January 8, 1881

Hampton, Jan. 1. — Water is still low, very low. Nearly every well has failed or become so low that they have been dug down deeper than the owners of to-day ever saw them before. These wells had tubs or wood work of some kind in the bottom, that the present owners knew nothing of. They have all been found as sound as the day they were put in.

Mr. Jeremiah Marston had his well dug out recently, and found a pocket knife in it that dropped from his coat pocket thirty-one years ago. A singular fact about it is that the knife is in good preservation, and looks as well as the day it was lost. This knife was bought thirty-six years ago. Mr. Marston has put it into the service, and it can be seen with him any day.


Hampton, Jan. 3. — Our farmers are making the most of the last snow by hauling logs to the saw mills, and getting home their years, stock of wood, while some in the east part of the town are hauling sea weed, prepairing their land for the coming year.

Large quantities of sea weed have been thrown upon our beach, that was broken off by the last storm.

The ice harvest is good, and those who have ice-houses are filling them to their utmost capacity.

Mssrs. Dearborn & Berry, are soon to put a saw in their steam mill for the purpose of sawing logs, a thing which the public have needed for a long time. May success attend the enterprise.

A New Year’s ball came off in the town hall on Friday evening.

Hampton, Jan. 5. — A grand New Year’s ball was given at the town hall, on Friday night. About fifty couples were present. Harlow’s band furnished the music, which is evidence enough that a good time was had.

The jubilee singers from Norfolk, Va., a genuine slave band, gave a concert in the town hall, on Saturday evening last, and were greeted by a full house. They have excellent voices and harmonize well. The entertainment was well adapted to benefit all classes, and the audience was more than gratified from first to last.

The names and ages of those who have died in town the past year are as follows:

Mrs. David Brown, 62 years.
Mr. David Lamprey, 53 years.
Miss Fannie Johnson, 18 years, 9 months.
Mrs. Ebenezer Lane, 81 years, 9 months.
Widow Morrill Lamprey, 45 years.
Child of Thomas Philbrick, 1 year, 10 months.
Mr. Samuel Perkins, 32 years.
Mrs. Betsey Cutts, 86 years, 11 months.
Wife of David C. Marston, 57 years.
Mr. Warren Lamprey, 33 years.
Mr. Edward W. Leavitt, 22 years.
Grandson of John Perkins, 4 years.
Miss Hattie Cook, 56 years.
Child of H. J. Perkins, 1 week.
Mrs. Sanborn, 85 years.
Wife of Thomos Nudd, 30 years, 7 months.
Child of A. Blazo, 3 weeks.
Mr. Huldah Marston, 99 years, 11 months, 7 days.
Child of Alvah Blake, 5 weeks.
Col. David Marston, 65 years, 2 months.
Edgar Lamprey, 15 years.
Mr. John Dearborn, 70 years, 2 months, 17 days.
Mrs. Amos T. Leavitt, 70 years, 11 months.

The following are names of those who were formerly residents of this town, who have died, and were brought here for burial:

Mr. William T. Blake, of Boston, Mass., aged 32 years.
Mr. Thomas Dunbrack, of Newburyport, Mass., aged 65 years.
Wife of Alfred Godfrey, Concord, N. H., aged 31 years. (Formerly of Medford, Mass.)
Mr. Samuel Dearborn, County Farm, aged 76 years.
John J. Mason, of Somerville, Mass., aged 49 years.
Wife of William Ladd Dodge, Winchester, Mass., aged 41 years.


January 14, 1881

Hampton, Jan. 11. — Last week being the week of prayer, services were held in the vestry of the Congregational church every evening.

Our fishermen are doing about middling when they have suitable weather to attend to their trawls. Their fish are bought by Mr. Randolph DeLancey, and Mr. Edmund Mason, and are shipped to parties in Boston, Mass.

One of the best slight of hand performers who has ever visited our town was Rev. Mr. Waite. He was here on Monday evening of last week.

A few days ago as a calf belonging to one of our neighbors was smelling around the watering trough, an old cow came up behind with cat-like tread, and by a dexterous movement of the head caused that calf to rise about seven and a half feet, and in turning a somersault it went plump into the well. After considerable fishing with poles and ropes, he was taken out apparently none the worse for the fall. But a careful observer will see, that he is pretty shy about fooling around that trough any more.

We would say for the benefit of those who were so anxious to have the old tide-mill removed, that they can get their core ground in Portsmouth, Epping and Brentwood, or in Newburyport, Mass. It is our impression that there are one or two mills up in Coos county.


January 21, 1881

Hampton, Jan. 8. — The sixteenth annual meeting of the Hampton Library Association was held on January third. A board of officers were elected with E. P. Young, Esq., as President, and all other necessary officers. It is with regret we learn that the interest in the library is at such low ebb that it was voted that the secretary call a meeting of all the members, to be held on Monday evening, Feb. 7., to take such action as may be thought best to close up the Association, or to make it a “Free Town Library.”

Charles C. Marston, Esq., ex-police of this town has an eight-months old pig that will dress four hundred pounds.

X. Y. Z.

January 28, 1881

Hampton, Jan. 24. — The many friends of Mr. George W. Lane, of this town, will be happy to learn of his recovery from a severe attack of sickness, and that he is able to attend to his regular business.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, Jan. 25. — Mrs. Curtis D. DeLancey is spending the winter with her sister in Richmond, Vt.

Miss Abigail Perkins, better known as “Aunt Nabbie,” residing on the road leading to the landing, so called, was visited by friends and neighbors last Friday afternoon, the 21st inst., who took full possession of the house, and spread the table with the usual goodies, prepared for such an occasion ; then followed a merry time. This was a pleasant surprise to our aged friend, who has lived beyond her four-score years. The severity of the weather prevented the party from remaining in the evening, and also prevented many from being present. The last thing before the company took their departure, they were invited to partake of a delicious clam chowder, which was prepared under the supervision of our much esteemed friend, Mrs. Joseph Redman.

L. P.

February 4, 1881

Hampton, Feb. 2. — In tendering our thanks for the sample card of plain and fancy printing done at the NEWS-LETTER office, to which is attached the bijou calendar, we would say that it is beautiful in design, tasty, and neatly executed.

James Lane, Esq., Superintendent of the trout ponds owned by General Marston, recently took from one pond two trout which weighed 3 1/2 pounds (as “Shadow” would say) avoirdupois, and forwarded the same alive to the General in Exeter.

As the days increase in length, the sun causes a “Shadow” in Stratham, to reflect credit on the NEWS-LETTER.

We recollect for several years past “Musicus” has been in the habit of taking his shooting club to our quiet beach about the first of October, to make sad havoc (with ammunition) among the sea fowl, that would frequent the feeding grounds near the point. Perhaps he would like to know that the same coots are still there, quietly resting upon the undulating bosom of the old Atlantic. Probably waiting for more fun.

Mr. Albert Godfrey, on entering his barn Monday morning, found to his surprise that one of his oxen had died during the night, apparently without a struggle. The veterinary surgeons and neighbors, thought of about twenty different ailments, that in all probability the ox died with, but upon examination could form no definite conclusion as to the real cause.

We had a regular “Blizzard,” as the outwesters call it last week. A load of hay was blown over while crossing the turnpike, and many of our roads were blocked with snow, which greatly impeded the travel. Our surveyors have been busily engaged with men, so that the roads now, are in fair condition.

A pleasure party started from Amesbury, Mass., at seven o’clock on Friday evening of last week and did not arrive at the Union House until nearly twelve o’clock. But after getting warmed up they had a good time notwithstanding their long cold ride.


February 18, 1881

Hampton, Feb. 14. — Mr. Horace Hobbs moved Deacon Joseph Dow, one day last week, from the residence he has so long occupied, to the new one he recently bought and fitted up. The Deacon can be found near the Congregational church, where he will attend to his legal profession, as usual.

Travelling has not been as bad for many a year in some localities in town as at present. We hope soon to see it better as the surveyors of such bad roads have turned out men in large numbers, and shoveled through the deep drifts of snow, some of which were above the level of the fences. In travelling through some of these cuts, it reminds me of the gorges the traveller had to pass through in crossing the Isthmus of Panama on foot before the railroad was built. The old miner of ’49 and ’50 who crossed the Isthmus, will remember how difficult it was in those days to get their baggage carried across, what fabulous prices asked, and at what great risk of loosing all they had. We all remember the half-way houses, of which there were many. Each landlord would try his best to have the traveller stop with him overnight, stating that no houses were within miles. A great many lost their all at these houses. Probably the thing was fixed up in the night between the landlord and the native. I need not say that the native never was seen again by the man who hired him for the native returned to Panama disposing of the trunk by the way. Suffice it to say, that the man who stopped at the half-way house well off left the next morning a poor man. Such is life, up and down.

The wells are still low. Those having a large stock of cattle, are compelled to pump several times, with spells, before getting enough for them all, giving one man about all the work he wants to do. A great many have had their wells cleaned out, and had tubs put in by Jacob T. Godfrey, one of the best men who ever went into a well.

Mr. Thomas Chase is preparing his singing school to give a concert on the last evening of the school.


February 25, 1881

Hampton, Feb. 22. — The school in district No. 2 has just closed and the examination, before the many visitors present, passed off very creditably to the teacher, Mr. Horace M. Lane.

Miss Flora Taylor, teacher in district No. 1, one of the most zealous teachers we have, is suffering with a severe cold, consequently the school is closed for the present, but it is earnestly hoped by all that she may soon be able to resume her duties and finish the term.

