Hampton News

People are being given a chance to buy their seeds early by having the opportunity brought to their door.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sprague attended the funeral of a relative in Lowell on Sunday.

John B. Marston is in town for a few days.

Mrs. Anna T. Shelton has been quite ill the past few weeks.

The Mothers’ Circle met with Mrs. Harry Munsey on Feb. 13. The topic discussed was “The Exceptional Child.” A very able paper was read by Mrs. Linton on the subject. Mrs. Linton is both a mother and a teacher and is deeply interested in child culture.

Mrs. Remington Merrill of Providence, R. I., spent Lincoln’s birthday with her aunt, Mrs. William Gilpatrick.

H. L. Tobey has been appointed chairman of the Hampton committee on the third Liberty loan, and will organize the working force in this town for the great drive, which will probably begin in the latter part of March or very early in April. It is one of the aims of the New Hampshire executive committee to have a complete working organization in practically every town in the state, something that was not undertaken when the campaigns were directed from Boston without an intermediary state committee. For the next campaign New Hampshire has its own committee. Its headquarters are at Manchester, its chairman is Charles W. Tobey of Manchester and Temple, and its representative in the eastern part of the state is John K. Bates of Portsmouth.

Howell M. Lamprey has been appointed judge of the Hampton municipal court in place of Judge Joplin, whose term expired Monday by age limitation. Mr. Lamprey cannot serve as a member of the board of selectmen under this commission.

All the schools in town, including the Academy, will resume sessions on Monday, Feb. 25.

A recent letter from Fred S. Quimby at St. Cloud, Florida, says that the glass has registered 80 to 84 degrees the last few weeks; roses and violets are in bloom; peaches are as large as walnuts. This causes us to feel rather envious, when the glass drops once again to the zero point.

A good number attended the missionary meeting at Mrs. Alvin True’s on Tuesday of last week. At the close a fitting memorial service was held for Mrs. Lydia A. Brown, who was the only charter member who had always retained a membership. The absence of the secretary, Mrs. Isabel Shaw, through illness, was much regretted. It was voted to send a postcard shower to Mrs. Shaw.

On Monday evening about thirty of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane gave them a surprise party. It was a complete surprise, and thoroughly enjoyed by all. An appetizing lunch was carried by the party. Mr. and Mrs. Lane left the next morning for the west.

Arnold Godfrey is staying at home nursing an attack of the mumps.

Little Katherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Janvrin, is quite ill, and is attended by Dr. Ward. It is hoped that she will soon recover.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at Mrs. H. G. Lane’s on Friday last. It was Frances Willard Day. There was a good number present, and the meeting was made very interesting by the reminiscences of Rev. F. M. Buker. There was good singing and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess.