Hampton News

Mrs. George Payson Rowell of Providence has returned home after spending a pleasant two weeks at the Sea View. She was a week end guest at the Elmwood while here.

Mr. George Nelson Pratt of New York, a student at the University of Penn., is spending several weeks with his aunt, Mrs. W. T. Ross.

Mrs. H. G. Lane and sister Mrs. Benjamin Colvin of Shelton, Conn. have been at the Wheaton Cottage, Plaice Cove, for several days. Mrs. Colvin returns home on Saturday.

Mrs. Wilfred Finney and little son of Haverhill are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joplin.

Mrs. Franklin Perkins is enjoying a vacation in her home here. With her are her daughters, Misses Adelaide and Ruth, her little grand-daughter, Katherine, and her sister, Mrs. Abbott and her grand-daughter. Mr. Carl Perkins was here for the week end.

Miss Augusta Blake spent several days in Boston last week, her aunt, Mrs. Wilbar, caring for the home here.

Mrs. John Tidaback of Tarrytown, N. Y. is visiting Mrs. W. T. Ross for the month.

Mrs. Abbott Joplin and daughter, Mrs. Wallace Stearns, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. William Joplin in Quincy, Mass. While there they attended the Pageant in Plymouth, Mass., enjoying it very much.

Mrs. Charles Pressey and children of Salem, Mass., are visiting her father, Mr. John C. Blake. Mrs. Pressey’s health is greatly improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left town early Wednesday morning to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law at Lynn.

Rev. J. L. McLaughlin and family of Brockton, Mass., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Norton.

J. Frank Foster and son, Horace, of West Somerville, Mass., are spending a week with Mr. J. Freeman Williams.

Henderson and Mason have installed a new hem stitching machine and will do hem stitching for the public.

Nelson Norton Jr. is visiting friends in Haverhill, Mass.

The Folsom family will hold its annual reunion at North Beach, at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Folsom Smith on Thursday, August 25. An all day informal gathering with basket lunch and games after a business session will be held.

The new guests at the Echo this week are: Mr. Samuels, Mr. Dean, P. S. Bradford, M. S. Lamprey, G. C. Preble, Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney, Boston; John Ahern, Margaret Travern, Mary Daly, John and Martin Daly, Lynn, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. N. Dean, Miss H. Dean, Brookline, Mass.; Emma A. McDonald, North Cohasset, Mass.; B. F. Stanteal, C. A. Allen, Manchester; Clara Hammers, Mrs. William S. Ellis, Mrs. W. J. Warner, C. D. Way, Horace Porter, Gilead, Conn.; S. V. Barker and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Power, Major and Mrs. W. J. Casey, Dorchester, Mass.; H. S. Greely, Dover, N. H.; R. S. Higgins, W. Roberts, East Milton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dechant, Maplewood, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cogswell, William A. Cogswell 3rd, C. E. Cogswell, Clinton, Mass.

William E. Leavitt has arrived from Garden City, Kansas, to join his family for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt, and other relatives.

Miss Helen Tolman is at home for a short vacation before beginning to teach.

Miss Adeline C. Marston and her niece, Eleanor, have left Great Falls, Montana, for a month’s stay in Yellowstone Park. They are having a wonderful trip.

Great quantities of blackberries are being picked in town. They take the place of the blueberries which failed.

Warren Clark and his bride have returned from their honeymoon and are now settled in their new home in the westerly half of L. C. Ring’s double house on the corner of High St. and Academy Ave.

Methodist Church Notes:

No service in this church on Aug. 21.

Hedding truck will leave Lane’s store at 8 Sunday morning if weather favors. Several seats left. Camp meeting Aug. 21-28. Great program.

Mrs. Martha Locke and her daughter, Eugenia, are in town.

The W. C. T. U. picnic at Mrs. Lane’s North Beach cottage was much enjoyed by the good number that attended. A delicious dinner was served in the dining room, consisting of clam chowder and other good things.

The business in doughnuts which has been started by Mrs. A. B. Thompson and Mrs. Hartley Kierstead is a great success. They are sold to passing automobiles and around town. Seven hundred and fifty dozen were sold in one week (text missing) work, but profitable.

