January 6, 1882

Hampton, Jan. 3. — The funeral of J. Prescott Williams occurred at the Baptist church, on Thursday afternoon of last week. A delegation from Quascacunquen Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Newburyport, Mass. (of which he was a member) was present. Twenty-five members of Rockingham Lodge of Hampton Falls, followed his remains to their last resting place. The Newburyport brethren acted as pall bearers. It being stormy, the burial service was rendered in the church. The N. G. of Rockingham Lodge and the Chaplain of Quascacunquen Lodge officiating.


Hampton, Jan. 2. — Mr. J. Prescott Williams, one of our enterprising young men died on Tuesday of last week aged 39 years, 3 months, 27 days. For several years Mr. Williams was engaged in the milk business in this town, supplying parties in Lynn and Salem, Mass., but a broader and more lucrative field of labor opened before him in Newburyport, Mass., he removed to that city about seven years ago and continued the business on a more extensive scale, until hard work and disease compelled him to relinquish it altogether. A delegation from the order of Odd Fellows, in Newburyport, of which the deceased was a member, together with about thirty others from this and adjoining towns, took charge of the remains of his father’s house, where he had resided during his long and painful illness, and escorted them to the Baptist church, where the funeral services were held on Thursday. After a brief but glowing tribute of respect by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wormwood, the funeral rites usually performed at the grave by the Odd Fellows, owing to the rain, were performed in the church and were quite impressive. The remains were then escorted to the cemetary.

Mr. Moses Blake was plowing grass land Dec. 29.

Our young ladies are having their names changed as fast as an opportunity offers itself. Not done by the Judge of Probate either.

The following are the names and ages of those who have died in this town during the year 1881.

Jan. 8. Widow, David Moulton, seventy-five years, twenty-five days.
Feb. 12. Child of Charles Flanders, one month, seven days.
Feb. 18. Child of Eri P. Blake, one month, twenty-one days.
Mar. 2. Wife of Sewell W. Dow, sixty-eight years.
Mar. 7. Widow Ruth Lamprey, eighty-two years, two months.
Mar. 15. Uri Lamprey, seventy-two years, twenty days.
Mar. 15. Wife of Abram B. Towle, fifty-three years.
Apr. 10. Widow Joseph Page, eighty-four years, two months, twelve days.
May 14. Abner Mace, eighty-four years, four months.
July 17. Wife of George Nudd, fifty-five years.
Aug. 2. Joseph Young, twenty-two years.
Aug. 25. Child of Fred B. Dunbar, five months, fourteen days.
Sept. 3. Nellie Chase, twenty-one years.
Sept. 20. Wife of W. H. Blake, thirty-six years, one month, sixteen days.
Oct. 2. John J. Leavitt, fifty years, four months, twenty-eight days.
Oct. 17. Sherburn Locke, eighty-one years, seven months, seven days.
Oct. 30. Samuel Merserve, seventy-nine years, six months.
Nov. 19. Widow Oliver Lamprey, seventy-seven years.
Dec. 27. J. Prescott Williams, thirty-nine years, three months, twenty-seven days.

From the depot to the post-office there is a walk between the track and buildings varying from four to ten feet in width, and is travelled considerably by our citizens through the day. Upon this walk the postal clerk deposits a good sized mail bag as the 3:20 train from Portland is passing at the rate of forty miles an hour, often times without noticing whether anyone is in the way or not. Any remonstrance probably would not be heeded and the careless and dangerous practice will be kept up until someone finds out something has hit him and then will begin to think he has discovered a new “star route” and it ought to be discontinued.


January 13, 1882

Hampton, Jan. 9. — The people of Hampton are thinking of moving the Academy from its present site to a location nearer the depot, and to one more convenient for the purposes of a school building. But however desirable it may be for the benefit of the children to make the change, it cannot but cause a feeling of sadness to all lovers of the days of old, and to all those who have an interest in preserving the old land-marks of the past. The place where it now stands is where our forefathers built their first church. They came from England nearly 250 years ago, to find a home in the new world where they could worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, and were more like the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock than any company that ever landed on our shores. The first company consisted of fifty-five persons. They had formed themselves into church covenant with Rev. Stephen Bachelder as their pastor, before they left England. They brought their pastor with them, although he was then four-score years old. The next year another company came, bringing their pastor, Rev. Timothy Dalton, who was settled as colleague with Mr. Bachelder. Those two pioneers of the church of God, whose names have been made immortal by our poet Whittier, preached to the pilgrims many eloquent sermons in the house built in that place. Near there, too, was buried, according to tradition, Old Goody Cole.

“Who cursed the tide as it backward crept,
Crawl back, crawl back, blue water snake,
Leave your dead for the hearts that break.”

The academy which at one time took a high rank among the schools of New England, and indeed of the country, was a fitting memorial of the sacred spot. In later years the school, for various reasons, did not thrive until at last it was entirely discontinued. If now the building can be moved to another locality and a school built up for the benefit of the young, well and good. But there should be put in its place something as a memento of the past. There are many all over the country who must be interested in this matter ; especially those who, in tracing their ancestry, are led back to the old town of Hampton for their forefathers.


Hampton, Jan. 7. — The dedication of the Methodist Episcopal church took place on January 5. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. R. B. Pierce, editor of Zion’s Herald.

At North Adams, Mass., on Wednesday evening, December 28, at eight o’clock, the nuptials of Mr. Lewis Perkins, formerly of this town, a resident of North Adams, Mass., and Miss Belle L. Benten, were celebrated at the residence of the bride’s parents. The happy couple who have hosts of friends, were the recipients of many valuable gifts.

X. Y. Z.

Hampton, Jan. 9. — The Methodist church, which was moved to a new location about four months ago, was raised up and a story built underneath which gives a light and commodious room for a vestry, while the church itself has been remodeled, and thoroughly renovated, until under the skillful hands of our mechanics it has become as neat and pleasant a church as we have in town at a cost of $2700. The re-dedication took place on Tuesday afternoon of last week, before a large and attentive audience. The order of exercises were as follows : Anthem, by a choir from East Salisbury ; introductory address by Rev. J. F. Spaulding, the pastor ; prayer by Rev. W. M. Ayres, of Newburyport, Mass. ; singing, by choir, the congregation joining ; first Scripture lesson, by Rev. C. H. Chase, of Merrimacport, Mass. ; second Scripture lesson by Rev. J. W. Walker, of Exeter ; singing, by the choir ; interesting sermon, by Rev. Dr. B. R. Pierce, editor of Zion’s Herald, Boston; reading of Psalms, by Rev. W. E. Bennett, Greenland ; presentation of the House, by Rev. Elibu Scott, of this town, chairman of trustees ; dedication and prayer, by Rev. G. J. Judkins, Presiding Elder, of the Dover district ; singing by the choir ; benediction, by Rev. Dr. Pierce, Rev. J. J. Frye, of Seabrook, Rev. G. D. Garland, of Newcastle, and Rev. F. P. Wormwood, pastor of the Baptist church in this town, among others were present and participated in the services. Rev. Mr. Ruland preached a sermon in the evening, formerly a pastor of this church, also Rev. Mr. Chase, who was pastor thirty-five years ago, was present and took part.

A fellowship meeting was held in the Congregational church, on Wednesday of last week. This was the fifth of a series which has been held in the different towns along the New Hampshire coast.

Mr. John W. Lewis slaughtered two hogs a little over a year old, for Mrs. Ward, recently, which weighed 978 pounds.

The wife of Mr. Oliver Godfrey died on Monday.

Thanks for the NEWS-LETTER almanac. It is neat, tasty, useful, and contains much valuable information.

Mr. George Fisk, is about to go to Texas, to engage in sheep raising.


January 27, 1882

Hampton, Jan. 23. — The early history of Hampton is so closely allied to that of Exeter, Dover and Portsmouth that while learning of the history of one we must necessarily be interested in that of the others. Before R. Jon Wheelwright obtained the deed from the Indians covering 30 square miles, the same territory had been granted by King Charles I to the Plymouth Council ; that grant covering the whole of New England. It seems that the Massachusetts colony did not recognize the claim of Wheelwright, and sent out Richard Dummer and John Spencer to make a settlement near the salt marshes, to secure the hay for their cattle. They built a house as a token of possession and called it the plantation of Winnicumett. In 1638, a company of 55 pilgrims came from Norfolk, England, and settled on the plantation. They had formed for themselves a church covenant before they left the home of their birth, and had chosen the Rev. Stephen Bachelder as their pastor ; he came with them to the new country, although about four-score years old. The next year another company came bringing their pastor, the Rev. Timothy Dalton, who was settled as colleague with Mr. Bachelder. The plantation included what is now Kensington, Seabrook, Hampton Falls, Hampton, North Hampton and a part of Rye. It was divided into 147 shares, two of which were granted to Mr. Dalton. At this death, in 1661, he left his property to the town for the support of the Gospel. We have some names still located on the shares taken by their ancestors. They built their meeting-house, and threw up high mounds around it, as a protection from the Indians, and to be used as a fort in case of an attack. That spot was the “home of the church of God” for the people in this region for more than 150 years. According to some writings we find, the first orchard of New England was planted near here. By a tax list dated 1653, which we have at hand, we find there were 73 tax payers that year, and the amount of the taxes was 53 pounds, 2 shillings, 10 pence.


Hampton, Jan. 23. — We have an intensely cold morning, 26 degrees below zero! Our chilly salutations to Franconia and the North Pole ! But the Frost King has no terrors for our warmhearted young ladies, who are busy as summer bees to-day, in preparing for the annual festivities of the Mizpah Circle (under the energetic and efficient direction of Miss Lucy Dow) to be held in the town hall tomorrow, Wednesday evening.

There has been until this cold change of weather, a general apprehension of the failure of the ice crop. Parties commenced harvesting it last week. Mr. Curtis DeLancy (who has contracted for filling fifteen ice houses) put in and packed fifty tons of thin ice for Thomas Sanborn Esq., of Rye, last Saturday, in about five hours, with the help of only four men, and one of them, (Mr. James Cilley) was disabled by slipping into the water six feet deep. An uncomfortable bath in a mid-winter snow storm! and a lucky escape from a worse fate under the ice!

A short time since Curtis DeLancey lost a very large and valuable Durham cow under circumstances of peculiar hardship. He was busily engaged as superintendent of the town hall, where the young people were holding a series of entertainments for the benefit of the Public Library. The cow was suddenly taken sick, but he could not leave the hall when sent for to attend to her because some hilarious young gentlemen (?) required the restraint of his presence. When he could leave to go home it was too late to apply any remedy for the cow. She died in a few hours. How long are Christian communities to tolerate the antics of highly exhilarated disturbers of social peace? And would it not be a sensible, neighborly courtesy to share the loss with Mr. DeLancey under the circumstances?

We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Oliver Hobbs lost a horse this morning from the disease called Pinkeye.

February 3, 1882

Hampton, Jan. 31. — The new store, opened by Mr. Poore, of Manchester, in the rooms of the late J. J. Leavitt, Esq., looks very inviting, and is attracting a good business. The proprietor and his excellent family are welcome additions to our social and church circles.

Mr. Joshua Lane, successor to Messrs. G. W. Lane & Co., is doing a large and profitable business, at the old stand, so long and successfully managed by that well-known firm, Geo. W. Lane Esq., having retired, (though still a young man) with an ample fortune.

The Methodist Episcopal church, having been removed, enlarged and refitted not only comfortably, but elegantly, will soon have a good bell hung in the new and handsome tower.

The Mizpah Circle had a very enjoyable literary entertainment, at the town hall, Wednesday evening — a rehearsal of Longfellow’s aboriginal poem, Hiawatha.

Hampton, Jan. 31. — Mr. Adna Garland met with a serious accident on Friday last. In returning from his barn, and when near his house, a very strong gust of wind raised a board which struck him in the head, knocking him to the ground where he remained senseless some minutes. No one being at home at the time, it was with great difficulty that he reached the house by crawling, as he could not walk. We hope soon to see him out.

The ice men are very busy in filling their houses with that indispensable article for the summer.

The farmers are hauling their salt hay from off the marshes. Everyone is improving the good sledding.

We notice that sleighs loaded with parties of young folks are enjoying themselves while this good sleighing and moon lasts. Mr. Whittier, proprietor of the Union House, has a very large proportion of these parties. They know where they can go and spend a good pleasant evening.


February 10, 1882

Hampton, Feb. 8. — It is reported that Rev. Mr. Wormwood, recently inducted in to the acting pastorate of the Free Baptist church is suffering from too severe mental exertion. It is feared, that, at least, a temporary release from ministerial labor may be necessary. This will be a great disappointment to his congregation, who, in the short time he has been with them, have become much attached to him. His popular ministry promised special usefulness in the community.

