Hampton News

Supt. Walker will move in the Lane tenement, now occupied by Harry Noyes.

Rev. R. E. Thompson attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Charles H. Thompson, in Stratham Tuesday.

The next tuberculosis clinic will be held on the third Friday of December the 16th, at 2 o’clock in Garrison House, Exeter. Dr. Robert Kerr will make the examinations.

The Community Club now has four sets of chess men and one private set is in use. The Club needs two or three new boards. The Club has provided printed stationery for its members. The members in alphabetical order are acting as janitor. It is an open secret that Chester Brooks kept the room in great shape last week.

The union social service Sunday night will be held in the Baptist vestry at seven. A new feature will interest everybody. The men are also expected to sing.

The Mother’s Circle meets on Wednesday evening, Nov. 30, at the home of Mrs. Theda Hobbs with Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs. Alice Philbrook as hostesses. Miss Page of New Hampshire College will speak on “The Essentials in Diet for Good Nutrition”.

Is it not safely assumed that every lover of young people and the boys and girls will wish to hear Mrs. Simmers at the next regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association, Monday night, Dec. 12? If we are really in earnest in our expressed purpose to secure the best possible results from our public schools we shall be ready to make good use of Mrs. Simmers’ expert instruction. She is President of the State Parent-Teacher Association. Every citizen is welcome but you will get most if you come with the keen sympathy of an enrolled member. Dues only 25 cents a year.

Scott Noyes attended the supper of the Sportsmen’s Club in Exeter Monday evening.

Eleanor Lane is spending the Thanksgiving recess with her aunt, Mrs. Blanche McDuff of Lakeport.

The first story of the building next to the Baptist church is being fitted up for the purpose of holding Catholic services. The building was formerly used as a plumber’s shop.

Mrs. Isabel Shaw has returned home from the hospital in Manchester, where she underwent a serious operation. Her family and friends are much pleased at her improvement.

Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson and Lawrence and Alice are to be with Mr. Thompson’s father and sister in Franklin for Thanksgiving. Their older son, Everett, who is a member of the faculty at Tilton Seminary, will join them there.

Hampton will be well represented at the Conference of older boys of New Hampshire to be held Dec. 2-4 at Nashua. The Congregational Church will send Walter Clark and Bruce Fall; Ellsworth Hobbs, Malcolm Roberts, Joseph Farnsworth and possibly Arthur Collins will go from the Baptist; from the Methodist Church Sherman Tarlton, Carlton Moore, Harlan Teague and Lawrence Thompson are registered. Rev. Roger Thompson will accompany the delegation as adult leader. This Conference is the great Y. M. C. A. event of the year for older boys.

A surprise party was held at the residence of Mrs. Jesse R. Towle in observance of Mr. Robert Van Horn’s birthday, Nov. 18th, and as Robert was due at rehearsal Friday evening we thought it would be more of a surprise the night before. The guests were in the living room when the West End Four Hundred came from the club room and were prepared to play whist when the guests came out and greeted Mr. Van Horne and he was some surprised. Mr. Van Horne received a gold-plated Gillette safety razor and some birthday cakes. A very pleasant time was had by all singing, playing games and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Towle, consisting of sandwiches, cakes and hot coffee. The guests departed at a late hour wishing Robert many happy returns. On Friday evening at the rehearsal Robert was presented with a very handsome watch chain given by Mrs. Yeaton and other friends, for Robert has many friends, and I am pleased to be one of the many.=Mrs. E. S. Bowley

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Hampton Falls will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist church next Sunday morning.

We have had exceptionally fine weather this fall and all have appreciated it. Now a cold wave is on the way and Mrs. Wallace Sterns wrote home last week that they are having it below zero.

Warren James of Lynn, formerly of Hampton, is being treated for cancer in the Peter Bent Brigham hospital by radium and doing finely.

Edwin L. Batchelder has just received a carload of Green Mountain potatoes of 780 bushels which he will sell at $1.35 per bushel.

The children in the East End school are selling chocolate around town to raise money with which to purchase a Victrola.

Improvements continue on the Wind Mill road. Willard Emery has had electric lights installed.

Mrs. Lois Clark nee Miss Lois Nye of Watertown, Mass., formerly of Hampton, is the guest of Mrs. George Godfrey. On Tuesday they will visit Portsmouth.