Mr. John W. Lewis, our veteran butcher has killed and dressed sixty-seven hogs thus far this winter, and there are many more to be killed.

All those trying to learn the new “waltz step” as taught by our dancing master, resemble a string-halt horse going through a snow drift.

Mrs. John Redman, nearly 90 years of age, was stricken with paralysis on Friday of last week and her recovery is considered extremely doubtful.

The ladies are getting up a “pikespeak quilt” (if anyone knows what that is, we don’t) for Miss Lizzie Shaw, an old lady in the east part of town.

John P. Elkins, Esq., of Exeter, had an auction in Towle’s hall three evenings last week, and he intended to adhere strictly to the old adage, “quick sales and small profits,” but he had to succumb to slow sales, and as we should say, no profit.

The specimen of sea spider, or spider crab, which was recently caught on the trawl of the schooner, Florence Nightingale, and caused such a sensation in Portsmouth, was nothing more nor less than an old fashioned black shelled lobster.

Capt. David A. Philbrick has been confined to the house for several weeks with inflammatory rheumatism, but his many friends are pleased to know that he is gaining slowly.

Every printing establishment ought to use some per(Swasey)sion if they wish to get the various town reports to print.


March 4, 1881

Hampton, Feb. 28. — On Thursday evening of last week there was held an old folks’ supper, in the vestry of the Freewill Baptist church. The attendance was good and the occasion was enjoyed by all.

The members of Mr. Thomas Chase’s singing school gave a fine concert at the town hall, on Tuesday evening last. The music, both vocal and instrumental, was excellent, and there was a full house. The school is to recommence and continue a few weeks longer.

Miss Eva Drake commenced a private school to-day at the Centre school house, district No. 2. We trust that there will be a large attendance, and that this, her first attempt at teaching, will prove successful.

A pleasant surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Perkins, at their home, last Wednesday afternoon.


Hampton, March 2. — If the moon-shiners and star-gazers will take a careful survey, they will find that the year 1900 is a leap year, and that the month of February has only 28 days, instead of 29. This happens only once in 200 years.

The rains on Monday, enabled some of the farmers to discover the whereabouts of some of their farm implements. By shoveling a little snow they can probably keep them covered till the first of April.

Mr. Ira James, one of our oldest citizens, made an unsuccessful attempt to bid us farwell on Wednesday last, by cutting his throat with a razor. No cause is assigned for the act.

Mrs. Jewell W. Dow, is suffering from a paralytic shock.

Mr. James W. Blake, our best gunner, has purchased a new dog in Boston, called a “scenter and setter,” he scents the game and then sits till somebody finds it. Good dog to have in a family.

Mr. Dearborn T. Blake, killed a hawk on Monday, the species of which has not been seen in this section for over twenty years.

Samuel W. Dearborn, Esq., was seriously injured on Tuesday, by a piece of machinery in his steam mill, which fell from the second story and struck him on the head. He was taken to his home insensible, and medical aid summoned, but the extent of his injuries are not yet fully known.

The relatives and friends of Mr. Jonathan Perkins, assembled at his home on Tuesday to celebrate his 92 birthday.

Old Mrs. Marston once said, that it was a plague to have a marn, and a plague to be without a marn.


Town Affairs — J. Freeman Williams, Hampton, N. H., sells all kinds of sewing machines at lowest rates for cash, or on installment plan.

March 11, 1881

Hampton. — Town clerk, John M. Akerman ; selectmen, John F. Marston, William E. Lane, William H. Blake ; treasurer, George W. Lane ; auditor, George W. Brown. Collector and school committee to be appointed by the selectmen.

Hampton, March 9. — Our annual town meeting day was ushered in with beautiful spring-like weather, but owing to the bad travelling and apparent lack of interest the meeting was rather thinly attended. The meeting was called to order promptly at one o’clock, by Uri Lamprey, Esq., chairman of supervisors, and the various town officers were chosen. The 7th article, in the warrant, to see if the town would appropriate fifty dollars annually for the benefit of the library association, was referred to a committee of three, to report at an adjourned meeting. The 8th article, to see if the town would give the railroad company permission to remove the bridge near the residence of Mrs. Ames, providing they ever should want to, after considerable discussion was indefinitely postponed. The meeting passed off quietly, as usual, but was devoid of much of the usual interest.


March 18, 1881

Hampton, March 16. — On Tuesday, Hon. Uri Lamprey died, at this residence in this town, of Pneumonia. Mr. Lamprey was a man of unusual ability, and for more than fifty years has been recognized as one of our most prominent citizens. For many years he was an efficient deputy sheriff, and was several times elected to the Legislature. He was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1850, and was Councillor for this district in 1854. His services to his party made him one of the most prominent Democratic leaders of this section of the State. He was genial and affiable, and in his death the town has sustained a great loss.


Hampton, March 17. — A want long felt, supplied. The Eastern Railroad Company has been frequently importuned for several years past to build a new freight house, which would not only be a great accommodation to themselves, but to the public in general. Since the removal of the depot to its present site, they have been to considerable expense in repairing and building, until we have as neat and attractive a set of railroad buildings as any station on the road — lacking only a good freight house to make them complete. But as the railroad company seems to be infused by some supernatural inspiration, and always moves in a mysterious way their wonders to perform, it was no wonder our citizens were caused to stare with amazement on Friday morning last to discover that a new freight house had arrived during the night, which all admitted as a fact. It has been carefully taken from the cars, and now rests on twenty-eight railroad ties. The foundation will not probably be put in until the ground is settled, and as there will be considerable room between the sills and ground, we would suggest that this space be used as a hen pen. This building is very neat in finish, and no doubt will prove very attractive, but not so commodious as the public would wish. “How’diso ever,” it is very creditable to the company, and, as we are always thankful for small favors, we would say that anyone standing at the crossing and looking down the track southward between the two rows of buildings, and say it don’t compare favorably with Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D. C., then its because they didn’t witness the inauguration of President Garfield.


March 25, 1881

Hampton, March 22. — The funeral of Hon. Uri Lamprey took place at his late residence on Friday afternoon last, and was largely attended. Mr. Lamprey was a man of more than average ability and influence. As much of his business caused him to have intercourse with many of our leading men, and he possessed a kind heart, he made hosts of friends wherever he went, many of whom were present at his funeral from Boston, Mass., Exeter, Portsmouth and Rye. The town has lost a valuable citizen, who will be missed in numerous ways, and the vacancy caused by his death will be difficult to fill.

An egg has been shown us by J. W. Lewis, Esq., laid by a “Plymouth Rock hen,” which measures eggsactly 6 1-2 inches one way and eggsactly 8 inches the other way, and weighs eggsactly 5 1-16 ounces. This may be eggsasperating to some, but it is eggsact, and we pronounce it eggstraordinary.

Being present at the examination of the school in district No. 3, on Friday last, taught by Mr. Albert Shaw, of this town, we were very much pleased by the general deportment, and the promptness with which the exercises were performed. They were very commendable to both teacher and scholars.


April 1, 1881

Hampton, March 28. — We understand the trustees of the academy have voted to move the building on to High street as soon as a suitable lot can be procured. This will carry the building about one-half mile farther north than its present location, and much more central, so that the advantages for having a school will be greatly facilitated ; and furthermore, it is earnestly hoped, by all lovers of education, and especially by all the citizens of our smaller school districts, where the money is insufficient to give their children a fair education, that this enterprise may prove successful, and that the old institution may be brought back to its former reputation, and the legacy which was so kindly left by Hon. Christopher Toppan as a fund, the interest of which was to go for the education of poor children where the parents were unable to pay the tuition, may accomplish the noble object for which it was intended.

At the present time our town is very unequally divided into school districts. We have six districts, and Nos. 1 and 2 comprise nearly if not quite two-thirds of the total valuation of the town, which leaves the other four barely able to support a fair school six months out of the year, while the two first names have nine months of a good graded school in a year. Is this right in any town? Anyone can see at a glance the inequally in the way in which our school money is divided. We hope and trust before many years, steps will be taken to re-school-district the town, or have the money divided more proportionately.

Mrs. John Redman, one of our venerable old ladies, celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Friday last. We believe she is the oldest lady in town.

Judging from the reports of the parties who visited Washington to witness the inaugural ceremonies, it is surprising to see how many Honorables, Esquires, Generals, Colonels, Captains, and Reverends we have in this state, why, it can’t be beat. “Any man that ain’t a Col. or Gen. now-a-days, he ain’t nowhar.”

At an adjourned meeting on Thursday last, our town voted to appropriate one hundred dollars to establish a town library, and at the same time voted to accept from the old “Hampton Library Association” eight hundred volumes of books, with all the furniture appertaining thereto, as a donation. So, in all probability within a few years we shall have as good a town library as there is in the state.


April 8, 1881

We understand that the extensive trout-ponds in Hampton, owned by Gen. Gilman Marston, will soon have their stock increased by the addition of several thousand young fry.

April 15, 1881

Hampton, April 13. — Frogs are out.

Mr. Josiah Barker and Edwin J. Hobbs, each lost a cow last week by stoppage.

Fast day was appropriately observed by union services in the Baptist church.