A great injustice was done to the churches of this town in a recent article in a Newburyport paper concerning the recent talked of Pageant, which the beach people wished to have put on Carnival Week. The article referred to stated “that owing to objections from the churches it was given up.” This was not true. The committee met and all agreed that the time was altogether too short to attempt it. Also many felt that they could not give ten nights (or days) to go to the beach to rehearse and six nights to parade during Carnival Week, as was necessary if the plans made by the committee at the beach were carried out. There was no feud anywhere as the paper stated.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Locke of North Hampton announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Nina Berry to Mr. John Richard Bargh of Redwood City, Cal. Mr. Bargh is occupied with engineering on the Pacific Transport Line between San Francisco and the Orient.

An Exeter Wedding:

Miss Marjorie P. Graves of the Graduate House, Exeter, was married Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Miss Fannie Perley on Grove Street, to Charles J. Ramsdell of Winchester, Mass.

The affair was a simple wedding in the presence of the two families, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. S. H. Dana. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Everett J. Graves of New York. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Nathaniel G. Burleigh of Hanover, and Miss Antoinette Francis, the latter violinist.

Miss Graves is a daughter of the late Mrs. Louise M. Graves, long matron of Alumni Hall and later hostess at the Graduate House. She is a graduate of the Robinson seminary with the class of 1907, and Mt. Holyoke. She has taught at the Portsmouth High school and Springfield, Mass., but gave up teaching last year to be near her mother at the Graduate House.

Mr. Ramsdell is a Boston merchant, but connected as a partner with Gen. R. E. Graves, an uncle of the bride, at Hampton Beach in conducting the Casino. They are also connected in other summer hostelries as a side issue. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Ramsdell will reside in Winchester, Mass.

Let All World Help Russia:

Send tons of food to Russia. Let all the world help Russia, Armenia and Serbia. Please send money for 10,000 Armenian children in the mountains of Armenia, so they can be brought to the Near East Relief, Armenia. $120,000 is needed for Armenia at once. Please send money to Mr. John B. Laner, Treasurer, Near East Relief, Room 308-309 Bond Building, Washington, D. C. Also, millions of dollars is asked for the millions of people in Russia, at once. You can give the money through the churches and orders to help. All the people give to help immediately. You can send the money to them through the churches to help Russia. Please help the splendid people of Russia. The girls and families need money for food and clothing in Siberia. Please send help. $6,500,000,000 can be raised and have it for a fund for charity and draw from it when needed for nations. Israel loves all people and is a friend to and helps all nations, and God who gave his name as “I Am” wants Israel to live. Let all orders and churches of the whole world and of all nations help immediately the people of Russia and Armenia and Siberia. Let there be at once Israel Research Council in Washington, D. C. Let it demand money and such help as is needed and by so doing give honor to God the Creator. We can work together cooperatively, I am sure, and it is a superior way to gather ourselves together here in Washington, D. C., this good and delightful city, where the climate is mild and it is a place of safety. Come to me!

Arrest Worcester Man:

Herman Konowitz of Worcester, Mass., is held as a result of a civil suit this afternoon following an automobile accident in which his machine crashed into a car owned by Lyman M. Pierce of Kittery Depot, Me. The accident occurred near the Lafayette Rd. when a machine driving ahead of Konowitz is said to have turned suddenly out of the road, forcing the Worcester man to swerve sharply and crash into the other auto.

Jessie McDonald of Portsmouth had her ankle twisted, Helen Fernald of Eliot, Me., was injured about the head and chest, and Irene Parsons of Eliot suffered injuries to her arms in the crash. All were occupants of Pierce’s machine.

Konowitz who was on his way to York Beach, Me. to enjoy a two weeks vacation was arrested following the accident and charged with reckless driving.


Hampton Beach is doing a business this month that approaches capacity. The hotels are busy and the cottages all appear to have their full quota of vacationists. However, there is always room for more at this popular resort and no one need be turned away. Accommodations at Hampton beach are noted for their elasticity. This applies to cottages and hotels as well. The proprietor of a place that might be considered “full up” goes to a handy closet, pulls out a supply of cots and lo, the living room is converted into sleeping quarters and an additional number of people are taken care of.

It is a splendid type of vacation crowd that inhabits Hampton at this season of the year, a typical American crowd. In fact, that’s one reason Hampton Beach is doing such a splendid business in spite of the general economic depression which is prevalent throughout the country. The beach is clean in its physical aspects and likewise clean with regard to its population. And this fact alone makes Hampton out-of-the-ordinary among the coast resorts of New England.

