Thursday, June 13, 1918

Hampton News

Mr. J. Beecher Yeaton and family are pleasantly located in the home of Miss M. Emma Locke.

Rev. Frank L. Long has the sympathy of all in his illness, and it is sincerely hoped that he soon will be better.

Rev. J. A, Ross observed his 86th birthday on Wednesday. He received calls from friends, cards, candy and flowers. Mr. Ross’s health is not very good but his mind is as strong and clear as ever. He has lived a long and useful life. The many friends of the Rev. I. S. Jones are pleased to welcome him in town for a few days this week.

A meeting of the Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade is to be held at Fireman’s hall, Hampton Beach on Saturday evening, June 15, at which there will be an election of officers and other important business transacted.

Mrs. Nellie Wightman and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thayer Kenney of New York, have arrived at Castle Mona, Hampton Beach, for the summer.

Many of the Food Production survey blanks which were distributed in town by the local food committee, have not yet been filled in. It is necessary that this be done at once as the state and county compilations can not be completed without every town making a return. It will help the committee if those who have blanks in their possession will fill them in and bring them to this office or to any member of the committee, or if not convenient to hand them in, to simply fill in and have ready on Saturday when a member of the committee will call and collect the cards.

A meeting of the Executive Committee on Public Safety was held at the office of the chairman last Friday night. Plans were made to assist the committee on War Saving Stamps in the coming drive for pledges to complete the State’s quota. Some changes were also made in the membership of the Public Safety committee. As it is now constituted the committee consists of twelve members, as follows: Herbert L. Tobey, chairman; Ernest G. Cole, secretary; Howard G. Lane, Joseph B. Brown, George Ashworth, Edwin L. Batchelder, Howell M. Lamprey, Herbert Perkins, Lewis Perkins, Charles F. Adams, Edgar Warren, Irvin E. Leavitt.

Mrs. W. H. Glidden wishes to thank her many friends for the kind remembrances of post cards and cheering letters she has received this week.

The Mothers’ Circle will be entertained Tuesday evening, June 18, at the home of Mrs. Warren Hobbs, instead of taking the form of a picnic at the Beach as formerly planned, as so many cases of whooping cough are still prevailing among the children. Notice change of date from Wednesday to Tuesday evening on account of graduating exercises.

The schools will all close this week. Many children have measles and the whooping cough, and, strange to say, the law does not require quarantine, and so they go about the streets, and of any mother does not wish her children exposed, she must keep them at home.

The annual meeting and dinner of the Hampton Academy Alumni Association will be held at the Casino, on Monday, the 17th at one o’clock. The speaker will be Mr. W. C. O’Kane. The membership includes all who attended the Academy prior to, and all who have graduated since, 1887, and at the last meeting of the Alumni, it was voted to admit all who had attended the Academy for two years or more, but had not been able to finish the course, as associate members. All are welcome.