Volume I – No. 1

Complete text of all articles relating to Hampton are included here.

62d Annual Meeting

A Large Attendance of Pastors and Delegates

The 62d annual meeting of the Rockingham county conference of Congregational and Presbyterian churches opened very auspiciously at Hampton on Tuesday, June 6. There was a large attendance, and the Congregational chapel, where the meeting was held, was well filled by the pastors and delegates and friends of the conference.

The order of exercises was begun at 10:30 o’clock with a prayer service led by Rev. Joseph Kimball of Seabrook. After a short business meeting, the address of the forenoon was delivered by Rev. Theodore C. Pratt of Candia, whose subject was “The Saloon Problem.” After a debate on the subject of the address by several of the pastors, the meeting adjourned for dinner.

The afternoon exercises opened with a survey of the churches by the secretary Rev. A. H. Thompson of Raymond and the pastors and delegates. Mr. Thompson reported that there were 33 churches in the conference, nearly all of which are on the increase in membership. Seven new pastors have joined the conference within the past year. A number of the churches have lost heavily by death, North Hampton having the largest number. In eight churches no deaths occurred during the 12 months. The gain in membership over 1898 in all the churches combined is 40; in the Sunday schools, 61; in the Christian Endeavor societies, 1002.

The remainder of the afternoon was taken up with addresses on “Some Needs of Our New Hampshire Churches,” by Rev. H. H. Colburn of Brentwood; “American Board Commissioners of Foreign Missions,” Rev. James L. Fowle, missionary in Turkey; “Ministerial Relief Fund,” the secretary Rev. N. H. Whittlesey of New Haven, Ct.; “Our Sailors,” Rev. C. P. Osborne of Boston, secretary of the Seaman’s relief fund; “The American Missionary association,” Rev. Dr. Elijah Horr of Brookline, Mass.; and “A Visit to the Montgomery, Ala.,Industrial School,” the Misses Isabel C. Wingate and Helen L. Street of Exeter. The afternoon session closed with a conference social and supper.

The evening meeting opened at 7 o’clock with an evensong service, followed by addresses on “The Ideal Church,” by Rev. W. L. Anderson of Exeter, and “Our New Hampshire Home Missionary Fields,” by Secretary Alfred T. Hillman.

At the session of the conference Tuesday, Rev. N. H. Whittlesey, D. D., of New Haven, secretary of the ministerial relief committee and fund of the Congregational churches of the United States, then spoke on “Duty of the Churches to their Disabled Veterans,” or “Practical Comradeship.”

In closing, he said: “Every church ought to make a contribution every year for ministerial relief. Your own state society has the first claim. But you want to do your full share towards this national fund. So I ask pastors, especially of the stronger churches, to invite me now for some Sunday far ahead, to preach and take an offering. To churches where I cannot wisely go, we will gladly furnish leaflets, hymn-cards and other literature.”

The second day was equally as interesting as the first and the principal paper was given by Rev. W. I. Anderson of Exeter.

Among the pastors present were Revs. George H. Scott of Atkinson, Henry H. Colburn of Brentwood, T. C. Pratt of Candia, James G. Robertson of Chester, R. T. Wilton of Derry, W. I. Anderson and A. P Bourne of Exeter, Edward Robie of Green and, R. P. Gardner of Hampstead, John A. Ross of Hampton, C. W. Poore of Kensington, Samuel F. French of Londonderry.

Among the pastors present were Rev. David H. Evans of North Hampton, William A. Busheee of Northwood, Leonard Dodd of Plaistow, L. H. Thayer of Portsmouth, A. H. Thompson of Raymond, William T. Bartley of Salem, Joseph Kimball and William A. Rand of Seabrook, George A Foss of Stratham and Albert Watson of Windham.

