flag bearing the names of Garfield and Arthur was sent to the truck in a ball, and when all things were ready it was unfurled to the breeze, when three rousing cheers were given to the emblem of our country and to the names the flag bore, while the brass band from South Seabrook discoursed some very fine selections of music, beautifully performed.


September 10,1880

Hampton, Sept. 7. -- The following persons have been chosen to the several conventions from this town : State, S. H. Dumas, --Wingate ; Congressional and Councillor, Augustus D. Akerman, John C. Marston ; County, John C. Palmer, John C. Marston ; Senatorial, Horace M. Lane, John I. Page.

The guests at the hotels are taking their departure, and we think all of the hotels have fully sustained their former reputation, and the season has been an encouraging and prosperous one, more than for many years. Among the large number who have visited our beach have been many distinguished personages.

Mrs. Lane has a cup and saucer that is one hundred and eight years old.


September 24, 1880

Hampton, Sept. 14. -- The storm of last week along the coast was quite severe, but no particular damage done in this vicinity except the staying up of one or two small boats at the fish houses. It is very evident however that some lumber laden vessel off the shore had felt the force of the heavy sea as several casks and considerable lumber were picked up along the beach. It was feared at one time that breaches might be made through the sea wall in several places, but fortunately the wind veered from northeast to north by east before high tide, thereby lessening somewhat the force of the breakers. Fifteen hundred loads of sea weed are estimated to be on North beach and at the logs (so called) and most of the farmers are availing themselves of the opportunity of getting rich.

The night before the storm the Hancock flag was taken in out of the draft. In the morning a pair of pants was discovered proudly floating in its stead, at the tune of a northeaster.

The cranberry crop was greatly injured by the late frost.

The gunning season has commenced, and the boys have got their firelocks in order, and already have made some good hits among the teal, ducks and smaller birds. One of our prominent citizens, in passing the causeway pond at early dawn and morning, espied what he supposed to be a flock of ducks resting upon its placid bosom. Hastening home he soon procured a gun and a man to do the crawling and shooting, and returned to the scene of action, with the understanding that if the expedition proved in any way successful they should divide the proceeds. All preliminaries being settled, the man started double quick for the marsh, and after considerable maneuvering, got 'em ducks 'bout where he wanted 'um, and let go, bang, bang. About the time the smoke cleared away there was considerable noise in the road where the squire was drawn up in line to battle to take any on the wing that should attempt to go northward, and when the two men met some loud talk was heard about damning the water, the decoy ducks, and all other kind of ducks out of that pond.

Mrs. Ames has her new house up and boarded. The work is under the supervision of S. W. Dearborn, Esq.


Hampton, Sept. 22. -- As Mr. Joseph Weare was on his way home from Newburyport, Mass., Monday evening, he heeded not the warning of the flagman at Ward's crossing, consequently the engine of the 8.19 train for Boston, struck his hind wheels and piled him and wagon under the fence. The wagon was pretty well demolished, but, fortunately, Mr. Weare escaped with a few slight bruises. The train stopped, but it was quite a while before the train men and flagman could make him understand (as one man states it) that a "conclusion" had taken place.


Hampton, Sept. 24. -- The wife of Lieut. William Ladd Dodge, formerly of Co. D., 3d N. H. regiment, died in Winchester, Mass., on Tuesday of last week, aged 41 years. Her remains were taken to this town on Friday for burial. Prayer was offered at the grave by Rev. Mr. Cutler, where quite a number had gathered, notwithstanding the short notice, to pay a last sad tribute of respect to one they had in former years learned to love for her many endearing traits of character and Christian virtues. Early in life she espoused the cause of Christianity, and ever since, in the church, in the Sabbath school, and in her daily intercourse she endeavored to set an example worthy of imitation. Now that she has fallen asleep her example will remain as a bright star in her memory. Through long weary months she has borne her sufferings with a Christian's fortitude, was strong in faith, firm in hope, which at last has enabled her to pass the portals to a higher life, calmly as the evening zephyrs. Although dead she still speaks, and in many ways will the sorrow-stricken husband and children be reminded of her gentleness, and motherly kindness. Everything was done that human agency could do to ward off the dread disease, but to no avail. The one for whom the bereaved ones so deeply mourn, leaves a place which cannot easily be filled.


