Hampton News

Note: This issue is dated Thursday, January 5, 1921 in the nameplate at the top of page 1. January 5. The date should be January 5, 1922. (Just over “HAMPTON” at the head of the first column, the date reads “Thursday, Dec. 22, 1921.”)

Dr. Pickering of Portsmouth has purchased the large brick building next to his home. It contains 3 splendid apartments each one separate and complete.

A largely attended meeting of the Mothers’ Circle was held last evening at the home of Mrs. Dennett with Mrs. Keene and Mrs. Brown as assistant hostesses. The program was in charge of the Home Economics Committee which proved most interesting. There were nine guests present including Mrs. Hemingway, the new welfare nurse, whom all were glad to meet.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary was entertained in the chapel on Wednesday with a good number present. Mrs. Clark led the meeting and Mrs. Ackerman had charge of the program. Music was sweetly rendered by Mesdames Young, Staples and Scott. Annual reports of Secretary and Treasurer were given. There has been $304.14 gathered and expenditures of $264.75. The gentlemen came to supper and there were about 50 present. The supper consisted of beans, white and brown bread, mashed potato, cold meat, applesauce, pickled beets and cucumbers, cake, coffee and tea. The committee was Mesdames Young, Blanchard,Thompson and Ross and Leavitt. Deaths in Hampton in 1921

Elizabeth D. Berry, 86; Chas. Fellows, 65; Edward P. Blake, 63; Charles Lewis Lamprey, 70; Josephine Trundell, 53; Marcelle Moxley, 15; William Carter, 29; Ira Atkinson, 75; John W. Towle, 72; Mary Cutts, 75. The following died elsewhere and were buried here: Harriet Cutler, Miami, Fla., 67; Mary Ellen Merrill, Boston, 67; Jennie P. Thompson, Ossipee, 73; Charles P. Sargent, Boston, 83; Joseph F. Holmes, North Hampton, 51; Lydia A. Blake, Exeter Hospital, 69; Clarence Yeaton, Exeter Hospital, 69; Joseph W. Redman, Concord, 93; Sarah Weare Blake, Boston, 87; Charles Philbrook, Kansas City, 75.

Mr. George E. Farnham left last Friday for Livermore, N. H. where he will begin his duties as principal of the Junior High School.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Walter Palmer on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 2 o’clock.

The movies Saturday evening were excellent and this Saturday evening the program promises to be even better. It is “Children of the Night” with William Russell as leading man. The pictures have all been good so are drawing large audiences.

Miss Maybelle Perkins and Miss Vivian Wood have returned to Keene Normal School after spending the Xmas vacation at their homes in town.

Eugene Tilton has had three children sick with scarlet fever but they are better now.

Mrs. Frank Stevens and Miss S. B. Lane attended the Carol Service at Christ Church, Exeter, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marston enjoyed a visit from their grandson and his wife, John and Gladys Marston, over the holidays.

The January meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be addressed by Supt. Chas. Walker. Mr. Walker has been asked to indicate how, in his judgment, the Association can render him largest assistance. Mrs. Coombs, our Teacher of Music, will sing. Mrs. Hemingway, our District Nurse, will be present and all will be gratified at this early opportunity to meet her and wish her largest success in her work. Special attention is bidden to the question box feature installed at the last meeting. Do not neglect to jot down on your memorandum the questions about our school problems as they occur to you during the month, and bring them in on separate slips to the Box on the president’s desk. The meeting will be held in the vestry of the Baptist church at 7:30 next Monday night. Our membership is growing. If you are not a member, come, help us grow.

The West End Club met with Mrs. Jessie R. Towle at her home, Dec. 29, and were very pleasantly entertained. Only seven members were present and three children. The president opened the meeting by requesting the members to sing one of the old songs. The quotation was repeated, reading of minutes of last meeting and business matters attended to. Mesdames Towle and Bowley had charge of the literary program. Miss Frances E. Towle always has something good to read and this occasion it was “Aunt Nancy’s Mind Speaking About the New Testament.” Aunt Nancy thought the Bible she always had was good enough for her and so she would lay the New Testament away on the shelf. A social hour was enjoyed and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Next meeting will be held at Mrs. Towle’s, Jan. 12th, Mrs. E. S. Bowley acting as hostess.

Willard Nudd spent the holidays with his parents.

Mr. Oscar Garland left on Friday for Jefferson, N. H. where he is to teach school.

Rev. G. W. Clark will be away Sunday evening and Miss Annie Akerman will have charge of the evening service in the Congregational church.

Orin Stevens has sold his house at the landing to a party from Salem.

Mrs. Whalley of Portsmouth visited her aunt, Mrs. Sewall Dow on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggin visited her on Sunday.

