Hampton News

The What-so-ever Mission Circle recently held a pleasant outing at Stony Point, North Beach.

Friends of Charles E. Lane of Nebraska were glad to welcome him in town last week.

Miss Ruth Hall is training for a nurse at the Memorial Hospital, Concord.

Harold Truman of Portsmouth was arraigned in the Hampton municipal court Tuesday morning charged with over-speeding his auto on Lafayette road Sunday afternoon. Truman was caught by Motorcycle Detective George R. Scammon of Exeter and notified to appear before the court Monday morning. He, however, ignored the summons and was later arrested by Automobile Inspector Maurice J. Dwyer of Exeter and Detective Scammon and taken to the lockup. He was fined $25 and costs, making a total of $38.50. Truman was making 45 miles an hour over the historic thoroughfare.

Nelson J. Norton, who has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks with a severe attack of rheumatism, is slightly better, but still unable to leave the house.

Among the guests at Shady Lawn this year is Mr. William F. Abell, for twenty-five years assessor and tax collector for the town of Medfield, Mass. Mr. Abell has spent every summer at Shady Lawn for six years.

Mrs. Leonora Bradley Wing received orders to report at the Base Hospital, Camp Dix, N. J., on Tuesday, Aug. 20.

The County convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Hampton on Sept. 12. Place will be announced later.

The Mason land on Lafayette road has been purchased Mr. F. R. Ladd of Franklin, Mass., who has begun to build on the spot where the Mason House was burned.

The W. C. T. U. enjoyed their outing at the Beach immensely. About 20 were present. Dinner was served in Mrs. H. G. Lane’s dining room, and besides the good things carried by the ladies both fish and clam chowder were served. After dinner was had the pleasure of sitting on the piazza and watching the tide come in. The presence of Rev. Edwin Prescott and wife added much to the day.

Mrs. Leon A. Provandie is spending the month of August with her friend, Adeline C. Marston.

The funeral of Anna L. Vanderventer, daughter of Mrs. Ellen J. Blake, will be held this afternoon at the home. Mrs. Blake has the sympathy of her friends in this, the loss of the last member of her family.

Arnold Godfrey has taken a position at the pumping station.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Pratt and two children were guests at Mrs. Hugh Brown’s over Sunday.

The dog-fish are playing havoc along the beach, causing a scarcity of fish. Hampton people have not been used to eating dog-fish, but it is said to be quite palatable.

The potato blight is doing considerable damage to the crop in this section of the country.

Frank E. Leavitt, a former Hampton boy, who for a number of years has been the manager of the large wholesale branch of the Silas Pierce Company in Portsmouth, has concluded his services and will enjoy a well earned rest. His successor is William Harriman, a well known Portsmouth boy, who for a number of years has been manager of the company’s warehouse at Plymouth, Mass.

Mr. Leavitt, when asked his plans, stated that he was undecided. If he left here he might locate in either Boston or California. He further stated that he might not leave Portsmouth as he had already received two offers to remain here. During his stay in Portsmouth Mr. Leavitt has made many friends who will wish him success in whatever new field he may decide to locate in.


The subscriber gives notice that he has been duly appointed Guardian of ALICE W. BROWN of Hampton, in the County of Rockingham, decreed insane.

All persons indebted to said ward are requested to make payment, and all having claims to present them for adjustment. Charles M. Batchelder of Hampton is my agent to receive notice of claims against said estate and service of process against me as guardian.
H.G. Batchelder. Dated July 23, 1918.

Quick Bread:

Baking powder biscuits, co’n bread, muffins, brown bread, griddle cakes en waffles is wot day call “quick breads.”

You all makes ’em wid one cup er wheat flour ter two cups er substitute flour to save all de wheat dat kin be saved fer de sojers. Some folks kin git er’long widout any wheat at all and are glad to do it ter help win de war.

Dat ain’t bad med’cine to take, fo’ who’s gwine tu’n up his nose at good co’n bread er biscuits er flapjacks?