Hampton News

Mrs. Horace Sawyer and Mrs. Joseph Watts of Rye Beach were in town Monday calling on Mrs. Theodore S. Lamprey.

Miss Margaret Slamin and Miss Catherine Slamin were in town recently visiting their sister Mrs. Theodore S. Lamprey, who is ill.

The new Central School house is fast nearing completion. It is expected that the last of the finishers will leave by next week Saturday night; a dedication of the building will follow soon after. With the dedication exercises the Union will publish a full description of the beautiful building and in connection will have a half tone cut of it.

The Annual Meeting of the Advent Church was held this week. The finances of the church are in good condition. The members of the church and Sunday School have subscribed liberally to all forward movements and denominational requirements. They have been liberal in their support of their pastor (and Rev. Mr. Thompson desires the Union to express his sincere appreciation of this fact); they have paid all bills and have a small balance over. Thirty six dollars were contributed to the Near East Relief. The church looks forward to the future with much interest and confidence.

Herbert Perkins

Appointed Postmaster to succeed F. E. Sanborn at the Hampton Post-office.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dalton are rejoicing in the birth of a baby girl, Eva May, born in the Exeter hospital on Friday.

The many friends of Mrs. Mattie Palmer are glad to know she was able to come home from the Newburyport hospital on Sunday.

Henry Hobbs visited Charles Batchelder in the Anna Jacques hospital on Sunday and found him recovering nicely and very cheerful. Mr. Batchelder expects to return home this week.

Mr. Ball, who is occupying the Stewart home on High St., cut his foot very badly while cutting wood for Mr. Albert Brown on Tuesday. He was rushed to the Exeter hospital where several stitches had to be taken.

Mrs. Roland Emery has some splendid Rhode Island hens and is getting 89 eggs a day from 144 hens.

Mrs. Beecher Yeaton and two children started on Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Colvin, in Shelton, Conn. Mrs. Yeaton will probably be away two weeks.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary held its meeting on Wednesday with a good number present considering the weather and so many ill with bad colds. Mrs. Marion Leavitt had charge of the program and Mrs. Ellen J. Blake was the hostess alone because Mrs. Thompson was sick with a hard cold. Both the program and supper were excellent.

Mrs. Frank Watts and Mrs. Frank Ireland were visitors to Boston on Tuesday. In the afternoon they visited Keith’s theater.

The Whist Club will be entertained this Thursday by Mrs. Belle Dearborn and the annual musicale of the Monday Club will be entertained by Mrs. H. G. Lane on Monday, Feb. 6.

While Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nudd and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garland were not worrying over their daughter Henrietta, and son Victor, because of the terrible accident in Washington, they were very glad to receive letters assuring them of their children’s safety. Their graphic description of the accident seemed to bring the tragedy nearer.

The Chess Tournament at the Community Club opened Wednesday night. A father and Son Banquet will be held by the Y. M. C. C. the evening of Feb. 21, Tuesday night, in the Baptist vestry. After the Banquet the address of the evening will be delivered by Rev. Arthur W. Hewitt, of Plainfield, Vt. Rev. Mr. Hewitt has already a great reputation as a witty, gripping orator. He was one of the speakers at the Dover State Conference for Older Boys a year ago. He is to be the orator at the largest Father and Son Banquet in New Hampshire at Derry, Feb. 20, and it is the great, good fortune of the Community Club to secure him. The banquet will be for Club members and their fathers and specially invited guests but the whole community is invited to hear the lecture. Further announcement later.

Roland Emery spent Friday in Boston and Dr. Thompson was there on Saturday.

Miss LaRoque, a teacher in Merrimac, Mass., was the week end guest of her friend, Miss Hazel Brown.

Shirley W. Ware has been confined to his home most of the time for two weeks. He is having trouble with his eye and has the sympathy of all his friends.

Don’t forget your hat for the Hat Trimming Social at Oceanside Grange Friday, tomorrow night.

Greta Myers has returned home from Newcastle with a severe grippe cold, and Alice Elliot has been quite ill with a cold this week also.

Several former teachers spent the week end in town. Miss Mildred Greene was with Mrs. Robert Brown and Miss Harriet French was with Miss Mary Toppan.

Miss Eloise Lane was a welcome week end guest in the home of her parents.

Word has been received from Austin Mace that the operation has been successful and the doctor hopes for good results as he grows strong physically.

The pictures at the Movies Saturday evening were very pleasing and the vaudeville pictures showing rapid artist work, in drawing, tumbling and acrobatic feats, was something quite new. The entertainment next Saturday night will include vaudeville pictures, a good comic picture and Buck Jones in “Get Your Man.”

The Community Club is in rare luck just now. On Tuesday night, Feb. 14, in the Methodist vestry they will present to the community, with special invitation to all young men not members of the Club, Rev. Frederick B. Withington, of the faculty at Phillips Exeter. Some of the boys will remember well when Withington was on the Harvard foot-ball team. On the freshman team for the year and then three years on the varsity and never a defeat for his team in four years. Plan for this, fellows. An offering will be taken for expenses.

There will be an entertainment and food sale in the Town Hall on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock the proceeds of which will go to the Parent-Teacher Association. The entertainment will be given by the children in the different schools. In addition to the sale of food there will be a candy table. Admission for adults 10 cents; children free.

Mrs. Emma J. Young, who was stricken suddenly so very ill last week, is recovering as well as can be expected to the delight of her many friends.

Miss Susie Brown is recuperating finely in the pleasant home of Mrs. Roland Emery. Miss Brown walks up town to see her father every day and on Monday went to Haverhill to consult her physician.

The West End Club met Jan. 26 at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle’s residence. Seven of the members were present and three of the children. The meeting opened by the club singing one of the old songs and then repeating the quotation. Reading of the minutes of last meeting and the business matters were then attended to. The club voted $5.00 to the Red Cross for the Community Nurse and $5.00 for the Near East Relief and also a present of $5.00 to Miss Frances E. Towle. Gentlemen’s night is to be observed Feb. 14th at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle’s. A very good program was given, each of the members reading. Miss Frances E. Towle read “An Honest Soul” by Mary E. Wilkins; it was very good. Mrs. Katherine James read “The Story of a Dollar,” and singing was enjoyed by Mrs. James. “I Cannot Sing the Old Songs,” being a selection. Mrs. Bowley read “The Christening.” Singing by the members completed the program. The meeting adjourned and a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the hostesses, consisting of sandwiches, cake and coffee. Next meeting to be held at Mrs. Katherine James’, Feb. 9th.

Mrs. Lydia A. Dow, widow of Mr. Sewell Dow, died in her home on Main St., Tuesday, after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Dow was born in Nottingham and came to Hampton to teach school where she married Mr. Dow, October 23, 1884. She was a person of simple and domestic tastes with a marked aversion to publicity in any form so that her life moved chiefly within the circle of her family and friends. Mrs. Dow usually had some boarders in her home and all found her very gracious. Mrs. Dow leaves to mourn her departure two nieces, Mrs. Wiggin of Nottingham and Mrs. Whalley of Portsmouth, and one nephew, Mr. William Watson of Nottingham, two of whom have made their home with Mrs. Dow for many years. The funeral will be held from her late home at one o’clock this Thursday and the remains placed in the tomb. Robert E. Tolman, undertaker, had charge of the funeral.