Hampton News

The Welfare Food Sale which was to have been given on Toppan’s lawn last week Friday was postponed on account of the weather and will be held tomorrow, July 8, at the same time and place.

Carleton and Melvin Moore are selling Jersey Ice Cream at present. They are driving a Ford truck at the beach from house to house.

Monday, July 13, will be “Clean Up Day” at Little Boar’s Head. The Improvement Society of that village will make a special effort to make the ocean front more attractive and invites the co-operation of property owners.

A carpenter by the name of Bartlett, of Merrimac, Mass., employed on the big dance hall at Hampton beach fell from above the ceiling and sustained injuries which may prove fatal. He was taken to the Exeter Hospital.

Visit the Chocolateria for pure ice cream from real cream. Fresh fruits and pure fruit flavors. Sandwiches and salads. Coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa served hot or iced. Homemade candies and cakes a specialty.

Miss A. Blanche Williams entertained her friend, Miss Foster of West Somerville over the Fourth.

Mrs. Roger Thompson and her son Lawrance have just returned from New York where they have been visiting some of their relatives. Mrs. Thompson’s father, Mr. Keller came back with them to pay our town a visit. Lawrance said, “The city’s all right for a little while but I would rather be in Hampton.” They enjoyed their trip very much and now Lawrance says he is ready for work if he can find any.

Miss Helen Tolman has gone to Keene for the summer to attend the summer Normal school.

The fourth of July passed off in about the usual manner here. Very little mischief was done by the rising generation, and the most disturbing feature was the continued ringing of the town hall bell. Ernest G. Cole had one of the settees in front of his store hung up on a telephone pole, the Shoe Shop doors were blockaded and various vehicles were scattered through the streets. There was the usual bonfire in the depot yard.

Mrs. Guy Morey of the Recluse Cottage has as guests her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Webster of San Diego, California, both of whom are now members of the Shamrock and Thistle Musical Review. On Wednesday evening they renewed their acquaintance with friends at the beach, including Miss Horne, Miss Lillian Horne, Mr. Charles Greenman, Mr. W. H. Stevens, and Mr. J. W. Creighton. Over the week end Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Farnham, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Webster and Mrs. H. E. Sturtevant will join the house party.

Hotel Echo and the Riverside House were filled to the utmost capacity during the first week of July.

Mrs. George A. Dearborn of Stratham, N.H. is spending the season at hotel Echo of this town. Mrs. A. B. Breed, Miss Aspenwell, Miss Eleanor F. Breed and Star P. Breed of Lynn, Mass., are also guests at the same hotel.

On Friday evening June 24 an ensemble recital was given in the Town Hall by the pupils of Mrs. Gertrude Young. Under the management of the Misses Marjorie Wood and Barbara Mitchell, the stage was made very attractive with hemlock boughs and roses. The program was varied and interesting and showed careful thought and preparation on the part of teacher and pupils nearly every number being played from memory. When Mrs. Young came out to play she was given hearty applause from the audience and when she finished was presented with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Young gave each of her girl pupils a rose and the young men were presented with white carnations. Hampton people were glad to hear the Misses Nason of Haverhill again as they were so much enjoyed last year. Also Miss Doris Johnson and Master Carmille Johnson also of Haverhill. The singing by Miss Mary Chase of Hampton Falls is always a delightful addition to any program. No time or expense were spared to make the affair a success and Mrs. Young is to be congratulated on her efforts.

The Mothers Circle will hold a picnic at the Coast Guard Station, Wednesday, July 13th. Mothers cordially invited to bring the children.

The West End Club gave Mrs. Warren Hobbs a surprise party on Thursday evening, June 23, in observance of her birthday. Eleven of the members were present. Mrs. Hobbs was presented with a lamp. Mrs. Willard Delano made a very pretty presentation speech in behalf of the club. Refreshments were served consisting of fruit punch, sandwiches, and cake. The evening was very pleasantly passed playing games and music and singing the party leaving at eleven o’clock wishing Mrs. Hobbs many happy birthdays.

Arthur F. Collum and sister are visiting their brother, B. A. Collum of East Gloucester Mass.

Mrs. Jessie Shaw is to attend the summer session of Sunday schools at Durham, as delegate of the Congregational Sunday school. Mrs. Ethel Lantz is to be the delegate from Hampton Falls.

There will be a meeting of the W. R. C. on Wednesday of next week. It is hoped a good number will be present as there is business to be attended to.

Meeting of the W.C.T.U. at Wilma G. Ware’s on Friday of next week.

Everett Thompson is selling Fuller brushes in Nashua. On his way home from the Student Conference at Silver Bay on Lake George he visited a college friend and had a delightful outing with a power boat on Lake Champlain.

The farmers are having a hard time in curing their hay this year, first a week of rain, now cloudy weather, with a scant crop in the beginning, it is rather discouraging.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke, Miss Eugenia Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dewey and Mrs. Lyle Drew were visitors in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey started Wednesday for Iowa to visit Mr. Dewey’s parents for the rest of the month. On their return they will settle in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where Mr. Dewey has accepted a position as Americanization worker. A union of one hundred and five churches in Pittsburg have a program of social as well as religious work; carrying on a hospital, children’s clinic, play grounds, district nursing and vacation house. Mr. Dewey has been asked to organize English and citizenship classes among the foreign population and to start a Cosmopolitan Club, with representatives of the city. This is an effort to bring better harmony between these nationalities and America, to interpret America to them, to make them realize that America wants the ideals each nationality has to offer and to help them make use of the fine advantages this country can give them.