Hampton, Sept. 13. -- The great storm that has been raging at sea the past week or more has reached our shore at last. Many went down to the beach to witness the seas as they came rushing in on the shore. Nothing is more beautiful to look upon than to watch the great rollers follow each other in regular order, but when our thoughts are turned toward those who are struggling in the seas for their lives, it is then the picture presents a different scene. A schooner laden with last wood, &c., started a plank on her side when off the Shoals and sank. A great portion of her freight came onto our beaches.

The farmers are very busy hauling seaweed which was thrown upon our beach. At the north side of Great Boar's Head it was estimated that there were nearly a thousand loads. It was a beautiful sight for the farmer, covering over an acre or more quite deeply. At the north beach it was said that there were more than a thousand loads which gives the farmers a good chance without crowding too near each other as is sometimes the case.

The summer boarding season is nearly closed. It has been a success, both the public and private houses having been well filled nearly the whole season. Parties are still coming. We hope the next season to see still more among us.


October 1, 1880

Hampton, Sept. 27. -- As Mr. Thomas L. Marston, and wife were on their way home from Exeter, on Saturday evening last, their horse became unmanagable on meeting four young men with bicycles, overturned the wagon and threw its occupants to the ground. He leaped over the wall and ran across the field, and leaped over another wall into Mr. John H. Fogg's pasture, where he was found Sunday morning with the shafts only. Mr. and Mrs. Marston were conveyed to their home by Mr. Josiah Dearborn, and medical assistance was summoned. Mrs. Marston was found to be not much hurt, but Mr. Marston had received several external injuries, and is up to this date unable to leave his bed.

Jurors drawn ; Samuel D. Lane, grand juror ; Samuel A. Towle, petit juror.

Mackerel are again very plenty along the shore, but most of them do not seem inclined to spend the winter here, notwithstanding our fishermen manage to catch a few every morning.


October 8, 1880

The house at Hampton Beach owned by Mr. Eben T. Garland, of this town, and occupied by him during the summer months as an eating and ice cream saloon, and extensively known as the "Cottage by the Sea," was burned about eight o'clock Tuesday evening. The origin of the fire is unknown, but we understand the loss is fully covered by insurance.

October 15, 1880

Hampton, Oct. 11. -- Capt. David F. Nudd caught 2400 mackerel in his nets on three days of last week, on the gunning ground, off of Boars Head.

Mountain Lamprey killed a pair of coots at one shot, one day while gunning out at sea, this fall.

Beauregard H. M. Lamprey was shot into on Wednesday morning, by a highlander. One shot struck him on his right elbow, hitting the bone, and quite a number went through the side of his boat.

Deacon Dow has broken ground for his cottage house, on the lot he purchased of Dr. DeLancey.

Mr. Smith, of Exeter, while out gunning last week, shot and killed a porpoise, or sea hog, which was estimated to weight over one hundred pounds.

Mrs. Hulda Marston died on Thursday morning, Oct. 7, aged ninty-nine years, eleven months and thirteen days. Mrs. Marston was a member of the Congregational church, and became a member under the late Rev. Josiah Webster, in the year 1834.

Rev. Benjamin F. Perkins, of Sterling, Mass., occupied the pulpit at the Freewill Baptist church last Sunday afternoon.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, Oct. 6. -- It will be remembered by many readers of the NEWS-LETTER, that we mentioned one year and a half ago that James Lane, Esq., was preparing ponds for trout culture. After months of perserverence, he has so well succeeded as to attract the attention of citizens in this and adjoining towns, among whom are many prominent men who have watched carefully the progress of Mr. Lane's endeavor, and have fully assured themselves that there is not only profit, but pleasure in it. Mr. Lane has been induced to sell this land, and Gen. Marston, of Exeter, and John Marsh, Esq., of Haverhill, Mass., are the purchasers. Several acres of this land contain a large number of mineral springs, and it is well adapted for the purpose to which it is being put. A number of excavations have already been made, which immediately fill with perfectly transparent spring water, in which can be seen hundreds of beautiful trout of all sizes basking in the sunlight. Work is still going on ; new ponds and walks are being made, some of which are bordered by autumnal foliage and present a scene truly picturesque. Mr. Lane, who has profited by large experience, is still kept in charge, and is the right man in the right place. All the work is done under his supervision. He has caused to be placed over one of the springs a reservoir, from which can be taken ten gallons of water a minute, without the least sign of exhaustion. Having assisted in doing this work, and seen the spring fully tested, we do not hesitate to pronounce it one of the best springs of water that can be found in the Granite state. The water is colorless, tasteless, and perfectly clear, and will keep for any length of time. All the water drank at the Ocean house, and many others at the beach during the boarding season, was drawn from these springs. Steps are now being taken to have the Farragut house at Rye beach supplied with water by means of a pipe. Thousand have visited these ponds during the summer to see the fish and to quench their thirst at the never-failing springs. If these enterprising gentlemen continue to improve and beautify the grounds it will without doubt in a short time become a famous summer resort.

