Hampton News

Note: This issue is dated December 28, 1921 at the head of page one. It should be dated December 21, 1921 as confirmed by the “Vol.” number at the top of the page.

A very jolly party made the night air ring with merriment last night (Wednesday) on the way to Newburyport and return in a “two horse open sleigh”. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and everyone said they filled that capacity to perfection. The young people are very grateful to Mr. Warren Batchelder who furnished the conveyance.

Mr. Edward Palmer Brown was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer on Xmas.

The Sunday evening service in the Congregational Chapel was very pleasing and instructive. The Rev. G. W. Clark had taken great pains in its careful preparation and must have felt pleased with the result. The pictures were taken from master paintings and were exceptionally fine in the portrayal of the life of Christ. They were interspersed by explanatory readings by Miss Craig and appropriate singing by the choir.

Don’t forget the New Year dance, Monday evening, at the town hall. Come in costume if possible but Come Anyway.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer had the honor of entertaining the oldest man in town, Mr. Aaron Palmer, who will be 92 the 27th of February, at dinner on Xmas day. Mr. Roscoe Palmer and family were also present. Mr. Charles Palmer and family were with Mr. and Mrs. Glidden.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Glidden plan to leave for California about the 15th day of January. While all are glad they can take this trip, they regret their leaving town for the winter as they will be greatly missed. It is with sincere regret that we learn a telegram has been received by Mrs. Wilson Olney that her brother, Austin Gill, died on Saturday in a hospital. He was operated on for appendicitis and apparently recovering nicely when his heart weakened and he died suddenly. Mr. Gill lived in a city in New Mexico and was married about a year ago. Mr. Gill lived in Hampton during his childhood days and was a great favorite with all who knew him because of his uprightness and manly ways and joyous, pleasant disposition. He was graduated from Hampton Academy in the class of 1900 and then took a course in Exeter Academy graduating in 1902. Mr. Gill then entered Harvard College graduating in 1906 and after this was graduated from the Harvard Law School. He made a marvelous record in the World War, returning with several medals. Of late he has made quite a stir in the literary world by stories which he has written and had published and had a very promising future. It is hard to understand why such a life should be closed so early and the young wife so sadly bereaved. The sympathy of this community is extended to his father and Mr. and Mrs. Olney who have been so recently deeply saddened. Mr. Austin Gill visited his relatives in town about two years ago, and all his friends were glad to welcome him here. The funeral was held on Tuesday and the burial will be in New Mexico.

Miss Mary Gookin, who is teaching in Claremont, N. H., Miss Janet Ward, who is teaching in Westminister, Mass., and Miss Anna M. Cole of Fairfax, N. H., are enjoying their vacation in their homes in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winchester attended the wedding of Mrs. Winchester’s sister, Miss Ora E. Drake, and Dr. Wallace L. Orcutt of West Newbury, at the Hotel Touraine in Boston last week. The happy couple took a honeymoon trip to New York.

Miss Theodate Hobbs is visiting her aunt and cousins in Amesbury this week.

The drive along Main Street was an exceptionally pretty one Christmas eve as so many houses were brilliantly lighted and the trees and Christmas greens threw out a real feeling of Xmas. Among the houses lighted were Henry Hobbs’, Howard Lane’s, Miss Mary Toppan’s, Harold Winchester’s, Mr. Tolman’s, Mrs. Emma Young’s, H. M. Lamprey’s, Charles Leavitt’s, and Mr. Thomas Perkin’s.

Miss Mary Toppan entertained the families of Mr. C. S. Toppan and Mr. Edwin Batchelder of Newburyport, Mass., at dinner on Christmas and in the afternoon they had a real tree at Mr. Christopher Toppan’s.

Victor Garland of Washington, D. C., Curtis Donnell of N. H. College, Raymond Garland, Guy Garland of Lynn, Mass., and John Perkins of P. E. A., are visiting their parents over the Yuletide. Stillman Hobbs of Andover, Miss Vivian Wood, who is attending the Normal school in Keene, N. H., Miss Helen Tolman of Sunapee and Mr. Neil Tolman of Tilton are also at home for their Christmas vacation.

Mr. H. Dewey Chase returned to his home in Wentworth on Tuesday after a pleasant week’s visit with his wife in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Batchelder.

John Colby Blake and family spent Xmas with Mr. Blake’s daughter, Mrs. Charles Pressy in Salem, Mass.

The mumps are still with us. Mrs. Clara Tucker, mother of Mrs. Munsey being a victim.

Miss Alzena Leavitt is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hazel Smith in the home of their uncle, Mr. Amos Leavitt, in Wollaston, Mass.

Mr. Everett Godfrey’s Rhode Island Whites are beginning their marvelous egg laying record. He is getting 38 eggs from 55 hens alternate days with 26 eggs. Mrs. Roland Emery’s R. I. Reds are also doing well. She gathered 65 Tuesday from 160 hens.

Mr. Warren Hobbs has delivered the mail two days a week, Walter Scott having been called to Amesbury by the death of his mother.

