Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paulson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a baby girl.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter are guests at Mrs. Addie Brown’s. Also Master Hugh Pratt.

Mrs. W. H. Norris is a guest of Miss E. B. Norris.

Mr. Herbert Whidden is slowly recovering from the very serious accident which he received from being run into by an auto.

There will be a Congregational Sunday School picnic on Friday, July 22, at William Leavitt’s grove, North Beach.

Richard E. Steygner, a graduate of the class of ’19, Hampton Academy, was in town on Saturday.

Mr. Charles Batchelder’s thumb, which he cut quite badly some time ago, is now much improved.

Edward L. Campbell, shipwright, employed at Portsmouth navy yard, died Sunday a. m. at his home in North Hampton after a short illness. He was survived by his widow, father, two sisters, and three brothers. He belonged to the navy yard Mutual Relief Association and Harmony Lodge, Jr. O. U. A. M.

On Monday, the 18th, Mrs. Vianna C. Marston celebrated her 80th birthday. No invitations were sent out but many friends called to extend greetings and good wishes. There were three birthday cakes which were cut and served with ice cream. One was made by Mrs. M. L. Keene, one by Mrs. Sarah Coffin and Mrs. True. There were gifts of flowers, candy, and other articles from other friends. Four generations were represented, the fourth by the children of Mrs. Edith Coffin Moulton of North Hampton. The oldest guest present was Miss Frances Towle who is 82.

Mrs. Keene entertained her sister, Mrs. William Streeter, on Monday.

Benjamin Blake of Portsmouth was fined by Judge H. M. Lamprey of the municipal court of this town $50 and costs for driving an automobile after his license had been revoked. He was also given a 30 days suspended jail sentence. Blake was arrested Sunday evening by Motorcycle officer E. L. Bell. The case was prosecuted by County Solicitor J. R. Waldron, Portsmouth.

Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church a lawn party will be given on Tuesday afternoon and evening, July 26, at Rose Lawn. There will be special sale of aprons and fancy articles, as well as ice cream, candy and food. A fortune teller will be ready to tell you the secrets of your past and future. In the afternoon one of the special features will be a baby show. Supper, consisting of salads, cold meats, hot rolls, Washington pie, ice cream, cake, and coffee, will be served from 5 to 7 o’clock. During the evening by way of entertainment there will be vocal solos, instrumental selections and “The Japanese Elopement.” Miss Alice Howe of Exeter will be among the talent that will appear.

The organizers of the Chautauqua movement in Hampton have appointed the following officers: Pres., Rev. F. M. Buker; Vice. Pres.. E. G. Cole; Treas., Rev. R. E. Thompson; Sec., Mrs. E. J. Brown. There will be a three-day program of recreational and educational numbers. Each afternoon and evening there will be a concert and lecture. The general theme of the afternoon lectures will be “Building a Community”. The evening lectures will be on America’s political, social and industrial ideals. This movement is designed to be solely a community interest and the cooperation of each citizen is necessary to make it a success. This is the first time that an affair of this kind has been attempted in Hampton and the promoters promise to give the people some very worthwhile entertainment. Course tickets will be sold admitting one person to six programs for $2.00. Course tickets for children are $1.00. Single admission is 50c. The dates are August 6, 8, 9. All programs will be given in the town hall. The expenses will be heavy but it is hoped that there will be a surplus that may be used for public health nursing in Hampton.

The meetings held on Sunday mornings at the beach by protestant pastors from the towns round, are very helpful and increasing each week in numbers. Last Sunday there were 80 pres-ent. The collection was $12.51. A pleasing feature was a violin solo by one of the guests at the beach.

The reconstructed post office is nearing completion. The solid oak three-window front has been placed in position and the boxes are now being set up. These boxes are on the most approved pattern with glass fronts. The postmaster’s private office will be located at the front, on the westerly side, instead of at the rear as formerly and all mail for the trains will arrive and depart from the rear. The new arrangement will greatly benefit both the public and the post office employees.

Mr. F. J. O’Dea, proprietor of hotel Imperial, which was destroyed by the recent fire, has opened a café on Ocean Boulevard.

Hampton Beach:

The rapid growth and development of Hampton Beach is due in no small measure to the splendid cooperation which the town of Hampton proper has always afforded the beach interests. It often happens, in towns similarly situated, that a sort of feud exists between the town proper and the resort section. Not so at Hampton. The leading citizens of this sterling town, the history of which reaches back to the days of the Pilgrim fathers even before New Hampshire existed as a state, have a sincere pride in Hampton Beach. They are always found at the forefront, working hard in the interests of any beach project, broad minded enough to appreciate that anything that works for the interest of the beach is for the interest of the town proper as well.