Neil Tolman returned on Monday to Dartmouth College. Mr. Tolman was four years in Tilton Seminary and entered Dartmouth last September. Mr. Victor Garland returned to business in Washington on Monday and the Misses Eloise Lane, Annie M. Cole and Ernestine Cole to Warwick Mass., Fairfax, Vermont, and a town near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mr. Wheaton Lane was taken with a severe case of tonsillitis on Monday so couldn’t return to Princeton on this Thursday as he had planned. The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained this week in the cheery home of Mrs. Emma Young with Mrs. Margaret Noyes as assistant hostess. The much discussed novel, “The Brimming Cup,” was most entertainingly reviewed and the essential features made prominent by Mrs. Gertrude Young. Music was furnished by the Edison graphophone, and choice refreshments of cream wiggle, pineapple cream, cake and coffee served by the President and Vice President. The next meeting will be entertained in the home of Mrs. Henry Perkins with Mrs. Shea as assistant hostess. The monthly meeting of the Y. M. C. C. was held at the Club-Room Monday night. Adjournment was made to Wednesday night when the business of the Club was transacted. The demand for honorable, prompt payment of dues if the Club is to be of any real service was emphasized. A Chess Tournament is projected to open about Feb. 1. Twelve names are already on list. Look out for chess practice for the next 3 weeks, and then the tournament. Who will win it? Packages of valuable magazines have been received from Miss Irene J. Trefethan, Mrs. A. M. Dearborn and Mrs. Lucy Marston. The Welfare Committee of the Mothers’ Circle has increased its cash subscription to the work of the Club to $10. Will not some others of our community organizations follow this commendable precedent? Two personal subscriptions of $5 each have been received. The gratitude of the Club is extended to all our helpers. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Warren Drew by their friends on the
beach last Thursday evening, it being their 40th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Sewall Dow suffered another shock on Thursday and is very sick. It may have been hastened by the sudden death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Watson in Nottingham on Saturday. Mrs. Watson was the mother of William Watson who as a child lived with his aunt, Mrs. Dow, nine years, and attended the schools in town, graduating from the High School. Mrs. Watson also leaves a brother, Mr. Ramsdell, of the firm of Graves and Ramsdell.

Mrs. Robert Tolman has sold the home on the Beach Road to Mr. Oscar Scammon of Exeter, who has been recently married and will occupy it at once. Mr. Edward P. Brown moved Mr. Tolman’s house-hold goods into Mrs. Charles Batchelder’s tenement on Wednesday, recently occupied by John Tarleton, who has moved into Mrs. Adam’s tenement recently occupied by Mrs. Elias Perkins, who has gone to reside with friends in Beverly.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained at dinner on Thursday by Miss Mary Toppan in celebration of its 10th anniversary. The menu consisted of celery soup, roast beef, potatoes, squash, beets, peas, pickled peaches, fruit salad, coffee souffle, cake, nuts, candies, olives and coffee. The President presented Mrs. Drew with a bunch of pinks, it being her 40th wedding anniversary, and a vote of thanks was given Mrs. Toppan for her generous hospitality. In the afternoon Mrs. Bryant entertained the club at whist, presenting each member with a carnation. Favors were awarded to Mrs. May Day, Mrs. Ruth Palmer and Mrs. Sarah Batchelder. Refreshments of Egyptian egg, ice cream, wafers and coffee were served.

The Rebekahs held their installation on Tuesday evening and the Women’s Relief Corps will hold theirs on Wednesday, Jan. 11, with a dinner at twelve for the members of Perkins Post and a guest of each member of the Corps. The officers elect are Pres. Addie B. Brown; Vice Pres., Frances Blanchard; Jr. Vice Pres., Annie Akerman; Chaplain, Alfie Godfrey; Treas., Belle Dearborn; Conductor, Marian Leavitt; Guard, Carrie Perkins.

The drama, “Town Folks,” which was such a success on Dec. 14 but which many were prevented from seeing because of the storm, will be repeated on Wednesday evening, Jan. 11, for the benefit of the Community nurse. Everyone realizes the necessity of a nurse in town and it is earnestly desired that the play will be largely patronized to raise a generous sum for this cause. There will be a concert by Leaves’ Orchestra of Exeter from 8 o’clock to 8:15, which is a rare treat in itself. Admission 35c for adults and 25c for children. An oyster supper, ice cream and cake will be served during the evening in the lower town hall. After the drama there will be dancing until 12 o’clock under the direction of Randle Young and it will enjoyed by young and old as every alternate dance will be a square dance which will be quite a novelty as we so seldom see them now. Mrs. Emma Young has worked indefatigably in rehearsing this drama and it is surely very kind to repeat it for the Red Cross that a community nurse may be engaged. Come and help us enjoy a good drama.

On and after date, December 24, 20 ride ticket books will be sold to the public at a cost of $1.50 each which will be good between Hampton and George E. Garland’s on the Beach Rd. These books may be purchased from the conductors or at the office of the Co-operative Bank.

Arrangements have been made between the Exeter, Hampton and Amesbury Street Railway and the Ioka Theatre in Exeter whereby the use of a special ticket may save the patrons of the Road from 15c to20c each trip. A coupon ticket will be issued good for one round trip between Hampton and Exeter and admission to the Ioka Theatre for 50c, a saving of 15c from the present price for each person. And in addition to this the manager of the Theatre has agreed to accept this ticket and allow the holder a reserved seat (when such are used) to all pictures up to and including a 35c price. These tickets will be good between the hours of 5 p.m., and 11 p.m. and may be purchased beginning December 24, at the drugstore and the Co-operative Bank, Hampton, or from any conductor on the Road.