Although this is essentially a vacation beach it is also an amusement beach. The band concerts three times daily by Downes’ Military Band of Haverhill are enjoyed by great crowds that congregate around the band stand just before every concert is scheduled to begin. Then there’s an occasional open air show on the great platform just south of the band stand and this feature is always a great drawing card. “Bob” Fogg’s aeroplane flights interest thousands of people and the fireworks on Wednesday and Saturday nights have proven a magnet for business this year.

On Wednesday and again on Saturday night there were two miles of solid automobile traffic going off the beach in a northerly direction at ten o’clock. Many people have commented that the “parade” of home-going autos is as pretty a sight as the fireworks. The pyrotechnic displays, twice a week, draw in the neighborhood of 30,000 people from surrounding Massachusetts and New Hampshire towns. The railroads get their fair share of the travel but of course the greater part of the transient guests come in their automobiles.

Between the permanent summer population, estimated at being around 30,000 and the transient population, Hampton Beach has reason to be fairly well satisfied with the business of 1921, especially in view of the poor business conditions which exist throughout the country and the disastrous fire which visited the resort just as the season was opening.

The Seventh Annual Hampton Beach Carnival opens this year on Labor Day and extends throughout the entire week including the following Sunday. The Directors of the Hampton Beach Board of Trade are getting set for the biggest and best carnival which they have ever held at the famous N. H. shore resort. In fact they confidently expect to provide a drawing card that will attract the greatest carnival week crowds that have ever been drawn to the beach for this particular event.

There will be a special display of fireworks every evening a pyrotechnic effusion that will exceed anything that has ever been given at the beach and that’s saying quite a lot for the “shoots” this year have been above the average. Then there will be a stage show twice daily an open air vaudeville exhibition that will consist of the best acts that the booking houses can provide. “Bob” Fogg is arranging to have several machines on the beach that week and give a series of spectacular flights just before the noon hour of each carnival day. Then there will be the band concerts by the famous Salem Cadet Band, an organization of bandmen whose reputation extends over two continents. A big feature of the carnival this year will be the thrilling exhibition twice daily of “Daredevil Van Norman” whose bicycle ride down the steep incline and his flight from the seat cf the machine through space into the flaming tank, has startled millions of people in every civilized country of the globe.

Advertising the carnival will begin immediately, a number of automobiles have already left the beach for the purpose of distributing cards, circulars, etc telling of the attractions at Hampton during the Seventh Annual Carnival Week.

Two electric railroads run onto Hampton Beach, the Mass. Northeastern and the Exeter, Hampton and Amesbury Street Railway. These railroads have adopted a policy of cut–rate excursions on several days a week that have proven immensely popular. On the days when excursions rates are in effect the riding is increased from six to ten fold, thousands of people visiting the beach who would otherwise be unable to.

The Mass. Northeastern railroad run their excursions on Mondays and Thursdays while the Exeter, Hampton and Amesbury brings large excursion parties onto the beach on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays while the same road conducts excursions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Hampton proper to Exeter.

The automobile traffic at Hampton Beach this season is the heaviest on record. The handling of this traffic is made more difficult because of the fact that the State highway department is engaged in building a new highway from one end of the beach to the other. If business men were not so pleased with the new boulevard which replaces one of the worst stretches of highway in New Hampshire, there would be more or less complaining because of the interference with business caused by the numerous detours which the road construction necessitates. As it is, everyone is so pleased to get the new road that complaints are altogether forgotten.

The parking of automobiles has been a tough problem for the police department at Hampton this season. The Board of Trade, in order to help on the problem, has had numerous signs printed and are cooperating with the selectmen in having them posted along the boulevard as an aid to automobilists with regard to parking methods in vogue at the beach. It is expected that the instruction signs will provide for the accommodation of about 500 more machines than can find parking space at the beach under present conditions.

The town of Hampton is installing about a dozen new boulevard lights at the Boar’s Head end of the beach breakwater. These lights illuminate the top of the cement breakwater that common useage has made a promenade. The top surface of the old boulevard has been used to grade new automobile parking spaces.

Another attraction of the carnival this year will be the Japanese daylight fireworks which will be shot off every morning at eleven o’clock.