Quite a fire occurred among the cottages at the Beach, on Saturday. The house of J. M. Palmer, of this town, where the fire originated, was burned, together with his stable. From thence the flames ignited the cottage belonging to Mrs. Marshall, of Manchester, and continued to spread northward until it consumed the cottages of Morrill & Eastman, Mary W. Hastings, of Manchester, Morrill & Davis, of Haverhill, Mass., with several small stables in the rear, besides a large stable belonging to John Locke, Esq., of Seabrook. It was only by the most strenuous efforts of our firemen (Charles G. Perkins, chief) and our citizens in general, who promptly rallied to the call, that the force of the fiery elements were stayed. Had it not been for the timely suggestion of Mr. Thomas Nudd in tearing away a stable, all the cottages along the South Atlantic avenue would have been consumed. But we are comforted as citizens of old Hampton to know that the cottages were well insured.

We are pleased to inform the citizens of this and adjoining towns that Elder Waite advertised to give a spiritualistic performance in the town hall, on Monday evening. Tickets 15 cents, reserved seats 25 cents. Therefore many of our citizens assembled to hear, and see the various “isms” be proposed to demonstate and expose, but to their astonishment, on entering the hall it was found that all the settees except two were reserved, and had it not been for the timely interference of our law-abiding citizens, Elder Waite would have been requested to pack his chest and leave immediately. However, he was allowed to go through with his performance, but our Selectmen have instructed the janitor not to let the hall again for any fraudulent purposes for the ensuing year.

The vacancy in the Board of Supervisors, caused by the death of Uri Lamprey, has been filled by the choice of Charles M. Lamprey, Esq.

Surveyors of our various districts have been chosen by the Selectmen.


April 22, 1881

Hampton, April 19. — Rev. Alba B. Carter closed his labors with the Methodist church on Sunday last, and during his sermon in the afternoon, before a full house, he gave the audience many broad hints and timely suggestions, together with some good sound advice, which will be in all probability, if properly heeded, be productive of much good.

Mr. Horace M. Lane, has been re-appointed Superintending School Committee by the Selectmen.

Always avoid sitting over a load of malt, as the steam which generates therefrom is considered very injurious.

The logs lying in the yard of Dearborn & Berry’s steam mill are fast being worked into lumber of various dimensions.

Several of our farmers have put in their early potatoes.

The sweet harbingers of spring have put in their appearance. “Skunks.”

Thomas J. Towle, and John H. Johnson were drawn as petit jurors on Saturday evening.

We have a family of five persons in town whose united weight is over half a ton.


April 29, 1881

Hampton, April 26. — The wife of Thomas J. Towle, died very suddenly on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Towle and the boys were away from home at the time. She was found by the youngest boy, about three o’clock lying on the lounge with life extinct. It was thought she had been dead at least one hour and a half. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause. This is a sad and unexpected blow to Mr. Towle and he has the sympathy of the whole community.

We learn that Rev. A. B. Carter, the Methodist minister of this town, is to go to Raymond and the Raymond minister is to come here.


May 6, 1881

Hampton, May 4. — Owing to our being misinformed, we stated last week that the Raymond minister was to preach at the Methodist church the coming year. Since then we learn that Rev. Mr. Spaulding, who has supplied the pulpit at East Salisbury, Mass., for the past three years, has moved here.

A party of gentlemen from Boston, Mass., had a glass ball shoot at North Hampton, on Friday last. Mr. George Lane, baggage master at the Eastern railroad depot, Boston, was credited as being the best shot, breaking 49 balls out of 50.

Lobsters are getting plenty and look quite delectable in their red uniforms.

Mrs. John Dearborn is having her house renovated, the western half of which is supposed to be 230 years old. In tearing away a flight of stairs a silver piece was found about the size of our present 20 cent piece, and is supposed to be Spanish. After a little rubbing, it was found to bear date of 1787.

Mr. John W. Dearborn and Andrew J. Philbrick have been appointed police officers.

Our surveyors can see that their gravel has settled sufficiently to be safe to pick up a few surface rocks.


May 20, 1881

A number of our citizens visited Hampton Beach, on Tuesday to witness the sea. The breakers were not so large as they would have been had the wind blown more southerly instead of the northeast. A large schooner was seen about a mile and a half off the Beach, on Monday afternoon, which occasioned the report in town that a vessel was a shore. She was seen but a short time, however, as she put out to sea as soon as she discovered her nearness to the shore.

June 3, 1881

Hampton, May 30. — We have looked in vain for a few weeks past, for that ever welcome paragraph, so familiar to the readers of the NEWS-LETTER, signature “Spud.” Shall we not hear from him again, and often? Why? not to hear from “Spud” is equal to the loss of a dear and interesting friend. Take courage, brother “Spud,” and “be not weary in well doing.”

In accordance with the vote of the town, passed at the adjourned meeting, that the Selectmen appoint a committee to take charge of the Hampton Public Library, the Selectmen have appointed the following persons for the ensuing year: George W. Brown, Simeon A. Shaw and William T. Merrill. The above committee organized, and appointed S. Albert Shaw as Librarian and Secretary. George W. Brown, Treasurer.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, May 30. — Decidedly one of the pleasantest affairs that Hampton has known for some time, took place at the home of Mr. Abbot Jenness, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, May 25, that being the fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Abbot Jenness, or the “wooden wedding.” As early as half-past two in the afternoon relatives and friends commenced to arrive, not only from the neighboring towns of North Hampton, Hampton Falls, Rye, etc., but from much more distant places, as Philadelphia, Pa., Malden and Amesbury, Mass., Nottingham and Portsmouth; one old lady, of nearly 88 years, the grandmother of Mrs. Jenness, drove nearly thirty miles to be present at the family reunion, for such it might well be called, as there were four generations represented. The party numbered in all, between seventy and eighty persons. The presents were numerous and valuable, and by no means confined to articles of wood alone, solid silver and handsome glassware being quite plentiful. Among the other handsome “wooden wedding” presents were several beautiful easy-chairs, framed pictures, handsome hat racks, etc. Music and dancing, games, and sport generally were heartily enjoyed until the small hours of the morning, when the party dispersed in high glee.


Hampton, May 30. — While weddings are but few in our quiet town, youth and beauty slow in pledging faithfulness “till death do us part,” we take pleasure in announcing the marriage of Mr. James W. Berry and Miss Annie M., daughter of the late Jefferson C. Dunbar, all of this town, which event occurred on Saturday evening, the 28th inst., at the residence of the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Cutler. A goodly company assembled to congratulate the young couple as they were about being launched on the voyage of life. Ice cream and cake were abundantly supplied, after which the evening was passed in social conversation, interspersed with music, both vocal and instrumental. At a late hour the company separated with many wishes that this worthy couple might enjoy a perpetual “honeymoon.”

L. P.

June 10, 1881

Hampton, June 1. — Much has been said within the past few years in relation to Deacon Joshua Lane, of this town, who was killed by lightning on his door step June 14, 1766, aged 70 years. His house stood near the spot where the house of Mr. Reuben Seavey now stands, and was considerably shattered by lightning twenty-six years previous to the fatal stroke which caused his death. The stone is still used as a doorstep by Mr. Seavey. Deacon Lane’s wife died April 13, 1765, aged 68 years and 8 months. They abode together in the marriage state 47 years, 3 months and 8 days. The number of their children was sixteen, thirteen of which survived and followed them to their grave. The number of grandchildren at the grandfather’s decease was sixty, fifty-two of which were then living. The number of the whole family of children, and grandchildren, by marriage, and great-grandchildren was ninety-five, eighty-two of whom were living at the time of his death. The impression that many have gained from the allusion that he was filled with the most abject fear during a thunder shower may be dispelled by the following, which was written by himself about forty years before his death, and we think will give additional light, and be sufficient to convince the most sceptical as to Mr. Lane’s natural temperment :


Eternal and ever blessed God: I desire to present myself before Thee with the deepest humiliation and abasement of soul; sensible how unworthy such a sinful worm is, to appear before the holy majesty of heaven, the King of kings and Lord of lords, and especially on such an occasion at this. Even to enter into a covenant transaction with Thee. But the scheme and plan is Thine own. Thine infinite condescension hath offered it by Thy son, and Thy grace hath inclined my heart to accept of it. I come, therefore, acknowledging myself to have been a great offender. Smiting on my breast and saying with the humble publican, “God be merciful to me a sinner.:” I come invited by the name of Thy son and wholly trusting in His perfect righteousness, entreating that for His sake Thou wilt be merciful to my unrighteousness and wilt no more remember my sins. Receive, I beseech Thee, Thy revolting creature who is now convinced of thy right to him, and desires nothing so much as that he may be Thine. This day do I, with the utmost solemnity, surrender myself to Thee. I denouce all former Lords that have had dominion over me, and I consecrate to Thee all that I am and all that I have, the faculties of my mind, the members of my body, my worldly possessions, my time, and my influence over others to be used entirely for Thy glory, and resolutely employed in obedience to Thy commands, as long as Thou continuest me in life, with an ardent desire and humble resolution to continue Thine through all the endless days of eternity. Ever holding myself in an attentive posture to observe the first intimation of Thy will, and ready to spring forward with zeal and joy to the immediate execution of it. To Thy direction also I resign myself and all I am and have, to be disposed of by Thee in such a manner as Thou shalt, in Thine infinite wisdom, judge most subservient to the purposes of Thy glory. To Thee I leave the management of all events, and say without reserve, not my will but Thine be done. Rejoicing with a loyal heart in Thine unlimited government as what ought to be the delight of the whole rational creation. Use me, O Lord, I beseech Thee, as an instrument of Thy service, number me among Thy peculiar people, let me be washed in the blood of Thy dear son, let me be clothed by his righteousness, let me be sanctified by his spitit, transform me more and more into his image, impart to me through him all needful influences of Thy purifying, cheering and comforting spirit. And let my life be spent under those influences and in the light of Thy gracious countenance as my Father and my God. And when the solemn hour of death comes, may I remember this, Thy covenant, well ordered in all things and sure, as all my salvation and all my desire, though every other hope and enjoyment is perishing, and do Thou, O Lord, remember it too. Look down with pity, O my heavenly Father on Thy languishing, dying child. Embrace me in Thine everlasting arms, put strength and confidence into my departing spirit and receive me to the abodes of them that sleep in Jesus, peacefully and joyfully to wait the accomplishment of Thy great promise to all Thy people, even that of a glorious resurrection, and of eternal happiness in Thine heavenly presence. And if any surviving friend should, when I am in the dust, meet with this memorial of my solemn transaction with Thee, may he make the engagement his own, and do Thou graciously admit him to partake in all the blessings of Thy covenant through Jesus, the great mediator of it, to whom, with Thee, O Father, and Thy holy spirit be everlasting praises ascribed by all the millions who are thus saved by Thee, and by all those other celestial spirits in whose work and blessedness Thou shalt call them to share : Amen.