Mrs. James Lane has a sugar bowl that has been used upon the table every day for fifty-five years.

Mr. A. D. Brown has on exhibition in his store a California cucumber, raised by Mr. Henry J. Perkins, which measures three and one-half feet in length, and five inches in diameter at the middle.

Most of our farmers have nearly finished their harvesting of rather more than an average crop. So far as we have learned Mr. Charles C. Marston is the champion potato raiser, having grown 165 bushels of Early Rose on one-half acre of ground ; only fifty bushels of these are small ones. Six potatos taken from one hill weighed six pounds, two ounces. How's that for high ?

"Shadow" outdone. "Rep," of Hampstead, says Mr. Noyes, of that town, recently picked and packed, ready to ship, (so of course he must have headed them) one hundred barrels of apples in one day. Tough, Mr. "Rep."


Hampton, Oct. 13. -- Mrs. Hulda Marston died on Thursday of last week, at the advanced age of 99 years, 11 months and 7 days. She was the oldest person that ever died in town and it was the general wish that she might have lived to celebrate her one hundredth birthday, but she has been called away. The old clock that was ticking at the time of her birth has faithfully marked the time all these years and is yet doing good service. While the family are mourning for one whose companionship they had enjoyed so long, their sorrow is increased by the death of her son, Col. David Marston, who died on Monday afternoon, aged 67. Mr. Marston leaves a wife, son and daughter.

The boat picked up adrift by Captain John C. Palmer and T. C. Perkins on Saturday morning belonged to Mr. Jerome Boyd, of Seabrook, who is supposed to have been drowned some time during Friday of last week, as he has not been heard from since Thursday.

Mr. Cyrus M. Drake picked from one tree fifteen barrels of apples, one of the apples measured fourteen and three-fourths inches.

Mr. John C. Marston, has been drawn as grand juror to serve at the Supreme Court in Portsmouth


October 22, 1880

Hampton, Oct. 18. -- We wish to correct one item in last week's items, which reads, that Mountain Lamprey killed a pair of "coots" at one shot, &c., which should read, Mountain Lamprey killed a pair of loons, or in other words two loons at one shot.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, Oct. 18. -- Rev. Mr. Carter, pastor of the M. E. church, of this place, preached a very interesting discourse on Sunday morning on the subject "Why I am three-fourths a Universalist," selecting his text from Ezekiel, XVIII, 4. The speaker pointed out plainly that, according to his views of the Bible, universal salvation was contrary to the Scriptures. The natural inclination of man was to sin. Man was born in sin, but his duty was to overcome sin and the world, by taking up his cross, and becoming a humble, devout Christian, that he many enter heaven at last. He renounced morality, as being unsafe to rely upon, and proved very plainly that the true way to lay hold of eternal life and bliss was to repent and be baptized. On the whole, I should say as a listenner, that his discourse corresponded more to the text, than it did to the subject.