The question is quietly mooted here, as well as publicly in other states, whether under the present independent district system, school funds are wisely and economically expended. Is the common school, the pride and boast of New England, a practical failure ? The division of school taxes among little out lying districts, the frequent change of teachers, the employment of mere children as instructors, the short and irregular terms, the wide-spread indifference of parents to the studious application, attendance, and enthusiastic advancement of pupils, the too early leaving off school, the low grade of the few organized grammar school departments, by which mere tyros in the first elements (the very primary lessons of instruction) are placed side by side with older and more advanced students, and the popular, many and varied diversions, from sound scholastic learning, are a few of the innumerable incidentals of our common school deterioration — dare I add, as a distinguished person educated in the Athens of America has publicly affirmed — “a failure!” Why, I have in my thought, a distant grammar school, so called, in which there are found four different classes, each in common geography and grammar, and yet it claims to be a graded school. What time can, even a competent teacher, devote to advanced classes, in higher branches of learning in such a promiscuous, not to say merely primary school. No wonder that scholars, ambitions of higher and faster advancement, seek other and better schools, in towns and cities away from home, while their parents pay their taxes here and expenses of good education there.

It is rumored that parties with antiquarian instincts, or bric-a-brac tastes, are prying into the hidden secrets of old town reports, to find items of expenditures for the past few scores of years, to whom and for what the people’s taxes have been paid. It is said, they are such old fogies, as to assert that the annual incidental expenses of this good, old, quiet, orderly, well-do-do, and well balanced town, ought not to be so high.

A distressingly poor fishing season.

A railroad is about to be constructed along the lea-way of our ocean beaches, where we ought to have had long ago a horse railroad and public carriage avenue, for the convenience and enjoyment, especially of summer visitors. Such improvements would have made our beautiful sea-side one of the most attractice resorts on the coast of New England.

Snows, deep, deeper, deepest, breaking out roads is our daily pastime — the by play, No Oxen ! When will our farmers learn the good old maxims of their fathers — “let old horses die and young oxen live.” Breed, raise, buy, keep, work, grow, fat, sell, oxen,” and thus save and make money on their farms. In a district where there were formerly wintered thirty or forty yoke, the road surveyor can drum up now only two or three solitary pairs ; can no substitute be invented for our road-side fences — the position, construction, material and form of which are the primary cause of the great trouble, labor, vexation and expense of road breaking during our inclement winters.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. DeLancy, only daughter of the late Deacon Jeremiah Hobbs, is not gaining strength so well as her friends have hoped. She has suffered severely for many months from heart disease and sympathetic lung pressure.

Hampton, Feb. 8. — Mr. Charles T. Lamprey, came very near losing an eye a few days ago, by a chip striking it.

Mr. John W. Lewis has slaughtered over seventy porkers for different individuals within the last three months.

While Mr. Otis Marston, was cutting wood last week, a twig caused his axe to divert and come down with telling effect, cutting a gash four inches long on the top of his foot, and the lower corner of the axe going through leaving a cut one and one-half inches long on the bottom. The wound was promptly dressed by Dr. William T. Merrill, and is doing as well as could be expected.


February 17, 1882

Hampton. Feb. 13. — The question has been asked “what has become of the fish, the large, beautiful fish that once inhabited these waters?” I think the question can be answered by most anyone who was acquainted with the manner of fishing years ago, before trawls or nets were used. When our fishing boats left the beach in the morning with their hand lines, and clams for bate, manned by two men, one to hold the boat in the fishing ground while the other fished, they used to return in the afternoon with their boats loaded as deep as they could float. Those fish used to find their way to Vermont and even into Canada. When I was a boy, that was before railroads were as common as to-day, the fish trade on our beach was one of the best trades in town. Teams of one, two, three, and even four horse brought their loads of beautiful large cod and left town for Vermont and the Canadas. I will remember how we boys used to look upon those men, and talked about how far they came, and how far they were to go before they reached home. We looked upon them with as much wonder about their return as we should to-day if a delegation should arrive in town from the moon. How marked the change ! What will be the result in the next fifty years?

We are soon to have a railroad along our beaches to accommodate the summer travel, and we should not be surprised to see the cars running past our doors some day.


Hampton, Feb. 15. — Rev. Mr. Cutler gave his congregation an unusually interesting discourse last Sabbath morning, on the active, co-operative sympathy which the Gospel imposes, with royal sanction, upon all the brotherhood of Christian believers. It touched the heart-core of every-day social religious obligations. Such sermons would oftener awaken a tender and practical interest in the real economical life of the church, than the abstract, airy, topical preaching, which has become the prevalent out-growth of the modern schools of theology, and of popular science, “falsely so-called.” Such reflections turn back our thoughts, almost nineteen centuries, to the ministration of the great Royal Preacher, Him of Gallilee, of Olivet, Gennesseret and the Desert, who put bread, and wine, and fish, and honey (with the Divine art of disease curing) into the mouths of needy and suffering humanity, before attempting to put theology into their heads and hearts.

It is reported that the trustees of the Academy have contracted with a Massachusetts mechanic to move the Academy building to a very pleasant central lot, near the village, and that they propose to have it re-opened soon, as an institution for advanced learning. It is hoped that it will again become highly useful to present and coming generations of students, as it has been pre-eminently so in the many scholastic cycles, that have passed away.

At the town hall here has been unusual activity during this inclement winter – a constant succession of entertainments, balls, parties, concerts, panorama, etc. Such is life, light and shade.

Some items, in your columns lately, referred briefly to our merchants. Another store might have been mentioned. Mr. A. D. Brown, has steadily carried on business successfully at the Depot, for a quarter of a century (I suppose), and with such unambitious, fair-handed integrity as has won the entire respect of the community.


Hampton, Feb. 15. — We understand the route for the proposed new branch of the Eastern railroad via King’s Island, Salisbury, Hampton, North Hampton and Rye Beaches is being looked out. The enterprise is very commendable and is looked upon with favor by all except a few coachmen, but then the company can easily pacify these gentlemen by employing them as station agents and baggage smashers, and if the company so choose can use their old coaches for a pontoon bridge across Hampton river. The bridging of this stream will probably be the greatest obstacle and the most expensive of any along the whole line. It will be necessary to put in a draw, and as the channel changes at most every flow and ebb of the tide, of course this draw will have to be built on a gondola so as to haul it round wherever the channel happens to be when a vessel wants to go up or down. But as the railroad men can probably arrange this matter better than we can, we leave it for the present. The question as to the location for a depot is already being discussed by the natives at the Beach. The most satisfactory arrangement the company can make, we think, is to have their trains stop in front of each hotel five or ten minutes for refreshments. Not only are the hotel keepers to be benefited but also the marsh owners who, it is understood, will be liberally rewarded for damage and most likely they will sell their marsh well, (low marsh we mean.) But in speaking more particularly of the spring marsh, so called, one old settler remarks. “Does anyone naturally suppose that us fellers who have just commenced to gather into our cowyards and barns rich rewards arising from the removal of the old tide mill, are going to quietly submit to have this beautiful prairie cut up by a gol blasted railroad ? No-sir-ee.” And furthermore says, “he shall do all in his power to stimulate his brother owners to stand firm in the cart-ruts of their fathers, and say to those chaps as they heave in sight over the Glade Ridge, “thus far shall thou go, and no farther,” until we are fully compensated for our labors in working this Garden of Eden up to its present luxurient state.” But to be brief, there is another very important point to be considered in connection with this railroad. If the government will appropriate a big pile of money to remove a small pile of obstructions in the river, this can be made a big shipping port. This is almost too much to hope for, but it is just what our good old town bankers after — business. Business that will encourage immigration and bring her labor and real estate up on a level with her sister towns. Then, and not till then will the “lion cease to roar, and the wangdoodle mourn for her first-born.” After this is brought about, we shall probably speak of other advantages which this road will afford.

On Thursday evening of last week one of the kerosene oil lamps in the office of the firm of Dow & Dearborn, exploded while the lights were being extinguished by Mr. Dearborn preparatory to closing for the night. The lamp was quite large and was fastened to the wall near the desk. As there was but little of a combustible nature in the immediate vicinity the flames were subdued without much damage.


February 24, 1882

Hampton, Feb. 20. — Friday was a gala day for the children in district No. 1, it being the last day of school this term. The examination took place in the afternoon, and was much to the credit of both teachers and scholars. The schoolroom was well filled with both parents and friends. Before the examination, the scholars of the grammar department presented their teacher with a beautiful Bible, a token of their respect, not knowing if they would ever meet again as teacher and scholars, as changes are continually taking place in this world. After the examination, speech making was the order, a number taking part, which pleased the school. When I was a boy and went to school in the old brick schoolhouse by the wayside, we had long, high-backed seats and benches attached, the high backs to help shield us from the cold, for those rooms were not as comfortable as are the schoolrooms of to-day. Few persons visited the schools except the Superintending School Committee, Rev. Josiah Webster, who took great interest in education and the schools. I remember how the good old man walked into the room, with his cane and hat in hand, every scholar rising in his seat and standing until he had reached the teacher’s desk, when he turned to the school and bowed an acknowledgment for the respect that we had shown him. After the classes had been reviewed, Mr. Webster addressed the school in his pleasing scholastic way. I well remember some of his words: He was always citing us to such men as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, those great men who were in Congress at that time, making those halls ring with their oratorical power. Mr. Webster alluded to them as boys once attending the district school like ourselves, commencing with the alphabet, the letter A first and so on, then going from study to study, until they had made of themselves what they were. The impression he wished to make in our minds was, of the vast importance of an education in a country governed, as is ours, by men who are expected to do their duty towards their countrymen, who do not look entirely for their own good or for the good of the few. How true were his words of advice. The men who played their part so well at that time have gone to the Congress above, and the good old minister has closed up his work here and passed on beyond that river from which no one ever returns.

Mr. Lewis Perkins, one of Hampton’s sons was in town last week on a short visit to his parents. Mr. Perkins is a young man of promise, residing and doing business at present in Massachusetts.

It is rumored that a shoe firm will come into town and employ five hundred men providing land can be had to build upon. I would say the land can be had. Not many towns have greater or more advantages than this for a shoe or carriage factory, and I hope the day is not far distant when we shall see a train made up here, filled with carriages like those from the thriving town of Amesbury, Massachusetts.

Hampton, Feb. 22. — A narrow escape from a miserable death happened here last Saturday night. An intoxicated man left the train at our station, or “was put off, ” and wandering about finally buried himself behind a fence under the lea of a large snow drift, where he must soon have perished, and might have remained there undiscovered for days and even weeks, if the police officer, Curtis DeLancey, had not watched his movements and rescued him from the twin peril of intense cold and drunkenness, taking him into the warm depot and “tucking him up,” on a featherless bed for a night’s sleep — the sleep worse than beastly. This officer has cared for several persons, in similar condition, during this inclement season, some of them, I am sorry to learn, sprigs of the Old Hampton generation tree which in some cases proved, a thankless kindness, more’s the pity. How long must a Christian people suffer and tolerate the intolerable nuisance of liquor and cider drinking.

The grammer school in district No. 1, closed the winter term last Friday. It has been an excellent school, admirably conducted by Miss Flora Taylor, an experienced and efficient teacher. The progress of this school shows the value of continuing the management of the same teacher consecutive terms. The primary branch closed at the same time, giving evidence of good tutorship.

An excellent horse belonging to Mr. DeLancey, dropped dead yesterday, in harness, on the road near Bride Hill schoolhouse, without any apparent cause or previous ailment. The late Hon. Amos Tuck, once owned the horse having paid six hundred dollares or it. Mrs. DeLancey who has been a great sufferer from heart disease for several months was quite startled by the sudden loss.

Mr. Wesley Dearborn, one of our most efficient mechanics, and successful house builder (who erected the elegant new residence of Hon. Warren Brown, of Hampton Falls,) is about to put up a new steam saw mill, on a large timber lot recently purchased, expects to have more than half a million feet of lumber “sawed out” during the present spring.


March 3, 1882

Hampton, Feb. 22. — The youngest daughter of Mr. Fred Lamprey, aged about 8 years, fell down stairs on Wednesday of last week and broke her wrist. Mr. Lamprey is a shoemaker by trade and rated A1, but will be with many others, subject to a temporary delay as his employer was burned out by the recent fire in Haverhill, Mass., unless he should seek work elsewhere. A first-class workman rarely suffers for the want of work.

Mr. Samuel W. Dearborn is building a house on his wood lot for the accommodation of his workmen.

Mr. J. W. Berry, one of our young mechanics, is doing a thriving business at his steam mill. By his experienced corps of employees, and the neatness and dispatch with which the work is turned off, he is meriting a full share of the public patronage.

Mr. Irwin O. Wright, our station agent, was married on Sunday evening, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Joseph A. Dearborn, Esq.