The three selectmen are Joseph W. Brown, Harry D. Munsey and E. G. Shaw. The town clerk is Warren Hobbs. These four men are as deeply interested in the welfare of New Hampshire’s beautiful coast resort as any business man on the beach. They always welcome an opportunity to cooperate with the beach business men and take just as much pride in the physical appearance and moral tone of Hampton Beach as those with great financial interests at the resort.

The first selectman, Mr. Brown, is familiarly known as “Joe Billy.” His position is similar to that of a mayor in any New Hampshire city, except that he has more to do than any of “their honors” the mayors. “Joe Billy” is on the job from six o’clock in the morning until nearly midnight. No job is too big for him to tackle and no request of too little consequence to escape his attention. He goes about the building of a new school or comfort station with the same good natured assurance with which he grants a request to drive a stake, showing the point of a sewer entrance, in some property owner’s back yard. He’s a familiar figure on the beach, where his loyal and efficient services are not only appreciated but admired.

Under the direction of the present selectmen the town of Hampton is about to build a new and modern eight room schoolhouse for grammar school pupils. Under their direction also the town is about to erect on Hampton Beach a new and modern comfort station, which will be a great boon, not only to the residents of the beach but to thousands of guests who come here from every point in New England and even from beyond the confines of that section of the country.

The new comfort station at Hampton Beach will be located on the east side of the boulevard. It is to be made of red brick and will be an ornamental as well as a useful structure. In addition to the toilet facilities, which will be installed after the most modern fashion, there will be a splendid rest room for women and children and an office for the chief of police and the beach patrolmen.

Work has already been started on the station, the ground sewerage system having been completely installed. The erection of the building proper will be started this week and before the fall carnival starts the building may be in full operation. Selectman Brown is carefully supervising the work and under his direction it will be hurried to completion in the shortest possible time consistent with through workmanship and careful attention to detail.

Another thing that Hampton Beach can thank Selectman Brown for is the new boulevard construction that has been begun at the Mile Long Bridge at the south end of the beach. This is a proposition that Mr. Brown swung alone through his initiative and good judgment at a “good roads” conference held at Portsmouth several months ago. At that time state and federal aid was promised towns that would spend a certain amount of money on their roads, the ratio of outside assistance being something in the proportion of ten to one.

“Joe Billy,” being right on the job reached out and grasped the proposition with the result that work has already been begun on the Ocean Boulevard between the bridge, above mentioned and the North Shore Hotel, a stretch of about two miles. The construction work will not interfere with traffic over the road and the autoists will have the advantage of a fine stretch of boulevard before the season is entirely spent.

In line with its policy to provide entertainment and amusement for the hotel guests and cottagers, as well as the transient business, the Hampton Beach Board of Trade staged this week a free vaudeville show in the open air on the stage just front of the Casino. Three novelty acts were staged this week, two shows being given daily, one in the afternoon at 4:30 and the other in the evening at 8:30 o’clock. The acts were accompanied by the band and were greatly enjoyed by hundreds of people who came from the nearby cities and towns. The stage show will be continued throughout this week. Fireworks will be given on the beach during the remainder of the season on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Hampton Beach seems to be fortunate from a business standpoint, in that it is apparently not as seriously hit by the general business depression as many other resorts throughout New England. At the opening of the season the beach had three serious propositions to contend with – the results of the fire of June 26, the economic depression prevalent throughout the country and bad weather. The idea that people had that the beach had been entirely destroyed by the fire is gradually being overcome. In spite of the business depression people are still coming to the beach by the thousands but they are not staying as long or spending as much as in the past two or three years. As for the weather, the presiding Weather Man has been handing out some of his choicest vacation days of late and not a bit of fault can be found. Another thing that is helping business at Hampton Beach immensely is the slow return to lower prices.

The bathing costumes worn by the fair sex at Hampton Beach are the subject of much discussion pro and con. On any fair day a bevy of attractive damsels may be seen at the north end of the beach whose costumes and beauty would bring Mack Sennet Hampton-ward in a hurry if he was wise to the opportunity which exists here for adding to his world-noted collection of fair face and figure femininity. But Mack might be out of luck at that for it is hinted that many of the much discussed subjects are young matrons whose lesser halves would object to signing a release contract even at the figures that this famous judge of pulchritude is quoted as paying for the members of his corps of beauties.

An opportunity for the children of Hampton Beach and vicinity to obtain free dancing lessons at the new Carnival dance hall is announced. They will be given every afternoon from three to four.