L. P.

Hampton, Oct. 4. -- The value of academies may be seen in part by the benefit those who arrive to positions of public life and trust have derived, and secondly, the training of a multitude who act in the mere private relations of life. I propose to notice a few members of one term of Hampton Academy, the summer term of 1830, fifty years ago. Roswell Harris, A. M., was Principal. All I know of him afterwards is, he died in Brattleborough, Vt. He died some years ago. Joseph Dow was assistant the last part of the term. He was of Hampton. He was a student in Dartmouth college, graduated in 1833, was afterwards Principal in different academies, resides now in Hampton, does business in settling estates, and is distinguished for antiquarian research. His publications are: "An historical address at the close of the second century of the settlement of Hampton, in 1838;" "The history of the Congregational church in Hampton, in the volume of the history of the New Hampshire churches," published in 1856; and "The geneology of the Tuck family." published in 1877. It is understood he has done much in collecting a history of the original town of Hampton. If he should complete and publish it, there is no doubt it will be a very valuable addition to that kind of antiquarian research. The Perceptress was Miss Matilda Leavitt. She was of Hampton, and was a daughter of James Leavitt, Esq., who lived in the large house, still standing, on the main road westerly of the Academy. She afterwards married Mr. Harris, the Principal, but died some years before he did. Of the students, the first to be named is Edmund B. Dearborn. He was of North Hampton, and at this term I think finished his preparation for college. He did not go to college however, and has been in Boston about forty years, engaged in different pursuits, and for about thirty years has been engaged much on the "Genealogy of the Dearborn family in America." It is hoped he may be able to complete and publish it. James French was of North Hampton, son of Rev. Jonathan French. D. D. He became a Baptist minister, was once settled in Exeter, and is now in the West. Joseph Fullonton was of Raymond, taught school a portion of the time for twenty-five years, was a minister some years, is now a farmer in Raymond, and has published a history of that town, a volume of 400 octave pages. James W. Grimes was of Deering. He went West, became Governor of Iowa, and Senator in Congress from that state. He died some years ago. James M. Lovering was of Hampton. I have not a particular account of this gentleman, but know that he settled in Exeter and was long a Justice of the Peace. I suppose he is there now. He was Town Clerk in 1847, '48 and '49. Representative in 1855, '56 and '57. Daniel F. Merrill was of Stratham. He graduated at Dartmouth college in 1836. He taught much in different sections of the country, but I have not full particulars of his life. He was living a few years ago. Amos Merrill was of Salisbury, Mass. I do not know whether he went to college or not. I think he studied law, went West and for many years was District Judge of the United States Court in one part of California or Texas. Probably is now. He has often spent the summer vacation at Hampton beach. Solomon Pendergast was of Durham. He taught much. The last I heard of him he was somewhere west of New England. Amos Tuck was of Parsonsfield, Me., graduated at Dartmouth college in 1835, was assistant in Pembroke Academy one term. Principal at Hampton Academy about two years, studied law, commenced practice in Exeter late in 1838, in 1842 was Representative in the Legislature, in 1847 was elected Representative to Congress where he continued six years, for several years was Naval Officer in Boston. He performed duties in other important positions of trust, was a man of good abilities and sterling integrity. His first marriage was with Miss Sarah A. Nudd, of Hampton. Their children were eight, but several of them died young. His second wife was a Mrs. Shepard. She died Oct. 10, 1876. Mr. Tuck died in Exeter a few months ago. Jeremy W. Tuck was of Kensington, graduated at Amherst college in 1840, studied theology, was pastor in Ludlow, Mass., Thorndike, Me., Jewett City, Conn., and the last I knew in Middletown, Conn. Some of his sermons, &c., have been published. He has been married twice, and has had seven children.

J. F.

October 29, 1880

Portsmouth. -- Supreme Court - Clark, J.

On Thursday the grand jury came in and reported the following list of indictments: John G. Cutter, of Hampton, keeping liquor for sale; Charles Sargent, Hampton, keeping liquor for sale; J. S. Dearborn, Hampton, keeping liquor for sale.

On Tuesday, J. S. Dearborn, John G. Cutter and Charles Sargeant, all of Hampton and all indicted for keeping liquor for sale contrary to the statute, severally retracted their pleas of not guilty, and pleaded unwilling to contend. Sentence reserved.

November 5, 1880

Hampton. -- At our town meeting on Tuesday the following Republican vote was cast for state and county officers: For Presidential electors, 223; For Charles H. Bell, Governor, 219; For railroad commissoners, 223; For Joshua G. Hall, member of Congress, 222; For Thomas G. Jameson, Councillor, 223; For Amos C. Chase, Senator, 223. For county officers: John Horace Kent, Sheriff, 221; Walter C. Harriman, Solicitor, 220; George E. Lane, Treasurer, 223; George W. Weston, Register of Deeds 223; Woodbury M. Durgin, Register of Probate, 223; Newton Johnston, Wells C. Underhill, Hoseph C. Burley, Commissioners, 222; Jacob T. Brown, Republican, was elected Representative to the General Court. The old board of Supervisors Morris Hobbs, rep., Uri Lamprey dem, John S. James, rep., were re-elected. The Democrats cast 143 votes for all their candidates with the exception of those for county officers which fell off a few votes, making a total vote of 366, the largest vote ever cast in our town. Our check list contains 404 names and only 38 failed to exercise their right of suffrage. There was one Prohibition ticket thrown, however, which will count one for each of their candidates with the exception of George D. Dodge for Governor who received three.