The grammar school in district No. 1, closed on Friday last, under the instruction of Miss Flora Taylor. Although it was not our pleasure to be present at the examination, and as it would seem partial in the eyes of many on the part of our superintending school committee to award her her just dues, therefore we would say that Miss Taylor has more than met the expectation of the Prudential Committee, and fully sustained her former well won reputation in “teaching the young ideas how to shoot.” In all the various districts in which it has been her pleasure to teach, she has won the love and esteem of both parents and scholars, and their many kindnesses will continually spring up afresh, and we doubt not, will ever be held sacred in her memory. But alas all our hopes are dashed, for it is with regret we learn that this is Miss Taylor’s last term, as she has accepted a better calling. However we are comforted by the thought that our loss will be her and someone’s else gain, and that many years of health, happiness and prosperity may await them is the earnest wish of their humble servant.

We would add that the primary school in district No. 1 closed on the same date. It was taught by Miss Hardy, of Hampton Falls, and gave perfect satisfaction. Miss Hardy can well be recommended as qualified to teach in larger schools.


Hampton, March, 1. — Mr. William Norris, has received a letter confirming the report of the sad and tragic death of his youngest son, James Woodbury, in the town of Rice, Texas. The particulars, so far as learned, are as follows: Mr. Norris had closed his store for the night and was about entering his house, when someone accosted him saying, “they would like to do some trading.” He entered the house to procure a match, remarking to his wife who was in bed, “that someone wished to go in the store,” and passed out, and is supposed to have been unlocking the store door when the fatal shot fired by the fiend who immediately fleed. Mr. Norris, succeeded in reaching the door of his house, which was only a few steps along the piazza, saying, “I am shot,” and sank to the floor. The doctor, and others who lived near, hearing the report of the pistol, were quickly on the spot, and rendered all necessary aid to save the dying man, but to no avail. He lived about twenty minutes. The motive of the terrible deed is supposed to have been robbery.

Mr. A. D. Brown lost a valuable cow one day last week.


Hampton, Feb. 27 — The storm of Tuesday was very heavy along our beach, the sea making a complete breach over the hill from great Boars Head on the south, to the fish houses on the north, a distance of two miles. The Beach Hill was set back several feet in some places, knocking down a great portion of the sea wall, which was built to keep back the sea, filling the road with rocks and gravel, making travelling very dangerous until the Surveyor notified the Selectmen, and afterward called out men and cleared away the debris. Should we have a few more storms on the high run of tides like the last, the sea would break through the north side of Boars Head making it an island. In some places the Beach Hill has been moved back several rods by the sea since my rememberance. At one time it covered up several acres of marsh. The street leading from the Hampton Beach house to the Ocean house, along the ridge, so-called, was a corn field less than fifty years ago. The day many not be far distant when the spring marsh, so called, will become a bay, and it will be a beautiful place for boat racing, &c., filled with fish, and lobsters which will be of more value than the marsh at present, which is taxed for all it is worth to pay for a mill that was taken away a few years since.

Hampton, March 1. — Allow me to correct my poor chirography, by which I suggested, in the last NEWS-LETTER, one phase of the much needed social reform, which public sentiment is not yet sufficiently stalwart to enforce, I intended to raise the issue–How long will a Christian people tolerate the nuisance of lightning whiskey and cider, “drunks.” not “drinking.”

The town will consider at the coming town meeting, the question of making a plank sidewalk along the frontage of our seaside hotels and cottages. An important and much needed improvement.

A bright little boy happily escaped broken or mangled legs, last Saturday, being run over on the Main street, by a team which he attempted, the foolish practice, of “jumping up behind.”

Turning out, by footmen, especially by frightened ladies, in deep snow, is one of the fine arts, and sometimes quite difficult. Every traveller has a right to a share of the roadway, and need only keep to the right, both ways, and let teams turn to the other side in passing. These driving Jehus are not bigger men than Guiteau. They have no prescriptive right to all before and all beside them, simply because they are sitting behind a horse.

A fine school of fish is visting our shore, and our fishermen, just now, are having a busy time with nets, trawls and hooks and lines, making successful hauls.

Glad to hear that our invalid neighbors are improving in health. Mrs. DeLancey rode out on the sunny side of Saturday last, for the first time in many weary months.


A number of the members of the Baptist society took a ride Monday evening to the Union House, Hampton. They returned about eleven o’clock, after a beautiful moonlight ride.

March 10, 1882

Hampton, Mrch 8. — A very large congregation filled completely the new Methodist church, on Sunday evening, and listened with marked interest to a temperance address (by a lady,) well written, in good style and taste, with persuasive delivery. Her appeals to young men were very impressive and ought to have been effective and solutary.

The “parish sociable” of the Orthodox church are making improvements in the vestry of their meeting house, by the addition of a convenient kitchen. They have had regular gatherings, during the winter, for fraternity, good eating and entertainment, while on the opposite side of the street, at the town hall, there have been regular combinations for society, good eating and amusement. Fun versus fun!

The primary and grammer schools in district No. 2 closed on Friday last. Miss Bean, who has taught the former several terms, is a most excellent instructor, and has given entire satisfaction to parents, and won the love of her pupils. The grammer department closed with the regular lessons of all the classes for the day. The teacher explained to the large audience of visitors, that no special preparations had been made for examination show and entertainment, that the students had been engaged in hard work, thoroughly mastering each progressive lesson, and hence he deemed a general review unnecessary, but called the classes in regular order, that the committee might see just how far they advanced. He stated that they had made less use of blackboards, having adopted the plan of requiring verbal solutions in the classes of every example in arithmetic and algebra, on the assumed principle that if every student could tell how to work the solutions, it was then simply a process of accurate figuring to perform the operations. More attention had been given to culture in reading, than to platform speaking. The exercises closed with the reading of a select piece by one of the young ladies, and a single declamation as a valedictory by one of the young men, followed by the singing of a select piece of music with organ accompaniment, the rehearsal, in unison by the whole school, of the first Psalm, and the Lord’s Prayer, and singing the Dismission Hymn. There was no speech-making by the committee and visitors.


Hampton, March 8. — We are pleased to note that we were misinformed about the last term of school which has just closed in district No. 1, as closing Miss Taylor’s labors as a school teacher. Notwithstanding we learn she has received a flattering offer, and has accepted, but the contract will not be sealed until Nov. 23 next, when she will enter upon her new sphere of usefulness. Therefore a rare chance is still open for the Prudential Committees who may be chosen at the annual school meetings, to procure a good teacher for the summer and fall terms. The school in district No. 3, which has been under the management of Mr. Horace M. Lane (our Superintendent School Committee) the past winter, closed on Friday. As Mr. Lane, is so well known in this section as one of our most popular teachers, little need be said. But at the examination the school was so orderly, and as every scholar performed his and her part with such exactness, that one was reminded of the workings of a vast engine. The exercises were sandwiched by declamations and reading of compositions. Usually, in most of our schools on examination day, a few of the best scholars are held up as exemplary of the rest, but not so in this. Every scholar from the youngest to the oldest, had a duty to perform, and they did it to the satisfaction of all present, which showed that each one had received a fair share of the teacher’s attention, and also went to show the amount of patience, and the ability required to govern, and train these youthful minds. Near the close of the school the teacher was presented with a folding chair with the following short but appropriate speech by Master George W. Lane, “Teacher. In behalf of my schoolmates, I take pleasure in presenting you this chair. Will you please accept it as a token of our love and esteem?” Mr. Lane although taken by surpise was equal to the emergency, and responded in a neat and appropriate speech. Thus ended one of the best schools ever taught in district No. 3. On Saturday the scholars were requested to meet their teacher at the schoolhouse, at nine o’clock, when they were liberally treated to oranges, peanuts, candy, pictures and books according to their just deserts.

Mr. Zacheus Brown has a clock made by Mr. Amos Blaisdell, of Amesbury, Mass., in 1751. He also has two chairs over one hundred years old, which must have been at one time considered very stylish.

Mr. Joseph Weare and wife, received the sad intelligence on Thursday last, of the death of their daughter Maria, who went to Denver, Colorado, with her husband, Mr. Henry Jenness, last fall, in search of health.

The crows are doing some pretty smart dodging in trying to reach their northern home this spring. Behind nearly every tree and bush they find a musket with a man or boy attached to one end of it. We haven’t heard that they have jerked up any corn yet.

We would be pleased to speak of the school just closed in district No. 2, taught by Mr. Randolph A. DeLancy, but we have not learned the particulars in relation thereto, although we understand general satisfaction was given.

During the recent storm, Mr. Harvey Brown lost many of his lobster traps, and a scow containing one hundred lobsters.


March 17, 1882

Hampton, March 16. — The following town officers were elected on Tuesday : Moderator, Morris Hobbs ; Town Clerk, John M. Akerman ; Selectmen, J. W. Towle, William E. Lane, Warren Batchelder ; Treasurer, George W. Lane.

March 24, 1882

Hampton, March 20. — The many friends of Mr. J. W. Norris, who was assassinated at his home in Rice, Texas, on the evening of Feb. 20, will be glad to learn that the probable assassin was arrested on March 15, and lodged in jail. An attempt was made to rob Mr. Norris, and, failing to do it, it is supposed that the villian shot him to avoid detection. The Governor of Texas offered a reward for his apprehension, and neither time nor money was spared to ferret out the perpetrator of the foul deed, and bring him to justice. For the past fifteen years Mr. Norris as resided in Texas. He was a son of William Norris, of Hampton, formerly of Nottingham. His tragic death is a severe affliction to his aged parents, and they have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. We made the following extract from the Dallas, Texas, Observer.

Mr. Norris was an honorable, high-minded gentleman, and greatly beloved by the people. He had been in the mercantile business at Rice, six years, had been successful and had won the confidence and esteem of the community. He married Miss Sallie M. Slade, of Galveston, Texas. She is possessed of all the graces that adorn her sex, and is bearing this sore bereavement with Christian fortitude.”

The subjoined lines were written by Miss Seavey, of Hampton, on reading the telegraphic item in a Boston paper, viz.:

“J. W. Norris, Postmaster at Rice, Texas, was assassinated on Monday night, Feb. 20.

As quickly clouds the azure sky
Came this sad line, to tell
That one, in a far distant land
By a deadly foe, had fell.

A few short words–yet God alone
Knows of the painful dread
The message bore–for who can tell,
If living yet–or dead?

A mother bends ‘neath sorrow’s weight
And breathes a silent prayer
For strength, in this unlooked-for hour
The “chast’ning hand” to bear.

A father, who with joy and pride,
A few short months before,
Had welcomed him in manhood’s prime,
Fears now–he is no more.

A brother, sister sadly wait
As days pass slowly by;
Unsolved the mystery that dooms
Their loved one thus to die.

But who can paint the direful gloom
In that far, southern home,
Where dwells the faithful, loving wife
Now widowed and alone?

The angel Death with folded wing
Had crossed that threshold o’er,
Tearing from out her fond embrace
Three lovely babes before.

Father ; lend now Thy list’ning ear
As low on bended knee,
She seeks Thine aid, while passing thro’
This dark Gethsemane.

“All is of God” nor life, nor death
Are e’er at our command;
His love permits the fated blow
Dealt by the assassin’s hand.

And so with every passing hour
Are life’s sad lessons learned;
We slightly hold the “Book of Time,”
As leaf by leaf is turned.


March 31, 1882

Hampton, March 28. — Through mistake, our Superintending School Committee omitted in his report, to put upon the roll of honor, the name of Mabel G. Drake, as not being absent from school one-half day during the term.

In the Congregational Sabbath school library, is a book entitled, “What she said, and what she meant,” a copy of which should not only be in every library, but in every family.

Lieut. William Ladd Dodge, of Winchester, Mass., formerly of this town, has compiled a list of all soldiers who are now, or were formerly residents of this town, who took an active part in the late war — one hundred and four in number. The name of regiment, company, date of enlistment, the names of all who were killed, or died in the service, and the names of those who have died since, and the date of discharge is also given, together with many valuable statistics connected therewith. J. W. Dearborn, Esq., by a few appropriate remarks presented the liit before our annual meeting, which was read in full, and the town was respectfully requested to have the same spread upon their records, which they unanimously voted to do, also extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Dodge, and others who have, by their untiring efforts endeavored to make the roll complete.

Rev. Mr. Cutler has resigned as pastor of the Congregational church.

Jesse Lane and Daniel M. Redman, are the jurors drawn for the April term of court.


Hampton, March 27. — Our roads at the Beach were used roughly on the 18th inst., by old ocean. Long before high water, the seas began to come over the beach hill carrying before them rocks, &c. The hill was moved back several feet in some places. A great deal of anxiety was felt by those who live at the Beach, and were out securing boats and watching the big seas as they came rolling in one after the other threatning to carry the whole line of defence. But the wind remained too far at the north to do the damage it would have done had it hauled out east, when none could have told what would have been the damage. Before and after high water the Granite House stood alone, as the light-house, surrounded by water. The road was full of water from the Granite House to the causway bridge, a distance of half a mile. At the South Beach rocks were carried across the road against the front fences of the cottages. Some of the summer houses were pretty well used up, and reminded me of houses that were shelled during our late war. Bales of hay came on to the beach in very good condition. The farmers have had a good harvest of seaweed. One of Erin’s sons failing to make out a full load fell on his neighbor’s pile and would have made a good haul had the owner been a few minutes later. I will say to the credit of the farmers in Hampton that they hold the seaweed when once deposited back of the beach hill as their property and the title is a good as though it was on his own land, and no one departs from these rules.

The districts are holding their meeting to choose officers, &c. It has been the practice of teachers to make out what they call the roll of honor, which is expected to be filled out right. In district No. 1, the roll of honor was filled out wrong, at least it was printed wrong. The names of some pupils who were absent for days were put down as not being absent for one-half a day during a term. I find that such was not the case. I believe that justice should be done to all alike, and no partiality should be shown, especially in a common school, where all should have the same privileges.


Hampton, March 27. — Mr. Nathaniel Batchelder, of this town, was found on Monday of last week, in an unconscious condition by one of his family, who happened to go to the room where they supposed he was at work. He partially recovered consciousness after a time, but gradually failed until Friday, when he died. He was seventy-four years old, and was highly respected in the community.

On Saturday, Mrs. Knowles, a lady who lived in the same neighborhood, was found by her family on the ground near their house, dead. She went out, saying she would go to the barn for eggs, and not returning when expected, she was found in the yard where she had dropped and apparently died instantly. She was seventy-eight years old, and a person respected by all who knew her.

April 21, 1882

Hampton, April 17. — Easter was observed here among the churches with more or less ceremony. Outside of the Catholic and Episcopal churches there are no requirements concerning the special observance of Easter. Some of the other denominations very commonly have special features in their services. Floral displays are not as profuse here as in many other places.

Mrs. Leavitt, from Boston, delivered a lecture on temperance in the Methodist church, Sabbath evening, April 9. There was a large attendance which gave evidence of the side upon which we stand. As this seems to be the calling of this estimable lady we have no doubt but what her labors will be productive of good results, and we hope that she will receive liberal reward.

The Freewill Baptist church and society are without a pastor.

The last sociable held at the Congregational vestry was the gayest of the season.

There is considerable sickness here in our midst. Mrs. J. A. Lane, we learn, is slowly recovering from a long and tedious sickness. Mrs. Joseph J. Mace has so far recovered from her recent illness as to return to her home.

Mrs. Charles Dunbar is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia.

The children of Mr. John Brown are down with the mumps.

Rev. Mr. Boardman, of Seabrook, occupied the desk of the Congregational church on Sunday last.

L. P.

Hampton, April 17. — The farmers are putting their land in order to receive the plow and seed. From what I can see farming will be carried on to a larger extent than it has been for some years. The high prices paid for produce have stimulated the enterprising farmers in this vicinity almost to a fever heat. Why should not farming pay, as everything comes from the soil? The farmer and miner are the first producers, and why should they not reap a rich reward for their labor? But all must live and have their benefit from what mother earth gives us so bountifully. Several have put in their onions, peas, early potatoes, &c., to meet the wants of those who should chance to celebrate the independence of our country. The day has somewhat changed since I was a boy, and the stove came into common use. Then most every farmer had a flock of sheep and raised his own meats of all kinds. It was a rare thing to see a butcher’s cart driving through our streets. Only one cart was driven into town, and that was by Mr. Osgood, of Amesbury Mills, Mass. Most of his meat found a market at the hotels. It is quite common now, to see two or three carts travelling at a high rate of speed, for the loads they have.


May 5, 1882

Hampton, May 1. — Fine weather prevails and the people are busy with their spring plowing and gardening.

Every week brings new accessions to our population, and houses are very much in demand.

Mr. J. S. Gilman has purchased the Dunbar lot, near the depot, and is about to build a residence.

G. W. Southworth & Co., intend to put up a new building upon the land recently purchased of H. J. Perkins.

There is considerable activity in real estate, and it is increasing in value. Several properties have changed hands lately.

Mr. Morris Hobbs, we regret to say, does not gain as fast as his many friends desire. Mr. Hobbs has been sick a long time with rheumatism, but it is hoped he may soon recover.

Mrs. David Philbrick, who resides near schoolhouse No. 2, is very sick with pneumonia.

Rev. Mr. Burgess occupied the Orthodox pulpit, last Sunday.

Mr. O. H. Whittier has been making great improvements outside of his hotel.

We have not noticed through the columns of the NEWS-LETTER the obituary of Miss Elizabeth Dearborn. Miss Dearborn died at Brentwood, but was a native of this town. Her remains were brought here for interment. Miss Dearborn was an only daughter of the late Levi Dearborn, and leaves a large circle of relatives in this place.

L. P.

Hampton, May 2. — Our schools are reopened for the summer terms — mostly with new and inexperienced instructors. The Committee of district No. 1, however, have wisely and fortunately secured for the grammar department, the same teacher as last year. Few committee-men seem to understand the important advantage of having the same teacher for successive terms, and the increasing value of such services, especially to the progress of advanced classes. The grammar school in the Centre district has a graduate of the Salem, Mass., Normal school for a teacher — a young lady of much promise — but the change of teachers has nearly broken up the advanced classes, the older students declining to attend.

I hear that quite a number have made application to Rev. Mr. DeLancey, to reopen the Academy, but it is not yet ascertained whether there is sufficient promise of patronage to justify the trustees in re-opening that dormant institution at present. It seems a great loss to higher education, to have that old chartered and partially endowed seminary, which has been eminently useful for generations, remain longer idle, or suspend its influence for good in the community, and perhaps, finally lapse its trust funds. Some of these funds by will of the late Hon. Christopher Toppan, of Portsmouth, are vested in Academy scholarships, but revert in case of failure of the Academy, to the Congregational church, and in the contingency of its lapse, then to the Portsmouth Athenaeum, as final legatee. It behooves, therefore, the trustees, to rouse a little from their Rip Van Winkle repose, and give the old Academy an electric touch! Are there not too many passive good men on that board, who have not been present to take any vital interest in its affairs for a quarter of a century more or less, who could do the institution a real service by resigning at once, and letting this close corporation fill their places with active friends? This question is earnestly submitted for their candid consideration and prompt decision!

At the late town meeting, Horace M. Lane Esq., in behalf of several ladies and gentlemen, presented a pianoforte to the town for the use of the public hall, which was accepted by unanimous vote with thanks. This appropriate and much needed instrument was thus secured, mainly through the energetic efforts of Miss Lucy Dow and Mrs. J. J. Leavitt. Miss Dow generously advanced the purchase money from her own private purse, until it could be raised by a series of literary entertainments, which has been done.

The enterprising proprietor of the Union House is making active preparations for the summer boarding season — adorning his buildings with a variegated dress of fancy paint.


May 12, 1882

Hampton, May 9. — Mrs. Samuel Drake, now in her 89th year, has not missed getting up a Monday morning for the last ten years at 1 and 2 o’clock, and doing her washing before breakfast. If anyone knows of any young lady that can beat this record, trot ’em out.

It is generally conceded that the Union house is managed as well as any country hotel in New England under its present proprietor, O. H. Whittier, Esq., and he is sparing no pains in making it neat and tidy for summer boarders. He has caused the outside to be painted, and anyone who sees it don’t pronounce it too “utterly utter” then we should say that they are no judge of paints. There will be no further use for these two words hereafter. The ground work looks some like a cabbage leaf after the frost has struck it, and the trimmings — there we give it up — you will have to see the painters to know the “prezact” colors.

Our fishermen will have to wake up or down will come their fishing marks. Many years ago they bought one-half acre of land on Breakfast Hill, with a clump of tall pines thereon. Now nearly, if not quite all of those trees are dead, yet they bravely withstand the storms and will probably perform their duties faithfully for many years to come, unless their trunks are weakened by some intruder’s axe. It is understood that several have fallen victims already, and their tall bodies are borne away where they can know our fishermen no more forever.

Hooray! The country is safe, all the highway surveyors under bonds where they have $100, or over, on their books. However, the sheriffs and detectives had better keep their weather eye open for fear some one of those who have less than $100 on their list may take a notion to walk off with surveyors’ books secreted somewhere about their persons. It is a big thing. Every generation groweth wiser and wiser.

As the town failed to elect at the annual meeting, the following appointments have been made : George W. Lane, Treasurer ; William G. Cole, Collector ; John W. Dearborn, Constable ; Horace M. Lane, Superintending School Committee ; John W. Dearborn, Irwin O. Wright, Curtis DeLancy, Police.


Hampton, May 9. — A meeting was held last evening in the town hall, pursuant to notices given in the churches on Sunday, to consider the propriety and feasibility of a public observance of Memorial day, May 30. A committee, of three gentlemen and four ladies, was appointed to provide ways and means, and to report at an adjourned meeting, next monday evening to perfect arrangements. They propose to have speaking, a band of music and procession, to decorate soldiers’ and sailors’ graves in our cemetery.

Messrs Merrill, Brown & Dearborn are doing a lively business near Brides Hill, having erected their steam mill on their recently purchased timber lot. They propose to saw out nearly a million feet of lumber immediately.


May 19, 1882

Hampton, May 16. — The committee, at the adjourned meeting held last evening in the town hall, reported nearly one hundred dollars secured for decoration ceremonies. So we are to have our patriotic memories refreshed by an oration and martial music, as we lay sweet flowers over our sleeping gallant sailors and soldiers of the late “unpleasantness.”

The long, cold, severe, and on Sunday night violent, storm, has at last passed away and a bright, beautiful sunny morning gladdens all animate things, and calls with clarion voice our tardy farmers to haste to the fields for corn planting. No damage has been done along our coast, the wind fortunately holding too far north for heavy seas, though the tides were very high.

Hens ! these disturbers and tormentors of neighborly friendships are out again. I counted eleven delegations, from as many different farm houses on the scattered premises of one man. This is trying, at least, to human patience. It requires divine peacefulness of spirit to keep cool under such provocation. Please stir up remembrances of the new ten dollar damage law for such trespasses, by printing it, and thus promote neighborly peace and equanimity of tried souls !


May 26, 1882

Hampton, May 16. — I desire to acknowledge through the columns of your paper, the deep feelings of gratitude which I owe to my friends and neighbors, for the great kindness shown me during an illness of the past eight weeks. They have plowed and planted for me three and one-half acres of potatoes, putting into the hills three casks of plaster, and two casks of Bradley’s superphosphate. Three acres of the above named work were done last Saturday forenoon, in the rain, between the hours of nine and twelve o’clock. This week, they have also planted one and a half acres of corn. With this feeling of sincere gratitude, it is my prayer that the promise of God’s word may be experienced by them all, that it is more blessed to give then to receive. I would further say that in this old town of Hampton which was mostly settled by the old Puritans, although the principles which they planted may have degenerated in some measure, yet, there still remains a vital spark of that best of all principles which is, “As ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Not to me alone is this principle shown, but to many others, for, in the cases of those in comfortable circumstances who have lost horses or cows, the neighbors have come forward and without stint have contributed abundantly to make up their losses.


Hampton, May 24. — I can earnestly commend sugar beets after fully testing their value, to every farmer and gardner for home use, both in the family and for all domestic animals. Early in the season they furnish excellent greens, near at hand, and easily cooked, and relished by every member of the family. For hens they are next in value to grain, during the entire year, but especially in the winter season. They do not require cooking or cutting. For milch cows they are specially profitable, increasing the flow of milk and enriching the quality. For hogs they rapidly increase growth and fattening. A hundred bushels can be raised on a small piece of ground with little labor. They are worth, for the above purposes, more than potatoes.

Mr. Morris Hobbs is recoving from his long illness, and his friends have generously turned out in full and cheerful numbers to do his planting, for which he expresses gratified thankfulness.

I see, also that Mrs. DeLancey, is able to walk out and begins to seem like herself again, after many months of suffering. She often express grateful thanks to her many friends for little delicate courtesies and kindnesses during her illness.

We are to have a band of music, speaking, a procession, floral offering and collation — perhaps — on Decoration Day.


June 2, 1882

Hampton, May 30. — The memorial celebration to-day has been interesting. There is a very large attendance of people, and a fine floral display. Rev. Mr. McLoughlin delivered the address from the steps of the Congregational church, the hall being more than filled by the crowd of citizens and strangers. The band, of twenty pieces, from Amesbury, Mass., gave excellent music, and the Old Fellows, in regalis, from Hampton Falls, added much to the appearance of the procession, which was under the direction of Marshals on horseback.


