Hampton News

Miss Dorothy Bamford and her mother of Blackstone, Mass., are spending the month of August at the Florence cottage at the Beach.

Mrs. Thomas Sanborn of Concord, Mass., is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gookin.

Miss Ruth Riley of Haverhill, Mass., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. S. Toppan.

At the regular meeting of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge Tuesday evening an invitation was extended by the Noble Grand to the lodge to enjoy an outing at her cottage at North Beach on Wednesday, August 14, with a picnic lunch at noon, Mrs. Dearborn furnishing the chowder. No postponement if rainy.

Mrs. Albert Coffin is entertaining her sister, Miss Hazel Stedman of Somerville, Mass.

Miss Augusta Blake has taken a position as teacher of English in the high school at Norwood, Mass.

Miss Charlotte Jenne was in town Saturday calling on friends.

Mrs. Ireland and son, George, were recently absent from Hampton on a visit of several days, but have now returned home.

Mrs. George Moore and two sons have returned from a pleasant visit to Merrimac, Mass.

Mrs. Josephine Mason has been entertaining for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hobbs of Allston, Mass. This year Mrs. Mason’s brother has a three week’s vacation. He and his wife arrived on Saturday and left here Wednesday morning en route for Bangor, Me., by automobile, and will return to his sister’s some time next week.

The little son of Elmer King is seriously ill with spinal meningitis. Little hope is entertained of his recovery.

The prospect of the recovery of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Norton is much more hopeful.

It is rather risky going on the electric cars owing to the frequent showers. Some have had the experience of walking home or sitting in the cars until the shower passed over.

The W. C. T. U. outing will be held on Thursday of next week, the 15th, instead of the 16th. It will be at Mrs. H. G. Lane’s cottage at North Beach. A basket lunch is the dinner plan. It is hoped that all members will be present.

Quite a number of the members of the Missionary society of the Congregational church visited No. Hampton as guests of the North Hampton society. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. A delicious lunch was served.

All children under five years are requested to be brought to the town hall on Tuesday next, from 2:00 to 4:00 o’clock, to be measured and weighed, by order of the Child’s Welfare Bureau.

The many friends of Rev. Inor Partington are glad to welcome him in town. Mr. Partington has been invited to preach for Rev. F. M. Buker at the Baptist church on Sunday morning.

In the list of soldiers killed in France in another column is the name of Henry Osborn Perkins, grandson of the late Osborn Perkins of Hampton. The horror of the war is made more real when those from our own midst are the victims.

William Brown of Boston, Mass., spent one day of this week with his brother, Edward P. Brown. Items from Hampton Beach

Ferncroft dance hall was the center of attraction last Thursday night when a costume party attracted the youth and beauty of the Beach, together with those who like to see the youth and beauty. The hall was well filled and a large number were in costume, many of which were of striking originality. During the progress of the dancing the judges had their hands and minds well filled with the difficult task of selecting the prize winners, the result of their collective judgments culminating in the award of the prize for the most artistic costume, that of a Japanese girls, to Miss Ada Davis of the Pentucket hotel, and for the most original costume, which was truly a back to nature one, to Arthur W. Page of the Janvrin. The party was a great success and W. E. Ralton, who managed it so happily was urged to repeat with a similar occasion soon.

“Working like beavers” is just what the carnival committee is doing. Just which is the most important is a delicate question and fortunately no one is bothering with that question. The finance is sure holding a friendly open palm to everyone and the results thus far are encouraging. The various subcommittees are vying with each other to perfect the details and make their end the best possible. Owing to certain conditions at the navy yard, Chairman Tom Whyte of the general committee has been obliged to shift two days and the new order will be that the Children’s and Flower day will be held on Tuesday, and the Army and Navy day will be held on Wednesday. The ladies’ committee, which will be a very active factor in the carnival, will probably be photographed soon.

While the Beach has been clear of accidents for some time, two are reported in the near vicinity. Sunday forenoon two young ladies driving a Cadillac car were in collision with a telephone pole on the turnpike in Hampton Falls at the foot of the little bridge towards Seabrook. This has been the scene of a good many accidents. The ladies received a severe shaking up and the machine, which was from Ellsworth, Me., was considerably damaged. A short time after the first accident another auto met with a mishap not far from the same spot.

A study of the hotel registers reveals the fact that at Hampton the bulk of the hotel trade is from quite a distance. If you draw a line across the United States from the lower part of Pennsylvania nearly every state north of that line would be registered at Hampton Beach hotels. It is interesting also to watch the autos and check off the number of states represented.

Mrs. Kate Smith Myers, who was formerly a very popular Haverhill girl, and whose father, Mr. Smith, one of the most active workers of the Republican city committee, is, with her husband, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner at their cottage on Boars Head.