Hampton, Oct. 20. -- In a recent paper some account was given of several of the students of the Academy in the summer term of 1830, fifty years ago. The exhibition at the close of the term will not be noticed. It was on the eleventh day of August. The summer terms of academies and colleges ran later into the warm season than in the last few years. The examination was in the forenoon. I recollect but little of this, save that Rev. Jonathan French, one of the Trustees, was present, and then I saw him for the first time, afterwards knew him well. I recollect also Rev. L. F. Dimmick, pastor of the North church, Newburyport, Mass., also a trustee, and that in a few remarks at the close he said rather than live in ignorance of the sciences he should rather it possible creep back into unexistence. Hearing him preach several times afterwards, he always made his discourses interesting by scientific illustrations and deep theological research. The exhibition was in the large, old-fashioned meeting-house, since changed to the present town hall. The congregation was large, filling the house well above and below. The exercises opened with anthem, "Star in the East," Salutatory address, by Amos Morrill, Salisbury, Mass.; Extract, J. J. Lane, Stratham; Oration, "Miseries of War," Lemuel Gott, Gloucester, Mass. The next was a dialogue, "Disappointed Money Seekers." This was founded on the murder of Joseph White, of Salem, in the spring previous, and was written mainly by Solomon Pendergast, of Durham, but one or more assisted in some of its points. Those who had parts in it were T. M. Smith, Durham, S. Pendergast, Claudius B. Webster, Hampton, Amos Tuck, Parsonsfield, Maine, Joseph Fullonton, Raymond, and Lemuel Gott. Latin Oration, Passage of the Rubicon, D. F. Merrill, Stratham; Eulogy, Character of Howard, Amos Tuck; Extract, Jocob Dodge, Hampton Falls; Greek Dialogue, Mimicry, C. B. Webster, Hampton, and John S. Brown, Newbury, Mass.; Disputation. Ought the petition in favor of the Cherokee Indians to have been granted? S. Pendergast and A. Morrill. The tenth exercise was a dialogue, "Country School," by Edmund B. Dearborn, then residing in Hampton, but born at Pagetown in North Hampton. T. M. Smith was in the character of teacher, Joseph Fullonton, Prudential Committee, J. J. Lane, J. Dodge, E. B. Dearborn, citizens of the district. The principal features were complaints at the high price paid the teacher by parents who told each other, before the school began, what wonderful boys they had, and that they should give the teacher his orders about their boys, and then later terrible complaints or tumult and abuse of the teacher because their boys had been corrected. Mr. Dearborn was apt in description, full of mimicry and mirthfulness, and when this dialogue was gone over a few days before, in one of the recitation rooms, the Preceptor, Mr. Harris, almost lost himself in a fit of laughter. The eleventh exercise was an Oration, Importance of Free Schools in a Republican Government, T. M. Smith. Twelfth, Missionary Enterprise, S. Pendergast. Thirteeth, The Literature of England and America Compared, with the Valedictory Address, E. B. Dearborn. In that year, 1830, Hampton Academy was young -- but 20 years old. It is now 70 years old. Its living daughters and sons, who enjoyed its benefits, remember the institution with grateful affection.

J. F.

November 12, 1880

Hampton, Nov. 1. -- Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Shaw celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Monday evening of last week, with about sixty-five of their relatives and friends who were present. The evening was spent in vocal and instrumental music, games, &c. At 10 o'clock all were invited to a bountiful supper, consisting of tea and coffee, bread, pressed beef, cold tongue, chickens and cake in great abundance, after which remarks were made by Rev. W. H. Cutler, which were intersting and appropriate for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Spalding of Newburyport, Mass., who married Mr. and Mrs. Shaw twenty-five years ago, was expected to be present, but was unavoidably detained. The presents were numerous and elegant, and silver dollars were abundant. All seemed pleased with the evening's entertainments, and left many congratulations and good wishes, that Mr. Shaw and his worthy companion may live to celebrate their golden wedding.