Anti-Saloon League

As the town voted at the March town meeting to have the sale of all intoxicating liquors abolished in town, it was hoped that this would be done by the proper authorities (as has been done in neighboring towns) and that no outside aid need be called in, but as the same condition of affairs still exists, and the trail of the serpent is still seen all over the town, it has been thought best, not only by active temperance workers, but by all who care for the good of the young men, and also for the reputation of the town that further measures shall be taken to enforce these disregarded laws, hence the recent movement to form an anti-saloon league in this place. Dr. Clapp came a few weeks ago and held a meeting in the interest ot the league which was well attended.

Sunday, June 4, a second meeting was held in the Baptist church in the afternoon at which Rev. Dr. McKillop, state president of the anti-saloon league, addressed a goodly audience. Rev. J.N. Bradford stated the situation of the temperance question in town, and then introduced Dr. McKillop who explained the purpose and plan of work of the league, and also in a very convincing and earnest way gave illustrations to show the evil effects of the curse of strong drink.

Dr. McKillop is no crank, but a quiet, earnest, Christian worker. He was pleased to say that it was the most enthusiastic audience which he had addressed since he had been in the work.

It was unanimously voted to form an anti-saloon league in Hampton. An agitation committee was chosen consisting of D. Asbury Marston, chairman, Samuel Towle, Elias Perkins, Joseph Philbrick, one from each church.

Another meeting will be called in the near future to organize, and then, to work. The slogan has sounded; there will be no retreat. There is a firm and wide spread opinion that now is the time to grapple with the liquor traffic in Hampton.

Hampton Academy closing exercises, 1899

Hampton Academy held its closing exercises of the school year Friday afternoon, a large number of visitors being present, among whom were noticed many of the alumni. The first recitation was that of the junior class in physical geography, which was heard by Principal Sanborn, as was also the senior latin and the advanced middle geometry, while Miss [Anna May] Cole, his assistant, conducted classes in botany and rhetoric.

The member of each class recited admirably and it should be borne in mind that no particular preparation is made for these examinations, the visitors seeing only the regular routine work of the school, which reflects great credit upon both teachers and students.

The following program of declamations completed the exercises:

“The Abbott of Innisfallen” Octavia Cousens
“Belshazzar Smith’s Somnambulism” Fred Batchelder
“The Rising in 1776” Eva Abbott
“The Courtin'” Charles Gill
“How Jimmy Tended the Baby” Abbie DeLancey
“The Influence of Public Opinion” William Leavitt
“The Ruling Passion” Annie Hoyt
“The Advance of Civilization” Austin Gill
“The Deacon’s Courtship” Theda Taylor
“Sparticus to the Gladiators” Henry Hobbs
“His Mother’s Song” Bertha Sanborn

The members of the senior class of Hampton academy, assisted by a number of the undergraduates, are busily engaged in the decoration of the town hall in honor of the commencement on the evening of Wednesday.

Soldiers’ Memorial Day

Hampton’s Annual Observance in Memory of Its Fallen Dead

The observance of this day of tender tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers passed with all its accustomed impressiveness and beauty.

The weather was all that was hoped for with light showers the evening before sufficient to lay the dust and with a cool, fresh breeze which made it not only comfortable, but really enjoyable to participate in the open air exercises, both for members of the Post and for citizens generally.

The forenoon was devoted to the laying of flowers upon the graves of comrades buried in North Hampton, by Perkins post, the members going and returning in a barge.

Returning to Hampton the Post was joined by the National band of Newburyport of 20 pieces, and was given a bountiful dinner by members of the Woman’s Relief corps.

At 2 o’clock the exercises in the hall were commenced. On the stage were the commander, William E. Lane, and A. J. Philbrook, adjutant of the Post, the orator of the day, Hon. Perley D. Smith of Lawrence, Mass., the pastors of the several churches and, through the courtesy of the post commander, the editor of THE UNION.

The exercises consisted of the address of welcome by Comdr. Lane, prayer by Rev. Mr. Ross of the Congregational church, report by the adjutant and the address of the day interspersed by some very fine selections by the band.

