Hampton News

Mr. Lewis Locke passed away on Tuesday and the funeral is being held today. This makes the third man within two weeks to go out from that neighborhood, living very near one another.

Undertaker Tolman has been kept very busy as so many have passed away recently. He was called to Portsmouth on Wednesday to assist an undertaker there, as death is taking a heavy toll in that city, principally through influenza.

It was almost a calamity when Dr. Fernald fell sick with influenza. With so many ill and depending on him, makes it hard for all. He is some better today.

Raymond Garland and Harold E. Noyes, draftees under the June registration, left Hampton for the service at Durham last Thursday. Four more are expected to go this week but their departure was postponed until further notice on account of the influenza. They were Roland Noyes, Guy Garland, Irving Stickney and Oscar Garland.

Victor G. Garland came home from Camp Devens Wednesday night on a short furlough.

The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Norton was buried on Monday. It was carried to North Hampton for burial. The father was unable to attend the funeral, being ill in the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins left Tuesday morning for a few weeks rest at Mrs. Perkin’s home in Sandwich.

Registrants from Hampton have been given serial numbers beginning with 168 and ending with 311. Next week we will republish the names in the order in which they will be called if the drawing at Washington is made in time.

The police here and everywhere in the county were notified on Tuesday of the theft of a valuable limousine belonging to Hon. Joseph O. Hobbs of North Hampton. The car was taken from the garage early Sunday morning and there is no clue as to the parties committing the theft.

The W. R. C. held a very pleasant meeting on Wednesday when some practice was done for inspection which is expected to be held on the next regular meeting, the ninth of October.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Lucy A. Marston on Wednesday of next week.

The Seaside District Sunday School Association will meet in the Smithtown Methodist church on Tuesday, Oct. 29.

Mr. Albert T. Johnson, with part of his family, has gone on an auto trip.

A good deal of this issue is given up to the campaign for the Fourth Liberty Loan which begins on Saturday morning. We hope our readers will find material assistance here in making up their minds to what extent they are willing to go in behalf of our boys who have gone over and those soon to follow.

Evelyn Alice Perkins:

Evelyn Alice, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Perkins, passed away early Sunday morning, September 15, after an illness of only a few days which gave no indication of being serious until the very last. Her sudden death came as a great shock to all and the sympathy of the entire community is extended to the grief-stricken parents, and also to Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Mace, to whom she was as dear as if a child of their own. The funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Roger Thompson being the clergyman in charge. Evelyn was literally buried in flowers, as she lay in her little white casket surrounded by rosebuds, among which she was the fairest one. The many beautiful floral tributes testified to the love all felt for the darling child. Among them were: Broken circle, “Baby,” Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Mace; mound, “Evelyn”, Mr. George C. Perkins and family; spray of pink roses, Mother’s Circle; salmon rose buds, Arlene Blake; tea roses, the Cradle Roll of the Methodist church; pink and white roses, Mr. Austin Mace and family; tea roses, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Perkins; pinks and asters, Jr. O. U. A. M.; red carnations, Elisabeth S. Brown; tea roses, Mr. Arthur Lovett and Miss Barbara Cole; asters, Mrs. Austin Weare; sweet peas, Mrs. Nelson Blake; tea roses, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boynton; mixed flowers, Mrs. Otis Marston; asters and sweet peas, Mrs. Augustus Parker; roses, Mrs. Etta Blake; white asters, Mr. Frank Smith family; sweet peas and asters, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blake; asters, Mrs. Charles F. Blake.