Joshua Lane.

Hampton, June 6. — Memorial day was appropriately observed. As there are not veterans enough in town to organize a Grand Army Post, no general exercises took place ; but Miss Flora Taylor set an example which we hope will create more enthusiasm and lead to a more general observance of the day in years to come. Miss Taylor, with her school, numbering about thirty, all dressed in white, and each bearing a handsome bouquet of flowers, marched to the cemetery and, together with many of our citizens, beautifully decorated the graves of our illustrious dead. A beautiful tribute of respect to the heroic dead, commemorative of the bravery, loyalty and fidelity which inspired them to sacrifice so much, that they might commit to the living a “redeemed nation” to be kept in safety, and as a sacred trust. The dead cannot whisper their praises to the fair ones who adorn their graves with flowers in appreciation of their gallant services, but whoever bestows a token of kindness in behalf of our dead comrades will be held in sacred rememberence by those living. During the war fifty-seven of our young men were in the army, most of whom responded to the first call for three years’ men. Nineteen of them were killed or died at the front and (with the exception of two whose remains were taken home by friends and buried here) now sleep in graves which the fair hands of our loyal and patriotic ladies of the North cannot decorate. Thirteen have died since the war, by disease contracted while in the army. Twenty-five of the original fifty-seven still survive, eighteen are living in this town, and seven in other towns.

Mr. John P. Blake caught a carrier pigeon at the fish houses one morning last week. It was thought by many that he must have come a long way from over the water as he seemed completely fatigued. On one wing was stamped “Z. Hooper, 40 Kemple St.” On the other “43 Oliver St., Boston, Mass.” Word has been sent to the above places to learn something in relation to the winged stranger, but no answer has been received as yet.

It don’t do to say “bees” to one of our friends any more. He knows as much about bees as most anyone, he does. Going out a few days ago he espied a flock on a tree, and to hive those bees seemed to be only a small affair with him. After setting the hive in position all right he took a pole and commenced poking them bees. Evidently he stroked their backs the wrong way, or the bees mistook him for this hive and struck out. If anyone had been lying around loose they might have witnessed a gymnastic performance. The question he’s revolving in his mind now is, whether it is best to be all swelled up or not to be. Our advice to all who know nothing about bees, would be, let the bees be.


A mail route has been established by the goverment between this town and Hampton, which will be appreciated by our citizens, especially during the Summer months. The mail will leave this town at 10 o’clock a.m., and arrive at Hampton at 11:30 ; returning it will leave Hampton at 3:30, and arrive here at 5 o’clock p.m. It will be carried every day from July 1, to September 30, and overy other day from October 1 to June 30.

June 17, 1881

Hampton, June 15. — Mr. George Watts, who has been night telegraph operator at the depot for the past nine years, has resigned his position and moved to Maine. Mr. Benjamin Rowen, of this town, takes his place.

We understand that O. H. Whittier, Esq., proprietor of the Union House, had eighty good sized chickens stolen one night recently. This hankering for chickens on the part of one or more, has manifested itself quite frequently within a few years, and they may get their appetites appeased some fine evening.

Children’s Sunday was appropriately observed at all three of the churches, which were beautifully decorated with flowers. Sabbath school concerts were held in the evening. The exercises at the Methodist were varied, pleasing and entertaining, and passed off very harmoniously. We learn that the exercises at the other churses were very interesting.

The hotels at the beach are being put in order for summer boarders.


Hampton, June 15. — Edward E. Johnson killed a seal this morning at the Tide Mill, so called, that weighed 37 1-2 pounds.

Mr. Emerson Goodwin, from Austin, Texas, was in town last week, on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Joseph Philbrick.

X. Y. Z.

June 24, 1881

Hampton, June 21. — All those members of the human family, who were deluded by the supposition that last Sunday would witness the final winding up of all things on this mundane sphere, not ecclesiastical or spiritual, have probably formed the conclusion that they will have to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, for a while longer at least, and the sooner they plow and plant their gardens, the greater the prospects will be for a crop.


The Rockingham County Temperance Association will meet on Thursday, June 30, at the cottage of George D. Dodge, Esq., Hampton Beach. All are invited.

The new mail route between this town and Hampton will begin next Friday, so that our Hampton subscribers may expect their NEWS-LETTER earlier than heretofore.

July 1, 1881

Hampton, June 27. — Parish sociables are held once in two weeks by the ladies of the Congregational church. Thus far there has been a large attendance. The entertainments have been very pleasing, consisting of music, recitations, select reading, and abundance of cake, ice cream, strawberries, lemonade, &c., prepared by the ladies. We are glad to see so much interest shown. Great credit is due to the efforts of our committee. The object, we understand, is a very worthy one, probably understood by all.

We sympathize with the unfortunate Mrs. Sherry, of Newmarket, as mentioned by your correspondent of last week, in the loss she sustained. It is a lesson all should heed, and though we cannot restore to this good woman her lost money, let us beware whom we trust, and where we place our treasures. Sad indeed, is the fact that woman, who should be protected by man, is often robbed by him of her hard honest earnings.

L. P.

Hampton, June 18. — “Spud” has been often praised for his correctness, but his modesty probably prevented him from giving our country’s defenders their just dues. In his report of Decoration Day, we must question his figures ; the Adjutant General’s report for 1865, and our memory increases the number of soldiers from fifty-seven to over seventy ; but how about the sailors, of which Hampton sent several ? Was not the first sailor who died from Hampton’s volunteers, a neighbor and a chum of “Spud?” Does it not become the duty of some one, a comrade if possible, to make up a list of those who served in both branches of the service, and even a regimental history, which when corrected, shall be filed with the records of the town, as part of them, that before it is too late we may have a correct account from survivors, and that in the future, they may have a true record of the doings of Hampton’s Volunteers in the Rebellion of 1861. April 19, 1861, Charles F. Dunbar opened a recruiting office at the town hall, in this town, for volunteers, to form a three-months’ company, which company, about forty-five men strong, left Hampton, May 6, for Portsmouth, intending to join the 2nd regiment, then forming. Being three months’ men, they were rejected, and sent to Fort Constitution, where they served out their term of service. Capt. Dunbar then re-enlisted the majority, which, with recruits, amounted to over sixty men, for three years, and they became Company D, of the 3d regiment New Hampshire Volunteers. A small detachment of men who had been enlisted by Wm H. Comleins, of Portsmouth, were attached to Company D, thus throwing out Amos Jackson Towle, the second Lieutenant, and causing the first Lieutenant to be second. This enlistment took place August 19, ’61. On August 23, the company was mustered into Uncle Sam’s service for three years unless sooner discharged — Joseph Warren Dow failed to pass the medical examination. The men from Hampton with their original rank are as follows: Capt., Charles F. Dunbar ; Second Lieut., Orrin Mozart Dearborn ; Orderly Sergeant, Jefferson Clinton Dunbar ; Sergeants, Joseph Warren Ackerman, David Pickering Marston, George Perkins ; Corporals, Abram Dow, Wm. Eldridge Lane, John Sanborn James ; Privates Wm. Harrison Blake, George Tyler Crane, Hale Bradford Dearborn, Samuel Wesley Dearborn, Wm. Ladd Dodge, Jonathan Nudd Dow, James Fair, Washington Goss, John Franklin Hobbs, George Washington Marston, Joseph Eldridge Palmer, David Wm. Perkins ; and in Company B. from Exeter but a native of Hampton, Simon Nudd Lamphrey, Corporal. Of the above twenty-three Capt. Dunbar, Jefferson C. Dunbar, J. Warren Ackerman, David P. Marston and Abram Dow, resigned or were discharged for disability ; James Fair, Simon N. Lamphrey, George Perkins, James E. Palmer and David W. Perkins were killed in action or died soon after from wounds received : Jonathan N. Dow and J. Frank Hobbs died in service from disease ; Jefferson C. Dunbar, David P. Marston, Wm. H. Blake, George T. Crane, George W. Marston and George W. Goss have died since the war from wounds and diseases contracted while in service; Hale B. Dearborn was drowned in James river, Va., since the war. Of the nine survivors, Capt. Dunbar, Samuel W. Dearborn, John S. James and Wm. E. Lane, reside in Hampton, Lieut. Dearborn has been reported as being in Colorado, J. Warren Ackerman at Haverhill, Mass., Abram Dow at Seabrook, Wm. Ladd Dodge at Winchester, Mass., Washington H. Godfrey, at Boston, Mass. Excepting one who resigned, and two who were discharged for disability, the survivors served their full three years, and received but ten dollars bounty when they enlisted, not hundreds as was paid before the close of the war. We have tried to give a brief account of Hampton’s first volunteers ; now let some one give a statement of those in other regiments and detatched companies, and we may in this way get a correct, short and concise statement of what Hampton did towards putting down the Rebellion. When all have reported many interesting facts may be drawn, as to families who contributed their all, neighborhoods where not a young man remained, and to the fatality which seemed to attend those from certain localities. Their losses and sufferings, obtained with others the victory, which the rising generation should well guard, and remember we are once more a united Nation, and the defenders of the Nation and their heirs need our care and sympathy, on other days besides that set apart to decorate the graves of the fallen. Many thanks to those children and friends who so kindly placed their floral tributes in our cemetery upon Memorial Day. As the day each year returns let them remember that to many it brings up recollections of loved ones gone before, of aching hearts, of fathers, brothers and lovers, who were cut off in youth’s morn — sacrifices upon the alter of Liberty. May we guard well the trust they have bequeathed us.

