Hampton News

Don’t forget the Pomona Grange meeting Friday night.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Marion Noyes Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

The U. W. Club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Cash on Jan. 25.

William J. Brooks was taken suddenly ill, last Monday, with appendicitis and was removed to the hospital in Malden, Mass. Latest report says he is getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Glidden left town on Tuesday for Elsinore, Cal., where they will spend the remainder of the winter.

Joseph H. Durant is having a vacation of 43 days. He will return to his duties at the Navy Yard March 14.

The Drake house, recently purchased by Clinton Durant is undergoing extensive repairs, both outside and in. A new piazza will replace the old one and the whole interior of 18 rooms will be reconstructed and electric lights installed.

The committee on school lunches would greatly appreciate donations of cocoa, sugar, potatoes, corn, milk or soup. Please leave at The Elmwood or with teacher in each building. The price of the lunch is so small in comparison with the cost of soup, chowder or cocoa that the committee urges each parent to send the money regularly.

Thursday evening, Jan. 12th, the U. W. Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Nudd. During the evening dainty refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Charles Raymond, Mrs. Charles Green, T. O. Moore and A. L. Stillings.

The snow storm last Wednesday, although quite severe, did not keep the members of the West End Club at home. They met at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle’s and had a very pleasant time. The meeting opened in the usual manner and after reading minutes of the last meeting business matters were attended to in which the Club gave Alexander Bowley a present of $5.00 to help pay the doctor. The literary program was in charge of Mesdames Towle and Bowley and consisted of reading of different selections of prose and poetry by the members; harmonica solo by Miss Beatrice Delano; Mesdames Addie and Katherine James favored us by singing “Love’s Old Sweet Song”, and the members sang some of the good old songs. We will be glad when the weather permits all of the members to attend. We miss them, the dear little folks and all. Gentleman’s night will be observed in the near future. Mrs. Bowley acted as hostess and served refreshments in the social hour. Next meeting will be held Jan. 26th at the residence of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, Miss Frances E. Towle acting as hostess.

The Mothers’ Circle will meet next Wed. night, Jan. 25, at the home of Mrs. Bettina Hobbs, with Mrs. Margaret Noyes and Mrs. Howe as asst. hostesses. Miss Marion Page, the Home Demonstration Agent, will speak on “The Essentials in Diet for Food nutrition.”

The street railway lines are all open again. The reason for the cars not running immediately after the storm was a broken trolley wire at Hampton Beach at a critical time during the storm. Before the break could be repaired the ice and snow had closed the road.

Austin Mace is very ill in the Sacred Heart Hospital in Manchester. Mrs. Mace received a telegram on Sunday telling of the seriousness of his condition and with her son Ralph went to Manchester on Monday. Ralph returned that night and Miss Gladys Mace went up to be with her mother.

The committee on the tuberculosis drive, on sale of seals, wish to thank each and every one that helped, especially the Camp-Fire Girls, teachers and pupils, who did so much in aiding this work. Total was $115.00, collected as follows: Campfire girls–$28.65; First and 2nd grades: $.50; Third and 4th grades: $7.50; Fifth and 6th grades–$7.50; Junior High–$7.00; North primary: $3.00.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church is very wide awake and doing wonderful work in read aid to the church. Last year they expended $1313. They have now started an organ fund.

In reporting the officers of the W. R. Corps the name of the Musician, Miss Adeline Marston, was inadvertently omitted.

Mrs. John Wingate and little daughter Margaret have returned from a pleasant two weeks’ visit with friends in Boston.

Mrs. Keziah Lamprey is recovering from the attack of pneumonia, which is very gratifying to her friends as they feared her advanced age might make it serious.

Mrs. Sewall Dow is very critically ill. The community nurse has been very kind in her administrations.

Robert E. Tolman has purchased a centrally located lot in this village and contemplates erecting a bungalow home in the near future.

Rev. and Mrs. Roger E. Thompson were delightfully surprised Wednesday night by a crowd of their parishioners who brought loving greetings to their pastor and his family and left a big table groaning with good things for the parsonage larder. Buried among them the hosts later found a liberal purse of money. For all the kind gifts and for all the kindly feeling evinced the parsonage group are heartily grateful. After much pleasant fraternizing some old hymns were sung and the guests turned hosts and served delicious refreshments. Although the present occupants of the manse are completing six years of work and fellowship here they are in no hurry to go from so kind a people, and the parish seem to feel no anxiety, for they said good-night, wishing their hosts “many happy returns of the day.”

