Hampton News

George Marshall, a carpenter employed at the Atlantic Corporation, visited Hampton Beach on Sunday afternoon. The trip was an expensive one for him as when he arrived at the Beach he found that his pocket book containing $200 was missing. It is believed that the missing wallet was taken by a pickpocket.

Mrs. Henri de Gantone and her little daughter Yvonne are guests at Irvin E. Leavitt’s. Mrs. Gantone was formerly Miss Camilla Chipman.

Frank Leavitt and family are staying at his brother Amos’s bungalow.

The Rockingham Co. convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Baptist church here on Thursday, Sept. 12. The ladies of the church will furnish dinner at 25 cents, which fact is much appreciated. Rev. W. A. Loyne, who has been connected so long with the work among the lumbermen, will speak in the afternoon.

Mrs. Marietta Twichell is a guest at Mrs. Anna Shelton’s.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. J. Q. Bennett on Tuesday, Sept. 10, having been put over on account of Carnival week.

Great preparations were made this morning for the fete at Mrs. Bennett’s, but the rain later prevented the event and it was decided to postpone it until Friday.

Trouble with our linotype machine this morning made it necessary to leave out considerable matter which otherwise would have appeared in this issue.

George Davis, a three-year old boy, was bitten by a dog owned by Robert Donnellen of Lowell, Mass., at Hampton Beach a few days ago. A party of bathers were trying to make the dog go into the ocean and he, evidently not finding the water to his satisfaction, bit the boy in the leg. Dr. A. S. Mangurian of Manchester, who was spending his vacation at the Beach, was called and he treated the boy, preventing hydrophobia. Master Davis makes his home with his grandmother in Derry.

Newell P. Marden of Rye was arraigned in the Hampton municipal court Monday morning and fined $50 and costs for being found guilty of recklessly driving an automobile in Rye. Marden was arrested by motorcycle Detective George R. Scammon and Automobile Inspector Maurice J. Dwyer, both of Exeter.

Mr. an Mrs. Ralph Marden of New York are spending their vacation at Nudd’s Eagle house, Hampton Beach.

Recently Thomas L. Perkins had as a dinner guest Capt. Howard, U.S. Navy, the man who fired the first shot in the battle of Manilla. At the table Capt. Howard told the following interesting story. During the battle a six-inch shell hit his ship and exploded in a room about twice the size of Mr. Perkins’ dining room, where twelve men were serving one of our guns, and did not hit a single person. It seems almost impossible for a shell to explode in a room of that size, containing twelve men, and not hit one, but such is the fact.