Thursday, February 16, 1922

Hampton News

Special town meeting Monday afternoon to see if the town will adopt the Australian ballot system for use at the March town meetings.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Mabel Page at the Elmwood Farm, Saturday, at 3 o’clock.

Miss Addie C. Marston substituted for Miss Chase as teacher in the North School Wednesday.

The carpenters have finished the interior of the new school building and the school room fixtures are now being put in place. It is hoped that when the schools open after this week’s vacation, which begins on Monday next, the new building will be ready for occupancy.

The Mothers’ Circle, which was postponed Wednesday evening on account of the storm will be held next Wednesday evening, February 22, at the home of Mrs. Jessie Moore.

Miss S. Belle Lane has been spending a week at Madison, N. H.

The members of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will meet at the Lodge room Tuesday afternoon, February 21, at 3 o’clock. Supper will be served by a committee at six o’clock.

The Golden Gloves Class of the Congregational Sunday School are planning a party to be held at the Chapel on Washington’s birthday, from three until five o’clock. They will have as guests the Classes of Mrs. Warren Clark and Mrs. Scott.

The following poem was received by Mrs. C. I. Howe from the author, Mrs. Sarah E. Knight:

Colorado rare, with its wine-like air,
Its lofty mountains and boundless plains,
Where the brightest sunshine ever reigns.
Its homes of health, its mines of wealth;
Its richest grains, its skies of blue;
Wild flowers bloom of every hue.
Its sunsets grant beyond compare.
Its birds of song that fill the air,
Such is Colorado rare.

Mr. Wallace Blake fell on the ice last week and hurt his hand quite badly. He had it dressed in the drug store.

The schools will be closed next week. Miss Bradbury will spend her vacation in Whitefield and Plymouth, Miss Hannington in Waltham and Miss Brown in Lawrence and Lowell, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullen entertained Prof. John Donald at dinner Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Orrin Stevens is quite ill. Her niece, Mrs. Parsons of Lynn, came on Tuesday to care for her.

Mrs. Harold Winchester attended a farewell Whist Party in Haverhill on Tuesday, given by the club of which she is a member to one member who is leaving that city.

Master Arnold Newton froze his heel a couple of weeks ago and has suffered intensely. Gangrene set in this week and the doctor considers it quite serious.

Rev. G. W. Clark will give an illustrated lecture upon “Coal” this Thursday evening. Mr. Clark has procured postals from the mining district in Pennsylvania and will make the lecture very instructive. He hopes the young people as well as older ones will be present. It is said now that coal should not be burned but kept as ornament.

Do not forget the Frances Willard memorial meeting, to be held on Friday afternoon, Feb. 17, in the home of Mrs. H. G. Lane, and be sure and come. There will be special music, a special program and a silver collection gathered.

Wheaton Lane finished his mid-year exams last week with honors and is spending this week in New York City.

Miss Jewel Trefethen entertained all the teachers at dinner Wednesday evening. The evening was spent in playing games and a delightful evening was enjoyed. The community nurse Mrs. Hemingway was also present.

Mrs. Craig, who resides in Miss Power’s house, returned on Saturday after a pleasant visit in her old home in North Conway.

Rev. Arthur Hewitt, speaker at the Father and Son Banquet of the Young Men’s Community Club Tuesday night, was heard with great pleasure at the State Conference for Older Boys in Dover, in 1920. He will address the Banquet at Derry, Wednesday night. This is the largest Father and Son group in the state.

It seems as if Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olney are having more than their share of sorrow this year. Mr. Olney was in Cedar Hurst, Long Island all last week because of the illness with pneumonia of his father, which illness terminated fatally on Friday. Mr. Olney was 79 years of age but seemed much younger, as he was always in good health and went to business in New York city every day. He was a brother of Richard Olney who was in the cabinet during Mr. Cleveland’s administration.

Mrs. Warren Clark is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Young of Orleans, Mass.

Quite a number of people are on the sick list. Mrs. Frank Coffin has been confined to her home for the past three weeks, Mrs. Nellie White and three children were ill last week, with what resembled the “flu.” Mrs. Albert Coffin had several attacks of asthma and word has been received of the serious illness of “flu” of Beatrice Church in Pennsylvania, where she has been teaching. Mr. Lawrence Keene has a severe cold and had to stay out of school the first time in three years.

The “movies” entertained a large audience in the Town Hall Saturday evening and was one of the finest productions of the winter in that line, being restful as well as enjoyable. This Saturday the entertainment will consist of the Pathe pictures which are instructive for young and old, vaudeville pictures, Jap juggling and acrobatic feats, and the main picture, David Butler in “Smiling on the Way,” all of which, with the comedy picture, promises a pleasant evening.

