Hampton News

Mr. and Ms. William Gilpatrick and children have returned from a two-week’s visit in Fall River and Providence. While absent they attended the military wedding of their nephew, Harry Kershaw of Newport, R. I., which was held in the Christian church at Fall River, which was packed to the doors. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the house which was attended by 150.

Ervin Drake has entered the employ of a farmer in Lyme, where he will remain until July, at least.

Come and see Uncle Sam at the town hall, Saturday night at 7:30 o’clock.

“May Baskets New” will be given by the children on Saturday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the town hall. Admission, adults 15 cents, children, 10 cents. Ice cream will be on sale. Come and see the “Cook”. The entertainment is for the benefit of the Red Cross.

The meeting in the town hall on Monday evening under auspices of the local Food Production committee was a most interesting one, although the weather prevented a very large attendance. Mr. C. A. Lyon, principal of the Academy, and a member of the Food committee, presided, and also gave a most interesting sketch showing the location of most of the American troops on the firing line, using a map of his own drawing to illustrate his words. Other speakers were Walter B. Farmer, Rae E. Deuel and Miss Emerson, all of which are more or less well known to Hampton citizens. Music was furnished by the boys of Hampton Academy.

Mr. Ernest G. Cole, collector of taxes, desires to notify poll tax payers that the bills, which are payable on demand, will be delivered in a few days, and it is desirable that the money be ready when bill is presented unless previously paid at the office of the collector.

The 1917 property taxes are past due and all who have overlooked payment must do so soon as the law requires that all unpaid taxes must be advertised.

The friends of Mrs. Elsie Godfrey are glad to see her able to ride out.

Mrs. Stacey Nudd was released from her sufferings Wednesday night.

If anyone has any rubbish which they wish to dump they will find a convenient dump on the Academy recreation field, a portion of which is to be filled up. Nothing of a light nature which will blow about, or is objectionable in other respects can be dumped.

The biggest and best convention of the Rockingham County Christian Endeavor Union on record was held last Thursday at the Congregational [Webster] chapel here with the largest number of representatives in attendance, there being over 100 registered. The officers are given a large amount of credit for their good and efficient work during the past year and at the convention. The program was a very interesting one, with four excellent speakers. Rev. E. P. Moulton of Milton Mills, formerly of the Free Baptist church of Portsmouth gave a very interesting address on the C. E. pledge. Following this J. H. Hyde, acting chaplain, U. S. N., of Deer Island, Boston, gave a very fine address on Christian Endeavor and the War. Mr. Hyde is very well known in this vicinity. The Open Forum was led by L. F. MacDonald, the main topic being the Standard Campaign. It was pleasing to learn that Rockingham County Union is rated as a superior Union in the campaign. The addresses in the afternoon session were both very fine. The Rev. Percy Warren Caswell of Portsmouth spoke upon “The Call of Christian Endeavor.” It was a very fine address and one that will be remembered. William M. Forgrave of Portsmouth, district secretary of the Y. M. C. A. National War Work Council, was unusually strong in his address, “Passing the Buck”, or “Passing the Responsibility on to Others”. The newly elected officers for the year are: President, L. F. MacDonald Portsmouth; vice president, Miss Mabel Hayes, Exeter; secretary, Miss Evelyn Badger, Portsmouth; treasurer, Miss Thelma Shaw of Hampton; junior Supt., Miss Hazel Jones, Exeter; chairman of Outlook committee, Mrs. H. E. Seavey, North Hampton; patriot council, Rev. Wm. P. Stanley, Portsmouth. Credit must be given the Hampton Congregational society for the way it handled the entertaining end of the convention. The next convention will be held on Columbus Day, Oct. 12, at the North Hampton Congregational church.

Obituary of Mr. Jeremiah Locke

Mr. Jeremiah Locke, the oldest person in town, passed away on Monday morning after many weeks of suffering. Mrs. Locke died a number of years ago, and he was tenderly cared for by his only child, Miss M. Emma Locke. The funeral was held at the home on Wednesday.

Mr. Locke belonged to a past generation, the type of which is not often found now. Upright, sturdy, strong, doing his work in church or town or his occupation as carpenter, in a faithful manner to the best of his ability.

As long as he was able he was a faithful attendant at the Congregational church of which he was long a member. He passed to his rest respected by all who knew him.

The deceased would have been 94 years old on the 24th of May.

Obituary of Edward Payson Wing Jr.

Corporal Edward Payson Wing, Jr. of Co. B., 102nd Machine Gun Battalion, was killed in action April 20th. His many friends were shocked to receive the official notice from Washington on Friday.

Being a gunner it was known that he was always in the front of the battle and in fearful danger.

E. P. Wing was born in Lynn, Mass., 26 years ago last November. An only child, he had many advantages. After graduating from the English High school at Lynn he went to the Art School in Boston, intending to become a teacher, but his eyes failed and he went with the Westinghouse Electric Co. of Boston, was sent by them to Canada, returning to the General Electric Works in Lynn last spring. He enlisted early, with many of his friends in Boston. He went abroad on October, where he has since been made a corporal.

He was married five years ago by Rev. J. Ross to Miss Leonora Bradley Marston, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Marston.

They have passed so much time in Hampton that a friend remarked Mr. Wing seemed like a Hampton boy. He had many friends who were warmly attached to him. He was a manly, upright boy of a cheerful, sunny disposition, always ready to help everyone.

In his letters home he always wrote in a cheery way and never complained of any hardship. He was a good soldier and gave his life for his country.

The sincere sympathy of many friends goes out to the young wife, to the parents who have lost a loyal son and to the many other relatives who we are so fond of.