June 9, 1882

Hampton, June 6. — The inspirations of our late Memorial celebration, seems to have awakened a fresh military enthusiasm. Some forty persons met in the town hall last evening, to adopt preliminary plans for the organization of a military company.

Rev. Mr. DeLancey, principal of the Grammar school District No. 2, last term, has been presented a large and handsome picture of the last parting of the Holy Mother from her beloved Son, our divine Saviour. Miss Effie Laird, for her associates and classmates, very pleasantly made the presentation as a testimonial of respect and love for their teacher.

The Odd Fellows are quietly arranging plans for the erection of a lodge hall, in some eligible lot for business purposes.

The Highway Surveyor in district No. 2, Mr. Nathaniel Johnson, with independent-mindedness and energy, is making sidewalk improvements on the Main street leading from the ocean. Our beautiful, but staid old town, could be made very attractive by more of the same forcast and good taste and public spirit, with comparatively little outlay of taxes.

Summer boarders are beginning to knock at the doors of our hostelries. The Union house has open doors for lively imigration. The DeLancy place has been visited by new parties to engage rooms, and the guests of former years re-engaged apartments before leaving, last autumn. Mr. Curtis DeLancey, the young and energetic proprietor, has the credit of setting extra good and bountifully supplied tables, and is fortunate in having a spacious house, airy and cheerful, built specially for summer comfort, in one of the most attractive parts of our fine old seaside town.


June 16, 1882

Hampton, June 13. — The Colorado bug is making sad havoc with the young potato vines. A Mr. Blake, residing in the north part of the town, picked 56 full fledged and developed bugs from a single hill yesterday ; 44 in the morning, and 12 in the afternoon.

Curtis DeLancey has a very forward piece of winter rye, some of it measured about six feet in height on the first of June, and much of it waves graceful heads over a double yardstick now. He sends a sample to the NEWS-LETTER office to crown the Stratham specimen.

Mr. Sleeper, of Epping, having leased the Atlantic House at the Beach, gave his many friends an elegant entertainment on Saturday evening last, as an opening christening. Music by Edney’s quartette band, of Haverhill, Mass.

There is some quiet talk of more street improvements, of laying out and adorning with walks and trees a miniature park or public lawn on the north side of the main or Town House street, which is very wide, commencing at the residence of Christopher G. Tappan, Esq., and extending half or three quarters of a mile toward the ocean. It might be made a very beautiful street without any draft upon the town treasury.

O. H. Whittier of the Union House, with his usual good taste and public spirit, proposes to widen, grade, and ornament his entire frontage, which would be a great public as well as private advantage by enlarging the circular corner, and making much more safe the now sharp and dangerous curve where the two main streets intersect.

I understand that Hon. Jacob S. Brown, and other prominent members of the Baptist church would cheerfully aid in the lawn project, by grading down in front of the church and parsonage. A change for the better so much needed, as the church now looks too low and squatty, like a hen covering her brood in the sand.

June 23, 1882

Hampton, June 6. — The season has opened and summer boarders are pouring in every day. Although the season is rather backward this, the Union House, one of the most popular hotels in the state for summer resort, is fast filling up. William M. Pray, ex-proprietor of the Boston hotel, and also of the Creighton House, Boston, is here and will stay for the season. Of later arrivals there are William H. Guild and family, of Boston, whose presence adds much to hotel society. The other arrivals registered for the week ending Saturday, June 10, are: W. H. Carter, Boston; J. H. Warren, Hampshire, Mass.; George B. Hooper and wife, Great Falls; Charles W. Bachelder, E. B. Jarvis, and W. H. Pattie, of Boston; B. H. Blines, Fayeburg, Me.; B. F. Wilson, Boston; D. H. Heard, Philadelphia; Arthur O. Fuller, Exeter; C. W. Emerson, Boston; Thomas Leavitt, Exeter; G. A. Vancouver, Boston; W. F. Lane, Boston; Wesley James and wife, Boston; H. S. Hatch and lady, Portsmouth; O. M. Cousins, Beverly, Mass.; A. Swett, Boston; B. F. Swasey, Exeter; L. B. Purinton, Exeter; J. R. Huntington, Amesbury, Mass.; E. A. Carlton, Springfield, Mass.; W. E. Biddle, Amesbury, Mass.; S. Clark and family, Salisbury; R. Pate Waite and family, Wakefield, Mass.; J. Creighton, Epping; L. C. Loud, Merrimac, Mass.; Dr. Gage, Concord; S. B. Dow, Knoxville, Tenn.; Col. John L. Stevenson.


St. Johns day (Saturday) will be observed by the Newburyport Commandery, Knights Templar, who will entertain Pilgrim Commandery, of Lowell, Mass., at Boar’s Head hotel, Hampton Beach.

June 30, 1882

Hampton, June 26. — The house of Simon Shaw was entered by burglers on Saturday night last, and money taken to the amount of fifteen dollars. Mr. Albert Shaw is treasurer of the Sabbath school and of the Town Library and the pennies he had received from the Sabbath school he kept in a collar box in the drawer of his desk. It contained between seven and eight hundred one and two cent pieces, which were all taken, and the box was found in the closet empty. By the side of this box in the drawer was another of the same description, in which he kept the Library money. This was also taken and the box left. He had also other money belonging to the Congregational society, of which he is a Warden, which was in an envelope in another drawer, which was fortunately untouched. On the windowsill near by laid a silver dollar attached to a cord, which was worn on the neck of his little boy, and was highly valued on account of past associations. This was taken and the string left on the sill. Some jewelry that was with it was not taken, two pocket books which were in the closet were taken, while the silver ware was not disturbed. A little bank which sat on the mantle was taken with its contents, also a writing desk from table, in which were letters and private papers. This was locked. Two dollars in cash was taken from the pocket of a vest, which hung in the entry. It is supposed the thief entered by a window in the ell, and left by the back door, as that was found open in the morning. A large quantity of burned matches were found in the front of the desk, in the closet, and on the kitchen floor. The burglary had the appearance of being done by some one who was acquainted with the premises, and we hope the rascal will be caught and speedily brought to justice. We understand Mr. C. G. Toppan’s house was entered the same night, but here the thieves satisfied themselves with food for the inner man.


Hampton Beach, June 26. — Saturday was a gala day at Boar’s Head, where St. Johns day was observed by the Newburyport Commandery Knight Templars, of Newburyport, Mass., who entertained Pilgrim Commandery, of Lowell, Mass. Carter’s bank of Boston, accompanied the Lowell Commandery, and the Cadet band of Newburyport accompanied the Newburyport Commandery. Excellent concert music was rendered during the afternoon by each of the bands which was thoroughly appreciated by all the guest of the house. About five o’clock the sounding of the gong announced that dinner was ready, when both Commanderies to the number of about 200 marched to the spacious dining room of the hotel and sat down to discuss the following menu:

Fish Chowder
Clam Chowder


Mackerel, Baked in Cream
Baked Haddock, Brown Sauce
Boiled Cod, Egg Sauce


Roast Rib of Beef
Roast Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Turkey, Giblet Sauce


Lobster Salad


Escalloped Clams
Rice Croquette
Macarone au Gratin


Charlotte Russe


Oranges, Bananas, Pineapples. Nuts. Raisins,
Strawberries and Cream. Ice Creem. Water Ices.



After dinner speeches were then in order, several of which were very billiant. Mr. S. H. Dumas, the popular landlord of Boar’s Head hotel, was, as he always is, attentive to the wants of his guests and omitted no opportunity to administer to their comfort.


Hampton, June 27. — Haying has commenced, telescoping hoeing, a wedded labor, hard and preplexing to our good natured farmers. The clover crop is unusually fine for our light alluvial soil. Winter rye is extra good, never better. I measured some to-day at the De Lancey Place, seven feet two inches high.

Mrs. Martha Adgerson, a most estimable Christian colored woman, died last week after a long and very painful sickness, leaving five very bright, promising young children, a sad bereavement to them and their father, and a real loss to the neighborhood and to the Free Baptist church, of which she was an active and consistent member. Our most excellent and judicious physician, Doctor Merrill, performed a post mortem examination, and discovered that the cause of death was an enlargement of the spleen to some sixteen times its natural size.

One of our clever citizens, Mr. Andrew J. Batchelder, in a state of mental depression, attempted to anticipate and hasten “his appointed time” a few days since, but, fortunately, Mr. Jefferson Towle discovered and frustrated the attempt, promply unnoosing, what in a few seconds would have been the fatal cord.

Last Sabbath was sadly desecrated by visitors from other towns, abusing horses and distrubing quiet citizens along our ocean, thoroughfare in their abnormal exhuberance and hilarity. We have ample laws and officers for our protection.

St. John’s day (last Saturday) was made very attractive, by the visit in regalia with a splendid band of music, of the members of the Newburyport Commandery, Knights Templar, and the Pilgrim Commandery of Lowell, about 200 strong, to Boars Head — taking lunch, dinner and supper with mine excellent host S. H Dumas, Esq.

July 7, 1882

Hampton, July 4. — “All quiet on the Potomac,” and a little more so in this good old town, on this anniversary of patriotic deeds and memories. Alas! that much of it should only be thin and shadowy recollections of a glorious past, instead of a pure and heroic love of freedom’s self and freedom’s land — her institutions and her birthright blessing! The town house bell rang out its joyous peals as aurora gaily swept the crimson orient with her gorgeous robes. But soon old liberty’s tongue toned down to silence, and has been mute all day. The old bell has bravely borne the violence of many an all night siege, but broke her ringing gear to-day — and now hangs hors du combat, awaiting the mechanic’s repairing hand. A few more annual furious bangings, and old bell-metal itself will give way, to the sorry cost of tax payers. By the way, among the inalienable rights, in truth self-evident for all men, is not the enjoyment of rest and sleep, our birthright privilege, as pertaining to life and liberty? Our peaceful homes should be protected, undisturbed by bells or villianous saltpetre, or hideous sounds from horrid wide-mouthed throats. No man, no boy, has any right to rudely disturb the peacefulness of homes, the chambers of sickness or the halls of death, even on the glorious Fourth. This dark and cloudy evening is lighted up by bonfires and fireworks, and some very pretty pyrotechnic display at the hotels, boarding houses and private residences. Among others I noticed that Mr. Curtin of the firm of Messrs. Whidden & Curtin, of Boston, was giving the little folks much amusement with safe and careful fireworks at De Lancy Place.

The young people of the Baptist church has spent a pleasant day at Leavitt’s Hampton Beach Hotel — being well entertained and fed on the best of clam chowders, ice creams, etcetera. Curtis De Lancy’s barge took the merry crowd down in the morning and back to-night.

Messrs. Dow and Towle have opened a billiard hall, confectionery, fruit stand, and restaurant, looking very spacious, fresh and attractive in that large new two story building at the depot.

Mr. Samuel Towle, and Mr. Horace M. Lane, are each building elegant private residences.

Are suicides becoming epidemic here? A young man at one of the seaside hotels tried with a skillfully noosed rope to shuffle off this moral coil, but was cut down just in time to save his life.

The Congregational church is closed for alterations and improvements.

July 14, 1882

Hampton, July 11. — The golden wedding of Deacon James Perkins and wife (Mrs. Ruth Johnson Perkins; daughter of the late Ashel Johnson, Esq.,) was celebrated in a very interesting and appropriate manner, at their residence, July 3. The original marriage ceremony was performed in 1832, by Rev. Josiah Webster, then pastor of the Congregational church, and successor of Rev. Dr. Appleton, afterwards President of Bowdoin College, Me. At this semi-centennial of their nuptial union there was present a new and specially interested and loving generation of guests, numbering twenty children and grandchildren, namely : Rev. B. F. Perkins and family, of Sterling, Mass., (his wife being a grand-daughter of the late Rev. Jonathan French, D. D., for about fifty years pastor of the Congregational church, of North Hampton, and a daughter of the late Rev. Sereno Abbott, pastor of the Congregational church of Hampton Falls); James Warren Perkins, Esq., and family, from Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Arthur W. Noyes and husband, of Hingham, Mass.; the family of the youngest son, Mr. Josiah Darwin Perkins (not being present) of Santa Fe, New Mexico; Mr. Henry J. Perkins and family, of Hampton, and Miss Maria Perkins, at home. The venerable couple received valuable gifts as tokens of love and respect. Among these presents was noticed a golden band tea set, gold napkin rings, set of silver spoons and two large print Bibles. Deacon Perkins is the sixth generation who have all lived on the same homestead, near what was generally known as the “Tide Mill.” He is 79 years of age. His sister Abigail is 86, his brother Moses 92, and Jonathan 93.

