Hampton News

A very interesting entertainment is to be held in the town hall Tuesday evening, February 22, Washington’s birthday, by the Hampton’s Men’s Club of the Congregational Church. The entertainer, Mr. Harrell, is a man way up in his line and will give a full evening of novelty music and magic. Prices will reach the purse of all. Adults, 35c, children, 20c. Tickets can be obtained at E. G. Cole’s paper store.

Donald Warren, of Hampton, has been elected president of the Junior Class of the Newburyport High School and also a member of the editorial staff of the school paper, The Record.

Under the auspices of the Banner Class there will be an entertainment at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Young, next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The program will be of a literary character interspersed with vocal and instrumental selections. If stormy or very cold, the entertainment will be postponed. Admission 25c.

The Whatsoever Circle will hold a Food Sale at Cole’s Periodical Store on Friday afternoon, Feb. 25, from 3 to 5 o’clock.

On March 4th at 8:00 P. M. the Hampton Falls Dramatic Club will present, under the auspices of the Young Peoples Society of the Congregational Church, a three act drama entitled “Deacon Dubbs.” This delightful melodrama was successfully given before a capacity audience in Hampton Falls and will shortly be played in Kensington. “Deacon Dubbs” contains several exciting moments and if the people of Hampton wish to see some excellent amateur acting and enjoy a good hearty laugh do not fail to save your pennies between now and March 4th. Tickets will be on sale. Adults 35c and children 25c.

Mrs. Laura May Wood Ellis and the “Rainbow Trio” of Haverhill will appear at the town hall, Hampton, February 25, and give their program “East and West” in song and story. The proceeds of the entertainment will go toward the salary of the public health nurse. Dancing will follow the entertainment. Tickets, 35c, dancing extra.

It has been found impractical to have the New Hampshire College Glee Club and this entertainment will be held instead.

Rev. F. M. Buker received a very urgent call from a church in Virginia which he has under consideration.

Plans whereby [unreadable] summer colony is to be developed in the town of Rye are reported in the purchase of the Parsons estate in that town comprising nearly 200 acres by Springfield, Mass., real estate operators. It is planned to lay out the land in lots and only persons contemplating real estate and buildings of $10,000 value will be able to purchase lots.

The Francis Willard Memorial meeting will be held on Friday at 2:30 P. M. in the home of Mrs. S. M. Lane.

Town meeting comes on March 8 this year.

Mr. Austin Mace has so nearly recovered from his accident that he is expected home this week. Mrs. Mace was down on Friday.

The fall of snow on Friday has been very welcome to those who wanted to get their wood home.

The warrant for the annual town meeting will be posted Saturday. One of the articles therein will provide for choosing one member of the board of selectmen for three years, one for two years and the third for one year, and each year thereafter choosing only one member for three years. A new law providing for this change has just passed the legislature and was immediately signed by Gov. Brown.

George Moore is putting electric lights in his home on High St.

The annual town report will be ready for distribution about March 1.

Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Gilpatrick entertained the Mothers Circle at Mrs. Moore’s home on Wednesday evening, Feb. 16. A large number were present. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses.

The Rev. Joseph Lambert called on his sister, Mrs. Gilpatrick, Wednesday on his way from Portland to Boston by auto.

At the entertainment given by the Grammar School last Saturday evening special features were, the Clapp dance, Folk dance and Lassie’s dance. The minuet was also given by Irene Langely, Gladys Gilpatrick, Verna White and Alice Wenzel and was liked by all.