Following these exercises came the ceremony of laying the flowers upon the soldiers’ graves with the regular ritual of the Post.

An address having as its subject “The Growth and Expansion of our Country,” was made by Mr. Smith. Portions of it will merit quotation.

Address By Mr. Smith

“Comrades of the G.A.R., Ladies and Gentlemen:

“It gives me great pleasure to meet you on this occasion. The place and the associations of the day are inspiring; the location, the hills, the valleys, the plains, the green fields, woodlands, the babbling brooks, the old ocean throbbing like a thing of life and by its vastness suggesting to us the greatness of the universe. All these are fitted to lift our hearts upward and to kindle in us the highest emotions. The season of the year, too, with its warmth, and balmy air; with the expanding leaves of the trees and the opening flowers, touches us with gentle hands and bids us have courage and hope, because new life is opening all around us.

“The honorable history of this ancient town, too, is impressive here where so many generations of worthy people have lived and died, have borne life’s burdens, have experienced its joys and shared its griefs. Here, too, courage and heroism have, during all these years, stirred the hearts of men at every trying period, whether in the early contests with Indians or in the great civil war.

“We are assembled here today on this, one of the most appropriate occasions of any that we celebrate. No more pleasant a duty can we perform than that of doing honor to the brave soldiers who were willing to lay down their lives for the sake of their country. The Greeks and Romans were accustomed to placing statues of their great and noble men, who had performed heroic deeds, in the passage ways and porches of their dwellings; so that as they came out and went in the marble forms of these great men might speak to them and remind them of what they had done. Thus by keeping in sight and mind the heroic deeds of their departed heroes, they were influenced to make the most of themselves and to impress on their children what they must do if they wished to be true citizens of their great countries.

“With this same purpose in view we come here today. We have come to show respect for the dead by strewing flowers over their graves and thus perpetuate a memorial of what they did, that we might enjoy the blessings which a great united country can give us. We can never repay the soldiers who fought for the union.

“Let us see if we can what will give us able men, to defend and protect our institutions and to promote the growth and progress of our people. We all know that without education no great advancement can be made. Reading the history of early days we see that the success that so many of the people gained was to be attributed to culture. They gave themselves to patient study. They believed in developing the mental faculties to the fullest extent, and so they produced men of the greatest ability. But we need not go to antiquity to learn the true source of national greatness. Our own history as a nation affords us abundant lessons. What was it that led the settlers of New England to leave their homes across the water and brave the dangers of an unknown broken wilderness and the savage native tribes that inhabited it? A desire for religious freedom. In the sacred Scriptures they found a higher and a broader representation of humanity and human privilege presented before them than their ancestors had seen or enjoyed or the government of the old country permitted them to have.

“The leaders among them were men of culture. They had been educated in the best institutions of learning in the old country. It is not strange, then, that they prized education and that they desired it for their children.

“These men had no sooner built their homes than they began to make plans for the education of their children. They believed that no person could be fitted for even the humblest position in life without a good common school education.

“And since, New England has ever fostered her institutions of learning. They have been and they are the glory of this part of their country. The church and the school must train the children for usefulness in life. They are doing it now. Let us ever sympathize with them and help them in their work.

“This country is particularly fortunate in its natural resources and we should use every means that lies within our power to derive all the benefit possible from these facilities. In the many instances we see the farms in New England being deserted. This should not be so, for agriculture is the most important of all occupations.

“When this great nation was first established, farming was the principal employment of everyone. We all know what it did for us at that time and it could have as important a place now, for the world will as much need what the farm produces in one hundred years from now as it did one hundred years ago. Out of 70,000,000 of inhabitants there are probably considerably less than three tenths, taking the country right through, that are to-day engaged in agricultural pursuits. This should not be so for the articles that we ourselves do not produce have to be secured from foreign countries, which necessitated our paying a larger price than we would have to do if they were taken from our own soil. If our people who are now idle because they cannot get work, as well as those who work from morning till night in a hot, noisy mill, would only go out into the country on farms where they would have to work only half as hard, they would be much happier themselves, they would be much more healthy and their living expenses would be much smaller than is now the case.