Nathaniel Batchelder had the misfortune to break his wrist last week.

We are glad to see Mr. James DeLancey out after his serious fall a number of weeks ago, when the muscles of his leg were severely strained and torn. He is now obliged to use a cane but it is much better now.

Henry Hobbs is enjoying a visit with his nieces.

Norman Coffin spent Christmas with his mother in Exeter.

Mrs. Daisy Dunbar Marks of New York is the guest of Miss Rachel Blake. Mrs. Marks has been ill in a hospital a number of weeks.

Mrs. Roland Emery and little daughter Edith visited Haverhill on Friday. While there they called on Miss Susie Brown in the Gale Hospital and were sorry to find she had not improved in health as they had hoped. As soon as it will be safe for Miss Brown to be moved she will come to Mrs. Emery’s and remain while she is recuperating.

Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Joplin were two of a family party which their daughter, Mrs. Finney, had invited to dine with her on Monday. Their son, Mr. William Joplin came for them in a closed car and brought them home.

Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Waltham spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Godfrey. They are always welcome guests in town. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coffin were guests of friends in Amesbury over Xmas.

The Missionary auxiliary of the Congregational church will meet in the chapel on Wednesday of next week. This is the meeting when all the husbands are invited to supper and it is hoped large number will respond. The president, Mrs. G. W. Clark, will have charge of the program. The programs for the next year are in the hands of the printer.

There will no meeting of the Camp Fire Girls for the next two weeks on account of the Xmas holiday. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1922.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sandbury have been spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Sandbury’s brothers, Messrs. William and John Brooks.

The Monday Club will be entertained next Monday by Mrs. Emma Young with Mrs. Margaret Noyes as assistant hostess.

In the true spirit of the occasion and with due appreciation of all it implies, a large number of the inhabitants of Hampton gathered in the Town Hall on Friday evening to enjoy the first Community Christmas tree. The stage was beautifully decorated to represent an old fashioned kitchen and with the two heavily loaded trees presented a pleasing sight. Christmas has a meaning possessed by no other holiday throughout the world. America has its national and special days and other countries have theirs. Christmas is the only one alike in spirit and celebrated in all Christian lands. Christmas typifies all that is best in mankind; it is a time when all hearts express a reverence for God and his representative on earth. Men realize their interdependency and their duty to one another and so it is marked by the bestowal of this and other sentiments of benevolence and well doing. The exercises which had been prepared were well carried out and the children could be heard distinctly, particularly William White and Thelma Page. The violin solo played by Joseph Raymond accompanied in perfect time by his little sister at the piano was remarkably well rendered. The remarks by Rev. G. W. Clark were timely as they always are and the singing by the male quartette was excellent. Mr. Henry Hobbs presided in his dignified and pleasing manner and explained why we are able to have a Xmas tree. Had Charles Lane not had the ability to see what would be a lasting remembrance of him; the joy he could give the children and the big generous heart to provide for these things, the children of Hampton could not be the recipients of the presents which they receive each Xmas. The Community Christmas tree was a great success and the committee deserves the thanks of all for the great pleasure given and the Christmas spirit which it engendered. Santa Claus was very welcome and will never be forgotten by the children, and all went from the hall as they had come with joyous happy faces.

As the newly elected President and Senior Vice President of the Woman’s Relief Corps feel they cannot serve next year, it will be necessary to elect two to fill these vacancies for which a special meeting is called on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd in the home of Mrs. Albert Coffin at 2:30 p. m.

Mrs. Coffey returned to Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt’s on Monday after a pleasant visit with her daughters in Dedham over Christmas.

Dr. Sylvester Burnham of Newburyport preached an excellent sermon in the Baptist church on Sunday. Rev. Albert Mills of Pawtucket, R. I., will preach next Sunday as a candidate.

The union service Sunday night will be held at the Baptist church.

The monthly business meeting of the Community Club will be held Monday night.

The Executive Committee of the Parent-Teacher Association will meet this afternoon at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Nellie White.

The Baptists and Methodists unite in the social meeting tonight at the Methodist church.

The Holy Communion will be administered at the Methodist church Sunday morning.

The funeral services of Mrs. Annie S. Scott of Amesbury, mother of W. A. Scott of this town, were held from the family home, Collins Ave., Amesbury, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Scott died Dec. 24. She was a woman of sterling character and held in high esteem by all who knew her. The spacious home was filled with relatives, friends and members of the church who desired to give expression of their love and respect, the casket was surrounded by a wealth of beautiful floral tributes. Rev. Charles M. Tibbetts, a former pastor and Rev. Matthew L. Simpson conducted the services. Mr. Tibbetts referred very fittingly to her life and service in the community. William T. Mountain, John Lundquist, Walter W. Flanders and George D. Jones served as bearers. The interment was in the family lot, Mount Prospect cemetery where a committal service was held conducted by Rev. Mr. Tibbetts. The community unites in extending their sympathy to Mr. W. A. Scott and other bereaved ones.