The extensive and costly buildings of Capt. Ames, situated on the Portsmouth road, in the north part of the town, were entirely consumed last Saturday afternoon. The house was the most elegantly finished and furnished in town. All of the rich and valuable furniture, the horse, stock and most of the farming machinery were saved. This property is a great loss to the town. Insurance about $5000, but the loss is from $8,000 to $10,000.

In peregrenating about we have learned, in legal centres, a new principle in the “first law of nature,” which is not laid down in Coke, Blackstone, Kent or Story, to wit : If violently assaulted and insulted, even in the night time, on the public highway, you must not “hit” the aggressor until he “hits” you. You may gently protect yourself, but you must not hurt him. If he comes furiouly at you again and again, with pummelling fists, glittering steel or well aimed pistol and threatening oaths, you must be careful, very, not to disable or “knock him down” till after he knocks you down or plunges the dagger to your heart, or drives a bullet through your brain. And even then if you hurt him more than he has hurt you, presto change ! he will forsooth “hale you to the judge” who with all the dignity of law will impose on you the penalty of fine, or send you into prison ! Cool and Platonic justice this?

Travel to Hampton Beach by the barges has been exceedingly light so far.

Mrs. A. S. Wetherell and children are spending the summer at Hampton Beach.

July 21, 1882

Hampton, July 18. — The houses, both public and private, are filling up quite fast, and the season promises to be good. Our streets are all alive with people from other places. Quite a number are here spending their vacation with their parents. Among the number are J. Warren Perkins and wife.

The springs owned by General Marston, and looked after by their former owner, James Lane, Esq., are visited daily by those who believe in their healing qualities.

The farmers are very busy in haying, and are getting it in the very best condition.

The potato bugs are making bad work in some fields.


Mrs. J. C. Long is at Little Boar’s Head.

Gov. Bell and family are at Little Boar’s Head for the summer.

A number of the Academy students are spending their vacation at Rye and Hampton beaches.

July 28, 1882

Hampton, July 25. — Capt. Ames would take this opportunity of thanking all who rendered him and his family assistance during the recent destruction of his buildings by fire. He would also tender especial thanks to the Selectmen for so kindly providing watchmen, and to Mr. and Mrs. John Marston who freely and unsought gave them a home until they should be able to find a new place of abode.


The members of the Methodist society and Sunday school went to Hampton Beach Wednesday.

August 4, 1882

Mr. F. H. Hervey is at Hampton Beach.

Col. W. N. Dow and family are at Hampton Beach.

The Sunday school children of St. Michael’s church enjoyed an excursion to Hampton Beach yesterday.

The Hotels at Hampton Beach were full on Saturday night, and guests were turned away. The warm weather of the past week has sent thousands to the seashore.

August 11, 1882

Hampton, July 26. — Mr. Horace Hobbs met with a serious accident on Monday July 24, by being hit in the face by one of his horses. He was haying and the green head flies were so numerous that he took his horse to Mr. Simon Shaw’s barn for protection while working his hay. The accident took place while killing the flies under the horse. His face was cut in a shocking manner, setting his nose a little to port, as the sailor says. Through the kindness of Mr. Albert Shaw he was conveyed to his home, and Dr. C. H. Sanborn, of Hampton Falls was summoned and dressed his wounds, righting his nose, &c. We were glad to learn that no bones were broken, and hope soon he may be able to attend to his business.

The farmers are improving the time by securing some of the best made hay for years.

Corn and potatoes are suffering for the want of rain, and many gardens have proved a failure.

Our streets have become so very dry and dusty that the pleasure in riding is but little until after the sun has gone down, then riding commences as in Oriental countries.


Hampton, August 7. — Following are the arrivals at the Union House, O. H. Whittier, proprietor: A. M. Averill, St. Louis, Mo.; C. E. S. Wingate, Exeter; C. A. Wood, Boston; B. F. Swasey, Exeter; D. J. Jones, Rye; F. M. Lampson, Cambridgeport, Mass.; Mrs. H. O. Tuttle, Mrs. C. H. Moore, Mrs. C. C. Bailey, Chelsea, Mass.; A. H. Tilton, Kingston; Miss Shattuck, Joseph Shattuck, Jr., Lawrence, Mass.; Charles H. Harvey, Boston; George A. Leach and wife, Manchester; R. Coughey, Cleveland, Oh.; R. H. Call and wife, Lawrence, Mass.; J. H. Paige, New Bedford, Mass.; Fred L. Porter, Boston; J. C. Ryan and wife, Lowell, Mass.; S. A. McConnell, W. A. Bailey, Merrimac, Mass.; C. H. Laudham, Irvin Downing, Haverhill, Mass.; L. L. Ryesson, Boston; D. H. Hurd, Philadelphia; Frank W. Hason, Newark, N. J.; John B. Motley, Saco, Me.; J. W. Lewis, Dover; Eugene Oliver, New York City; Emma Palson, Lillie Palson, Walliston, Mass.; G. J. Morey, Haverhill, Mass.; H. A. Tutler, Chelsea, Mass.; Alfred C. Webster, R. S. Williams, Amesbury, Mass.; E. S. Johnson, Boston; Edwin G. Smith, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bradley, Rochester; Samuel Gillelan, New York; B. Y. Atwood, Boston; D. F. Porter, Lynn, Mass.; D. E. Smith, Boston; J. G. Buzzell, Lynn, Mass.; A. E. Marlow and wife, Boston; Charles Prescott, Raymond; D. Killam, Amesbury, Mass.; E. F. Little, Newbury, Mass.; Miss Pike, Boston; F. E. Chapman, Salem, Mass.; L. B. Purington, George W. Goodwin, Exeter; C. O. Knouse, New York; H. W. Smith, Boston; Ida Benarr, Rosa Benarr, Boston; J. Jay Watson and family, Beverly, Mass.; G. E. Buxton, Nashua; John F. Barry, Boston; W. J. Gerrish, Amesbury, Mass.; P. Lewis, New York; C. Garmond, New York; A. J. Duncan, C. A. Otis, Boston.

Hampton, August 7. — A seal was caught alive last week, off the point of Boars Head, by Mr. Caswell, who is fishing for Col. Dumas.

Willie, only son of Mr. William T. Lamprey, of Somervillle, Mass., formerly of this town, died on Thursday of last week, aged 24 years. His remains were brought here on Saturday for burial.

All visitors at the Beach had a grand opportunity to see the new shoreline railroad — or at least the route as staked out.

The early potato crop in this section is nearly a failure, which naturally causes considerable grumbling on the part of many of our farmers, as they invested largely in what they call “phosphate,” “fosfect,” “prospect,” “prostrate” and “frustrate,” therefore they reasonably expected a fair crop. But “frustrate” got it, therefore it is not likely that these fertilizers will be in great demand hereafter.

The beautiful grove owned by Gen. Marston, with its shady driveways and pleasant walks, among the sparkling springs and trout ponds, continues to be a source of attraction, and affords a delightful retreat for the large number of guests who are now at the hotels in this and adjoining towns. The superintendent, James Lane, Esq., is courteous and obliging, and is ever ready to administer to the wants of all who favor him with a call. Large parties often avail themselves of the many advantages which this grove affords for pleasure and comfort this hot weather, and spend the day regaling on baked clams, lobsters, chickens, etc., which are furnished at short notice at a reasonable price. Most of the water used at the hotels is drawn from these springs.


Hampton, August 7. — We are glad to see Mr. Horace Hobbs out again after the accident he met with from a kick in the face from one of his horses. The accident was caused by flies, which have been more troublesome this season than for a number of years.

A son of Mr. William T. Lamprey, of Lawrence, Mass., was brought here on last Saturday for interment. His age was 21 years. Mr. Lamprey is a native of this town, and learned the tinman’s trade of the late J. Getchell, of Exeter, in which place he went into business for himself; a few years afterwards, selling out, he left Exeter for Lawrence, where he has secured an ample fortune.

The gay season has truly arrived. Hundreds are here from all parts of the United States, enjoying themselves. Col. S. H. Dumas, one of the most popular seaside hotel landlords on the coast, has his house filled to overflowing. He contemplates putting on an addition to hotel of 100 feet before the opening of another season. The hotel stands on the tip top of Great Boars Head, commanding the whole view of the ocean as far as eye can reach, and the view inland extends way among the mountains. Facing the east, the whole line of sea coast, with its numerous hotels can be seen far beyond Kittery, Me. Looking at the right, we can follow the coast along with its numerous inlets, to the head of Cape Ann, and Thatchers Island with its twin lighthouses. Standing on that beautiful head on a summer’s evening, looking out upon the sea, how delightful is the prospect. There are twelve lights to be seen guiding the sailor to port, as well as warning him of dangers to which he is exposed. Col. Dumas has secured excellent music for the season, and I notice the large hall is filled with eager ones to dance to the splendid rich tones brought from the instruments. He makes everything pleasant, having a pleasant word for everyone.

The crops are looking very badly. Corn and potatoes are laboring hard to pay the husbandman for his labor, but I fear they will fail. Hay is of excellent quality, with a good yield. The grain came in well.

Never within the memory of man have we had such a drouth. Our streets were never more dusty, and they are very hard to ride upon. The question has been asked, how long will it continue? Can it not be answered in two words; have faith. In olden times, when drouths came, a day was set apart to ask for rain. Then the people had faith in the minister, and the minister in the people. What was the result? Before they could reach their home, their prayers were answered.


August 18, 1882

Hampton, August 15. — David Lamprey, Esq., with two men and a boy, week before last, cut 20 acres of grass and put it into the barn in one day and a half.

Mrs. Simeon Lane, one of our venerable old ladies, who is eighty years old, has spun over 40 skeins of yarn during the summer months.

The wife of Mr. John Nudd, died very suddenly on Friday morning of last week. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause.


Hampton, August 15. — Mrs. Elizabeth Olive, wife of Captain John S. Nudd and daughter of Deacon Jesse Knowles, died very suddenly Friday morning last. Mrs. Nudd took tea with her family, Thursday, in her usual good spirits, although her health has not been good for some little time. Tea being over she, together with her family and friends present, retired to the lawn in front of the residence, where the evening was spent pleasantly. Mrs. Nudd retired as well as usual; but before morning light dawned Captain Nudd announced to the children the death of their mother. She was a good wife, mother and friend.

The boarding season promises to be the most successful for years. The public houses are full, as well as the private ones. A great many men to note are here. Among them I noticed Gen. Joseph Barns, staying with Mr. W. H. Hobbs. Gen. Barns went out as captain in the 29th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, and by promotions was made Colonel, and afterwards General in the 9th army corps. He led the grand charge on Petersburg. Those days of war are past and gone, and we hope they may never return.

Our streets are filled with dust; would that the town had a sprinkler.

Glass standing 94 degrees in the shade at noon.


August 25, 1882

Mrs. William Burlingame and family are at Hampton Beach.