The woman's missionary meeting met last week with Mrs. Charles Marston. A goodly number were present. Where is the Mispah Circle?

The Baptist society were plastering and finishing their new vestry, and hope to hold meetings there the coming winter.

Several of our winter terms of schools commence next Monday. Miss Flora Taylor is to teach in District No. 1, Mr. H. M. Lane in District No. 2, and Miss Maria Perkins is to teach in Bride Hill District.

Gunners are having fine sport at the Beach this season. Sea fowl are plentiful and cheap.


Hampton, Nov. 9. -- Schools in district No. 1 closed Friday, Oct. 29th. Grammar school taught by Miss Flora Taylor, primary by Miss E. A. Hardy. We understand that our committee have been so fortunate as to procure the same teachers to take charge of the schools during the winter term. Miss Taylor is too well known as a teacher to need comment, but we will say that she shows herself mistress of her situation wherever she is placed. At the last examination there was shown marked progress and perfect order, cleanliness and promptness to duty by both teacher and scholars. Miss Hardy, teacher of the primary school, by her gentle and pleasing manner, has won the affection of her little scholars. Success is sure to follow such teachers, and on the whole we congratulate our committee and ourselves to be able to procure the services of these valuable teachers.

At the recent town meeting a vote was passed instructing the selectmen to insert, in their annual reports, from year to year, a list of all births, marriages and deaths, that take place during the year ending December 31, preceding the date of publication of said reports.

X. Y. Z.

November 19, 1880

Hampton, Nov. 17. -- Mrs. Ames has moved into her elegant new house, just finished by Samuel W. Dearborn, Esq., one of our most thorough mechanics, who keeps employed most of the time through the year eight or ten of our best carpenters. The house contains all modern improvements and is to be heated by a furnace, and every room is supplied with pure water from a large tank which is filled by a pump in the well, operated by a windmill. The barn and horse stable are also to be furnished with water from this tank. The affairs of the farm are conducted by Mr. George Fisk, her son by a former husband. Mr. Ames, who is a man of strict integrity and highly respected, is Chief of Police in Cambridge, Mass. The house formerly occupied by Mrs. Ames has been purchased by Mr. Joseph Dow, and was successully moved on his cellar near the town house, on Monday last, by Mr. Morrill, of Salisbury, Mass.

Mr. John Dearborn, one of our highly respected citizens, passed away on Tuesday morning, having been sick but a short time.

The old well near what is called "Lane's corner," which is probably over one hundred years old, having become dry during the drought and deemed unsafe to be cleared out, has been filled up and a new one dug about twenty feet to the north of it, thereby giving more width and better appearance to the street. A new pump is to take the place of the old one, the water from which will be used as heretofore for the public benefit, to quench the thirst of man and beast.


November 26, 1880

Hampton, Nov. 25. -- The house, barn and outbuildings belonging to Mr. John C. Davis, on the Exeter road, were burned on Monday afternoon. This will be a severe loss to Mr. Davis, although we understand the buildings were insured.


