Thursday, February 23, 1922

Hampton News

The H. T. G. Club will meet with Mrs. Munsey on Thursday March 2nd.

Mr. Howell M. Lamprey and Mr. Uri Lamprey have been ill with a touch of the “flu,” but are better now.

Miss Vivan [sic] Wood who is attending Keene Normal School is at home enjoying a week’s vacation.

Mrs. George Clark of Boston, who is in ill health, came to the parsonage on Wednesday to recuperate with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Clark. Her four children came two weeks ago.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake, after spending the winter with Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Clark returned to her home on Mill Road on Monday.

Mr. Frank Stevens has been confined to his home the past week, threatened with pluro pneumonia but is a little better at present writing.

Miss Elizabeth Philbrick returned to Cambridge with Mrs. Church last week for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Finney and little son of Haverhill come to Mr. Joplin’s on Sunday. Mr. Finney returned home Sunday evening and Mrs. Finney and little son will remain for the week.

The Congregational Missionary auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, March 1 with Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs and Mrs. Theda Hobbs as hostesses. Mrs. Sarah W. Lane is to be the leader.

The Golden Gloves Class of the Congregational Sunday School held a party on Washington’s birthday, from three to five o’clock. Russell Durant, and Lloyd and Wendell Ring, members of Mrs. Clark’s class, took part in the program. Refreshments were served.1

Mr. McKinnon, who resides in Fred Perkin’s tenement is working in Boston, coming to Hampton for the week ends. His daughter, Miss Annette, is attending a business college in Salem.

Mrs. Green celebrated her birthday on last Thursday evening by giving a party to a number of her friends in her home on the corner of High St. and Academy ave.

Miss Caroline Shea is spending a few days in Boston with her daughter, Miss Katherine Shea.

Mr. Albert Brown and brother-in-law, Mr. Wright are out this week after an illness of an attack of grippe.

Sherman Tarleton and Miss Beatrice Howe, former members if the Senior Class are attending school out of town. Sherman goes to Newburyport High School with Lester Tobey, Donald Warren and Russell True. Miss Howe goes to Robinson Seminary in Exeter.

The Friendly Class will meet with Mrs. Henry Perkins on Friday evening.

Mr. Albert Parker of Annapolis, Nova Scotia has been visiting his son, Augustus Parker.

Howard Kidder of Franklin spent the holiday yesterday with his cousins at the Methodist parsonage.

The union meeting Sunday night at seven will be held in the Baptist church. The preacher will be Rev. John Franklin Thurston, who has been heard already by our community with pleasure.

Miss Leonore Lane and Miss Dorothy Hobbs accompanied by Mrs. Lane attended the piano recital of Rachmaninoff in Symphony Hall on Saturday.

At the special town meeting Monday afternoon there was only a small attendance. By a vote of 27 to 9 the adoption of the Australian voting system at March meetings was refused.

Mrs. Eugene Nudd is on a visit to her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Russell for a few weeks in Washington, D. C.

The Men’s Club held its annual meeting Monday evening with a large number present. A discussion of town affairs was held and refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee served. The officers for the coming year are: Pres., David Hamilton; Vice Pres., Supt. A. C. Walker; Sec., Mr. Scott Noyes, and Treasurer, Frank Dennett.

The Frances Willard Memorial meeting was well attended in the home of Mrs. Lane considering the severe weather. Mrs. Marion Leavitt led the meeting and music was furnished by Mesdames Parker and Perkins, accompanied by Miss Blake. Timely refreshments were served.

Mrs. Moses Brown is very critically ill. Dr. Day was called in consultation on Tuesday and a complication was discovered. But it was found she has not Bright’s disease as feared. She has a trained nurse, Miss Chick from the Anna Jacques hospital.

Mr. Crocker is putting on such excellent, clean and instructive movies in the town hall Saturday evenings that when one goes once he wishes to go again, and last week witnessed the largest audience of the season. This week a fine program is announced of Pathe pictures, vaudeville photos, a fine comedy and the main picture, Geraldine Farrar in “A Riddle Woman.”

The Monday Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. C. S. Toppan this week with Mrs. Harold Winchester as assistant hostess. The program was varied, partaking specially of readings relative to Washington by Mrs. Harry Noyes and Mrs. Donnell and were very pleasing. Music was splendidly rendered by Mrs. Gertrude Young and Miss Katherine Gookin. Choice refreshments of fruit salad, delicious white bread and raisin bread sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess.