Wm. Twilight.

Business at Hampton Beach seems to have opened very favorably this year. A visit to Boar’s Head showed that the house was well filled for so early in the Summer. There were over seventy guests at this hotel on Wednesday, and engagements have been made that will fill the house to its utmost capacity for the remainder of the season. Among the guests were Judge Morrill, of the U. S. District Court, from Galveston, Texas, T. B. Cheney, Supt. Mail Service for the New England States, E. W. Warfield, Supt. Mail Service for Missouri, and Mrs. Yeaton, of St. Louis, formerly of this town. The hotel is under the immediate supervision of Mr. S. H. Dumas, who attends personally to the comfort and entertainment of his guests. He is fortunate in having the assistance of Mr. S. Baker, who has occupied the position of clerk in this hotel for the past fifteen years, and who is probably as well known to visitors at Hampton Beach as any man in New England.

July 8, 1881

Hampton, July 4. — Tuesday, June 28th, at 8 o’clock, p.m., by Rev. Mr. Cutler, Mr. S. Albert Shaw and Miss M. Esa Cole, were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s father. Both bride and groom have the best wishes of their many friends here, both for their present and future welfare.

Schools closed in district No. 1 Friday. Owing to the unfavorable weather there were but few of the parents and friends present at the examination. We understand that both teachers and scholars sustained their former reputation.

The news of the assassination of President Garfield was deeply felt here. As elsewhere there was great hope that the first reports might prove false, and all seemed anxious to get full particulars of the case, hope for the better being plainly seen in every face, and when the glad tidings came that the President was out of danger there was joy expressed, not only by Republicans, but the Democrats expressed their regret that so mean and contemptible a thing should occur, as the assassination of so worthy a President as James A. Garfield.

During the months of July and August, the afternoon service at the Congregational church will be discontinued each Sabbath. We understand there will be a lecture delivered by the pastor, in the upper room of the church in the evening.

X. Y. Z.

The regular Summer travel between Exeter and Hampton Beach has begun. The barges commenced their trips July 1, and have been liberally patronized.

July 22, 1881

Hampton, July 20. — The dogfish are making their annual trip along the shore. Consequently all other kinds of fish are scarce.

The managers of the glass ball shoot on Saturday afternoon last were very fortunate in choosing a soft piece of ground. The same balls will answer for a number of shoots yet.

Most of the cottages at the beach are now occupied and the hotels are well filled.

Our farmers are very busy in securing their hay crop, which will be about an average.


July 29, 1881

Hampton, July 26. — The Woman’s Missionary meeting met with Mrs. E. D. Moulton on Wednesday, July 20, Mrs. Lucy Marston, President ; Mrs. William G. Cole, Treasurer ; Miss Lucy E. Dow, Secretary. Miss Mary Godfrey was appointed as the reporter at the next monthly concert. There is a deep interest manifested at these meeting in the cause of foreign missions. At the last meeting Mrs. Knight, President of the New Hampshire Board, Mrs. Kimball, President of the Rockingham Branch, and others from Portsmouth were present, all of whom added to the general interest of the meeting. There were letters read direct from the hands of the missionaries from their respective fields, also very many important suggestions relating to the mission work. We are glad to see so much interest shown, and we hope to see an increase in number and that very many more will come forward and aid in this all-important work. Those who have gone out as missionaries bespeak to us for help, do not require large gifts ; howsoever small, they are acceptable. Why not wake up to duty, bearing in mind that the blessing is yet to come.

Services were not held at the Freewill Baptist church, last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Cutler occupied the pulpit at the Congregational church. Prof. Charles Pratt, from Boston presided at the organ.

L. P.

Hampton, July 25. — In response to “W. T.’s” request I will give a short account of Hampton’s delegation in the Fourteeth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers. During the Summer of 1862, J. Warren Dow enlisted nine men, who joined a company forming at Seabrook under John Newell Brown, our well-known and genial Deputy Sheriff, which, with additions, became Company D, Fourteenth New Hampshire Volunteers. Most of them were enlisted in August, but were not mustered until September 23. The regiment was in General Butler’s expedition to New Orleans, participating in the seige of Port Hudson. When General Grant commenced his active operations in 1864, the Nineteeth Corps, of which they were a part, came North and were with General Sheridan during his famous tramp in the Shenandoah Valley ; at Cedar Creek, they lost the first one of their number, who, with the others killed, has been kindly remembered by the State of New Hampshire by a monument there erected to the slain. One of them was captured at the same time, and at Libby Prison suffered hardships and privations which laid the seeds for his early death. In July, 1865, at Savannah, Georgia, the regiment was mustered for discharge, not having served their full three years, the war having ended. Their names and original rank were : Sergeant, John Calvin Perkins ; Corporal, Samuel Sherburne Page ; Privates, Parker Alvin Emery, Oliver Hobbs Godfrey, Jacob Tallent Godfrey, James A. Gillispie, Patrick Heffron, Otis Horace Marston, Melbourne Marston. Of the above Melbourne Marston was killed and buried at Cedar Creek, Va. ; John C. Perkins and S. Sherburne Page have joined the silent majority ; Oliver H. Godfrey, Jacob T. Godfrey and Otis H. Marston reside in Hampton, James A. Gillispie is in the West, Parker A. Emery near Boston, Heffron’s residence unknown. Now lets hear from other organizations in which Hampton was represented.


Hampton, July 27. — Taking advantage of the darkness on Monday night last, some unknown person or persons entered the house of E. W. Lane, and took from his pants pocket $200, and another hundred from a drawer. The house of Sewell W. Dow was also entered and two gold watches and forty dollars in money taken. Mrs. Stevens’ house was entered, where the thieves found sixty-five cents. Then they tried to enter the Union House, and the residence of Dr. Wm. T. Merrill, but were frightened away by the stirring of the inmates. No track of the thieves has yet been found.

Our farmers are getting in their hay fast as the weather will permit.

One old lady from Seabrook, traveled six miles one morning last week to reach our blueberry pastures.

O. H. Whittier, Esq., the popular proprietor of the Union House, is receiving a good share of the public patronage.

Mr. A. B. Smith, of Raymond, who has driven the coach for Philip Yeaton & Co., of the Ocean House, for the past eighteen years, is unable to do so this season on account of rheumatism.

The boarders have a “get-around-as-you-please” in the parlors of Col. Dumas’ hotel, every evening.


August 5, 1881

Hampton, August 3. — We are grieved to report the death of our friend Joseph Young, youngest son of Enoch P. Young, of Hampton, aged 21 years and 11 months. Deceased was a very estimable young man, highly respected by all who knew him. A large circle of friends mourn the death of him who has departed to return no more.


The Methodist Sunday school made an excursion to Hampton Beach, on Wednesday, in barges chartered for the occasion. A good time is reported.

Yesterday a pocket book containing over two hundred dollars was lost either in this town or on the road to Hampton Beach. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with S. H. Dumas, at the Boar’s Head hotel, Hampton. Here is a chance for an unusual day’s wages for some one.

August 12, 1881

Hampton, August 9. — The pocket-book mentioned in last weeks NEWS-LETTER as having been lost in Exeter or on the road to Hampton Beach, was found on the Beach road Thursday, near the house formerly owned by J. Warren Dow, of this town, by Mr. Gookin, coachman for the Leavitt Brothers, proprietors of the Hampton Beach hotel. The pocket book was promptly turned over to its owner, for which Mr. Gookin was liberally rewarded by a gift of $20.

The hot weather of last week had a tendency to induce many to seek the cool and invigorating breezes of the old Atlantic. Consequently the hotels at the beach were well filled.

The masked ball at Col. Dumas’ on Saturday night last, was witnessed by a large crowd of people.

The guests at the Union house gave O. H. Whittier, Esq., it proprietor, a birthday party on Saturday afternoon and evening last. The occasion was one long to be remembered by Mr. Whittier.

Some of our colored gentlemen boarders have white ladies to drive their teams


Lieut. Wm. Ladd Dodge, formerly of the old 3d N. H. Regiment, now doing business in Boston, is spending the Sabbaths in this town.

Mr. Joseph P. Bachelder, lost a valuable cow on Monday.