Mr. William Perkins of Seattle, Wash., visited his aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins and uncle, Thomas Perkins a couple of days this week.

Mrs. Warren Clark is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Young of Orleans, Mass., this week.

The movies in the town hall last Saturday night were as good if not better than any previously shown here and were thoroughly enjoyed by all so fortunate as to be present. They presented two funny sketches, then the “Creation”, which was wonderful, followed by the main picture, “Wing Toy.” Each picture alone was worth the price of admission. The hall was well filled.

The Chairman of the Publicity Committee of the new Parent-Teacher Association has sent out a circular letter suggesting that the present membership “take the trouble to double”, each member getting a new member. Up to date, Mrs. Dana Garland has “gone over the top”, with a list of eleven names and the dues with the list. Has anyone done better? We surely ought to have two hundred to hear Mrs. Simmers instead of the seventy now enrolled. Shall we “take the trouble to double”?

Miss Clara Powers has rented her cottage and is now in Arlington, Mass.

The next meeting of the H. T. G. Club will be entertained by its president in Portsmouth, Dec. 1. Mrs. Frank Brooks is making an ideal president.

The Men’s Club will hold its next regular meeting in the chapel on Monday, Nov. 28th. Rev. Edgar Warren has been engaged as speaker for the evening.

Rev. G. W. Clark gave a wonderful sermon Sunday evening illustrated with a stereopticon. A large audience was interested. Mr. Clark has worked indefatigably to organize a chorus choir and has finally succeeded with Mrs. Spackman as leader and they did fine work Sunday.

Dr. S. H. Dana preached one of his inspiring sermons in the Baptist church on Sunday. The text was part of the 19th verse of the 90th Psalm: “We spend our days as a tale”.

The Hampton Town Orchestra will give a dance in the town hall Thanksgiving night. The admission will be 35c. All come and have a good time. Dancing starts at 8:30.

The following officers elect for 1922 for Ocean Side Grange. M., Harold E. Noyes; O., Roland I. Noyes; L., Jessie H. Myers; S., Lester B. Tobey; Chap., Mary L. Noyes; A. S., Robert Elliot; Treas., Edward J. Brown; Sec., Viola B. Bragg; G. K., Wallace H. Philbrook; C., Alice Elliot; P., Jessie Moulton; F., Beatrice Farnsworth; L. A. S., Ruth Fall; Ex. Com., J. Hale James.

Harry Noyes expects to be in his new house for Thanksgiving. The house, which is situated opposite the academy, is a very different plan from any other in Hampton. Mr. Noyes built it himself and it is a very fine piece of work. Nothing is lacking, inside or out, to make the house up-to-date and at the same time beautiful in construction. The rooms are large and well lighted and are planned to save the lady of the house many steps. In fact, every part of the house suggests the idea with which it was built, comfort, convenience and beauty in “home, sweet home.”

The Gentlemen’s Night of the Monday Club was held in the Congregational Chapel, Nov. 21. They met with their accustomed success and it was a very pleasant affair. The Colonial Dames were even more entertaining, if anything, than when here last and delighted their audience. The singer formerly Miss Higgins was greatly missed yet all were surprised at the excellent concert the three were able to give without her. Refreshments were served under the efficient committee appointed to have charge of arrangements. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Munsey with Mrs. Cole as assistant hostess. Mrs. Cash was unanimously elected to membership.

Mrs. Martha Locke was in town two days this week and all were glad to see her.

The West End Club met at the home of Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder, Thursday, November 17, and were very pleasantly entertained. We were pleased to have Miss Fanny J. Towle with us as a guest. The meeting opened by the members singing and repeating the quotation, reading of minutes of the last meeting and business matters talked over. Mesdames Towle and Bowley were in charge of the program. Readings of poems, each member reading one. Miss Fannie Towle read two. Most of the poems were by Edgar Guest. Mesdames James and Yeaton played several selections on the piano. A social hour was enjoyed in which the hostess assisted by her daughters Beatrice and Dorothy, served delicious refreshments consisting of sandwiches, chocolate cake and light cake, and cake with whipped cream, and cocoa. Mrs. Batchelder is a charming hostess and all are eager to meet there again. Next meeting to be held with Miss A. B. Williams.