Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sprague will entertain for the winter Miss Stella Powers of Boston Mass.

There will be only one week of vacation at Christmas for the schools instead of two as formerly.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Marion W. Leavitt on Friday of next week, Mrs. Lane in charge of the program.

Mr. and Mrs. Ladd are leaving the new home on Lafayette road for the winter. They intend to build a new house where the old Mason residence stood, in the spring.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke has let her residence to C. G. Mitchell, expressman.

Mrs. John A. Janvrin is enjoying a well earned vacation of two weeks in Washington and New York City.

Mr. E. E. Sprague has had steam heat installed in his residence on the avenue.

The next meeting of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will be held Dec. 17. The degree will be conferred on candidates. Officers for the ensuing year will be chosen. Lunch will be served at the close of the meeting.

A pleasant gathering under the auspices of the Mothers’ Circle took place at the Town hall Monday evening in the form of a get-together meeting, that the parents and all interested in our schools might have the opportunity to meet the teachers and our new superintendent and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Exeter. Mr. Lewis Perkins presided over the meeting in his usual affable manner and the different schools sang several selections under the efficient leadership of Miss Johnson. Both grown-ups and children enjoyed the remarks by Mr. Brooks and Hampton may well feel pleased to have so fine a leader for the education of its children. Credit should be given the decorating committee of the Circle for the attractive appearance of the hall.

Election of officers was held by the Woman’s Relief Corps on Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie E. Perkins resigned after serving faithfully as president for 3 years. The next in office was Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, but as she declined the office, Miss Annie E. Akerman was persuaded to fill the office. Mrs. Frances Blanchard is senior vice president; Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey, junior vice president; Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, treasurer; Mrs. A. L. Godfrey, chaplain; Mrs. Freeda L. Coffin, conductor. The office of secretary held by Mrs. Flora E. Lane; patriots instructor by Mrs. Lucy A. Marston; press correspondent, Mrs. Addie B. Brown; guard, Mrs. Mary L. Noyes; musician, Miss Adeline C. Marston; color bearers, Mrs. Belle and Mrs. Marion Dearborn, Miss E. F. Philbrick and Mrs. Blanchard; asst. conductor, Mrs. Kate James, and the asst. guard are all appointive offices. Delegates to state convention, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane and Mrs. Alice Thompson; alternates Mrs. Addie B. Brown, Mrs. Alice B. Tolman.

Mr. Herman Pearson of Boston has been visiting Howard M. Lane and family, on the Exeter Road. He was one of the lucky ones in shooting an eight-prong buck.

Myron Norton, who is stationed at Fort Adams, R. I., is in town, having been called here by the illness of his wife.

A good many Hampton workers in the Navy yard at Portsmouth were discharged from their employment last Saturday.

John A. Janvrin has received three carloads of lumber recently and expects five more before Jan. 1st.

R. E. Tolman and family recently returned from a visit to their old home in Keene.

Jacob T. Godfrey met with a painful accident at his sister’s, in Kensington. A horse, which had become loose, stepped on both of his feet, bruising them badly. He came home to attend the funeral of Rev. J. A. Ross, but was unable to do so.

What a time the boys are having trapping skunks. A queer accident occurred at Hugh Brown’s. Mrs. Brown heard a noise in an open outer room, one evening, where [there] was a large ice chest in which food was kept. She went out and found a skunk eating a pie. The night before a hen was pulled out, and each time the skunk had opened the ice chest door. She politely bade him “good night”, and quickly closed the door. Mr. skunk quietly withdrew, fortunately without leaving any trace of his presence but an uneaten pie.


Rev. John A. Ross

Rev. John A. Ross [Photo not included in original newspaper article]

Rev. J. A. Ross was born in Lunenburg, N. S., June 11, 1832, of Presbyterian parentage. He received his collegiate and theological education in Halifax, N. S., and was licensed to preach by the Halifax Presbytery, being called at once to supply a church in Richibucto, N. B. After supplying a church a year in Moncton and Shediac, N. B., he was ordained by the St. John Presbytery and then was called to supply a church in Boston.

While there, doubts as to high Calvinistic doctrine and verbal inspiration and some other doctrines decided Mr. Ross to leave the ministry and study law, and he was admitted to the Suffolk bar. The great revival that swept the country soon after carried him back into the church and he joined the Mt. Vernon street church and was advised by the pastor, Dr. Kirk, to re-enter the ministry. This he did, and was at once sent to supply the church in Milltown, N. B., where he met Louise T. Todd, daughter of Hon. William Todd, and was married to her May 23, 1860.

This event was celebrated fifty years later by the church in Hampton, N. H.

After that Mr. Ross took a post-graduate course in Andover Theological Seminary and upon its expiration was called to New Gloucester, Me., remaining there four years. He was then called to a church in Marion, Iowa, where he remained nine years, resigning to accept a call to a church in Belfast, Me., where he remained thirteen years. Mr. Ross then took a year’s rest in Boston, supplying in nearby churches and availing himself of the libraries. He was called to Hampton in 1887, and was pastor of the Congregational church fifteen years and pastor emeritus until his death Nov. 28, 1918.

Upon rounding out his seventieth year he carried out what had always been his purpose and resigned from active ministry.

After spending a year in Saginaw, Mich., and Seattle, Wash., he returned to Hampton and made this his permanent home, living his last years with his son, William T. Ross. He was connected with the schools in Hampton until the year of his death.

Mr. Ross left written directions regarding his funeral and they were carried out as far as possible. At the church where the services were held, Rev. William A. Rand read the scriptures, Rev. F. M. Buker offered prayer, Rev. Dr. Dana very simply spoke of the life of the departed as one that needed no eulogy from any one. There was really no need of any words at the close of such a life. Rev. Arthur Burrill of North Hampton closed with the benediction. The old choir sang by request. Two old stately hymns were sung and a sweet solo by Mrs. Long. The bearers were Charles M. Batchelder, Henry Perkins, Oliver H. Godfrey and Ernest G. Cole. The flowers were very beautiful, the last tribute from loving friends. The few remaining members of Perkins Post were honorary bearers. R. E. Tolman was the quiet and efficient undertaker in charge.