December 3, 1880

Hampton, Nov. 24. -- Notwithstanding mention was made in last week's NEWS-LETTER of the grand jollification in this town, we cannot refrain from begging leave of the editor, and readers to refer to it again, and in doing so will commence back to our town meeting, which was very fully attended. Everyone seemed to evince more than usual interest in the great important issues connected with the campaign. Most of the young men who are just entering upon the active duties of life, and seemingly determined to fill up those duties with usefulness, cast their maiden votes for Garfield and Arthur. And among the large number present were noticeable many of our staunch Republican citizens who have passed their three score years and ten, and even four score years, who bravely and unflinchingly stayed up the hearts of the brave boys who went forth in our country's darkest hours to battle for the right, and uphold, and perpetuate the glorious institutions of this great nation. They, too, seemed eager to crown the last grand acts of their lives by voting on the side of right and justice. And as the glad tidings flashed along the wires of our State and National victory, every loyal heart was filled with enthusiasm which seemed to be unbounded. The old bell was rung, amidst the firing of musketry, and while the excitement increased, the scene was enlivened by bonfires and fireworks. Not content with this, every patriot seemed determined to give a more open expression to his feelings, therefore appointed Wednesday evening of last week for a grand demonstration and supper, which greatly excelled anything of the kind that ever took place in this town. A large company of the sturdy and patriotic sons of North Hampton, and Rye, accompanied by the Rye cornet band, commanded by Capt. James Smith, kindly proffered their aid and were welcomed by a mounted company of torch-bearers in this town, at the railroad bridge, and escorted through the principle streets, after which they were dismissed at the hall. The hall was tastefully decorated with evergreen, and portraits of Abraham Lincoln and other distinguished personages. Back of the rostrum was suspended the old flag which has done good service in several campaigns and attached to its folds was a likeness of President-elect Garfield, over which was the inscription, "Our Nation's choice." Morris Hobbs, Esq., was president of the meeting, and introduced as speakers Hon. John D. Lyman, George E. Lane, Esq., of Exeter, Col. Peter Sanborn, of Concord, and Rev. D. B. Murray, of Manchester, each of whom spoke to the point and frequently elicited applause. After the speaking all were invited to the lower hall to partake of the bounteous supper which had been provided, consisting of oysters, turkey, fresh and corned beef, cold tongue, beside sea fowl, cake, pastry, coffee, &c. About two hundred could be accommodated at a time, yet it took over two hours for all to be satisfied. About one o'clock the hall had become sufficiently clear for dancing, and a large number availed themselves of the opportunity, to the inspiring strains of Harlow's quadrille band, of Portsmouth, which was kept up until three o'clock. Thus ended one of the largest Republican meetings ever held in Hampton. Great credit is due the managing committee, also the ladies who entered upon this undertaking with a zeal and patriotism seldom equaled, and contributed largely to the success of the meeting. Notwithstanding the short notice many of our citizens illuminated their residences along the route of the procession. Among the number were Thomas Leavitt, Esq., John H. Johnson, Horace Hobbs and others. Many of our Democratic friends have, after giving the great political arena a candid and careful survey, formed the opinion that the right men have been selected as our State and National standard bearers, and being present seemed to enjoy themselves remarkably well.

It is rumored that steps are being taken to organize a military company in this town. We hope the young men will move forward in this direction, as we have the material for as good a company as there is in the state.


Hampton, Nov. 30. -- The family of Mr. and Mrs. James Lane, met at their house on Thanksgiving day. It consisted of eight persons, besides little Annie Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emery, whose father, mother, grand-father, grand-mother, great-grand-father and great-grand-mother were present, besides her uncle and aunt.

A cow owned by Messrs. Jacob B. and Moses Leavitt, slipped on the ice one day last wek, and broke her shoulder, which necessitated her being killed.

Thanksgiving day was observed by a union meeting in the Baptist church. A sermon was delivered by Rev. A. B. Carter.

A shooting match took place Thanksgiving day, near the depot, where the boys had considerable more sport than luck, in trying to put two No. 2 shot inside of a six inch ring at a distance of sixty yards for a chicken. Owing (of course) to poor powder or poorer guns, but a few had the satisfaction of carrying off the game. Johnny Dow, of North Hampton, we learn made the best shots, having got three chickens.

H. P. Copp & Co., have held an auction in the town hall every evening during the past week.

Hampton, Nov. 29. -- Union services of all the churches in town were held on Thanksgiving day, in the Freewill Baptist church. The sermon was delivered by Rev. A. B. Carter, of the Methodist Episcopal church.

X. Y. Z.

December 17, 1880

Hampton, Dec. 6. -- Our town is as quiet just now as a Sabbath up country.

Services are held every Sabbath in the three churches here. Aside from attending meeting, the people do not meet together once in a season. Academy closed, not any lecture course, not any singing school nor dancing school at present.

It is very healthy. We do not hear of any prevailing sickness, for that we are thankful.

There is still a scarcity of water, and still a very great scarcity of meal. Corn is plenty, but the question is, where can we get it ground? The women complain that they cannot get meal to make bread, and the swine sniff when you feed them with corn on the cob those cold mornings. Most of our farmers are obliged to go a great distance to get their corn ground. Corn is taken from here to Newburyport, Mass., Rye, Stratham, Epping, &c., to be ground, and then not always with success. For one, I ask if there cannot be a mill of some kind or other put up in this place? Wind mill, fresh water mill, steam mill or tide mill, for the accommodation of our citizens, thus enabling them to get their corn ground, without earning it twice over by carrying it out of town. Will some take this question into careful consideration, and then give us some satisfactory reason (if they can) why this good old town of Hampton should suffer the deprivation of a grist mill?

