Hampton News

Another word in regard to the matter of credit for the improvement in the depot yard. In addition to the facts reviewed last week there was a member of the Community association who was [on] a committee to confer with Boston and Maine authorities who made two trips to Boston wholly at his own expense, and through this volunteered service came the results of harmonious cooperation.

The children of William Blake, who have had scarlet fever, fortunately in a light form, are all doing well.

Mrs. Beecher Yeaton and Mrs. Leonora B. Wing spent a pleasant day in Newburyport and vicinity on Wednesday.

Mrs. Georgia Carpenter was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, on Wednesday.

Much sympathy was expressed for the Rev. Mr. Aiken, who after delivering a very interesting discourse at the Methodist church last Sunday morning, was called home suddenly by news that his wife had been taken with another shock.

Friends of Willard Emery were sorry to hear that he had lost one of his fingers in his work at Portsmouth.

Forrest H. Mason is among those who have recently gone to France.

Remember the W. C. T. U. meeting on Friday afternoon at Mrs. Lucy A. Marston’s.

There is to be a great inter-state temperance convention at Old Orchard Beach on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some are expecting to go from this town. Fine speakers are to be present.

Mrs. Grace Wilmer Ware, who has been quite ill, is, we are glad to hear, somewhat better.

In spite of the dull days and frequent showers many tons of hay are being harvested in this vicinity. The crop is light, but the quality good.

In view of the high market prices for raspberries this season, many of the wild variety are being picked in this section. On the out-skirts of Hampton and adjoining towns these berries are found in profusion and of excellent quality, and many are picking them in preference to buying in the markets.

Anna and Charlotte Batchelder of Newburyport have been recent guests of their aunt, Miss Mary Toppan.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Toppan have been recently entertained by Mrs. Charles Lee of Haverhill, Mass

LOST: Holstein 3-year old cow. No horn. Striped face. Reward.