Hampton News

The next food demonstration given by Miss Emerson will be on Saturday P. M. at the home of Mrs. H. G. Lane.

On account of the high school being closed over the holiday vacation, in order to conserve fuel is the reason for a change of place for the demonstration.

The address of Rev. W. G. Puddefoot at the Men’s Brotherhood on Monday evening was a most unique one and very different from any yet delivered before the brotherhood.

Mr. Puddefoot now a man seventy-six has seen thirty-eight years service among the lumbermen in most of our big lumber districts throughout the U. S.

The conditions under which these men and their families live, the kind of men that go into these lumber camps is almost unthinkable.

Leaving his audience to think between the lines the change that is made in these lumbermen and their families after Christianity.

Instead of the Monday club observing gentlemen’s night in the usual way once during the winter season, they have decided to depart from that custom and in keeping with the times hold a meeting that will be open to the public in the interest of Woman’s Part in the War and on Monday, Jan. 7 at 3 P. M. in G. A. R. hall, Mrs. Mary I. Wood, state chairman of the Women’s Council of National Defense will speak on the above-named subject.

Refreshments will be served and the admission fee of 15c will be appropriated for Red Cross work. We are sure this address of Mrs. Wood will interest every woman and we trust many will be present. Hostesses are Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Tobey and Mrs. Lane.

Gerald H. Buker went to Marlborough, Mass. Monday to attend a farewell gathering for his classmate Lieut. Evan A. Woodward who leaves the first of this month for France. Mr. Woodward was president of his class at Bates.

Mary Buker left Hampton Wednesday for Philadelphia to visit her brother H. W. Buker. She will spend a few days on the way with her aunt in New York City.

There will be an address by Mrs. Mary I. Wood of Portsmouth, music, etc. Refreshments will be served. Admission 15 cents, everyone cordially invited, come and bring your knitting work.

A very interesting meeting of the Cong. Woman’s Missionary Society was held with Mrs. Addie B. Brown on Wednesday. As two of the officers elected at the last meeting declined to serve, Miss Annie Akerman was elected as Vice President of Woman’s Missionary Society and Mrs. Y. W. Johnson assistant in the Whatsoever Miss. Circle.

The Monday club will hold a social for the benefit of the Red Cross, in G. A. R. Hall on Monday next at 3 P. M.

The following is the list of deaths that occurred in Hampton during 1917:

Jan. 5 Fred Hankins 43y, 8m. 3d.
Jan. 19 Sarah E. Dow 85y.
Jan. 21 Edw. R. Redman 51y. 6m. 7d.
Jan. 30 Geo. A. Johnson 65y.
Mar. 2 Mary Dow 62y.
Mar. 24 David A. Towle 71y. 11m. 14d.
April 8 Horace O. Mace 72y. 22d.
April 30 Lester T. Fisk 35y.
April 30 Chas. J. Carpenter 48y.
May 5 Ann J. Blake 80y. 5m. 12d.
May 7 Caroline Lamprey 82y.
June 7 John P. Hoyt 78y.
June 17 Nathaniel Spinney 89y. 10m.
July 5 Mary F. Brown 67y.
July 10 Alvah B. Blake 78y.
July 23 James A. Cilley
Sept. 13 Albert Dewhurst 49y.
Oct. 3 Edw. W. Godfrey 60y. 10m. 5d.
Dec. 2 Ellen DeLancey 77y.

Fred L. Lamprey has been drawn to serve on the January term of the Grand Jury.

On Friday evening, Jan. 4, District Deputy Grand Master Roland C. Emery and Suite will install the officers of Rockingham Lodge, No. 23, I.O.O.F. All members of the lodge and of the order are cordially invited to be present. A light collation will be served after work.

On Dec. 8th at Pomona Fla. occurred the death of Mrs. Abbie E. Drake, who had gone to her winter home in the Sunny Southland with her son Irvin in Nov.

Although 86 years old and frail and delicate, she did all her work and with tender solicitude guarded the health and happiness of her son, who in turn devoted his life to her.

It was an ideal home life, but now the embers on the home hearth are cold, never more will they joyously leap, kindled by that loving hand; for her spirit has winged its way back to God, and Mother Earth has folded the beloved form in her embrace and all that we have left is the memory of her sterling quality and winning personality, for the thought of her lingers like the strains of sweet music. For none of us can live or die without leaving an influence behind us for good or ill.

We bless or we curse consciously or unconsciously everything we come in contact with, people, animals even the very house and things we own, reflect our souls — our true self — we shed an elevating benediction or we leave the trail of the serpent over all, one or the other, for a blank we never can be.

Mrs. Drake needs no costly marble shaft to proclaim to the world that she lived, died and is buried here for the good she did lives and speaks for itself.

Worldly success, social supremacy, wealth, fame — yes Fame, itself; — what are you all compared with one true soul? The world worships and bends a cringing knee to you but with death you fall away like a worn out garment, and only the Soul as it was remains.

“Mother, home and heaven!” O trinity of sacred words, O heaven of perfect rest! Only those who have gone down in the midnight blackness of utter grief and desolation know of a soul’s bitter loss.

Three children, Mrs. George Fisk of LeGrand, Fla., Mrs. Geo. Marston of North Hampton, Irvin Drake of Hampton and Fla., and eight grandchildren are left to mourn the Passing On of a cherished one.

“Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the service of thy Lord.”