Hampton News

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Alice B. Tolman on Friday, at two o’clock. All are welcome to the meetings.

Mrs. Anna Adams will close her house for the winter and make her home at the Echo.

Mrs. Elsie Godfrey is unable to go out at the present time.

Friends of Mrs. Henry Glidden were glad, for her sake, to learn that she had been released from her long suffering. The funeral was held this afternoon from her late home.

Mr. John Larcum, who has a home at the Beach, and has spent many summers there, is quite ill at his home in Beverly, Mass. Mrs. Larcom was Miss Laura Blake, sister of Orlando Blake of Hampton.

Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Glines, who went to Waltham, Mass., for the winter, will probably return, as, owing to the end of the war, his work has stopped.

Miss N. A. Henderson of Exeter will have millinery for sale at the Lane Block each Wednesday. For [?] weeks, commencing Oct. 8. Orders taken for trimming. Mrs. Sadie Howard of Exeter will be in charge.

Meeting of the W. R. C. on Wednesday next.

Mrs. Vianna C. Marston is confined to her bed with a form of the grip. Mrs. Zipporah Jenness is also sick.

John A. Janvrin is soon to erect a lumber shed 50 x 100 feet, on his land in the rear of the shoe shop, for dried lumber and finish and will remove all that he now has in the shoe shop, as the shop is to be torn down or purchased by other parties.

Irving Drake was in town this week and has now left for his winter home in Florida.

Someone has remarked that Hampton was fortunate in not losing a man in the war. Corp. E. P. Wing, who was killed in France last April, although not a native of Hampton, had been reported in Washington from Hampton, as his wife lived here, and he made this his P. O. address. He was a brave soldier, and if, as the Governor has said, the American dead will be brought home after all is over, Corp. Wing will probably sleep in Hampton Cemetery.

Joseph Marston of Exeter, formerly of Hampton, recently met with a painful accident while at work in the Exeter News-Letter office, when he cut his thumb and three fingers of his left hand completely off while at work on a press. Joe formerly worked in the [Hamptons] Union office.

Ocean Side Grange, at its meeting last Friday evening, chose the following officers for the ensuing year:

Master, Wallace S. Blake; overseer, Warren H. Hobbs; lecturer, Mrs. Edward J. Brown; steward, Robert Brown; asst. steward, Harold G. Perkins; chaplain, Mrs. Flora E. Lane; treasurer, Frank B. Brown; secretary, Mrs. Alice G. Swain; ceres, Etta Blake; pomona, Mrs. Ruth Merrill; lady asst. steward, Thelma M. Shaw; pianist, Esther True; member executive committee, three years, J. Beecher Yeaton; for two years, J. Hale James; for one year, C. S. Toppan.

All members are urged to make a special effort to attend the next meeting.

The meeting in the town hall last Sunday in aid of the United War Fund was one of the best meetings held for a similar purpose since the war began. In spite of the rain the hall was filled. Mr. Lewis Perkins, chairman of the local committee, presided. Some of the speakers who were expected could not be present, but those who were took up the entire time in a most interesting manner. Governor Bartlett was at his best, which is saying a good deal, for the Governor-elect never speaks better than when addressing a Hampton audience. The committee was fortunate in obtaining Mr. Fred Freeman, a Y. M. C. A. official who has just returned from France. The relating of his experience at the front was exceedingly interesting and told with an ease and enthusiasm that carried his hearers into the heart of every experience. In place of the Marine band of Portsmouth music was furnished most acceptably by Mrs. Sprague’s orchestra, and Chaplain Roundtree of the U. S. Navy Yard at Portsmouth led the mass singing and, to use his own expression, got lots of “pep” into it. The result of this meeting was plainly evident in the special canvass for subscriptions the next day.

Following the meeting a reception and lunch was tendered the guests and members of the committee by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perkins.