September 1, 1882

Hampton, Aug. 28. — Sunday evening there was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of this place what was called a “Grand Temperance Palilogy to Palimpsest the People.” The meeting was opened by the reading of the Sciptures and prayer, after which the pastor of the church, the Rev. J. F. Spaulding, explained the meaning of the terms used in the call for the meeting, and gave his reasons for selecting such uncommon words with which to call the people. He said that as ministers were not allowed to introduce politics into the pulpit he could not use the terms rally or convention, for these have come to be politcal terms, but “Palilogy” he thought was proper because its meaning is, “To repeat a word or sentence for the purpose of making it emphatic,” “which was just what they were going to do that evening. And as Palimpsest means; “To scrape for the purpose of rewriting,” he used the word in its relation to the radication of old ideas and the writing of new in the minds and hearts of the people upon the temperance question. Mr. Joseph Batchelder was then called upon to palilogize and he endeavored to make emphatic, the duty of boldly declaring our position upon this question, that we may help others. Mr. Batchelder said that he had signed the pledge, cider and all, and he was willing that the world should know it. He believed that the time had come for temperance men to declare themselves in word and act, and he wanted to emphasize the thought that we ought also to vote only for temperance men. Mr. Batchelder stirred up the ministers a little by saying that they didn’t dare to preach against intemperance in high places, but no harm was done, for the scraping was none too deep, if it was deep enough. Dea. James Leavitt, of North Hampton, was the next speaker, and his palilogy was upon, “The relation of the church to the temperance question.” Mr. Leavitt did not believe that one full of cider, rum, whiskey or beer, could very well give “a reason for the hope that is in them,” and the Christian, no matter what his denominational views, should he ever ready to show Christ to a dying world; hence the church should condemn the sin of intemperance, and every way that leads to it. Mr. Leavitt palilogized the idea that cider is working more intemperance in Rockingham County than any other influence not excepting Jones’ or Eldredge’s breweries, and he called upon the church to refrain from drinking cider, and then speak against its use as a beverage. Rev. Elihu Scott followed Mr. Leavitt with his opinion upon, “The relation of the ministry to the temperance question,” and declared that after having been a preacher for fifty five years he had seen no reason for a preacher being neutral upon this question. The ministry in his mind must speak or neglect duty, and he very broadly, and pointedly, hinted that he was in favor of shutting off the supples from a minister who wouldn’t preach, and teach temperance. A little more of this palilogy would “make it thunder all around.” Mr. Moses J. Bartlett, of East Salisbury, Mass., was the next speaker, and laid emphasis upon, “The importance of giving children proper instruction in the midst of proper surroundings.” Mr. Bartlett never drank liquors, and could not tell one kind from another to-day, and ascribes this ignorance of the destroying element to the fact that when he was a boy he was trained to believe these things a curse. Mr. Bartlett then urged the people to labor for the good of others, though personally they are free from the curse of intemperance, and pointed to the illustration of a farmer of years planting an orchard for those who may come after him, for, said he, these who are younger are coming after us. The next to make a palilogy was Mr. Peter Sanborn. Mr. Sanborn is well known throughout the state, as his services as state treasurer some years since, made him quite prominent, and it may be interesting to many of his former friends to know that he has not backslidden on this temperance question, and as we listened we thought he must have gained a little, for he declared that he would never again vote for any man for office, if he knew it, who used strong drink as a beverage. Mr. Sanborn belies that drunkards are going to hell and is bold to declare it, and he wants everybody to join forces and help redeem this land. Mr. Sanborn called upon the women to take hold of this matter, especially the young, unmarried, women who ought to say to young men who will still drink, stand four hundred feet away from me until you quit drinking. This closed the speaking, and after a word by the pastor, inviting people to sign the pledge, at half past nine o’clock, the doxology was sung, and the congregation dismissed well palimpsested by the palilogy of the hour, as we trust, with the principles of temperance.


Hampton, August 29. — Our beach this season has enjoyed its full share of public patronage. The houses are well filled, but like Squire Towle’s barges, always room for just one more. Nature seems to have done its part in making this resort as beautiful and attractive as any on the coast; and a general interest has been awakened among the cottagers to improve upon what nature has done. Street lamps have been set up, which adds much to the comfort of those who ride or walk in the evening. Sidewalks built, and in various ways can the careful observer see that the beach with its surroundings has been made more attractive. Among the hotels, there is scarcely one exception to unusual prosperity. The Sea View house, Mr. J. G. Cutler, has been the resort of many distinguished personages. Among his guests of last week was Southwick, Tally Ho party numbering twenty from Danvers, Mass. After partaking of the bountiful repast which no man will better provide than Mr. Cutler, amusements of various kinds were indulged in. In the afternoon a 100 yards dash was had on the beach by the three infants of the party, Messrs. Rice, weighing 265 pounds, Tapley, 215 pounds, Southwick, 180 pounds. Mr. Rice took the lead and would have won the race, but he tripped and fell under the wire; making a hole in the sand 4 ft. wide by 7 ft. long. This gave Southwick the advantage who came in first with Tapley second. This closed the day’s sport amidst the shouts and cheers of the five hundred spectators who witnessed the fun.


Hampton, August 29. — The gay season has nearly closed; but few compared with the large numbers now here will remain. Not for many a year have our hotels and private boarding houses been so crowded with guests as in the summer past. Everything has passed off pleasantly, no rowdyism having been indulged in. No police officers have been called upon or needed to keep the peace, as everything has been quiet along the lines.

Improvements have been made along the streets by placing lamps at no great distance from each other. Also, side walks have been made at the expense of those who live along the streets. Let other improvements go on until the beach stands among the first watering places on the coast, a position well within its reach.

The crops are looking very badly. Some farmers will not raise much, if any corn, and have cut up many pieces to feed to their stock, etc. The potato crop is a failure, some persons not receiving enough to replace the seed. Everything wears a gloomy aspect. Our streets were never in a worse condition, being cut up badly with a great many stones in the bed of the road, although they have been cleaned off several times.


On Tuesday afternoon a party of young people went to Hampton. After enjoying a dance, they rode home by moonlight and report a very pleasant time.

September 8, 1882

Hampton, Sept. 6. — John A., son of Mr. George T. Blake, was found dead on Friday afternoon last in the meadow near the beach. He left home in the morning for gunning and not returning soon as expected, his father went in search of him, and found him about four o’clock nearly covered with mud and water. This young man has been subject to fits for several years, and it is supposed that while wading from one side of the pond to the other he was taken in a fit and fell, and probably was drowned. He was 23 years of age.


September 15, 1882

Hampton, Sept. 10. — Since stating a short time ago that Mrs. Simeon Lane, who is now 84 years old, had spun 45 skeins of yarn since July 1, we learn that we did not give her full credit for her diligence. In addition she has woven one pair of bed blankets, and twelve yards of rag carpeting.

The audience room of the Congregational church was occupied on Sunday for the first time since it was closed for repairs. The frescoing and painting although quite plain, look neat and tasty, but of rather a dark shade.

Many of our farmers who have cattle back in the country have received notice that they must take them home, as there is neither feed or water in many of the pastures.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof,” but this section was’nt very full of water until Friday afternoon last, when we received a copious shower. The rain fell in torrents accompanied with hail, flooding the roads and washing them badly in many places. The lightning fell in several places but did no material damage.

Mr. Joseph Philbrick has raised sixty-five bushels of rye from two acres this season.

Quite a number of our citizens went to Rye, on Saturday, to see President Arthur. But as urgent business called him to Portsmouth, he did not wait to see them.


On account of the rain storm on Thursday the auction sale of household goods etc., at C. C. Marston’s in Hampton, was postponed till Tuesday next, Sept. 19. Should it be stormy on that day the sale will take place the next fair day.

September 29, 1882

Hampton, Sept. 25, 1882. — The East Rockingham County Bible Society held its annual meeting in the Methodist church, Hampton, Sept. 19. A prayer and praise service at 9:30 was conducted by Rev. G. W. Ruland, of Amesbury, Mass., after which Rev. C. H. Chase was elected President, pro tem. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Pike, of Bristol, Rev. John A. Goss, of Portsmouth, presented a paper on the “Importance of Searching the Scriptures.”: In the absence of Rev. M. Howard, of South Newmarket, his topic, “Temperance and the Bible,” was ably discussed by different clergymen, among whom was Rev. Mr. Hannaford, late of Clinton, Mass., now of Exeter, a popular lecturer on Temperance, and Rev. Mr. Stearns, President of Rockingham County Temperance Association. At 12 o’clock the meeting adjourned to partake of a fine collation provided by the ladies of Hampton. The meeting was assembled again at 1 o’clock, and was addressed by Rev. F. D. Ayer of Concord, Secretary of the New Hampshire Bible Society, and by Dea. W. G. Brown, State Agent. A collection of nearly $11 was then taken. Rev. F. K. Stratton, then delivered an address on “The Holy Spirit, the Illuminator of the Word.” during which he was interrupted by the entrance of nearly 75 school children with their teachers who were shortly to be addressed. At the conclusion of the address, which was able and instructive, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, John J. Bell, Exeter ; Vice Presidents, Rev. Mr. Fitts, South Newmarket, and John Bachelder, Hampton Falls ; Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. F. E. White, Epping ; Executive Committee, Rev. E. Scott, Hampton. Rev. J. H. Stearns, Epping , Rev. John A. Goss, Portsmouth ; Delegates to State Society Rev. T. V. Haines, North Hampton, Rev. J. F. Spaulding, Hampton. The children led by Rev. Mr. Ruland, then sang sweetly some selections, after which they were interestingly addressed by Rev. Messrs Hannaford, Goss and E. Scott. The Convention then adjourned after customary resolutions.


Hampton, Sept. 27. — Our citizens felt apparently safe on Thursday of last week, as seventeen of Uncle Sam’s frigates and gunboats came out of Portsmouth harbor and slowly cruised to the southward along the shore. A sight never witnessed from our beach before, and probably it will be many years before it is seen again. All the third New Hampshire boys will remember the old faigates Sabine and Vandalia as they accompanied the expedition from Fortress Munroe to Hilton Head, S. C., and grandly poured in their broadsides until the sand batteries on either side of the harbor were silenced.

Mackerel have been quite plenty along the shore, and over three hundred schooners of various sizes are in the bay, well maned, anxious to show them around through the country, but as the season is getting late they seem inclined to stick to their natural element.

We notice by the Statesman that H. E. Maxfield, of Newport, reported to have been helped by Dr. Gage’s treatment has mowed 20 acres of grass for the “last week,” for over three months. Some of the fellows that are taking care of all this hay will need doctoring pretty soon.

Many of our citizens, especially those at work in the marsh, are hankering after, dry weather again.


October 6, 1882

The next annual meeting of the New Hampshire Branch of the Womans’ Board of Missions, will meet in this town, October 18.

The many friends of Rev. M. Colby, pastor of the Congregational church in this place, were pleased to meet him and his estimable wife here last Sabbath.

In this locality the recent rains have been highly appreciated.

Summer boarders have left town, and general quietness seems to prevail.

It is reported quite healthy here — but very little sickness.

Potatoes have yielded better than many of us dared to hope.

Sea fowl are not so plenty as many of our gunners would wish.

The next parish sociable will take place in the vestry of the Congregational church, and promises to be a grand affair.

L. P.

October 13, 1882

Hampton, Oct. 10. — Capt. Ames sold a part of his real estate at auction on Saturday. A tract of tillage, pasture and woodland, comprising twenty-eight acres, formerly the town farm, was bid off by Mr. James Lane, for General Marston, of Exeter. A few weeks previous to this, General Marston bought another piece of fourteen acres at private sale. This together with what he has owned for several years makes a tract of sixty acres. Should General Marston conclude to take up his abode with us, he would be cordially welcomed. Then we should have in town one General, one Colonel, and Major, two Captains and one Lieutenant, and it is not much of a town for military either. The relatives of Mrs. William Blake, to the number of thirty-four, gave her a pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening of last week, it being her 70th birthday. A bountiful repast was served, and a good social time was enjoyed.

Deacon James Perkins, while picking apples, on Thursday, fell from the ladder a distance of fifteen feet, and was seriously injured.

Mrs. Otis Whittier is suffering from a paralytic shock.

Jeremiah G. Mace was drawn, on Saturday evening, as grand juror, and Adna B. Lane, as petit juror.

Our citizens have commenced picking apples, but the crop in this section is very light.

All persons are cautioned against hunting for the comet while stacking hay.

Sea fowl are plenty and some of our gunners are reported as having made some grand shots.


Hampton, Oct. 10. — The corn crop of this town has fallen off three-quarters, while the potatoes have done a little better, some places in low ground are good, while some on high sandy land, planted with the red potato, proved a complete failure, and will not be harvested.

Old ocean was troubled as usual while the sun was leaving the northern hemisphere for the southern. In many places along the beach hill the seas came over doing some damage. Seaweed has been washed on to the beach in large quantities, and the farmers have made the most of it.

On Thursday last Dea. James Perkins met with a bad accident, he having gone up a ladder to pick apples. In coming down, the ladder slid from off the tree, letting the Deacon fall some eight feet, striking upon his back hurting him inwardly. We hope he may soon be out attending to his many duties upon his farm.


November 3, 1882

Hampton, Nov. 1. — While Ms. Jacob T. Brown was unyoking a pair of steers, one evening recently, the off one, just as the near one had cleared the yoke, was attacked by a bull which was in the yard, knocking Mr. Brown down ; and during the tussle which ensued, they passed back and forth over him several times before he could extricate himself. His clothes were badly torn and he was considerably bruised and scratched, but fortunately escaped without serious injury.

Francis P. Blake, foreman on the farm of J. T. Batchelder, of Hampton Falls, is having two weeks “vexation.”

Mr. Aaron Palmer, while seaweeding with a number of others, on Wednesday morning of last week, was knocked down by the heavy sea which was running at the time, and came very near being drowned. His son being near, immediately hastened to the rescue but was nearly exhausted before those present succeeded by joining hands, in rescuing the two from the remorseless waves. Some minutes elapsed before Mr. Palmer the elder could be restored to consciousness.

As your correspondent, “J.” of Seabrook, gave such an able account of the day meeting of the New Hampshire women’s branch of Foreign Missions, held here last week, we will only add that the church, in the services were impressively interesting.


November 10, 1882

Hampton, Nov. 7. — Owing to the storm or lack of interest on the part of our citizens, the Republican vote on Tuesday fell off 52 from two years ago. The following is the vote cast for State officers : Governor, Railroad Commissioners, Member of Congress, Councillor and Senator, 171 each. All the county officers received 170 each, except John Horace Kent, who got 169, and Wells C. Underhill, 128. The Democrats threw 106 votes on Tuesday, and 143 two years ago.