Rev. Mr. Wormwood, of Corrinth, Me., is preaching on trial at the Baptist church.


Hampton, August 8. — We are happy to record the fact that the grass in our cemetery has been mowed, and a general cleaning up commenced. Now let the spirit move those who have lots there to see to it, that they are cleaned up and their paths attended too, that we make our cemetery not only tidy and neat, but remember it is a duty we owe to those who have gone before, and a good example for those who follow us, so that when we are laid there, it will not be a garden of weeds. We hear some have grumbled because the grass has been cut, but if they are so negligent that they will not cut their lots, we think they should not complain if those in authority try to make our cemetery as neat and as pleasant as our flowers gardens are, or should at home.

W. C.

We are indebted to the “widow Corporal” for the above.


About 100 of the members of St. Michael’s (Catholic) society attended a picnic at Hampton Beach, on Wednesday.

On Sunday evening, as Postmaster George S. Leavitt, with his wife and four years old child were riding home from Hampton Beach, they met with an accident which came very near being serious if not fatal. It appears that they were followed by a carriage that wanted to pass them, and as Mr. Leavitt drove to one side of the road to give the others all the room he could, his buggy was upset and the occupants thrown out. As soon as Mr. Leavitt saw that an overturn was inevitable he seized his daughter by the dress and threw her clear of the wreck, but Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt were dragged some distance, until the buggy struck a rock which freed the horse and left the buggy a mass of splinters. Mr. Leavitt escaped with a few scratches, but Mrs. Leavitt received several severe, though not dangerous injuries, and has been confined to her bed ever since. She is attended by Dr. Otis, under whose treatment she is recovering as rapidly as could be expected.

August 26, 1881

Hampton, August 22. — Services were not held in the Baptist church, of this place, last Sabbath.

Rev. Mr. Cutler occupied the pulpit at the Congregational church. The singing at present is under the charge of Mr. W. H. Hobbs, organist. We hope there will be hereafter a standing choir, and that we shall not be obliged to submit to congregational singing. Here in this place, as elsewhere, (unless led by a large choir,) congregational singing is apt to prove a failure. There is musical talent here, not anyone doubts ; what we want is unity, a willingness to go forward and cooperate with the leaders of our choir. It is discouraging to both paster and people to find the organ closed, and singing seats vacant. Singing has long been considered a large share of the services, and we hope that all will be interested in this matter, and do all in their power to aid those who are willing to devote their time to singing, so that there need be no discontinuance for some time to come.

We understand that garden thieves have broken into Mr. John Willcutt’s garden recently, and taken therefrom a large quantity of sweet corn, besides trampling down and damaging his garden. Mr. Willcut is not ignorant as to who these sneak thieves are. Should they see fit to enter his garden again they may not be quite so lucky in getting out. “Steel traps” work wonders sometimes. Thieves beware.


Hampton, Aug. 23. — The guests of Elm Cottage had a very handsome entertainment at the town hall last evening, “a sheet and pillow case ball” in which the guests of the Union House and DeLancy participated by courtions invitation. The halls were prettily decorated. The guests of DeLancy Place have had very enjoyable reunions, at the town hall twice recently, the house being so full this season that the large dining rooms were to “strait” for “hops” at home. The guests of the Union and Elm united by invitation of the gentlemanly proprietor, Curtis DeLancy, Esq., who gave them nice entertainments also in the lower hall with music and march, ” led by Turner’s band.

We are very sorry to learn that J. J. Leavitt Esq., was very seriously injured on Sunday. His runaway team collided with another carriage with a serious “smash up,” and loss of vehicle property.


Hampton, August 23. — The surviving members of the old Third New Hampshire Regiment probably remember that last week was the 17th anniversary of the battle at Deep Bottom, Va., which lasted from the 13th to the 20th of August. The regiment entered this fight with less than two hundred men, and during the severe fighting and skirmishing captured and took to the rear over three hundred prisoners, sustaining a loss of ten officers and eighty-three as brave men as ever handled a sword or musket in killed, wounded and missing, and the term of service of many of these men had nearly expired. Ex-Governor Head, who was Adjutant General, at that time, rightly says in his report, that the behaviour of the regiment in this engagement was universally commended, and their record never stood better than at the close of this battle. On the 23d of August, 1864, all of the original members, except a few, who had re-enlisted, would have been on their way home, yet they went in as gallantly and fought as bravely as though no thought of freedom crossed their minds. General Grant accomplished all, and even more by this engagment, than he expected, and promptly on the 23 we were mustered out and ordered home. One hundred and eighty comprised the little regiment of the ten hundred and forty men who left Concord three years before. We were commanded by Capt. R. W. Houghton, and accompanied by Chaplin Hill, both of whom were well loved and honored by the whole regiment. And we bore with us, tattered and torn by a long and honorable term of service, the nice silk stand of colors given us by ladies of Hempstead. Although we say it, “it was a fit guard for such a memento;” (and permit us to say here, that never did we receive during our three-years term of enlistment better treatment, and more encouragement than we did from the gallant and patriotic ladies of Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., and probably they will be pleased to know at this date that that flag never trailed in the dust, or was soiled by the hand of the enemy). Under it imperishable honors had been won, and in its defence many a brave spirit had “Sunk to rest, By all his country’s wishes blest.”

Many a hard fought field, many a severe skirmish, many a brilliant charge, had this flag waved over, and never in dishonor. Repulses, defeats and reverses it had witnessed, but never had its defenders so conducted as to cause its fair donors to blush for their name, as true soldiers in a noble cause.

Two carriages were badly smashed at the beach by coliding on Saturday evening last. The horses cleared themselves from the reins, but were soon captured. The occupants of the vehicles were uninjured.

Mr. Filley, a gentleman from St. Louis, Mo., died at the boarding house of Mr. Josiah Palmer, on Sunday morning. His remains were forwarded to St. Louis, on Monday.

All those in this vicinity who were hankering for an “Ocean breeze” were satisfied last week.

Mr. Smith, of St. Louis, Mo., who has boarded with Mr. Josiah Palmer for several years, during the Summer season, has purchased a farm belonging to Mr. Jonathan M. Lamprey, also an adjoining farm owned by Herbert Lamprey. Both of these farms are in a desirable location being near the beach, and extensive repairs have already been commenced on the buildings, and probably they will be made to compare favorable with any on the street.

John Philbrick, Esq., has moved into his new house.

Mr. Lewis Locke is putting up a nice set of buildings.


September 2, 1881

Hampton, August 30. — The Methodist society contemplate moving their church to a more suitable location, providing one can be procured. Several meetings have been held to that effect. Since writing the above we learn that the society have decided not to move their church, but to give it a thorough renovating inside.

O. H. Whittier, Esq., of the Union House, treated his boarders to an old fashioned clam bake one day last week, in the grove near the famous springs and trout ponds owned by Gen. Marston, of Exeter. The affair will long be remembered by the participants.

We were never, until Tuesday last, led off by a boy in the marsh. (Owing to a poor scythe of course.) Therefore we consider B. Herbert Blake the smartest salt grass mower in town.

Mr. Austin B. Mace, in descending from a hay mow on Monday last, was precipitated, by the ladder slipping, a distance of fifteen feet to the floor below, striking upon his right shoulder. Fortunately some hay was lying upon the floor, which probably prevented serious, if not fatal, injuries. His arm and shoulder are bruised considerably, and are quite lame. It will be some time before he can use them.


September 16, 1881


AN ACT to legalize the vote of the town of Hampton to raise money for town purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened :

Section 1. That all the taxes assessed by the board of selectmen of the town of Hampton for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one be and the same hereby are made legal ; and all the doings of the selectmen in relation to the assessment of all taxes in said town for said year are hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized.

Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.

Approved July 27, 1881.

Hampton, Sept. 13. — A very interesting ceremony took place at Hampton Beach on Sunday last. The two young children of the proprietor of the Hampton Beach House, Mr. Joseph L. Leavitt, were baptized in the parlors of the hotel by the Rev. M. Angelo Dougherty, of West Newbury, Mass.


Hampton, Sept. 13. — Mr. Chase, of Stratham, in turning around at the depot in this town, on Friday last, upset his buggy which caused the horse to fall in such a way as to kill him instantly. Mr. Chase escaped with a few slight bruises.

Mr. Samuel Meserve lost a good horse last week by colic.

When the women folks want to wash, you will always find the softest water in the well farthest from the house.

It was Joseph L. Hobbs who raised fifty bushels of Burbank seedling potatoes on one-fourth acre of land, instead of John L. Hobbs.

Some of our citizens are quite fortunate in owning orchards near the Beach this season, for most of the trees are loaded with apples.

It may be a wise policy on the part of President Garfield’s medical attendants to take him to the seashore, but we fail to see it. We venture to say that not one sick person in fifty who ever came to the beach in search of health, especially at this season of the year, when the east winds are always cold and damp, ever derived a real, lasting benefit ; and unless the atmosphere is different on the New Jersey coast than here, we fear it will have a detrimental effect in his case.

We understand that Mr. T. N. Chase, who has been in the dry goods business here some four or five years, is about to move to Amesbury, Mass. We consider Mr. Chase a square, upright, honest man, and a good citizen. He will be greatly missed.

September 23, 1881

Hampton, Sept. 21. — A young man by the name of Thomas Peaslee, of East Boston, who has been in the employ of the Eastern railroad about two weeks, was knocked from the freight train at the draw-bridge about six o’clock Saturday afternoon. He fell into the river, and his body was recovered Sunday morning by Capt. John C. Palmer.

