Hampton News

The Monday Club will meet next week with Mrs. Munsey, with Mrs. Cole as assistant hostess.

On Friday evening, Dec. 9th, at the town hall, there will be presented by the members of the West End club a rural drama entitled “Hickory Farm” to be followed by candy and apron sale and dancing. Ice cream will be on sale after the entertainment.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Adams and two children of Albany, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mrs. Adam’s sister, Mrs. C. S. Toppan.

The ice and sleet storm this week raised havoc with this community and great damage was suffered through fallen wires, broken fruit and shade trees and disruption of business generally. The light and power wires at this office were pulled from the building and were not restored till Wednesday night; hence a meager issue this week.

Walter Scott takes his position as mail carrier today. All wish him success and trust this winter will be as open as last although not very promising just now.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake plans to close her home soon and spend the winter with Mrs. G. W. Clark.

The recent ice storm has not affected the reception of messages to any large degree. Radiofones coming in QSA Monday night when the ice on the wires was ½ inch thick.

A slight error occurred in last week’s report. The bedtime stories come at 7:30 p. m.

The radiophone at 1ATD is reported QSA by stations 20 m. away and the local amateurs will soon enjoy special concerts which are to be given out from this station. A schedule is being made with Haverhill where by orders may be sent by radio.

Mrs. Roger Thompson is extending for a few days her visit with relatives in Franklin and Tilton.

Frank Mason carried the school children back and forth to the Beach on Wednesday.

Mrs. D. H. Adams and Mrs. Hooker will spend the winter with a niece, Mrs. Dr. Pierce in Leominster, Mass.

The Advent, Methodist and Baptist churches will hold union services at the Advent church Sunday night. Rev. A. B. Thomson will preach.

The Educational Committee of the Mothers’ Circle calls the attention of all parents to the proclamation of Pres. Harding, making the week of Dec. 4 “American Education Week.” It is earnestly requested that all parents make a special effort to visit the schools of Hampton the coming week for the mutual benefit of themselves, their children and the teachers in our schools.

Among the young ladies who were home for Thanksgiving were Vivian Wood, Maybelle Perkins, and Helen Tolman.

Roland Page, a grandson of Mrs. Walton, has returned from the Pembroke sanitarium where he has been since August, much improved in health.

The Congregational missionary auxiliary will be entertained on Dec. 7 by Mrs. Emma Young with Mrs. Swain as assistant hostess. The nominating committee will bring in names of those who will serve as officers next year and the birthday bank will be opened.

By the death of Rev. Edgar Warren’s sister Miss Lucy Warren, in Maine, Mr. Warren and son Donald have inherited considerable wealth. Mr. Warren is executor of the estate.

Henry Eno has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Canada. While there he made a very successful purchase of a coonskin coat.

The rehearsals for drama, “Farm Folks,” are being held and an enjoyable evening is promised upon the night of the big fair, Dec. 13. It is expected the hall will be filled to its capacity as all know what the dramas staged by Mrs. Young in the past have been.

Do not forget the fair to be held under the auspices of the Congregational Ladies’ Aid on Dec. 13, for which great preparations are being made.

The Baptist and Methodist churches united for their Sunday morning service in the storm of Nov. 28, and listened to a sermon by the Methodist minister on the text. “They looked unto Him and became radiant.” Ps. 34:5 (Am. Stan. Rev.)

Miss Mary Toppan spent the weekend with Mrs. William Carter of Salem, Mass.

After a very pleasant visit among relatives Miss Eleanor King has returned to her home in New Haven. Miss King has a fine position in the railroad office and resides with her sister.

The Methodist Sunday School is very glad to cooperate in the excellent plan for the Community Christmas tree. Mrs. C. Emma Godfrey, Mrs. Grace Ware and Mrs. Margaret Murray have been elected to serve on the joint committee.

Herbert Beede, local preacher in the M. E. church, will conduct the service next Sunday morning and bring the Lord’s message.

Elmer King of Maine was a welcome weekend visitor in Hampton last week, coming to see his daughter, Miss Eleanor King who was visiting here. Mr. King was in one of the Bath shipyards during the war and is now in one of the [shops -? word is unreadable].

George Elkins went to Boston on Friday and Mrs. Elkins, who has been under treatment in the Mass. General hospital, returned home with him and is improving in health.

On Wednesday, Nov. 30, the U. W. club was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Stillings. Favors were awarded to Mrs. William Cash, Mrs. Thomas Moore, Charles Raymond and Everett Nudd. The next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Dec. 8.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Tiernan of Cambridge, Mass., spent the 29th anniversary of their marriage Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Erving Lamprey on Mace road.

You have that down in your notebook for Monday night, Dec. 12? And you have marked it “I must not miss this.” Ah, you are wise. For Mrs. Anna Simmers, President of the State Parent-Teacher Assn. cannot be heard often in Hampton. We are very fortunate in securing her services. Come and bring some friend with you. Our Hampton Association is growing encouragingly and we hope to have to use the town hall for this regular monthly meeting. See item next week.

Monthly meeting of the Y. M. C. C. at the club room Monday night. New members will be received at seven o’clock.