We have on our check list 12 Marstons, 12 Godfreys, 12 Batchelders, 12 Hobbs, 12 Lanes, 12 Perkins.


November 17, 1882

Hampton, Oct. 15. — Mr. Berry is putting a new engine and machinery of increased power into his steam mill, and the town voted overtures of exemption from taxation of his mill property on condition that he will add power for crushing and grinding corn on the cob, an improvement very much needed, since the blind folly of the town in destroying the “Old Tide Mill.” Very large quantities of inferior meal are annually imposed upon our citizens, many of whom ought to be producers instead of buyers of this essential staple fodder. A conveniently located mill, with facilities for rapid grinding, it is thought will induce consumers to purchase good sound whole corn instead of the miserable stuff, mixed or unmixed bad corn meal, and also stimulate our farmers to raise much more grain and save buying.

Miss Lucy Dow, who is a fine scholar and most excellent teacher, has opened a private seminary for young ladies with deserved promise of success.


December 1, 1882

Hampton, Nov. 27. — The porcine requiem, in shrill discordant notes from neighboring farmyards, and flying feathers forecast the near advent of New England’s autumnal festival. May it come with thanks and prayers, as well as with feast and song ; and let the Heavenly Spirit whisper to every happy heart, “Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared!”

The valuable estate of the late Joseph Ballard, his summer residence and beautifully improved grounds, situated on the main street near the railroad station, has been sold, it is said, by the heirs, to Mr. Perry, Supt. of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, for something less than the price, $8,000.

Mrs. Thomas Perkins, of Hyde Park, Mass., has purchased the excellent farm and homestead of the late Samuel Meserve, located on the ocean street to Boars Head. It includes a productive apple orchard. The whole is valued at $5,000.

The east school district has again been exceedingly fortunate in securing a teacher for their Grammar department, Mr. Horace Lane, our highly esteemed Superintendent of public schools. Now, if the Centre district could persuade its east end sister to consent to share her good fortune, according to a provision of a special state law for uniting two or more school districts for a High school, we might have, for the advanced scholars of the East and Centre, 7 or 8 months of continued first-class teaching without break of classes, under such a capable and experienced teacher as Mr. Lane, instead of only fourteen or fifteen weeks as now, under the system of frequent changes from man to girl, or girl to man, for summer and winter alternations. This would give what the town has so long suffered for, a High school of proper grade, should the non-progressive, the if and but Van Winkles predestine the good old Academy to perpetual sleep! *

Hampton, Nov. 29. — The new boiler being put into Mr. J. W. Berry’s steam mill is nearly ready for the pressure, and our citizens may expect to hear a humming among the circular saws, planing and matching machines before many days.

Mr. Horace M. Lane, and Samuel A. Towle, have their new houses ready for warming.

Now the long, dark, cold evenings are upon us, would’nt it be well to have the lamp near the town pump put down in squire Toppan’s barn cellar with the road scraper?

We understand that Messrs. Dow & Towle are about to make arrangements for carry on a more extensive business, by moving their billiard tables to the upper hall, and converting their spacious room below into a grocery and grain store.

‘Tis said that the academy is to be moved this winter sure, unless warm or cold weather shall prevent.

There is more call for rain than snow at the present time, as the water in many of the wells and cisterns is getting low. SCOUT.

December 15, 1882


Hampton, Dec. 5. — The long mooted question of the Academy removal seems to be settled at last. The trustees have contracted with Mr. Sanborn, of Salisbury, Mass., an energetic and faithful engineer of building moving, for $20 per day, including workmen and machinery. Best of all, Christopher G. Toppan, Esq., emulating the liberality of his uncle, the late Hon. Christopher Toppan, of Portsmouth, who left an endowment of Academic scholarships, has given a beautifully located lot, near the town house, between the main street and the Cemetery, and also intends to open an avenue in front of it from one street to the other, making at once a retired, yet convenient and easily accessible scholastic situation. The High school Committee offered $400 for this lot a few years since. May this venerable institution be filled with new vitality and renew the success of its earlier and venerable history.

Church festivities are about to invite the pious and Sunday school votaries of charitable pleasure to their enjoyment circles. The Boston Journal recently published a careful expose of the “church kitchen” associations — a protest, mildly put, against the growing tendency of this whole modern system of sacred frolicking. When the aroma of the feasting circle lingers in the halls of Christian worshippers, so that venerable ex-deacons going from prayer meeting, converse longingly of the oyster stews, pious matrons of the ice cream and that lovely cake, and the younger members of that splendid comic acting and funny burlesque, thoughtful men of the world are seriously asking “Is it not time to say amen as a finality, without the benediction, under the guise of benefaction?”


Hampton, Dec. 12. — Mr. James Lane is confined to the house by rheumatism.

Mr. Henry Towle is quite sick with the lung complaint.

Mr. John N. Marston, one of our largest chicken and egg producers, is suffering from a bad cold and overwork.

Mr. D. O. Leavitt, our grocer, who always has an eye to the wants of the human race has quite a hortus siccus.

Rooms ventilated by hot holes in the windows at this season of the year do not improve the appearance of a man’s buildings very much.


Hampton, Dec. 12. — At the residence of Mr. Daniel Hobbs, one of those occasions that take place but once in a person’s life was the celebration of his 80th birthday. The children, grand children and great-grandchildren were present, together with friends to the number of thirty-seven and enjoyed themselves pleasantly with music, while the young folks had several plays. A beautiful chair was presented to Mr. Hobbs, and a pair of mittens was knit, brought and presented to him by Mrs. John Redman, whose age was near 92 years.



The wheels of time in ceaseless round,
Pause not upon their tireless way,
While to my ear comes the plaintive sound
I am eighty years old to-day.

Eighty years like a passing dream,
Since the morning’s dawn and sunset’s glow,
Since launched my barge on lifes’ broad stream,
And yet ’tis eighty years I know.

Not all a dream, as I look in vain
For many I love in days gone bye;
Their forms I never shall see again
For spring flowers blossom where they lie.

Not all a dream, as here to-day,
My children’s children by me stand;
My head now solvered o’er with gray
Shows the rude touch of time’s rough hand.

As neath the distant forest trees
The withered leaves of summer lie,
As dirge-like seems the murmuring breeze
When winter storms are drawing nigh.

So in the autumn of my life
Come back the memories of the past.
Its rolling years with changes rife
A sadness on my spirits cast.

Yet many blessings of to-day
Make glad these natal hours,
For love hath smoothed life’s stormy way
And edged my path with flowers.

My future years are in God’s hands,
Their mysteries none can tell;
Only to know whate’er is planned.
He doeth all things well.

Yet age has seared the freshened leaf,
The grain is ripening in the sheaf;
Lights gleaming on the farther shore,
Proclaim my life work well nigh o’er.


December 22, 1882

Hampton, Dec. 19. — “Hot holes” in last week’s NEWS-LETTER should have read “hat holes.”

From one cow with an extra feed of only one quart of grain per day, Mrs. James Lane has made and sold (exclusive of what they have used in their family of two) since the first day of June last, 165 pounds of butter. Sixty-five pounds of this since the first of October. Who can beat it?

At a town meeting in Hampton, Dec., 27, 1639, it was voted that “every master of a family provide a ladder (before the last day of May next) whereby he may reach to the top of his house, or they shall forfeit 4 pence apiece.” The constable ordered to “collect or pay it himself.” It would be a good idea to pass a similar vote now; then in case of a fire, or when apple picking time came round every man would be likely to know within a half of a mile where his ladder was, and the neighbors would saved being wished a free passport to a warmer clime.

“Hansoming” the church., Feb. 16, 1704, the town voted “that the present Selectmen take care that all the clay walls in the meeting-house that are not ceiled shall be smoothed over with clay and washed with white lime and made hansom.”


Hampton, Dec. 19. — No man can view the audience room of the Congregational church, in this place, with its newly tinted walls, freshly painted pews, bright new carpet, and graceful chandeliers, and feel the genial warmth from the furnace, which supercedes the smoke and chill of former days, without admiring the energy and perserverance, which, little by little, have accomplished so much. The sociables, which have been held in the vestry every two or three weeks for more than a year, have contributed largely towards these improvements. They are admirably managed, and the committees who have them in charge, are changed each time, so that the burden of preparation does not, as is too often the case, fall on one or two. A fee of five cents is charged for admission, and oysters, ice-cream, and other refreshments are sold at moderate prices; and the few dollars collected each evening have swelled in the aggregate to hundreds; while social good feeling is promoted, and the musical and literary parts of the entertainment have drawn out talent, whose existence, but for these enjoyable occasions, might never have been discovered.



Hampton, Dec. 12. — The sly confab about getting up dancing parlors and stage scenery in connection with church kitchens, is absolutely false, I am happy to say, so far as the Orthodox meeting-house, here might be attained, at least for the present. Great changes, however, have taken place, both in doctrines and practice, as some of us can attest who attended the church worship and listened to the preaching of the Puritan faith half a century or more ago. But seriously, would not the seemingly austere Nazarene, in the fulfilment of His divine promise, “Lo, I am with you always,” if He should by chance happen into His so called sanctuaries on some of these happy social circle evenings, still more emphatically than He once did, with uplifted whip of small cords, to those who were busy in the pious fraud of selling doves in Jerusalem’s grand old temple of the Lord, for sacred (worship) sacrifice. “My house shall be called the house of prayer, but” — and drove them out. So say the Boston Journal. New York Tribune and your modest scribbler.

Snows are frequent, but water must be scarce when our school children walk half a mile to the steam mill to moisten their luncheon. But Shaker pails are cheap and a word to the wise is more potent than the Iipse dixit of a king.

Some of our boys and old fellows, too, are at their favorite tricks, cavorting fences, pulling up posts, even at our church doors, overturning market wagons, disturbing private families, throwing rubbish into wells (a serious offence.) Why? “Kaus,” a little black Ned used to say to me away down in Dixie, “indeed, mas’r, ‘spects the bad ate in me.” So I suspect, and earnestly advise them thus — don’t, don’t drink it; don’t.

Mr. Charles Marston talks of closing the only grist mill in town for want of patronage. Primary cause, the corn famine from the last extremely dry summer. But the major cause is the immense store traffic in meal. Why will not our merchants make an agreement with Mr. Berry, of the steam mill, to furnish good corn to be ground for their customers, and cease to buy and sell meal that is unfit to fatten hogs, and even the craws of geese protest. I intend to stir up these cogitations on this mill question until something comes of it, or I am dured of dyspepsia and have good corn bread to eat.

The Thanksgiving ball was a splendid success numerically, artistically, enjoyably and financially, and the supper at the Union House, one of Mrs. Whittier’s best, was altogether comforting.

The parish sociable was full, entertaining, lively and paid well.

The good old lyceum, the debating society, the literary circle, the singing school, and even the happy pastime for lads and lasses, the spelling school, as also the more intellectual and cultured lecture course, being now only things that were, the church kitchen, the ball-room and saloon whatnots are in full accord for the moral and mental training of our youth for coming men and women. Fathers, mothers, ministers, I pray you think of what you are giving to our country, the church and future generations.

The ice-harvesters begin to measure its growing thickness, but the low water in the ponds makes an inferior quality.

Mr. DeLancey, since the decease of his wife, has been suffering severely for several weeks, it is feared from heart disease.

Our fishermen have an unlucky season — too stormy and boisterous even for their sturdy frames and brave hearts, to adventure much on old Neptune’s domains, therefore fish are high in price and brain nourishment scarce, hence the dimness of this.


December 29, 1882

Hampton, Dec. 25. — Charles M. Lamprey, Esq., left town on Tuesday morning of last week, for Jacksonville, Fla. He goes for his health, but will enter into business should there be a good opening. The Florida fever prevails to a great extent among some of our enterprising young men.

Our friend, Henry J. Perkins, Esq., we were glad to meet, he having returned to town from his work abroad.

A singing school has been opened under the guidance of Mr. Thomas Chase, of Seabrook. Singing schools in town are not patronized as well as in by gone days; would that it were otherwise. Singing is of vast importance and should be taught in every school. We have greater privileges now-a-days than did those of fifty years ago. At that time it was no uncommon thing for a singing school to be kept in a private house, there being no other place except the schoolhouse, and as most committee men objected to anything of the kind, therefore the private house with the old-fashioned farm-house kitchen with its large open fireplace, filled with hard wood burning briskly. Well do I remember those good old days of the tallow candle. Young folks, my advice is, attend the singing school.

Miss Carrie Elkins died on Saturday morning, Dec. 23, after a lingering sickness of several months, aged about 22 years.
