Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers of Norwood, Mass., and Mrs. W. Gilpatrick spent Wednesday in Portland.

Raymond B. Buker is at home for a few days while on his way to Hickory, Virginia, where he is to assist brother Harold in cooperative marketing during the summer.

Ocean Side Grange will observe its annual Children’s Day Friday, June 17. Members not having children are privileged to invite a guest. Sister Charlotte Perkins has charge of the program. Other sisters will serve refreshments. Dues payable at the regular meeting. At a recent meeting of the Grange it was voted to remit the dues of all charter members.

Exeter is to have a Community Chautauqua June 23, 28. A fine program is advertised which appeals to all lovers of first class entertainment. We hope all Hampton people who can patronize this opportunity at Exeter but do not forget that your town is to have a Chautauqua sometime in August.

Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Buker go to Lewiston, Maine, next Monday to attend the commencement exercises of Bates College. Their son Richard graduates this year.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane, with Leonore, are motoring to Oberlin, Ohio, where Eloise Lane graduates from college next week.

Mr. Charles Lewis Lamprey died in the night of Saturday, last, after a long and painful illness. Owing to the nature of his disease it was necessary to have the burial earlier than had been expected.

Rev. A. B. Thompson of the Advent church officiated. Mr. Lamprey had been an attendant of this church.

He was the only son Ebenezar and Martha Godfrey Lamprey, was born in 1851 and married in 1876. Mary Ellen died a few years ago(1). Mr. Lamprey was a pleasant, hard working man, a good neighbor and friend. He was a member of the Odd Fellows here, and the Lodge will hold memorial services on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the cemetery.

Gerald H. Buker, who has been principal of the high school, Pittsburg, N. H., has returned home for the summer vacation.

Mrs. Gertrude Young will present her pupils in an Ensemble Recital at the Town Hall on Friday evening, June 24. Miss Doris Johnson and Master Canida Johnson, and the Misses Nason of Haverhill and Mary Chase of Hampton Falls will be the assisting talent. The program will commence promptly at 8 o’clock and the doors will not be open to admit any late comers during the performance of any members, only between numbers. Tickets are 35c and the pupils have them to sell.

Miss Theodate Hobbs leaves town today to stay with the same friends that she was with last summer.

There will be no meeting of the W. R. C. again till the 2nd week in July.

Mrs. J. W. York and daughter, Mrs. Buker, were in town in Tuesday calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. York celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, but with only their immediate family present on account of the poor health of Mr. York.

The Alumni dinner at the Casino will be a little late perhaps as a party from Mass. have dinner first on Mass. time. It will be a matter of 15 minutes. Mr. Nason requests that the Alumni all go to the Ocean House than to wait in the lower Casino, so all please meet at the Ocean House where the Secretary and Treasurer will be with their books to register and receive dues. Invitations have been given as usual to the graduates of ’21 to be present as guests of the Alumni. It is hoped that a large number will be present.

A very enjoyable occasion was the trip to Northwood Ridge of the W. C. T. U. to attend the County Convention on Thursday last. Kenneth Ross was on hand at 7:30 with his auto truck in which Mr. Tolman had kindly placed camp chairs for all. Hampton Falls delegation of four came over and met five from here. It was rather unsettled riding till 17 from Exeter were packed in when we found the conveyance very comfortable and pleasant. We were sorry for those who did not dare to go this way, but could not have squeezed in another. After a most beautiful trip through hills, woods and the most beautiful scenery, we were very cordially welcomed at the church, where we arrived just on time. The Convention was most enjoyable throughout the whole day. The ministers were present and were very helpful in every way.

The address by Rev. C. W. Maurer of Exeter was very eloquent. We were told that Northwood was famous for its dinners and found this very true at noon time. Everything was done by the Northwood ladies for the pleasure and comfort of the Convention. We started home in good season and as it was mostly down hill came much quicker. The way was beguiled with much singing and everyone felt well repaid for going. We were very glad to have a trusty driver and felt perfectly safe with Kenneth as we climbed the steep hills or crept slowly down into the valleys. We were told when in Northwood that we were 800 ft. above sea level. The view of the distant mountains was beautiful.

Hampton Beach:

The season of 1921 opened with a big bang at Hampton Beach on Wednesday, June 15. On that day there were band concerts, a wonderful display of fireworks and special exhibition aeroplane flights by Lieut. “Bob” Fogg, aviation’s ace, who flew the fastest and most powerful three-passenger plane in New England.

There were amusements galore at Hampton Beach and they were all open for business on the 15th of June. From that date until the close of the season on September 11, the beach is open for business.

The opening of the season, two weeks earlier than usual, is an innovation for which the Hampton Beach Board of Trade is responsible. Both electric roads that run on to the beach are cooperating with the trade organization to make the early opening a success.

Old Landmark Removed:

Leavitt’s Hotel, the antiquated structure that has stood for years near the electric car track at the base of Big Boar’s Head has now been torn down to make room for a new and modern dance hall or ballroom which will be the largest on the New England coast.

Work is being rushed to the limit on this new amusement resort and the management hopes to have it done and in readiness for dancing by July 4 at the latest. It is understood that a splendid orchestra of 12 pieces will furnish high class music at the new dance hall.

A New Beach Band:

Patrons of Hampton Beach will be interested to know that a new band will discourse music from the band stand in front of the Casino three times daily during the present season.

The leader of the new band is Herbert W. Downes of Haverhill who says that his aggregation of clever musicians will cater to the popular taste in music playing the latest hits always, but not forgetting to work in a few selections in their program. Three band concerts will be given daily from now on.

Building Operations in Progress:

It is safe to say that half of all the building operations in the state of New Hampshire is taking place right on the beach at Hampton. Many new cottages are being built on all sections of the beach and a considerable number of them are being altered and repaired. In the neighborhood of 100 carpenters are at work on the new dance hall located at the base of Boar’s Head.

Bunker Hill Day Celebration:

Hampton Beach will stage a special celebration of Bunker Hill day, Friday, June 17. There will be fitting concert programs and thrilling aeroplane flights and a most wonderful display of fireworks with several set pieces of a patriotic nature.

In addition to the above the Board of Trade is corresponding with government officials for an exhibition which, if it can be arranged, will prove a huge success.

(1)[Notes: Her obituary notice states date of death was June 26, 1918.]