Two more chess-players are wanted to complete the 16 for the tournament to open Wednesday night, Feb. 1. Report to President Ware or Director Thompson. Two weeks in which to learn the moves and get into the series. From 30 to 45 games will be played, best two of three to win in each contest, 15 pairs to be matched.

The big storm and blow of last week delayed the holding of the January meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church, but a good number gathered Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. C. G. Marston. A delicious supper was served and a good sing followed. The pastor presented a brief scripture message and offered prayer before leaving for the prayer-meeting at the church.

Miss Belle Nudd is spending several weeks in Portsmouth not caring to go far from home this winter because of the illness of her brother.

Charles M. Batchelder entered the Anna Jacques hospital in Newburyport on Sunday for an operation for hernia. He has rallied nicely, for which his many friends feel pleased.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Roberts this Friday at 2:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Frank Palmer entered the Anna Jacques hospital in Newburyport on Friday and all her friends are hoping for a successful issue and that she may be returned home quite well and strong.

The installation of the officers of the Odd Fellows occurred Friday evening of last week. An oyster supper was served and Deputy Smith installed the officers elect. Rev. Charles Parker of Hampton Falls was installed Noble Grand.

The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. Anna Palmer on Tuesday with a good number present and much work was accomplished. Plans were made for pie supper to be held the middle of Feb. and the following efficient committee was appointed: Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs, Mrs. Anna Palmer, Mrs. Annie Berry, Mrs. Emma Young, and Mrs. Caroline Cole. There will be meat pies, whipped cream pies and various other kinds.

Mr. Kernan is enclosing the piazza on his bungalow, making a very pleasant sun parlor. Edgar Howe is doing the [work?].

Little Virginia and Vernon Dennett are recovering from an attack of the mumps.

Miss Isabelle Thompson was the guest of a friend in Portsmouth on Saturday, Jan. 13, her 15th birthday. They had dinner in Portsmouth and then attended the movies.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church is to hold a social and experience party March 31st, and they hope that every man and woman in the church will earn a dollar and every child fifty cents, and thereby wipe out the small debt now remaining on the repairs of the parsonage.

George H. Crocker of Amesbury has the sympathy of the people here in his having had his films burned in the fire which burned the Grange Hall in Seabrook Friday night. The value of things he lost without any insurance was $2000. He will give a show here next Saturday night as usual, with all new pictures and a specially fine program.

The H. T. G. Club will be entertained this Thursday by Mrs. Everett Nudd. A party, either Guest or Gentleman’s Night is being planned for Feb. 22nd.

It seemed as if the beautiful weather of Monday night was just given for the presentation of “Farm Folks” and hundreds availed themselves of the opportunity to see this play which is so finely staged and parts so well assigned. The hall was literally packed and approximately $100 dollars realized for the Red Cross and every one is pleased. Mrs. Emma Young, to whose untiring efforts the drama has been made such a success, is to be congratulated and thanked and she must feel gratified with such a splendid response. They wish to thank all the people for so generously responding to every request which helped make it a success.

Miss Bradbury is entertaining her mother in the pleasant home of Miss Toppan.

A very pleasant time was had by all who went to Amesbury last evening on the sleighing party. The box sled was about full but everyone got in somehow.

Next Sunday is “Go to Sunday School Sunday”, all thru New Hampshire. The average in the Congregational Sunday School is about one hundred every Sunday and next Sunday they want to have 125 present, so let’s all try and be there.

The Monday Club was most delightfully entertained this week in the pleasant home of Mrs. Carrie Perkins with Mrs. Caroline Shea as assistant hostess. There was a good number present and a fine program given. The paper upon the Hawaiian Islands, arranged by Mrs. Toppan was intensely interesting and all had a better idea of these islands after she had finished. Mrs. Toppan distributed postals and specimens of different productions of the islands for further enlightenment of the club. Mrs. Emma Young read a condensed sketch of Shakespeare’s Taming the Shrew which was very amusing and delighted her hearers. Music was furnished by Mrs. Gertrude Young, who is always pleasing in her piano selections. Dainty refreshments of chicken, delicious cake of various kinds and coffee was served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Sarah M. Lane.