Hampton News

Mrs. John Elliot is spending a few days with her mother in Kennebunkport, Me.

A very enjoyable surprise party was held at the pretty new home of Myrle Ring by his schoolmates and teacher, Mrs. White, last Thursday evening, the occasion being his 15th birthday. They presented him with a fountain pen and necktie. Games of all kinds were played and refreshments were served after which they departed wishing Myrle many happy returns of the day.

Miss Marjorie Wood, a pupil in the sixth grade, was struck on her chin by a ball where she had been having some trouble with what seemed to be a boil. The blow resulted in a serious condition and an operation was found necessary. Her friends all hope for a complete and speedy recovery.

There will be an auction at the residence of Mrs. Clara A. Poor Philbrook, notice of which will be given later, giving date and full particulars.

Next Sunday morning at 10:30 Miss Helen K. Wallace, New England representative of the General Board of Promotion of the Northern Baptist Convention, will speak in the Baptist church on the Home Work.

Memorial services will be held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30.

The Friendly Class will meet with Mrs. Maud Ring on Friday evening, May 27.

Christopher D. Moore, manager of the Moore Motor Sales Company has just erected a fine garage and sales building on the Exeter road with over 2000 ft. of floor space. The building is a fine one and its interior arrangement is of the best, especially adapted for a big sales business and motor repairs, etc. Mr. Moore began in a small way with the sale of motorcycles and has now built up a large trade in both cycles and autos.

Mr. C. L. Beaton, who will retire from his position as depot master here on June 1, has made a host of friends during his service at this station, and a petition was lately circulated and signed by all the business men and others asking that Mr. Beaton be retained here permanently. It is with much regret that the public learns that Mr. Beaton will not remain. His successor, Mr. Charles E. Kelly, is a man of much depot experience and is said to be a first class agent. He comes from the state of Maine and has already taken one of Ring’s houses on High Street and moved his family therein. Mr. Kelly has a wife and two children.

Mrs. Irene Provandie was a welcome visitor in town over Sunday.

Mr. Austin Lamprey of North Hampton recently purchased a new Dort touring car from the Moore Motor Sales Company.

Miss Hazel Myers has been confined to her home for the past week with an attack of appendicitis. She is under the care of Dr. Thompson and her many friends hope to see her restored to health soon.

Mrs. Willard Emery has been quite ill for the past two weeks. She was poisoned from eating a banana. Her friends hope for her speedy recovery.

The Adult Ladies’ Class of the Baptist church will hold a social in the vestry on Tuesday evening, May 31, beginning promptly at 8 P. M. In addition to some local talent Mrs. Stewart E. Rowe will be present and give one of her unique programs. This one will consist of monologues, music and a talk with exhibits on Brazil, where she has made visits. For refreshments fancy boxes of food for two will be sold, also ice cream, cake and coffee. Admission to adults, 15c; children 10c. All welcome.

Fifty years ago, New Hampshire College graduated its first class. It was then a department of Dartmouth. In 1839 it was transferred to Durham as a separate college.

The first class had at the outset 10 members, one an Indian and one a Negro. At the end of the first eight members withdrew, leaving Lewis Perkins of Hampton and William G. Ballard of Concord, joined at the opening of the second year by C. H. Saunders of Penacook.

This trio graduated, and plan to meet at Durham at next month’s commencement to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their graduation.

Whist Club Dinner:

On Wednesday evening, May the eighteenth, at eight o’clock, the Unique Whist Club held a dinner at Rose Lawn, the home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cash.

The tables were loaded with all the good things of the season and the rooms were very prettily decorated in the club colors (pink and white).

Favors, both noisy and artistic were found in all sorts of mysterious packages. There were the usual toasts, the principal one of the evening, “To the Club,” being given by Mr. Cash. This toast was in verse and was a hit on each member, relating their hobbies, virtues and follies. About ten o’clock the ladies adjourned to appear shortly in all sorts of unique costumes, Japanese, Gypsy, etc. Mrs. Nudd, as a clown, was true to the character, in make up and actions. The men as well draped themselves in becoming style.

Instrumental and vocal music followed. Games and dancing were also in order.

Mr. and Mrs. Cash, in costume, were warmly applauded for a cake walk.

As Mr. Cash’s birthday was on Thursday, May the 19th, the members were obliged to stay until the small hours of the morning to congratulate and celebrate.

A beautiful birthday cake made its appearance, Mr. Cash cutting and presenting each member with a piece.

Mr. Cash was taken very much by surprise with a nice leather key case and a pair of gray mocha gloves. The presentation was made by Mr. John Brooks.

All adjourned hoping to have many more pleasant gatherings next season.

Superior Court:

In superior court, Exeter, May 23, the case of Catherine Bresneham vs. Anthony Caramango, Hampton, went on trial before Judge Oliver W. Branch. The suit is based on an alleged trespass and slander, it being claimed by the plaintiff that on July 16, 1920, the defendant took possession of a hotel at Hampton Beach, and thus trespassed, and that he also slandered her. The defendant denies all claims.

The foreman of the jury was appointed by the court and was Frank W. Sewell of Newmarket and the panel was composed of Elson Watts of Londonderry, John F. DeMerritt of Exeter, Henry LaBranche of Newmarket, Clarence W. Fullerton of Derry, Joseph P. Masse of Epping, Elmer G. Stevens of Exeter, Charles H. Stevens of Portsmouth, Herbert Smart of Newmarket, Forrest C. Stickney of Salem, Frank W. Stilloway of Hampton and Harold C. Littlefield of Portsmouth.

The counsel were William H. Sleeper of Exeter for the defendant, and John Scammon, and Frank A. Batchelder of Exeter for the plaintiff. The case was on trial all day.

Another case was begun on Wednesday when Charles Inerson of Portsmouth brought a civil suit against the Atlantic Corporation of that city to recover for injuries which he received on April 6, 1920, by falling into a mast hole on one of the ships which was in the process of construction. He alleges that there was negligence on the part of the corporation in not properly guarding the hole, which is denied by the defendant.

The counsel are William H. Sleeper of Exeter for the plaintiff and John Scammon, and Frank A. Batchelder also of Exeter for the defendant.