Thursday, May 6, 1920

Hampton News

Frank L. Long was a welcome guest in town this week.

The Cemetery Association announces that owing to the high cost of labor $24 will have to be charged for putting a lot in good condition, and $4 for annual care.

A very pleasant occasion was the surprise party given for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cleveland’s 50th wedding anniversary in the Baptist vestry on Wednesday evening. A pleasing entertainment was given, music, an original poem by Mrs. H. G. Lane, remarks and a lunch of ice cram and cake. A sum of money was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland. They have six children, three of whom were present. The occasion was much appreciated by this worthy couple.

Rev. James W. Bixler, of Exeter, will deliver the Memorial Day address. Exeter Boy Scout band will furnish the music.

An opportunity to meet the new County agent of the Farmers Association will be given the people of Hampton at a meeting which will be held by the Association in Grange hall on Tuesday evening, May 11, at 8:00 o’clock. Mr. Frederick Robie, the new agent, and Mrs. McLaughlin will speak. All invited.

The residents of Hampton Beach are getting up a banquet to be held in Fireman’s hall on Tuesday evening, May 11, at 8 o’clock. The selectmen have been specially invited.

The Inter-Church

Unparalleled publicity has informed everybody about this great World Movement. Thirty Christians have bunched their budgets for advance work and the total is near $350,000,000. All interested citizens, convinced of the worthiness and wisdom of the projects involved are invited to help. Every father and mother, every patriotic citizen, owes more than he will ever be able to pay to the moral and spiritual influences promoted and fostered by the Church of Jesus Christ. Efforts will be made to present World Movement immediately to all our citizens who are not included in the denominational drives. Mrs. Howard G. Lane is Campaign Manager for Hampton.

Wilbur H. Norton, a student at Phillips Andover Academy spent Sunday at his home.

Miss Elizabeth and Miss Laura Norris are in Wellesley, guests of Mrs. W. H. Norris.

The Congregational Missionary Society held a very interesting meeting on Wednesday, Mrs. Larrabee of Newburyport was the speaker, Mrs. H. G. Lane and Mrs. J. G. Cutler were hostesses, visitors from North Hampton and a very enjoyable time was enjoyed. Mrs. Staples and Mrs. H. G. Lane sang two pleasing duets.

The meeting of the W. R. C. on Wednesday the 12th will begin promptly at two o’clock. At three will be given a short entertainment when the members will tell how they earned their 50 cents. The entertainment is public and it is hoped that the West End Club will furnish part of the entertainment. In G. A. R. Hall at 3 on Wednesday next.

The West End Club met with Mrs. J. R. Towle on April 29th. The literary program was in the hands of Mrs. Freida Coffin who read an interesting paper, “Why I Am a Club Woman” written by Mrs. Coffin, and a poem by J. G. Whittier that was read by Mrs. Addie James. Mrs. Yeaton read “Who Are You?” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, with music interspersed after which a social hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess. We were glad to welcome Miss Frances Towle again.

Mr. A. Willard Gookin recently visited his daughter Mrs. Holland in Penacook, N. H.

Miss Mary Gookin has returned to Normal school in Keene, N. H. after enjoying a week’s vacation.

Mr. A.. Lafayette is at home for a short time to work on his farm on Drakeside Road.

Miss Frances Towle has returned home to Mrs. J. Towle’s after spending the winter in Newburyport, Mass.

The Colonial Maidens of Haverhill will appear for the third time for the Mechanics of Hampton in an entertainment Saturday evening, May 15. They put on one of the best if not the best entertainments ever staged in Hampton town hall as any one will say that ever attended one. They have an entirely new program and are on the move from the time the curtain rises until it drops. Not an idle minute during the course of the whole show. Tickets will be on sale May 10. Dancing will follow the program.