“There is one more branch of our resources that should be thoroughly developed in order to bring us the best success. It is the commerce of the nation. Let us stop for a moment and consider what a vast territory we have and what commercial privileges are given to us. We have over 10,000 miles of sea coast with the largest and safest harbors that any country can boast of. We also have over 20,000 miles of rivers over which the largest ships can ply. Think of the almost numberless large lakes we have, all of them situated most advantageously for commercial purposes. Mines producing every kind of mineral that the world needs, gold, silver, lead, copper, iron and coal, all the granite and marble of which our large and costly buildings are constructed; acres of forest without number which held every variety of wood; the products that each year brings forth; the fruits, the vegetables and the grain, enough to supply almost the whole world.

“The countries of Europe have been dependent on us for flour and many other things necessary for life.

“We now come to the next great problem necessary to the growth and expansion of our country. It is its defense. This should be thought of by every citizen of the nation, for without a strong and secure defense, how are we to protect our homes and institutions? How are we to maintain the resources necessary for an important nation unless we are able to defend them when attacked? It would be impossible for a nation to establish and possess even the most medieval customs and implements if it could not defend them at all times and against all enemies.

“True patriotism is the keynote of every nation’s prosperity, and this the American people can justly boast as having possessed ever since our ancestors first touched these shores. They were guided by true religious principle and a high degree of honor and were filled with the same kind of patriotism that our soldiers showed both at the time of the civil war and at the time of the Spanish war, and which, I trust, we at all times will show under similar circumstances. In the words of another, we would say:

Softly may summer winds blow on these graves;
Gently the autumn leaves fall on their sod;
Whether they cover the blue or the gray,
Over both watches the same living God.

Prayers for the living — a flower for the dead,
Charity may not and would not do less.
Leave them to rest in their lone, narrow bed;
God knoweth all — in His love may He bless.

“Let Memorial day be marked by tributes or tender affection for our heroic ones who have passed away out of our sight. The graves of our dead heroes have now become the shrines of the Republic at which our children in generations to come shall learn the lessons of true patriotism and valor.

“Comrades of the G.A.R., you passed through hardships and sufferings in the dreadful conflict of a generation ago, but that conflict led to a glorious result and we all honor you today. The pathway to glory is through trial, whatever our sphere of life may be.

“You, gentlemen, gave yourselves to the severest service your country could ask; and as the oak comes to its place of honor by the workman’s saw and plane and chisel, so you by your hardships have won the perpetual gratitude of your country and all the coming generations will do you honor.

“Let us continue to work for the growth and expansion of this great nation, and may this flag, composed of the stars and stripes, which is so appropriate and which meant so much to our ancestors at the time of the Revolutionary war, float not only from the Atlantic to the Pacific and on the many islands which are now in our possession, but may the time be not far distant when it shall represent all the territory which lies on this great continent, and may the same patriotism which brought forth the Declaration of Independence and which saved the union from being divided combine to thrill the breasts of all true Americans.”

The Children’s Day

How It Was Observed in Our Churches

In 1869, the idea of a Children’s day was originated by the Methodist church and a few years later, it became an established custom throughout the denomination and is now practically universal in all the Protestant churches of the country.

In Hampton, at the M. E. [Methodist Episcopal] church, there was a particularly fine exercise for and by the children in line of the usual Sunday morning service.

The church was tastily decorated with flowers from field and garden, especially in front of the chancel railing. The pulpit was removed and the platform used for the children’s exercises.

Superintendent of the Sunday School P. A. Warner had charge of the service which opened with an organ voluntary by Miss Nellie Marston, accompanied by Irving Marston on the cornet. The choir was composed as follows: Orin Marston, chorister, P. A. Warner, J. W. Towle, Emery Fogg, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. George Moulton, Misses Annie W. Towle, Nettie White, Beula Godfrey, Maude Blood, Grace Marston.