Judging by the way our boys are arming up, some of the sea fowl, which have commenced their southern flight, will be likely to loose their wind before they reach their destination.

Samuel D. Lane, Esq., has cut and cured 100 tons of hay this season.

Our town was shrouded in gloom on Tuesday morning, as the tolling of the bell and flags at half-mast told us only too plainly that our President was dead.


Hampton, Sept. 19 — Owing to the threatening shower on Thursday evening last, the attendance at the parish sociable was not so large as usual. There were about seventy present. The evening passed pleasantly, and we hope to soon meet again.

The Sabbath School of the Congregational church held a picnic at Hampton Beach, on Saturday afternoon. The company numbered about ninety, and were accommodated with rooms at the Atlantic House, Mr. Charles Sargent, proprietor. The afternoon was fine, and a merry time we had.

Rev. Mr. Frye, of Seabrook, occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church Sabbath day.

L. P.

September 30, 1881

Hampton, Sept. 27. — The second re-union of Co. D, 3d N. H. V., took place at the Union House, on Thursday of last week. About twenty-five were present, and as there are but a few more of the original members living, and most of these quite near, it was deeply regretted that all did not avail themselves of the opportunity to be present. Notwithstanding the small number, as the comrades arrived (most of them with their wives) one after another, many of whom had not seen each other for seventeen years, a most cordial greeting took place. No one but the soldier knows the strength of the tie that binds the hearts of the old comrades together after being so closely connected for three long years upon the tented field, living as it were in one common family, sharing each other’s trial, dangers, hardships and fatigues incident to the soldier’s life. Brotherly love will appropriately express the emotion which wells up in the heart of the old soldier as he clasps the hand of another after years of separation. The hours flew quickly while calling to mind the reminiscences of army life. Our dead comrades were not forgotten ; their companionship, their deed of valor, their sacrifices were brought home to our minds afresh, and their memories will ever be held sacred till the surviving comrades of Co. D are no more. At 3 o’clock dinner was announced, when all faced dining-room-ward, marching rout step to partake of the viands so bountifully provided by Mr. Whittier. After these had been discussed, the members of the association repaired to the hall, where the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year : Capt. Wm. H. Maxwell, of Manchester, President ; Capt. John S. James, of this town, Vice President ; John M. Mallon, of Exeter, Secretary ; Thomas Entwistle, of Portsmouth, Samuel W. Dearborn, of this town, Samuel Pevear, of Hampton Falls, Executive Committee. After passing a vote of thanks to Mr. Whittier for his generous hospitality, suitable resolutions were drawn up and adopted in memory of our martyred President, as follows:

Whereas, Almighty God, in His divine wisdom, has taken from us our beloved comrade and Chief Magistrate, James A. Garfield, and, whereas, in the loss of our beloved President, liberty and law, good order and government received a blow from the assassin’s hand, and calls for stern justice through the majesty of the law, and a determination from us to make such crimes impossible in the future, therefore,

Resolved, That we esteem Gen. Garfield as one of the best contributions from the working class to the army and statesmanship of our country, and admire his qualities as a man and citizen, his virtue in public life, wisdom as a statesman, courage as a soldier, and manliness, which, without complaint, he met his lingering and cruel death.

Resolved, That to the stricken and heroic wife and children, in this their calamity, we tender our heartfelt and profound sympathy, and give them our tears in this hour of their great affliction.

Those present not belonging to the company, but just as welcome, were Adjt. Hill, of Portsmouth, Major Trickey and Capt. Wadleigh, of Dover. All the 3d regiment boys will recollect that Capt. Wadleigh, who had charge of building the “Swamp Angel,” mounted the old trumpet that nearly awoke the dead as it sent its iron messengers on an errand of mercy or death crashing through the buildings of the city of Charleston, S. C. At five o’clock the meeting was adjourned, thus ending one of the pleasantest meetings the Co. has ever had since the hard times were over.

In compliance with the proclamation of Gov. Bell, union memorial services were held in the Congregational church, which was handsomely and elaborately draped in mourning. In front, and over the pulpit, and on either side, was one cloud of black, beautifully embellished with vines and choice flowers, skillfully worked into bouquets and various mourning devices appropriate for the occasion. Around the arch over the pulpit the National flag, with a wide strip of drapery, the ends of which reach away to the right and left, is gracefully looped up. Over this are the words, “God reigns.” Back of the pulpit hangs a large, life-like portrait of President Garfield, heavily draped ; also one in front of the gallery. Under this is a portrait of President Lincoln. Between the two, alternate strips of black and white extend across the church, fastened with festoons. The chandelier was decorated very effectively. On Sunday, appropriate services were held before a large audience, Rev. Messrs. Cutler and Spaulding of this town, and Rev. Mr. Judkins, Presiding Elder of this district, officiating. On Monday the audience was not quite so large, but all listened very attentively, with sad countenances and still sadder hearts, to the impressive and glowing tribute of respect paid to our lamented President by Rev. Mr. Cutler, who dwelt at length upon the personal qualities of the departed as a scholar, a soldier, and ruler, and upon his purity, patience, faith and piety. The singing was good and added much to the solemnity of the occasion. To all those who have united in the sad duties of the hour, we would say, that we hope that no one living in this generation will ever be called upon again to perform this duty–that of paying funeral honors to a President of the United States so cruelly cut down as was James A. Garfield.

If those gentlemen cutting Hon. Warren Brown’s marsh would cut on the low run of tides they would not have to climb haystacks to keep out the water.

Probably everybody in time will see the object of moving the Methodist church. There are but a very few who can see it now. However, it is on the road and will reach its new location in due time.

The hotels at the Beach present a deserted appearance. When the proprietors begin to fill their billiard halls, bowling alleys and sleeping rooms with cornstalks, it is a pretty sure sign that boarders are “skars.”

We should have spoken of the pleasant time a party of our ladies and gentlemen had at the Beach, on Friday of last week, but time and space will not permit.


Mr. W. L. Drake, of Hampton, left on our table four pears which grew on the same tree. Two of them weighed twenty ounces, and were as fine Bartletts as we have seen this season. The other two were about the size of crab apples, and weighed with stems and one leaf three-quarters of an ounce. The first blossomed May 1, and the others August 1, which accounts for the difference in development.

October 7, 1881

Hampton, Oct. 5. — Died in this town, on Sunday last, John J. Leavitt Esq. Mr. Leavitt had been out of health somewhat over a month — so much so that he had expressed a belief that he would not live long. His death, notwithstanding, was sudden and unexpected to those around him, the immediate cause of which was heart disease or internal hemorhage. Mr. Leavitt’s death will be deeply felt by many, not only in Hampton but throughout the county and state. He was recognized by all who knew him, as a man of more than common native ability, and good sense –as an honest, kind hearted and generous man. The last sickness of Mr. Leavitt disclosed the fact that he has been a silent and uncomplaining sufferer for years from a painful internal disease, that would have called forth the sympathy and charity of all had it been known. Mr. Leavitt held the office of Town Clerk in this town for fourteen years, Represented the town in the Legislature in the years 1865-6, and was six years County Commissioner for this County. At the time of his death he was a few months over fifty years old, having been born March 4, 1831. His funeral took place at his residence on Tuesday, the 4th instant, and was attended by a large concourse of friends from Hampton and adjoining towns. The funeral discourse was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Cutler, and was a feeling, just and appropriate tribute to the deceased.

Hampton, Oct. 5. — A gentleman by the name of French, about fifty years of age, who has been boarding at the Union house for quite a while, died very suddenly on Wednesday of last week. In coming from his room in the morning he remarked to some one in the hall that he did not feel very well, and returned to his room. Not coming to dinner his room was entered when he was found dead. Mr. French has been soliciting subscribers for a history of Rockingham County for some time past, in this and adjoining towns. His wife, who is living in Michigan, was telegraphed of the sad event, and for information as to the disposition to be made of the remains, but as no answer came he was buried in the cemetery on Friday. Apoplexy is supposed to have been the cause.


October 14, 1881

Hampton, Oct. 12. — Jurors drawn from this town are, Charles G. Marston, grand ; Samuel W. Dearborn, petit.

Some of our citizens who went to the White Mountains on Tuesday of last week, met with such a cold reception on Wednesday morning, that they were glad to get home.

Mr. Plunket, of Amesbury, Mass., has finished his contract in moving the Methodist church, which is now on its new site, and raised up. The work on the vestry, which is to be underneath, is already commenced.

The tenement over A. D. Brown’s store, occupied by Mr. Fred Moore, milk agent for Chase & Co., of Lynn, Mass., was entered by some one or more persons on Friday night last, who took sixty dollars in money. Forty of this belonged to Mr. Moore, the balance to the milk company. Our citizens have contributed liberally to make good Mr. Moore’s loss. A certain party is suspected and it would be policy for them to walk up to the captain’s office and settle before Sheriff Kent nabs them.


October 21, 1881

Hampton, Oct. 19. — A company of ladies and gentleman numbering about sixty, passed a pleasant afternoon and evening at the Atlantic house, Hampton Beach, on Wednesday, the 12th inst. Upon entering the pleasant, spacious rooms at this house, all seem to forget that without it was cold and dreary. A bountiful table was spread, consisting of cakes, pies, clam chowder, & c., and at an early hour the “gong” sounded for supper. In the evening there were music and games, and lastly the younger ones joined “all hands around.” At a seasonable hour the party dispersed, wishing many thanks to our genial host for hospitality shown to them on this occasion and many others, and that the time might not be too far distant when we should meet again.

