Hampton News

The Ladies Aid and sewing circle was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs on Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Warren’s Sunday school class met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Merrill on Tuesday evening with very good attendance. Mrs. Merrill was presented with a fine piece of china, from the class, with many wishes for a happy wedded life.

The prayer meeting held at the home of Mrs. E. G. Cole was very well attended. Much interest is being taken at these “cottage” prayer meetings, many finding them helpful and inspiring. This week Thursday the meeting will be held at the home of Rev. Edgar Warren, if the weather is favorable. If stormy it will be at the home of Mr. Oliver Hobbs.

The subject of the C. E. meeting next Sunday is “Christian Duty and Privilege. Winning Others to Christ”, Thelma Shaw, leader.

Nearly all the stores in town are observing the Garfield fuel conservation order in its full spirit, regardless of their ideas as to the efficiency of the plan. It is regrettable, however, that two or three places are not observing either the order for closing stores promptly at six o’clock three days in the week or the order for closing at noon on Mondays. It is also regrettable that one or two places are allowed to be kept open on Sunday.

We are glad to see Harry I. Noyes about again. Mr. Noyes was for some days confined to his home by a severe cold that at first bid fair to be a dangerous cold.

W. Scott Noyes is about town wearing a very paternal expression on his face. It is said that he has a very fine daughter. How could it be otherwise?

George D. Dodge wishes to express through the Union his appreciation of the kind assistance rendered him at the time of the fire which consumed his house at the Beach. Mr. Dodge is an old man, but he kept his head and saw, even while watching the flames devour his home, occasion to be thankful in that it did not happen in the night.

We are glad to hear that Mrs. Cutler is recovering from her severe illness. We trust that she soon may be out again.

Mrs. Frank Brook, at her home in Portsmouth, on Tuesday entertained the Hampton Whist club. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Thomas Powers at the Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Palmer of Boston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer.

Katherine Janvrin is home from the Mt. Ida school on account of illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howe have gone to North Hampton for the winter.

The food demonstrations are quite popular. Twenty-six ladies braved the cold and snow to attend one held last Monday.

It is said that Mass. has done more to conserve food than any other state. Henry B. Endicott, at a food conservation meeting in Tremont Temple was asked to give the recipe for bread used in his own home. He said it was delicious. Some make like to try it, and we will print it next week.

Rupert Lindsey and his cousin John Chipman went to France about the same time. A short time ago they met each other in Italy, which was a pleasure for both of them.

Much matter intended for this issue which includes the [Hampton] Academy notes and the Boy Scout notes are left out this week on account of the absence of a linotype operator. We will try to make up for it next week with a more than usually interesting issue.