L. P.

Hampton, Dec. 13. -- Hampton Beach is the scene of many merry makings. Years ago, long before Rye Beach, Little Boars Head, Nantasket, etc., were heard of, Hampton was a popular resort. The two or three hotels were filled with the elite of Boston, Portsmouth and other cities, while many people came in their chaises from the northern part of this state and Vermont. Most popular among the hotels was the "Winnecumett," kept by Thomas Leavitt, Esq., a gentlemanly and genial host. Gay young fellows, college students many of them ; and old sportsmen came here. Whole days were spent fishing, or gunning, and the bird suppers that followed were probably never forgotten by those who participated. These merry makings still keep up, though they change with the times. New hotels have been built, and there are many cottages now, where once the green grass grew. People still come from the cities to old Hampton, for "I've been the world over," says one of its admirers, "and not found a prettier spot." It is one of the earliest settled towns in New Hampshire and the scene of many a quaint tradition and weird story ; for in days gone by, romances were frequent, and witches every day people. These things, like the people who used to come, have all passed away. When summer comes the hotels are filled, and the cottages are teaming with a merry crowd. Bathing, boating, fishing, gunning, croquet and dancing, pass away the time from early morn till late at night. Nevertheless Hampton retains much of its primitive simplicity. The electric light has not yet found us, and lovers can stroll at will adown the silvery beach, by starlight or moonlight. When autumn comes the visitors all fly, like the birds, to their city homes. The country people now come down to spend a day by the old ocean, and go home with a new lease of life. Cold winter drives all away, save the six or eight families who reside at the beach all the year around. Silence reigns, only broken by the ocean's loud lament, and the occasional jingle of sleigh-bells, on their way for the mails, or "stores," for the coming week. No more festivities here, until another summer, you say. Not always so, however. This winter, Hampton Beach hotel, on the site of the old "Winnicumentt," has been the scene of at least one festive occasion, a wedding. Notwithstanding the cold weather and ice bound shore, the sun rose bright and early on the wedding day (Nov. 24) and old ocean chanted his gayest epithalamium. The hotel parlors, long since closed on the last retreating guest, were again open and tastefully decorated with flowers, and under a bower of smilax and roses Miss Ellen A. Leavitt and Mr. Charles L. Mowry were made one, by Rev. Mr. Morrell, of Harper's Ferry, Va. After cutting the cake, the bridal party drove to the depot, where they took the half-past eleven train for Boston, from whence to Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. Mowry ate her Thanksgiving dinner in her new and beautiful home, with the best wishes of all her Hampton friends. The wedding was private, there being present only a few relatives, among the number, Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, of Boston, Mass. The bride received many beautiful presents, and was the owner of a trouseau complete in every respect.


December 24, 1880

Hampton, Dec. 21. -- We are indebted to our esteemed friend "X. Y. Z." for the following fact. Although coming to us rather late, nevertheless, so seldom a parallel case can be found we think it too good to pass. On the day of election, Mr. Jonathan Perkins, was 91 years, 8 months and 1 day old, Mr. Moses Perkins, was 90 years old, Capt. James Perkins was 77 years, 3 months and 21 days old. Their united ages were 258 years, 11 months, 22 days ; average age 86 years, 3 months, 27 1-3 days. These gentlemen are brothers, were present at the meeting, and voted the straight Republican ticket.

Quite a number of our farmers are taking up their wells and digging deeper, and many others will probably have to do the same unless we have heavy rains soon.

The old horses that have fulfilled their mission, are being laid away to rest.

Will Gookin, Esq., has started an express line from this town to Haverhill, Mass., for the purpose of furnishing our shoemakers with work.

We noticed by the Independent Statesman that a man away up in Alton, moved week before last the 87th time. Why, we know of men who never moved half so many times in their lives.


December 31, 1880

Hampton, Dec. 28. -- Our young folks have for amusement this winter a singing and dancing school. The former is taught by Mr. Thomas Chase, of Seabrook, the latter by Prof. Upton, of Salem, Mass.

Mr. Thomas Kelley, blacksmith, in the employ of Oliver Godfrey, Esq., can set the shoes on a horse and pare his hoofs in good shape in just seven minutes and fifteen seconds.

Christmas trees were had at the Congregational and Baptist churches on Friday evening.