Hampton News

Judge Thomas Leavitt

Judge Thomas Leavitt, retired judge of Rockingham county probate court, died at his home in Exeter Wednesday morning. Judge Leavitt was born in Hampton Sept. 29, 1832. He was a graduate of Bowdoin in 1856. He studied law with the late ex-Gov. Bell and held a law partnership with Gen. Gilman Marston and J. Warren Towle, two leading attorneys of their day. He was the oldest member of the Rockingham bar and probably in the state. He is survived by a widow, one son, Thomas Jr., and a daughter, Mrs. Henry W. Broughton of Jamaica Plain, Mass.

The funeral will be held in Exeter at two o’clock Friday afternoon and burial will be at Hampton.


A recent issue of the Haverhill Gazette contained the following notice of the wedding of Miss MacLaughlin, well known here:

In the presence of their immediate families the marriage of Miss Lillian May MacLaughlin, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. MacLaughlin, pastor of the Advent Christian church, to Edward A. Sabean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sabean, 28 Riverside street, took place at noon, Oct. 12, at the home of the bride’s parents, 58 Turner street, Brockton.

The double ring service was performed by the bride’s father. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jones, this city. Mrs. Jones is a sister of the bride.

The bride wore white georgette crepe with ruffles of crepe, and a veil caught with lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of pink roses. A wedding breakfast was served after the ceremony.

Mr. and Mrs. Sabean are now on their wedding tour and upon their return will reside at 29 Mt. Pleasant street, Dorchester.

The Hampton Men’s Club will hold its very first annual Ladies’ night Monday evening, Nov. 8, at 7:45 in the vestry of the Congregational church.

Plans for the new big shoe shop in Seabrook made by H. I. Noyes have been accepted and Mr. Noyes will supervise the erection of the plant. He lost the building contract by only a few hundred dollars. The shop will cost about $14,000 and work will begin at once.

Mrs. John Tarlton and Mrs. Charles Blake were the guests of Mrs. Blake’s mother, Mrs. J. J. Joyce of Amesbury recently.

Mrs. O. L. Blake has been ill for the past week.

The many friends of Willard Emery will be glad to learn that he is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism.

Rev. Edgar Warren has invited Winnicummet Council, No. 3, Jr. O. U. A. M., of Hampton and Harmony Council, No. 22 of No. Hampton, to attend service in a body at the Christian church, Little River, Sunday, Nov. 28, and the invitation has been accepted. The invitation was originally given for Nov. 14, but later the National Council designated Nov. 28 as “go to church Sunday” and Mr. Warren accordingly changed the date of his service.

Artist Lewis Ewer is planning a trip to the Old Man of the Mountain and Squam Lake.

The Monday Club was entertained this week by Mrs. Hugh Brown. Papers were read by Mrs. Anna Ross and Mrs. Margaret Noyes and Current Events given by members. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mrs. Arthur Young has had the misfortune to sprain her ankle, which detains her at home.

A local poultry man is getting a dollar a dozen for his eggs right at the door, and has more calls than he can supply. Lest his neighbors accuse him of profiteering, he says that his grain bill is $15 a week and he has about 15 dozen eggs a week to sell. All he gets out of it, therefore, is the society of the hens.

Mrs. Mabel Johnson is suffering with a nervous breakdown, and is with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Brown.

There are to be movies at the town hall every Wednesday and Friday evening.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary held its Thank-offering meeting this week. The program was in charge of Mrs. Blanchard and was very interesting. The president appointed a nominating committee to bring in names for officers at the December meeting consisting of Mrs. Emma Young, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Ellen Blake.

Leon Thompson is the welcome guest in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Weare had as guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Snow, with three children, of Marblehead. This week Mrs. Weare expects her sister and two married daughters with their families.

Alvin True is quite ill, so that he is unable to sit up but a little while each day. Mrs. True is a little better but still confined to her home.

Hugh Brown is serving on the jury at Portsmouth.

Another of those exquisite parties for the young people for which Mrs. Lewis Perkins is particularly talented in originating, and the results of which have given her such an enviable position, was given as a Halloween Party in Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perkin’s beautiful residence Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Constance Lee Adams. The house was decorated with extreme care and an infinite quantity of time and patience was directed with an artistic skill which few people possess to the degree exhibited by Mrs. Perkins. Sixteen young ladies were invited, and each wore a fancy dress appropriate for a Halloween festival. They greatly enjoyed the games and other forms of entertainment provided, especially the novel little banquet which climaxed the features of that long to be remembered evening.

The harvest supper and Halloween party held at Miss Williams’ by the West End club was well attended and was enjoyed by all and especially by the several guests present from town. The decorations were very pretty and suited to the occasion. The dining room was draped with orange and black crepe paper; two long tables were very prettily arranged with candles and lanterns for light. Supper was served consisting baked beans and brown bread, rolls, salads, pickles, pumpkin, apple and mince pies and coffee. Ghosts, witches and black cats were very much in evidence. Games and other amusements made the time pass quickly. After singing some of the old songs in which Mr. Williams joined, and after thanking Mr. Williams and Miss Blanche for their hospitality, all wended their way homeward.

Mrs. J. W. Berry is in Portsmouth for two days this week, where her husband is located. She plans to go for the winter a little later.