Hampton News

John A. Janvrin has moved his planing mill to a new location east of the lumber shed and will build a new mill on the site of the old one which will be 60×30 feet and two stories high. The upper floor will be used for making frames, etc.

Mr. and Mrs. George MacLaine of Hyde Park, Mass., spent Labor Day week end with Mr. John Elliot, Mrs. MacLaine’s brother. Today Misses Nanette and Gertrude MacLaine join their mother, who remained with the Elliot family, in passing this week end with their uncle’s family. They come here from New York where they have been spending some time with another sister of Mr. Elliot’s.

The examination for carrier for the Hampton postal district which is to be held on Saturday, September 10, will be in the academy building.

The school bonds which are issued for the construction of the Central School building will be placed on sale at Cole’s periodical store, Monday morning. It is very important that the public take up the cost of construction, and it is very likely that the town will be canvassed and every citizen visited and given an opportunity to subscribe. The bonds are an excellent investment and should sell readily in town.

Mr. William Hunter called in on the Elliot family on Highland ave. on his way home to Wiscasset, Me., from Boston on Friday of last week.

Mr. Myron Blake was married to a Newburyport girl on Saturday of last week. The two families and a few close friends were present.

The old center school will be ready to open on its new site on September 12th.

A most helpful meeting was held in the Baptist church Sunday evening. Mr. Wheaton Lane and two sisters added to the service greatly by playing several selections with piano, violin and violoncello.

Mr. Hewitt and family and mother, Mrs. Bashford, who have been occupying Mr. Herbert Philbrook’s tenement for the past three and one half years will move to Arlington Heights next week.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown is having her two tenements thoroughly renovated with fresh paint and paper and installing electric lights. Mr. Berry has built a piazza on the west side of the tenement Mrs. Brown will occupy.

Mr. Charles Pressey and family retuned to Salem, Mass. on Monday.

Mrs. Jennings, Miss Elsie M. Jennings and sister, Miss Synmers, who have spent eleven successive summers at the Elmwood returned to their home in New York on Wednesday.

Miss Ernestine Cole has been visiting a friend in Michigan for the past two weeks. She will go direct from there to Marlboro, N. Y., where she has a fine position.

Miss Eloise Lane has received several splendid offers of positions to teach and to do secretarial work but she has not fully decided which she will accept. Miss Lane has wonderful testimonials from Oberlin and Bates Colleges.

Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Dyer of Portsmouth and sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Friend of Maine were guests of friends in town on Labor Day.

Mr. George Mansfield of Cambridge was in town calling on friends over the week end.

Mrs. Franklin Perkins closed her home here on Monday and returned to Cambridge. Carl Perkins was here for the week end.

Women’s Relief Corps will come next Wednesday. It is hoped it will be well attended.

Mrs. Vianna Marston has been ill the past week.

Mr. Thayer, who lives in George A. Blake’s house, was severely hooked by a cow which had become frightened by a dog. He was removed by Dr. Fernald to Exeter hospital.

Mr. Forrest Pratt and family are visiting with Mrs. Addie Brown for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter have returned to their home in Chelsea and their niece Mrs. Ward, formerly Miss Beth Chipman, will occupy their cottage at the beach for a while.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and son, Wheaton, attended the wedding of a cousin, Miss Lane, in Salem on Tuesday.

The West End Club entertained the gentlemen in Mr. Beecher Yeaton’s Pine Grove, Thursday, September 1st, by serving a very fine dinner. A long table was built by Mr. Delano and covers were placed for twenty. Blue and white crepe paper was draped from the trees and the table was decorated with bouquets of golden glow which were very artistically arranged by Mrs. Martha Brown, and a flower was placed at each cover. It was indeed pleasing to look upon. The dinner consisted of baked beans, delicious hot rolls, a variety of salads and a variety of pies. The coffee was delicious as it always is when made by Mrs. Martha Brown. In the afternoon games were played and races were run. A suit case race which afforded much mirth and laughter was run. Relay race and several others were also enjoyed. Music was furnished by Miss Dorothy Batchelder, who kindly brought her phonograph. The president, Mrs. Willard Delano and all the members did their best to have the dinner a success and were very well satisfied. The party dispersed later in the afternoon with thought of another good time in the near future.