Rev. Mr. Wormwood commenced his pastoral labors with the Freewill Baptist church, here, last Sabbath. Mr. Wormwood preached a very able and wide awake discourse in the afternoon. We trust that his labors here will be crowned with success.

L. P.

November 11, 1881

Hampton, Nov. 9. — A new furnace has been set up in the basement of the Congregational church. We learn that this has been done principally through the instrumentality of the young ladies, who have held sociables in the vestry once a fortnight for the past year or more.

Messrs. John W. Dearborn and Andrew J. Philbrick, have resigned as police officers, and Mr. Irvin O. Wright, has been appointed to fill their places.


Hampton, Nov. 9. — Schools in district No. 1 closed last Friday. Each school was visited by the Superintendent and Prudential Committee, and by the parents and friends of the scholars, who were very much gratified with the exercises and general appearance of the school.

Services were held at the Congregational church, last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Cutler occupied the pulpit, and preached a very able discourse in the morning.

The new furnace recently put into the church was in operation for the first time last Sabbath.

Parish sociables are held here one in two weeks, at the Baptist and Congregational societies, alternately.

The work of completing the Methodist Episcopal church is progressing finely.

The recent rain has done abundance of good here. Previous to the last rain many wells were dry, here.

Our farmers have about finished their harvest work. At this date many are busy heading up apples to sell, for which they receive from $2.25 to $3.25 per barrel.

L. P.

November 18, 1881

Hampton, Nov. 16. — Since the opening of the Mechanics’ Fair in Boston, the Eastern Railroad Company have run several half-fair trains for the accommodation of those who wished to spend a few days profitably, and many of our citizens have embraced the opportunity. On Friday last, sixty-seven went from this town.

Mr. George W. Godfrey killed a red fox one day last week.

School in district No. 3 commenced on Monday, Mr. Horace M. Lane, teacher. Comment as to final result is unnecessary.

Our Boars Head gunners march off with their breech and old muzzle loaders, as proud as a new fledged rooster; and well they might, for most of them are pretty sure of a bird on the wing, and like to show their skill when any highlanders come down. But they were just mad, they were, the other morning, when an Exeter fellow killed 19 clappers and some other fowl without missing a shot.

Mr. Jeremiah L. Godfrey, formerly of this town, brought his wife here from Greenland, for interment, on Monday.

Mr. B. Herbert Blake is repairing some of his buildings, which improve their looks very much. Mr. Ira E. Lane has charge of the job.


November 25, 1881

Hampton, Nov. 22. — In passing through the cemetery we noticed some improvements have been made since last spring. One, especially by Mr. W. Ladd Dodge of Winchester, Mass., who has caused his lot to be nearly enclosed by a granite curbing, which is very ornamental, and would have been more so, had the contractor set the stone in a workmanlike manner. But as they now stand it does not add much to that man’s reputation as a finished workman. A great deal might be said in way of improving the general appearance of the yard, but we prefer to leave it to the option of the lot owners. Some of the stones we noticed have fallen down and broken, and many others are allowed to lean in various directions. Wild cherry trees and shrubbery, which are worthless as an ornament, are allowed to grow. Now if each lot owner would take an interest and visit the cemetery occasionally, we might with a very little labor beautify and improve the general appearance of the last resting place of our departed friends very much.

If the town, or some of our public-spirited citizens near the depot, would erect a street lamp near the public watering pump, and cause the same to be lighted, if only for a few hours on dark nights, it would be found a great public benefit. The railroad company should place one at the entrance of the depot yard, and others are needed at various points along the road leading to the Beach.

One of our venerable old ladies, now in her 88th year, has worn a string of gold beads on her neck ever since she was fouteen years of age, without any intermission, except the time of changing a worn out set for a new one.


December 7, 1881

Hampton, Nov. 28. — The young people of Hampton will hold a fair in the town hall, on the 6th and 7th of December. A good time generally is expected. The last evening will close with a dance.

Foxes are quite abundant this winter, but so far only one has been killed.


Hampton, Nov. 28. — We read with interest, the local news, contained in the columns of the Exeter NEWS-LETTER. We should be glad if we could send you items of interest from this place. What if there are none ? It is pretty much the same thing.

Schools have commenced. Good teachers have been procured. We learn that Rev. R. A. DeLancey, is to take charge of the grammar school in district No. 2. We congratulate the committee of that district, for being so fortunate as to procure so worthy and efficient a teacher. The school will go forward, success is sure.

We are glad to hear that Mrs. R. A. DeLancy is slowly recovering from her severe illness.

We notice that Mr. Horace Hobbs has improved his house by having a large piazza built on the west side.

Several of our young men have recently left town, and are employed under the management of Mr. Lewis Perkins, formerly of this town, in building a wire fence along with Massachusetts Central railroad, in western Massachusetts. Soon there are others who expect to join them.

L. P.

December 9, 1881

Hampton, Dec. 7. — Cats are on er-waul. Sign of a broken winter.

The youngest son of Mr. James M. Lamprey met with a severe and painful accident a few days ago by the accidental discharge of a pistol. He was taken to Exeter for treatment, and we learn that the ball which entered his hand could not be found. Many of our young men are walking arsenels, and any one need not be surprised to hear that one of more blow up any day.

Mr. Jacob B. and Moses Leavitt, have twenty-four hogs and shoates.

Superintendent, James Lane, Esq., has procured, and placed in General Marston’s ponds, about 15,000 carp.

Mrs. Phebe Batchelder, formerly of this town, but now living in Walcott, Vt. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Josiah C. Palmer. Mrs. Batchelder has not been here for twenty-two years, and within that time she has lost by death her mother, two sisters, and a brother.

Some of our young married ladies have organized themselves into a kind of bivalve club. They are to meet once a week and regale themselves on clam chowders, oyster stews, batters, quahaug soups, &c., and expect to have a good time generally. Their husbands are excluded, who predicted to their fair damsels from the outset that the undertaking would be a failure. They have had one meeting, but as one woman will never praise another on her good cooking qualities, the stew, or whatever they had was partaken of in silence. They missed their better halves, who know how to appreciate the services, and most always have a word of cheer for the fair ones who have charge of the culinary department. However they report a “cute time,” but it has leaked out that the ladies unanimously resolved to hold no more meetings unless their husbands can be present.

Mr. Poore, of Manchester, is filling up the store formerly occupied by John J. Leavitt, Esq., and will open to the public soon.

Our citizens near the depot have purchased a street lamp and have erected it near the town pump.


December 16, 1881

Hampton, Dec. 13. — The first wild geese we have heard of being killed this season, were shot by Edward E. Johnson, on Thursday morning last. One weighed 13 pounds, and one 10 pounds, dressed.

One of our neighbors dropped his watch a few nights since, which struck the floor. He said it didn’t stop, so we presume it is going yet.

Union meetings are being held through the week in the Congregational and Baptist churches.

Dancing school commences on Wednesday evening next. The art to be taught by Mr. Upton, of Salem, Mass.

We are glad to learn that “Musicus” has returned to Washington, D. C., and also hope we may have the pleasure of reading through the winter, his interesting letters which he contributes to the NEWS-LETTER. In our opinion, now is just the time he should be there. It affords him a rare opportunity of storing his mind with valuable legislation.

Our storekeepers are selling coal which was ordered some time ago for $6.75, but say they cannot buy it in Newburyport, Mass., so as to sell it here now, for less than $7.25. If the wind had blown two hours longer the other night, it was going up another half.


December 23, 1881

Hampton, Dec. 20 — The Methodist Episcopal church of this place which has been undergoing repairs for the last three months, will be dedicated January 5, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Dr. B. K. Peirce, editor of Zion’s Herald will preach the sermon.

December 30, 1881

Hampton, Dec. 27. — Mr. Samuel W. Dearborn, one of our live machanics, is about to place a steam mill on the wood lot recently purchased of Mrs. John Dearborn, and active operations are to commence at once.

We were sorry to learn of the sudden death of Mr. George E. Kelly, of Statham. His able and interesting contributions to the NEWS-LETTER will be greatly missed.

Mr. Ira E. Lane has caught the spirit of improvement which changes the appearance of his barn very much. Mr. Lane is a natural genius and has just completed an arrangement for fastening doors which works easily by a small knob. The mechanism would require too much space to explain. The contrivance must be seen at work, to be appreciated.

We are pleased to know that the crew of the “Jeanette,” (or at least part of it) who went in search of the North pole, have been heard from and hope they will be permitted to return safely to the busom of their families wiser if not better men. Now we don’t know exactly what kind of stuff the North pole is made of, but it is very evident that it is frozen up, and will undoubtedly keep for all eternal ages. Therefore we would respectfully suggest to our government, or any private individual, that if they have any surplus money to spare, before appropriating it for the foolish and hazardous undertaking of exploring the ice bound regions of the North, that they distribute it among the poor of this country who are a great deal more in need of the necessaries of life just at the present time, than they are of the North pole.

The approach of Christmas with the beautiful weather caused quite a bustle among the young folks, especially of the Baptist and Methodist societies, who united their efforts in making their Christmas festivities, which were held in the Baptist church, of unusual interest, and well they succeeded. The trees were loaded with presents, many of which were valuable and useful. All the exercises were pleasing, and passed off harmonously.

Rev. Mr. Spaulding, of the Methodist church, was presented with a purse of about $25 by his society.