The parts taken by the children were remarkably well performed and worthy of much praise. Mrs. Bradford’s work in training so many little ones for their prominent parts, especially in the motion song, was most commendable and its result reflects great credit upon her.

The second part of the program was entitled “Peace or War, Young America’s Verdict.” The title was emblazoned on a red arch with pillars of the American flag and a centre shield at the front. On the right was the insignia of war with its accoutrements and on the left the emblem of peace. The former was represented by Rev. Mr. Bradford and Peace by Nettie White, each taking their stand with appropriate words and receiving the tributes paid — War receiving the shields of conquest and liberty, and Peace the wreath of history, patriotism, religion and morality.


Organ Voluntary
Opening Hymn,
Scripture Reading
Introduction, Alice Smith
Recitation, Greeting Laura Blake
Singing, by the Children
Recitation, Dorris Fogg
Recitation, “O how I love the Country,” Arnold Godfrey
Recitation, “What Little Things Did,” Bessie Towle
Singing, “Children’s Day,” by the Children
Recitation, “The Garden of Life,” Effie Gilman
Recitation, “Listen, My Boy,” Adleade Towle
Recitation, “God Loves You,” Ruth Gilman
Exercise, Five Small Children
Singing, “Motion Song,” by the Children
Recitation, “Love’s Smile,” Minnie Arnold
Recitation, “A Flower,” Bessie Smith
Singing, Duet and Chorus
Reading, “The Bridge at Sunset,”
Alice Weare
Recitation, “Lilies,” Alice Fogg
Recitation, “Heaven,” Bernice Godfrey
Recitation, “Elsie’s Prayer,” Alice Smith
Reading, “Write It,”  
Singing, Solo — Maud Blood — and Chorus  



Singing, “Sweet Sabbath Evening”

by the Pastor



“Peace or War,” — Introduction
Nettie White
War Mr. Bradford
History’s — Tribute to Peace
Music — “Peace Song”
Conquest — Tribute to War
Liberty’s — Tribute to War
Patriotism’s — Tribute to Peace
Singing — “God Bless Our Land”
Morality’s — Tribute to Peace
Religion’s — Tribute to Peace

At The Congregational Church

The customary concert of Children’s Sunday was this year omitted at the Congregational church. A special service was held in the morning, however, with an appropriate sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Ross, entitled “The Boy Life of Jesus.”

Among the Churches

Note — Items appropriate for this column are solicited from the general public. Notes of coming meetings, social events, topics for Christian Endeavor and Epworth League meetings, etc., are especially solicited. — Ed.


The sermon by Rev. Mr. Bradford preached on Memorial Sunday before the G.A.R. and W.R.C. and O.U.A.M. at the Methodist church has been most favorably commented upon by all who had the honor to hear the patriotic words of so forceful and able a pastor as Mr. Bradford. He had a sympathetic audience and he did not flinch in his denouncement of the evil of lax laws and the permitting of election of men into public office who are known to be ;themselves criminals and associated with criminals.

Rev. Mr. Ross of the Congregational church preached one of his best sermons Sunday, June 3, upon “Why I am a Congregationalist.”

Repairs on the Congregational church are being pushed as rapidly as possible and it is expected that they will be completed by July 1.

Text of the Hampton business advertisements:

The Leonia, North Beach, F.M. Crosby, Proprietor

Hotel Whittier, at Junction of Hampton & Exeter and Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway, Hampton, O.H. Whittier, Proprietor

Jenkins’ Cafe, Hampton Beach

Cutler’s Hotel, Hampton Beach

New Boar’s Head Hotel, Hampton Beach, S.H. Dumar [typo: should read Dumas], Proprietor

When in Hampton don’t fail to visit THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, Near Boston and Maine Railroad Station, MEL. DUNBAR, Proprietor

Leave your Laundry Work at Marston’s Railway Waiting Station. Agent for Amesbury Steam Laundry. First-class work. Satisfaction guaranteed. IRVING W. MARSTON, HAMPTON, N.H.

