Hampton News

The death of Mrs. Charles Lewis Lamprey on Wednesday came as a great surprise to many. She had been in poor health for some time, but the end came suddenly.

Mrs. Addie A. Craig, who has spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Cogger, has gone to spend the summer with her son, James Craig of Peacham, Vt.

The meeting at the Beach Tuesday evening in the interests of the War Savings Stamps was a big success and pledges for a good sum were taken.

It is unofficially announced that the running of cars across the long bridge will be resumed this week and the vehicle traffic at a later date.

Mrs. J. C. White has sold most of her household effects in her home on the Lafayette road, and on Monday she and her daughter, Miss Freda White, a teacher in the public schools, will leave for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will make their home in the future.

Three of our Hampton boys were called to the service this week. They were Myron Norton, Kenneth Marston and Harry Smart.

Ervin Drake of Lyme was in town this week. He will remain in his present position through the summer and wishes to announce that those who in the past have depended on him for their mowing that he will be unable to do it this year.

The Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade will have a banquet at the Ashworth on Monday evening, July 1. The regular meeting of the Board which was called for that evening will be held on Saturday evening of this week instead. Members will please note the change. W.S.S. Progress

The campaign for pledges to purchase War Saving Stamps in accordance with the desires of the government is proceeding steadily. While thus far there has been a fairly generous response the amount already pledged is still far behind the quota of $25,000 set for us and the balance MUST be made up during the few remaining days for the drive. The idea still persists that the purchase of these stamps or certificates is not an important matter. That idea must be gotten rid of. While the purchase is open to all, children as well as adults, this fact does not excuse the big fellow from helping in a big way, and it is not only a privilege, but an imperative duty for each and all of us to bear every bit of the demand which we are able. The committee in charge, every member of it, is working strenuously for complete success, sacrificing their own affairs in its behalf and the least that the community generally can do is to subscribe freely for this investment. There will be a meeting in the town hall to close the campaign on Friday evening, June 28. It will be a regular town meeting at which the moderator will preside and a record kept by the clerk. This record will have to be sent to Concord and our standard of efficiency will rise or fall according to our response at this meeting. It doesn’t matter whether you have subscribed or not you must be at this meeting. This is important. It is an old and oft-repeated slogan. But it stills holds good: Hampton never has failed. In the present case Hampton must not fail.

The Hampton school district has been brought into the supervisory district of Maro S. Brooks. Superintendent Brooks will next season have five towns — Exeter, Hampton, North Hampton, Newfields, Kensington, and Hampton Falls. He has been busy this week in engaging teachers for the schools in this town.

The electrics are carrying but a few passengers as many rebel against paying the ten cent fare.

Mr. Glines is now picking his cucumbers. They are later than usual this year as Mr. Glines could not obtain coal in the winter.

The grounds at the railroad station are looking very flourishing. The shrubbery has a good start. The credit for this work should be given where due. Mrs. Addie B. Brown initiated the movement and worked earnestly to achieve its completion. Others helped and some were paid to work there.

Walter B. Farmer, chief of salt water fisheries, division of New Hampshire, sends out the following notice: “In pursuance of orders from the Federal and State Salt Water Fisheries Department all fisherman, including lobster and clam diggers, and fish peddlers are required to take out a Federal license. The city clerk of Portsmouth, and the town clerks of Rye, Hampton, Seabrook and Hampton Falls have been supplied with application blanks. Thirty days from the 20th of June is given to all parties to obtain their license. On and after July 20th the law will be rigidly enforced. Mr. Charles L. French, for fifteen years a summer resident of Hampton Beach, died at his home, 14 Kirkland Road, Cambridge, June 5th after a long illness. He was special agent of the Standard Oil Co. for many years. A widow, who was Jennie H. Benner of Chelsea, survives him; also two daughters, Miss Florence H. French and Miss Ethel C. French, both teachers in the Cambridge public schools, and a son, Charles L. French Jr., who is connected with the Standard Oil Co. Mr. French was prominent in church work.

The funeral of Mr. Charles White was held Sunday afternoon. He died at the Exeter hospital on Wednesday night, no medical skill availing to save him from the death grip of typhoid pneumonia. The services were largely attended by a host of friends and by a large number from Winnicummet Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., of which the deceased was a member. Rev. Roger E. Thompson of the Methodist church conducted the service and was assisted by Rev. Mr. Tibbetts, a former pastor. Music was furnished by a quartette of male voices from the Advent church . The floral tributes were profuse and beautiful. Myrtie Wellington Roberts, daughter of John W. and Lillian (Brown) Roberts, was born in Hampton, Sept. 25, 1889. She attended public schools of the town and two years at the high school where, on account of her poor health, she was unable to complete her course and graduate.

She was quiet and unassuming in her manner, faithful to her home duties in every respect, and leaves many friends to mourn her loss.

She was a member of Ocean Side Grange and the Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist church. During the revival meetings last year she took a public stand for Christ.

A few weeks ago it was discovered that she had developed Bright’s disease. She seemed to rally from the first serous attack, giving courage to her friends that she might get well, but Sunday, June 16, she grew suddenly worse and passed away the following Wednesday morning.

The near relatives that mourn her death are the father, mother, one sister, a brother and grandmother.

The funeral service was held at her late home Friday afternoon, June 21, at two o’clock, her Pastor, Rev. F. M. Buker, officiating. Two selections were sung by a mixed quartette from the Advent church.

The family wish to express their appreciation to the many friends for the beautiful floral tributes, which were as follows:

Pillow, “Myrtie,” from father and mother; wreath, “Sister,” brother and sister; spray of pink and white carnations from grandmother; pillow, lavender, sweat peas and yellow rosebuds, Sunday School class; wreath, print roses, white carnations, snapdragons and ferns, Woman’s Missionary Auxiliary; spray of pink roses and ferns, Ocean Side Grange; spray of pink rosebuds, Miss Noonan and Hampton operators; casket bouquet, red carnations, Mrs. D.H. Adams and Mrs. J.E. Hooker; casket bouquet, pink carnations, Mrs. Nellie Akerman; spray, pink carnations, Marguerite Farnsworth; casket bouquet, dark pink carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raymond; spray, 28 white rosebuds, Jessie and Martha Moulton; spray, pink and white roses, Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Boynton; spray, tea roses, Miss Batchelder and Miss Garland; spray, red carnations, Miss Powers; spray, white carnations, Mrs. George W. Philbrook and Mrs. J. B. Yeaton; spray, dark red carnations, Mr. and Mrs. George Elkins; spray, cinnamon carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Towle and family; bouquet, a friend.