Mr. and Mrs. George Carlton are doing quite a business in Newburyport, going back and forth in their truck and selling merchandise.

The United Church Services at Casino Theatre at the Beach opened for the second season Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. Rev. C. A. Parker, of the Baptist Church, Hampton Falls was preacher. These ministers have been secured for subsequent Sunday mornings: Revs. F.M. Buker, Baptist Church, Hampton; J.W. Bixler, First Con., Exeter; E.A. Tasker, M. E. Church, Portsmouth; John L. Clark, Baptist Church, Exeter; S. B. Enman, M.E. Church Greenland; C.L. White Baptist Sec. Foreign Missions, N.Y. city; J.W. Flagg, Cong., Rye; M.F. Mevis, North Hampton Cong.; T. Ross Hicks, Dist. Supt. Southern District N.H. Annual Conference, M.E. Church; D.S. Jenks, Gen. Sec. United Baptist Convention of N.H. Rev. Roger E. Thompson, local Methodist pastor has made arrangements for the services and will give three hours of every Sunday morning to the conduct of this service. This is the first of six services which he has every Sunday of the summer season. Almost without exception the preachers are busy pastors who add this engagement that Protestants recreating at our celebrated beach may have the ministry of Sabbath assembly.


In spite of the conditions brought about by the fire of ten days ago the 4th of July business at Hampton beach was fully as good as in the past seasons and by many of the business men it was considered even better. The cottages were all full and the hotels crowded to the limit. Thousands of automobiles found their way to Hampton and the three electric roads did a splendid business over the holiday week-end and on the “Fourth.”

Much interest was expressed in the rapid progress which had been made in cleaning up the debris left by the fire and in building the temporary structures along the front that are to house the store proprietors who suffered the fire loss. In fact several of the stores were occupied on the “Fourth” and many more of them will be occupied before the end of the present week.

Several attempts to purchase leases from those who were burned out have been made by outside parties. As all of the land covered by the fire is leased land and none of it is deeded, the leases held by the property owners along the front are quite valuable.

However whether or not they can be transferred for a consideration is decided by the Hampton Beach Improvement Association that owns the land. This association will not permit the transfer of leases to parties who in any particular might be considered undesirable. This makes it possible to keep Hampton Beach the “clean resort” for which it has gained an enviable reputation.

The first impression of those who read the fire stories of one week ago was that Hampton Beach had been wiped entirely off the map and that the season at this popular resort would not amount to very much. As a matter of fact only a very small percentage of the entire front was swept by the flames and a great part of that is now covered with temporary buildings as has already been stated.

The loss which is estimated to amount to about $400,000 was played up strong, but it has not been stated that over $250,000 worth of property has been added to the beach this spring and summer by the erection of new buildings. The Board of Trade estimates that 320 rooms were lost to the beach by the fire, but is equally possible to estimate on other hand where over 300 rooms have been added to the beach through building operations this spring. Since the fire many partially finished rooms have been completed and today Hampton Beach can take care of just as many visitors and a few more than it could last season at this time.

“Business as usual” is the motto at the beach and if the business of Sunday and Monday can be taken as any kind of a criterion there is no doubt that business will go on as usual at Hampton this summer. The permanent building of the new front will not begin until the close of the season.

Hundreds of applications were received at the Board of Trade office during the past week for work. If these applications are an indication of business conditions in general, work must be slack in the surrounding towns and cities. Contractors, carpenters, masons architects, community builders, engineers, fire prevention experts, safe experts, and every other kind of and expert flocked to the beach after the fire looking for an opportunity to help the stricken resort and as a side issue get a little business for themselves.

Notice to Contractors

The “Building Committee” appointed for the Town of Hampton, N.H. solicits bids for the providing of all materials and labor for the erection of a brick Grammar School Building.

A properly certified check of the amount designated below made payable to the Town of Hampton, must accompany each bid, which is to become the property of the Town of Hampton if the contractor fails to execute the contract within five days after the proper notification, by mail, to the address given in his bid.

The checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the time of the signing of the contract or earlier if deemed advisable by the Committee.

A Surety Company’s bond will be required of the successful bidder or bidders to the amount of 20 per cent of their contract and which must be executed within five days after the signing of the contract.

Bids will be received for the two separate portions as follows:
A. Including excavating foundation, brick work, stone work, iron work, plastering, carpentry, painting, plumbing¸ electric, etc. and etc. Amount of certified check $3000.00.
B. Including, heating and ventilating, amount of certified check $750.00

In performing the work preference is to be given in the employment of labor to citizens of Hampton.

The Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to accept the bid deemed by them to be in the best interests of the Town of Hampton.

Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Bacon-Forrest Company, Architects and Engineers, 27 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. or the office of the Committee in the Town Hall, Hampton, N.H. on and after June 27th, 1921.

If plans and specifications are taken from the office, a deposit of $25.00 will be required which will be returned if they are returned in good condition with in three days after the opening of the bids.

All bids must be sealed and endorsed “Proposals for Grammar School Building,” and delivered to the office of the Architects and Engineers before 12 o’clock noon July 11, 1921, or to the Committee before 2 o’clock P.M. on the same day at their office in the Town Hall, Hampton, N.H. at which time and place they will be publicly opened.

L.C.RING, Chairman