Russell — Nudd:

On Saturday, September the third, at 2 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frank Nudd, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Henrietta Carleton, to Mr. William Howard Russell of Washington, D. C. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. George W. Clark.

The living room where the ceremony took place was attractively decorated with asters, pansies, gladioli and greenery. Music was furnished by a Haverhill, Mass. orchestra.

The bride wore a gown of white Canton crepe and veil of tulle, and carried a bouquet of white bridal roses. She also wore a necklace of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom.

She was attended by her sister, Mrs. William Cleon Krook of Rutland, Vt., who wore pale blue silk chiffon over blue silk and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses, and by a college chum, Miss Louise Elizabeth Burpee of Manchester, N. H. Miss Burpee’s gown was of orchid georgette crepe over pink silk and she carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Willard Eugene Nudd, brother of the bride.

Dainty refreshments were served after the ceremony to the guests. There were many beautiful gifts.

After an extended honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell will reside in Washington, D. C.

Mr. Otis H. Marston has been confined to the house with neuritis for the past two weeks. Mrs. M. G. Chipman is a guest there.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olney have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their little son “Billy,” aged eight and one half years, by drowning, in New York, where he was visiting friends with his mother. Two little cousins were drowned at the same time.

The 82nd birthday of Mrs. Rebecca R. Leavitt was pleasantly observed at the cottage of her sister, Mrs. Clara Nutter, at North Beach, on Thursday of last week. There were about thirty present, including two brothers of her family. She received many gifts among which were two very pretty birthday cakes.

School Bonds:

The Board of Education offers the public the series of bonds voted at the annual school meeting for the erection of a central school house. These bonds bear 5 per cent interest and are issued in denominations of $100, $250, $500 and $1000, callable after two years. Further particulars mat be obtained from the Board of Education.

List Teachers for Coming Year:

Academy and High, Headmaster, C. M. Teague, Hampton

Academy and High, 1st Assistant, Mrs. Vina M. Jones, Hampton

Academy and High, 2nd Assistant, Dorothy L. Hannington, 2 Winter St., Calais, Me.

Academy and High, 3rd Assistant, Olive P. Bradbury, Suncook, N. H.

Jr. High, Grds. 7, 8 — Principal, John H. Donald, Goffstown, N. H.

Primary, Grds. 1, 2 — Elizabeth Cutts, Kittery Point, Maine

Intermediate, Grds. 3, 4 — Cecil F. Brown, 84 Main St., Johnsbury, Vt.

Grammar, Grds. 5, 6 — Gladys I. Jordan, So. Portland, Me.

North, Grds. 1, 2, 3 — Anna Chase, Seabrook, N. H.

Music Supervisor, Mrs. Esther Cowden Coombs, N. Hampton


Carnival Opens At Beach:

The famous Hampton Beach carnival for 1921 opened with a bang Monday and was witnessed by the largest crowd that ever witnessed the opening of such an event in the history of the beach. A crowd estimated by many to far exceed 100,000 people was on hand to enjoy the festivities and electrics, autos and trains were jammed to the limit.

Probably never before was the crowd in more jovial spirits. Because of the inconvenience caused by the fire, stores were packed, and many more were without service until noon, when a double force of help was put on. People early in the morning made the best of the situation and all inconveniences were remedied by afternoon. The regular program, with no semblance of a slip up was followed through.

Airplane exhibition flights took up the early part of the day with a special display of Japanese fireworks at noon time. A conference held by the N. E. O. P. order took place in the Casino theatre, and many guests were present. In the early part of the afternoon, a band concert entertained a large gathering, while a number estimated at 8,000 watched a rather wretched ball game between the Hampton Beach and Salisbury Beach nines. The former team won by a score of 20-7. Later on in the afternoon a stage show free to all was given and a special attraction in the form of a bicycle rider added considerable more thrills.

One of the largest crowds to witness attractions on Labor day night had the pleasure of being on hand when the confetti battles started on the veranda of the Casino. Stage shows and Van Norman, the bike rider, again performed. Fireworks created an untiring interest during the latter part of the evening, while dancing formed a prominent feature.

Tuesday was Children’s Day; Wednesday, Farmers’ Day. Today is Governor’s Day and the program is a fine one.

At 12:30 o’clock a reception will be tendered the invited guests at the Pelham Hotel and luncheon will be served at one o’clock. At three o’clock there will be speaking from the band stand in front of the Casino. The speakers will include both governors, Senator Moses and President Hetzel. They will be introduced by the chairman of the reception committee, Lewis Perkins of Hampton. The other members of the reception committee are Henry Ford, president of the Board of Trade; J. Frank James of Lawrence, former president of the board; Fr. P. J. Scott of Hampton, and Charles Greenman of Hampton, the president of the electric railroad that is run by the town of Hampton, and George Ashworth, a well known hotel man who is interested in state and civic affairs.

Following the speaking the invited guests will be escorted to a special box on the Casino veranda where they will view the stage show, the thrilling ride of “Dare Devil” Van Norman and listen to the music of the Salem Cadet band. It is expected that many of the party will stay to see the wonderful display of fireworks that has been arranged in their honor for the evening.

“Governors’ Day” of the Hampton Beach Carnival promises to eclipse any similar occasion for years.

Friday will be Coast Guard Day, and Saturday, Coronation Day. On Sunday Old Home Day will take place.

Several features outside of the regular program are sandwiched in, and many new features are being added daily.

The contestants in the Carnival Queen and King contest are putting their best efforts into the sale of the official program. The great crowds of the past several days have spurred them on to a maximum of effort and it now looks as if the Board of Trade would net a very substantial sum through the sale of these official programs. The young lady who turns in the most money resultant from the sale of programs will be named “Queen of the Carnival” and the young man who heads the list in the matter of sales will be made the “Carnival King” Both the Queen and the King will be crowned with appropriate ceremony on the night of Saturday the 10th and will be otherwise rewarded for their efforts.

George Leavitt of North Hampton better known as “Cy, the Rube Bike Rider,” rode his old fashioned 54-inch bicycle over 300 miles in his recent trip advertising the Hampton Beach Carnival. Leavitt also covered almost 200 miles by train, making a total mileage of about 500 miles which he covered in three weeks. He visited every city in the state of New Hampshire and covered twenty of the principal Massachusetts cities. The advertising stunt was favorably commented upon and the representative of the Board of Trade in this unique field of advertising was courteously received in every city and town which he visited. Leavitt estimated that over 600,000 people saw him and read his advertisements during the course of his 500 mile trip.

N. E. O. P. Outing:

Hampton Beach witnessed the first annual outing of the New England Order of Protection Monday, and one of the greatest throngs ever assembled at this resort greeted the order.

The outing was held by the councils from Portsmouth, Exeter and Dover, and the Manchester order was guest. Fully one hundred guests from Manchester enjoyed the festivities mapped out by the chairman of the outing, Mr. Green of Portsmouth, and the program was carried out without the semblance of a mishap.

The outing officially started at 11 a. m., when the members congregated in the Casino theatre. Chairman Green gave an interesting outline of the program and a talk in the interest of the order. Following the talk, a motion was made to choose outing officials, and the following were elected: Mr. Green of Portsmouth, the pres.; Edson B. Ramsdell, of Manchester, vice pres.; and Mrs. Sherman, of Dover, secretary. Grand Warden George Healy of Manchester gave an interesting talk on the entertainment and the manner in which it was carried out, and this was followed by a vote of thanks.

The members also voted to extend their sympathies to Mrs. George G. Peterson, of Manchester, whose husband dropped dead in N. E. O. P. hall while working for the order’s interest. Mr. Peterson was one of the order’s most loyal members.

The committee on the sports for the day consisted of Mr. Sherman, of Dover, and Mrs. Delia Dodge. Chairman Green selected the committees. Cheers composed by Mrs. Helen Ramsdell of the Star Lodge, in Manchester, were given, and a song also composed by Mrs. Ramsdell, was dedicated to George Healy, grand warden of New Hampshire, and vice-warden of New England.

As the outing was announced as an annual event, Mrs. Morrill of Laconia was elected chairman for the next summer event. Those on the publicity committee are to be Mr. Sherman of Portsmouth; Mrs. Williams of Dover, with the chairman being Mrs. E. B. Ramsdell of Manchester, who was given the authority to appoint any other member of the order to help in event of necessity.