Hampton News

The Monday Club will be entertained Monday, Jan. 16, by Mrs. Perkins with Mrs. Carrie Shea as assistant hostess.

Mrs. Kesiah Lamprey, one of the oldest women in town, 90 years old, is very ill with pneumonia.

Austin Mace is in the Manchester Sacred Heart hospital for an operation which will be third he has had and Orrin Lamprey is in the Portsmouth hospital for the second operation on his throat.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane were in Concord Monday, Mrs. Lane attending the monthly board meeting of the trustees of the Memorial Hospital and Mr. Lane was one of two hundred men who gathered from all parts of the state to listen to Mr. William Hard, the noted journalist of Washington, who spoke on the inside workings of the Peace conference.

Mrs. Willard Emery has been quite ill with acute indigestion for the past two weeks under the care of Dr. Fernald.

Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Dyer and Ola Dyer of Portsmouth were weekend guests of Mrs. Frank Ireland.

Howard Hobbs of Detroit came on to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Brown.

The community was shocked on Saturday morning to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Mary Brown, mother of Mrs. Thomas Hobbs. For several months, however, Mrs. Brown had been far from well and of late it has been evident to her family and her physician that her condition was serious. By their advice and in accordance with her own consent she entered the Portsmouth Hospital on Friday but the operation showed her disease too deeply seated and she did not rally from the ether and died on Friday night at the age of 72. Mrs. Brown endeared herself to all who know her, because to her attractiveness of face she added an unusual combination of dignity, grace, poise and sweetness. She was a member of the H. T. G. Club seven years and this club attended the funeral Monday morning in a body. The funeral was in charge of a minister who had been a friend of the family for forty years. The remains lay in a beautiful gray couch casket covered with beautiful flowers. Mrs. Brown looked very peaceful and almost as if she could speak. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Hobbs, two grandchildren, whom she loved dearly, Beatrice and Howard Hobbs of Detroit, and a sister in Manchester. The funeral directors were Mr. Tolman and Mr. Wallace of Manchester. The remains were carried to Manchester where another service was held and the interment made in the cemetery there.

The installation of the W. R. Corps took place on Wednesday with a good number present. As Miss Paul was detained at home by the illness of her father, Mrs. Blake and 3 other ladies from Portsmouth came out and performed the work. In the absence of the President, Miss Akerman presided until the news pres. was elected. Impromptu addresses were made by Oliver Godfrey, Warren Perkins of Newburyport and Rev. G. W. Clark. Mr. Clark really gave a fine address and showed what a wonderful part the World War had taken in American affairs. A gift had been planned by the members of the Corps for Miss Paul but as she was absent Mrs. Anna S. Ross presented it to Mrs. Blake to be carried to Miss Paul with the love, appreciation and sympathy of the Corps. Short readings were given Mrs. Tolman and Miss Craig. The officers are: Pres., Mrs. Brown; Sr. V. Pres., Mrs. Blanchard; Jr. Vice Pres., Miss Akerman; Treas., Mrs. Lane; Sec., Mrs. Tolman; Chaplain, Mrs. Godfrey; Patriotic Instructor: Mrs. Marston; Press Cor., Mrs. Coffin; Conductor, Mrs. Leavitt; Guard, Mrs. Perkins; Asst. Con., Mrs. Hobbs; Asst. Guard, Mrs. Ross; Color Bearers, Miss Philbrick; and Mesdames Noyes, Cole and Dearborn. An excellent dinner was served at noon.

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Mason, who are living near Brooklyn, N. Y., were guests this week of Mrs. Mason’s mother, Mrs. Wesley Mace.

Miss Mary Craig has been Supt. of the Congregational Sunday School for a number of years and has worked untiringly for its success. In appreciation of her services Mrs. Arthur Young presented her, in behalf of the Sunday School, ten dollars in gold, upon the New Year’s Sunday. Miss Craig was taken entirely by surprise and was very grateful for the gift and kindly thought.

The H. T. G. Club was postponed this week out of respect for Mrs. Brown. It will be en-[sic] on Thursday, Jan. 19th, by Mrs. Everett Nudd. At the last meeting Miss Mary Toppan gave a short history of the club during its existence of ten years.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown came from Kensington to attend the W. R. Corps Installation as did Mrs. Effie Cook and Mrs. Marion Lord. The storm prevented their getting home. Mrs. Brown stayed with Mrs. Lane.

The drama “Farm Folks” which was to be held on Wednesday evening is postponed until Monday evening, Jan. 16. There will be the same attractive features planned for Wednesday. Leaves’ Orchestra will give a concert with a dance after the drama. Oyster stew, home-made candies and ice cream will be served. It is hoped there will be a large attendance as the proceeds will be devoted to paying the community nurse.

Rev. Albert R. Mills of Pawtucket, R. I. will preach in this church Sunday morning. It is expected that he will preach at the Union Service at the Advent Church in the evening.

Rev. A. B. Thompson, pastor of the Advent Church and Mrs. Thompson were given a donation party at his home on Lafayette Road Monday evening. There [were] many present and all enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson received many gifts, including a purse of money. Refreshments of ice cream, wafers and coffee were served.