The very best indicator of public interest in schools and school problems is the Parent-Teacher Association. Nothing yet above the horizon has so much of promise of intelligent understanding between the home and the school and of efficient cooperation as this monthly get-together of the two parties. The meeting Monday night at the Town Hall was not as well attended as it deserved. The secretary, Mrs. Nellie White, was missed from her place for the first time on account of illness. Mrs. Margaret Noyes was appointed secretary pro tem. The treasurer’s report showed a good balance on hand. Miss Trefethen’s report for the committee on hot lunches showed expenditures above $50, all bills paid and a snug balance. The President Mrs. Warren reported the very successful food sale and entertainment with hearty thanks to all who contributed to either sale or program. The purchase of a supply of community songs was authorized. The feature of the program was the story of the beginning of work by the District Nurse, Mrs. Hemingway. Very interestingly she told of her responsibility, at least three-fold, to the Red Cross, the State Board and the local school board. She reported 18 informal calls upon the schools in getting acquainted. The speaker recognized with appreciation the foundations so well laid by her predecessor Miss Cronin, and the health instruction being presented by the teachers. The convenience of the office in the new building was noted. The emergency cases may then be cared for both with reference to the welfare of the pupil particularly involved and of all his mates. The nurse proposes a series of health talks, not to interfere with the work the teachers are doing but rather to re-enforce that work. The recent visit of Miss Murphy, State Inspector, to the new building, was related. Her enthusiasm over the appointments was hearty. Mrs. Hemingway spoke of the very natural idea of some that our town has no need of services such as she offers. In nearly every town
a few repeaters will be found, pupils fail to secure promotion. Long experiment and observation has demonstrated that the reason lies, in the majority of cases, in some physical and usually remediable condition. The subject of school lunches was discussed from all standpoints. If the home cannot provide the warm accompaniment thru the use of the thermos bottle the school ought to see that the pupil has it. The matter of the possible division of the first grade was suggested for consideration. Trolley service seems to make it difficult. The Camp Fire Girls, under the direction of Miss Bradbury gave the Association a whole lot of hearty laughs with the repetition of their farce. The thanks of the Association are due the girls and their leader.

Word was received by Mrs. G. W. Clark of the illness of her son George’s wife last week. Mr. Clark went up to Boston immediately and brought home the four children, two of whom are with Mrs. Warren Clark. Surely those children have kind, loving grandparents.

One of most enjoyable parties of the season was the one given by the H. T. G. Club to about forty people in the town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The hall was very attractive with its decorations, all typical of St. Valentine. Each one was presented with a valentine in heart shape and the score cards and napkins were all typical of the day. Everyone seemed to enter into the spirit no the day and enjoyed the afternoon, both during the game and social hour. Handsome favors of a pair of mahogany candle sticks were awarded to Mrs. Hodgdon and Mrs. Ross, a table set of pan and scraper to Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Day and ever sharp pencils to Miss Katherine Janvrin and Mrs. Bryant. Choice refreshments of sultana roll cake and coffee were served. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Munsey on Tuesday, March 2. The efficient committee for “Guest Afternoon” was Mesdames Brooks, Bryant, Leavitt, Nudd and Janvrin, each of whom was dressed in white and wore Valentine caps.

Joseph J. Mace, a native of Hampton and one of our oldest citizens, died at his home on North Beach road Wednesday afternoon in his ninetieth year. He was the son of Abner and Michal (Wedgwood) Mace and was born in a house nearer the coast than the present homestead. Mr. Mace’s last illness of one week was the longest he had had in years and up to the time of his stroke he was in his usual health, assisting his son with his work. His memory never failed and he possessed all his facilities until his last illness. Mr. Mace was a good neighbor and liked by everyone. He was a life member of the Baptist church and was a constant attendant as long as able. He lives long who answers life’s great end. If we live to the glory of God and for the benefit of man then indeed is our life a blessing and our reward sure. Few residents in public life were better known than Mr. Mace. He leaves one son, Ernest Mace, to mourn him. The funeral will be on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at his late home under the direction of undertaker R. E. Tolman.

Miss Mary Toppan and Wilma and Grafton Toppan will spend next week near Albany, N. Y., with Mrs. Adams, a sister of Mrs. C. S. Toppan.

The Father and Son Banquet next Tuesday night at the Methodist vestry will be served at 6:30 o’clock sharp. All members and former members of the Club are expected to be present, with fathers where possible. The mothers are furnishing the banquet free of charge. As a matter of courtesy, please inform the Chairman of the Banquet Committee, Mrs. Teague, of your intention to be present. Dr. Hewitt will speak in the audience room at 7:30. Everybody invited. Do not fail to hear this well-known Vermonter.

Offering for expenses:

There were 103 present in the Congregational Sunday School on Sunday and a collection of $5.00 gathered. The school unanimously voted to send Mrs. Emma J. Young a plant and Mrs. Frances Young was asked to procure the same. Quite a large class from the Sunday School will unite with the church upon confession of faith at the March communion. The singing at morning service was excellent. Mrs. Willard Emery sang a solo while the offertory was being collected and an anthem was sung at the close of the service, taking the place of the last hymn.