Little Frank Curtis, son of Mrs. Myron Norton, celebrated his seventh birthday by inviting seven little friends to spend Saturday afternoon with him. Games were played and a good time enjoyed. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were served and each child was given a piece of the birthday cake to carry home. Several called during the afternoon to see the little people, among them being Mrs. Frank Palmer, Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs and Mr. Edward Palmer Brown. Frankie received a number of gifts.

The School Board paid a visit of inspection to the new Central School building on Wednesday morning and found it not quite ready for the use of the school. The pupils will have to go back to the old school buildings for a short time, but it is hoped that it will be very short.

The U. W. Club was delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymond, Wednesday, Feb. 22. Dainty refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded as follows: First prizes, Mrs. William Cash, Mr. Charles Green; consolation prizes, Mrs. Charles Green and Mr. William Cash. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Thomas Moore, March 8.

Graduates of Durham College who were students of Prof. Whorisky will be grieved to learn of his death on Tuesday of pneumonia at the age of 47. During the world war he had charge of securing cooperation of churches and fraternal orders with the work of the state food bureau.

A sad death occurred last week when Mrs. Frank Matthews of Bride Hill succumbed to a disease which had puzzled expert physicians for months and was never diagnosed. Apparently in the best of health she was stricken with what at first seemed like ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Matthews was 45 years of age and during her residence here of nine years had made many friends in Exeter and Hampton. She is survived by her husband.

In another column of this issue will be found the Budget for 1922.

The West End Club met with Mrs. Merton James at her home on February 9 and were entertained very pleasantly. They were pleased to have Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Greely, Mrs. Jennie James, and Mrs. Blanche Williams with them again. The meeting opened with singing and repeating the quotation and the business matters were attended to. Miss Frances E. Towle read an article about a man who resolved to name his children so they would not be nicknamed. Mesdames Addie and Katherine James favored us by singing Long Long Ago. Mrs. E. S. Bowley gave a dialect reading. Sockery Kadacut’s Kat, and Mrs. James played some of her fine records. The meeting adjourned and during the social hour the hostess served a delicious lunch. Salmon wiggle served on crackers, peach short cake with whipped cream, and hot tea. Gentlemen’s night was postponed on account of the storm and one of the members having the mumps. A date will be fixed at the next meeting, held at Mrs. Jennie James’ residence, Thursday, Feb. 23.

A very pretty, homeless and collarless Collie dog came to our house a week ago. We have taken him in every night and fed him. He stays around our place all day. We don’t feel we can keep him for we have one of our own. We wish the owner would come and get him. Robert and Donald Ring, Hampton, N.H.

The Young Man’s Community Club enjoyed its first Father and Son Banquet at the vestry of the M.E. Church Tuesday night. The committee of mothers who were in charge have the hearty appreciation and thanks of the Club for their careful attention to every detail of preparation. The cherry napkins, the flag decorations, and the portrait of our first president, backed by a large flag suggested the proximity of Washington’s birthday. The bountifully loaded tables suggested how the other mothers and other friends of the club members had assisted the committee in providing a great feed. Over sixty were served at supper. Nearly all the club members were on hand and fathers were loyal. Some who could not bring fathers invited a near friend. A few fellows not in the club were invited. At the close of the banquet Mr. Percy E. Jewell, Secretary of the County Y.M.C.A., spoke briefly on the work being done in the county with special reference to our well-supported Club. The speaker of the evening, Rev. Arthur Hewitt, Methodist pastor in Plainfield, Vt., now for seven years a member of the State Board of Education for Vermont, gave the boys and a good group of friends an unusual combination of hilarious humor and sound, hard-hitting sense. His theme was “Honoring our Heritage.” A liberal offering was made for the speaker’s expenses. The music by the musicians of the club at the opening and closing and leadership in the songs was much appreciated. We hope to do so again next year.

Jacob Purington of North Hampton, defendant in probably the largest cider raid ever occurring in the state, and in whose cellars 280 barrels were found by the officers, was fined $100 and costs of $108, making a total of $208, and given a 60 days’ suspended jail sentence by Judge Thomas L. Marble in the Rockingham county superior court on Monday. Purington was brought into court by information filed by Rockingham County Solicitor Jerome R. Waldron of Portsmouth. We waived the reading of the complaint and pleaded guilty. The defendant was charged with keeping cider for sale and was prosecuted by Solicitor Waldron, Federal Prohibition Officer Jonathan S. Lewis and State Enforcement officer Ralph C. Caswell of Dover.