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Exeter News-Letter, Friday, December 9, 1898

Volume LXVIII, Number 49

HAMPTON, December 7. — The weather conditions were last Sunday evening again most unfavorable for the union temperance meeting, postponed from the preceding Sunday, but it was none the less held in Webster memorial chapel [First Congregational Church], about 40 in attendance. It was, however, hardly a union meeting, since neither Rev. Mr. Adams nor Rev. Mr. Bradford was present, nor was the W.C.T.U. represented. Rev. J. A. Ross presided and made the principal address. His personal opinion is that while prohibition is theoretically the ideal measure, its enforcement is often so difficult as to make it impracticable. Interesting remarks were made by Professor Holmes and by Messrs. Charles Blake and B.J. Colvin. The existing state of things was generally deplored.

V. K. & A. H. Jones, shoe manufacturers of Lynn, Mass., and formerly of Hampton, assigned yesterday, with liabilities of $130,000 and assets unknown. The firm declined to make any statement as to the cause. The assignment came as an utter surprise. The firm was one of the largest in Lynn.

Hampton’s receipts in the apportionment of the state taxes are this year as follows:

Railroad tax $302.84
Savings bank tax 333.16
Library fund +99.60
Total: $735.60
State tax -$1,058.25
Leaving a balance due the state $322.65

The Congregational society last Sunday voted to have a Christmas tree on Monday evening, the 26th.

The woman’s missionary society of the Congregational church met this afternoon at Mrs. John C. Blake’s

The Christmas vacation at the academy and town schools extends from Monday, December 19, to Monday, January 2.

The combination of steam and hot water heating at the Whittier is fully appreciated by its patrons.

Mr. Ward is congratulating himself that he was not a passenger on the ill fated Portland on her disastrous trip. He had seriously planned to be.

The Academia for November is out. –“Grand Pre. the Home of Evangeline,” by L. T. S., ’94; “A Story about Six Undergraduates,” by one of them; “Lost Chances,” by “Ginger,” ’00; “Four Interesting Birds,” by ’99; “Aunt Mandy’s Visit,” by ’00, and, “A Surprise Party” are, aside from the departments, the titles of principal articles.

Capt. Silas H. Harding, superintendent of the first district life saving service, last week ordered at Gloucester, Mass., the boats for the new station at North beach. He has not yet chosen the keeper and crew.

The gale of Sunday night was fully as severe as that of the great storm. The run of tides was, however, not quite so high, and little additional damage was done to the beach hill and road. Many availed themselves of the reopening of the electric Monday to visit the beach, and were fully repaid by a magnificent surf display.

The sea again washed over the boulevard, and a section 400 yards long near the North Hampton line is still flooded two feet deep and barred to travel.

A small bridge at the Landing was lifted from its abutments, but was replaced Monday at trifling expense.

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Brown have gone to Haverhill.

Mr. G. Frank Green is about to go to Pittsfield for the winter.

Mr. Oscar Jenkins has nearly completed finishing the interior of his café building, where in the spring he will establish his residence.

A great pine was recently blown down at the Oliver Wingate place. Other trees suffered in the late storm.

Selectman Batchelder estimates the cost to the town of damages wrought by the late storms to the beach hill and road as $2,500 at least. This includes the cost of a material addition to the system of breakwaters, which he deems absolutely necessary.

The funeral of Mr. Charles Young was held at her late home Saturday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Ross officiating.

The windmill on the Whittier barn was considerably damaged by the gale of Sunday night.

The selectmen have contracted with S. E. Fletcher, of Westford, Mass. to build for $538 a granite receiving tomb at the rear of the cemetery. The work is being done by George L. F. Harriman, of Portsmouth, who has made a good beginning. The granite is of the finest quality, and the tomb will be one of the best structures of its class in the state.

Mrs. Wilbur Ross is visiting friends in New York.

The fair and Christmas sale by the ladies of the W. C. T. U., to be held at the town hall on Wednesday evening of next week, should meet with the fullest measure of success. Great pains have been taken to arrange for a successful and popular sale, and the public is cordially invited to attend.

Contractor S. Wesley Dearborn has the Elias D. Elkins house near the power station shingled. This is a pleasing seven-room cottage and is being built to let. At approach to the beach, Contractor Dearborn has boarded in and shingled Mr. George F. Batchelder’s residence, which will be spacious and handsome. He has also nearly completed a three-story addition to Dr. Mitchell’s Barnacle. The lower floor of the addition will furnish a new kitchen and the upper stories two more bed rooms. The old kitchen will be converted into a dining room, and the improved Barnacle will be as convenient and well appointed as it is unique. At Little Boar’s Head Contractor Dearborn is making many improvements at Mrs. Lewis’ cottage. For 40 years Mr. Dearborn has been a leading builder in this section, and his painstaking, reliable and excellent work, alike on large or small orders, has given him a most enviable reputation. He now employs 10 men, but in the busy season many more. E.

HAMPTON, December 7. — Among the many, pleasant faintly gatherings on Thanksgiving day, was one at Mr. Oliver Godfrey’s in the north part of town. The party numbered 24. Mr. Godfrey is a remarkably well preserved man for his age, 85. He is bright and active and, although he does not now do any hard work, he still retains his interest in all the affairs of life. There are four children, 14 grandchildren and one great grandchild, making four generations present on Thanksgiving day. Mr. Godfrey’s wife, a most estimable woman, died a number of years ago, and since his daughter, Mrs. Barbour, has faithfully filled her place. As she is a notable cook, we can be sure that the dinner was a great success. For years Mr. Godfrey plied his trade as a blacksmith in the little shop near his house, and as in Longfellow’s poem,

The children coming home from school
Looked in at the open door.
They loved to see the flaming forge.
And hear the bellows roar,
And catch the burning sparks that fly
Like chaff from a threshing floor.

Those days are long past, the old shop is deserted, but these reunions recall old times and events. May they have many in the future.

HAMPTON, December 8. — As has been the custom for years, the relatives of Mrs. Adeline Barker met to celebrate her birthday, which comes on the 7th of December, she being 86 years of age. Mrs. Barker’s home is with her daughter, Mrs. Shelton, who, with her husband, entertained in their inimitable manner the merry company. Mrs. Barker retains her usual bright, cheerful way of entertaining her friends, although not as active bodily as formerly. A bountiful supper, at which there was every thing nice, was served. Two birthday cakes were brought, one very elaborate by Mr. Frank Woods, of Newburyport, who, with his sister, Miss Alice, contributed much to the pleasure of the company. Many little gifts were given our aged friend. Mrs. J. W. York brought her usual gift of roses and pinks; Mrs. Blanchard and other friends, confectionery. Mrs. T. L. Perkins kindly remembered her with a nice letter and gift. After supper singing and games passed the time away. One game was much enjoyed in which wood and Cole were prominent. But all happy times have an end and as the electric did not fail to come (as it did last year) a good part of the company (which numbered about 30) took the last car for home, with many good wishes for all.

L. A. M.

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