Hampton News

Next, perhaps, to the farming industry, the newspapers of the country have been most severely hit by war conditions. In the United States no less than 1200 weekly papers have gone out of business, and the number is growing constantly. Among the dailies the watchword is consolidation, and scarcely a large city but has seen a merging of its principal publications.

Everywhere in this country and particularly so in New Hampshire, the press is extremely loyal and doing its utmost to win the war. Aid is given to every war demand, and the utmost economy is practiced that the more may be given and done.

For this reason during the summer months, when every moment, whether of reader or publisher, saved for farming or gardening, is of value, we have decided to make [The Hamptons] Union a four-page paper, resuming the eight pages again with the harvesting of the crops.

Owing to the critical condition of Worthy Master, Edward J. Brown, the entertainment to be given by the Grange next Wednesday evening for the G. A. R. and Relief Corps will be indefinitely postponed.

Mrs. Alvin True has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit her daughter, Esther.

Mr. Edward J. Brown met with a serious accident on Monday at the Portsmouth Navy Yard. A heavy timber which was being hoisted with a derrick, broke and in falling struck Mr. Brown, breaking one leg above the knee, and inflicting severe injury on his head. He was taken to the Portsmouth hospital.

Miss Ruth Hall is doing well in the hospital where she went for treatment.

Beecher Yeaton and family expect to move into the home of Miss Emma Locke.

Mrs. Charles F. Adams with her daughter Constance will leave for New Jersey tomorrow morning, she being called there by the critical illness of her father.

All are glad to hear that the Rev. Frank L. Long is improving.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston is still confined from the effects of her recent illness.

As the President has designated Memorial Day as a day of fasting and prayer, it is hoped that it will not as usual be used for baseball, and such purposes.

The musical fairy play, “Midsummer Eve,” to be held in the town hall Saturday afternoon and evening bids fair to be a pronounced success and should merit good patronage. The Misses White and Murphy, the teachers at the East End school, have been untiring in their efforts to make it a success and the children have been faithful in attending the rehearsals. The costumes were planned and made by the teachers, which means many hours of labor. The drills are particularly pleasing and every movement shows careful training. Come one, come all.

North Hampton

There was a bad freight wreck at the depot here Saturday night when four cars left the track. No one was injured.