Hampton News

The ladies of the Congregational church will meet every Tuesday until after the Fair which will be held Dec. 14. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Alfie Godfrey.

The reception given to Mrs. Sprague on Wednesday in the spacious and beautiful home of Mrs. Christopher C. Toppan by the different clubs of which Mrs. Sprague is a member and her pupils was a very pleasant affair and largely attended. While there was a tinge of sadness mingled with the joy everyone felt it a happy occasion. Mrs. Tobey and Mrs. Dearborn poured tea and a number of ladies assisted in serving. Music was furnished by the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Sprague are leaving town with the regret of all and a deep appreciation is felt for what Mrs. Sprague has done in music for the young people and her kindness is assisting at all times when requested in entertainments.

Mrs. Christopher Toppan and Mrs. H. L. Tobey gave a beautiful Hallowe’en party to thirteen boys for their two little sons, Grafton and Paul. A right good time was enjoyed from stereopticon pictures of Hallowe’en frivolities and during the evening a real ghost appeared which greatly amused the little gentlemen. Very choice refreshments were served.

The next meeting of the Monday Club will be entertained by Mrs. Harry I. Noyes on Nov. 15. The first meeting in December will be Gentlemen’s night.

Plans are being well matured for the fair to be given by the ladies of the Congregational church Dec. 14, and it is hoped that this fair will excel all others in beauty, artistic dress of the different committees and quantity of things for sale. A drama with a strong cast is now being rehearsed and everyone is requested to reserve this date and be present.

The moving pictures are very good and drawing well filled houses.

Mrs. John Smith, widow of Rev. John Smith, a former pastor of the Baptist church, was a guest in town this week.

Irving Drake has purchased of Annabel Towle the Towle place on the Guinea road.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross had as week end guests Hon. and Mrs. Clarence F. French of Waltham.

W. B. Mullen is at home on a ten days’ leave of absence from his duties at the Coast Guard Station.

The H. T. G. club was entertained in Mrs. Hobb’s Tea Room on Thursday by Mrs. Eugene Leavitt. Mrs. Lamb will entertain the next meeting on Thursday in her home. The club will have an outing on Friday, going to Haverhill on an early train. The president has arranged for a splendid dinner at Willard’s and in the afternoon the club will attend the movies.

Mrs. Gustus Parker brought us a spray of buttercups in full bloom yesterday. It is most unusual to find buttercups at this season of the year.

Mr. John Elliot has rented the house occupied by the Spragues and will move there this month as soon as it is vacated.

There will be a meeting of members of the Farmers’ Bureau at Miss Mary C. Toppan’s Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock to choose a director for the ensuing year. All ladies who wish to join or have joined please be at this meeting.

Supt. S. R. Sands of the First District Coast Guards visited Hampton Station Nov. 4 on his semi annual inspection.

The West End Club was entertained Nov. 4 by Mrs. Jennie James, eleven members and five children being present. The meeting was called to order by the president and quotations repeated in response to the roll call; minutes of the last meeting were read and business matters attended to. The hostess had charge of the literary program. An article entitled “Colonial Hampton” was read by Mrs. Brown and was very interesting. A humorous reading by Mrs. Helen Yeaton was followed by vocal selections by the Mesdames Addie and Katherine James. They were then called to the adjoining room and were introduced to our hostess who was arrayed in a quaint old costume of days gone by, already to spin. It was a rare treat to some of the members who had never had the opportunity to see the work. A social hour was then enjoyed by all and delicious refreshments were served; it being the day after election they celebrated the occasion by drinking the National drink-grape juice. The club will be entertained by Mrs. Katherine James on Nov. 18.

An Unfounded Rumor

The report has been circulated about that the ministers are going to stop the motion pictures. The ministers themselves were not aware of the fact until they heard the rumor from outside. The last meeting of the Mothers Circle was held on the opening night of the pictures. Someone referred to the fact, and it was suggested that the pictures be visited by the various members from time to time and a report made as to their quality. The Mother’s Circle is very far from being opposed to motion pictures. The members, from much experience with young folks, know that they need recreation and are glad to have them have it, providing only that it is wholesome. The reports from the pictures thus far have been favorably and we cordially hope that they will continue so.
–A Member.