BREAD, CAKE, PASTRY. The undersigned desires to inform the people of Hampton and vicinity that he continues to supply his many friends and patrons with a superior quality of GROCERIES. A large and unequalled assortment of up to date FANCY CRACKERS And a full-line of Bread, Cake and Pastry, second in quality to none. Made by Exeter’s leading baker R.D. Burpee. Cart runs to Hampton every Tuesday and Friday. HENRY LITTLE.

Hampton Carriage and Smith Shop. Express and Farm Wagons built to order. IRON WORK In all branches. Horse Shoeing By practical workmen. Special attention given to over-reaching and interfering horses. N.J. Norton, Hampton, N.H.

C.A. Johnson, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Hampton, N.H.

F.S. MASON, New and .. Second-Hand Wagons and Carriages of all kinds FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. John W. Locke’s Hampton Beach Store.

GEORGE H. ELKINS, Manufacturer of HARNESSES! Shafts and Dashers Leathered. Dog Collars, Trunk Straps and all other straps made to order. Harnesses, Sole Leather and Sheep Skin for sale. Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty. Hampton, N.H.

THE M.W. BROWN PIANOS. People interested in Pianos will do well to investigate the qualities of these instruments. Purchasers will save all dealers and jobbers prices, as we manufacture our own pianos and sell direct from the factory. I will allow a liberal price for second-hand pianos taken in exchange for the Brown, and will visit parties desirous of purchasing. Brown Pianos are furnished in elegant cases of Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood or Oak, as the customer may desire. We Make a Specialty of Pianos Made to Order. Price Range from the Lowest, $175 Up. Correspondence Solicited. M.W. BROWN, Piano Manufacturer, Hampton, N.H.

Mrs. Ellen I. Brown, Clairvoyant, Sittings, $1.00. Hampton, N.H. Take car for the Beach and stop at Elmwood Farm.

Abbott Norris, INSURANCE AGENT. Portsmouth Road, Hampton, N.H.

DR. WARD, Office and residence, nearly opposite Town Hall, Hampton, N.H.

Irving W. Marston, Fashionable HAIR DRESSER. Choice line of Cigars and Tobacco. Hampton, N.H.

WESLEY DEARBORN, Carpenter and Builder. Plans and Specifications drafted and estimates furnished. Lumber of All Kinds Constantly on hand. Teaming and Jobbing. Hampton, N.H.

BATCHELDER’S MARKET! Fresh MEATS AND PROVISIONS Of Finest quality. Fruits of All Kinds in their season. Canned Goods in great variety. Refrigerated Wagon for delivery. W.M. BATCHELDER, Hampton, N.H.

Miscellaneous Notices

A meeting of the trustees of Hampton academy will be held on June 17.

The Exeter News-Letter has the following kind words in its last issue: Hampton is to have a paper of its own, a semi-weekly called the Hamptons Union. Its editor and proprietor is Mr. Charles Francis Adams of Spencer, Mass, an experienced newspaper man, though young in years. Mr. Adams has for the past week been busy in getting his printing outfit into shape and the first number will appear on Saturday of the present week. The Union will be devoted to the interests of the shore towns of the county and will be entirely local in its scope. The office is located over D.O. Leavitt’s, near the crossing.

The entrance examinations of Hampton academy will be held at the academy building on Monday, June 19, beginning at 9 o’clock. Contrary to the custom of previous years there will be no secondary examination.

James DeLancey and sister, Pearl, have opened a restaurant at Hampton beach, which they expect to conduct through the season.

Hunto Encampment and Rockingham Lodge, I.O.O.F., are to observe Sunday, June 18, as Memorial Sunday. Rev. David Herbert Evans, pastor of the Congregational church at North Hampton, is to preach the sermon.