Thursday, March 2, 1922

Hampton News

Mrs. Beecher Yeaton and little sons are spending this week with Mrs. Alice Philbrook.

The annual church meeting and dinner is being held today in the Congregational dining room.

R. E. Tolman and family are spending a short time in Keene and vicinity visiting friends.

Miss Hannington is ill at the home of her uncle in Waltham, where she went for a visit.

The people who have been spending the winter in the southland are beginning to return. Mr. Amos Guyon and family returned last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bridle of Portsmouth, nee Miss Muriel Hill of the Class of 1919, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of boy twins.

Miss Edith Carlyle of Amesbury is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edith Emery and is enjoying her vacation.

Mrs. Wilfred Feeney and little son returned to their home in Haverhill after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Joplin.

Mr. Clifton Pike of Haverhill is spending his school vacation with his sister, Mrs. Raymond Spackman. On Tuesday evening they attended an entertainment in Exeter.

Miss Mary Toppan with her niece and nephew, Wilma and Grafton Toppan have returned home after a pleasant visit in Albany. While there they visited the State and Educational buildings.

Miss Velma Hunter of Wiscasset, Maine, is spending her vacation with Mrs. Elliot and family of this town.

On account of the Republican caucus Monday evening it is probable that the Parent-Teacher meeting will be held on the Friday evening preceding. Define announcement will be made next week.

The regular meeting of the Mothers’ Circle will be held next Wednesday evening, March 8, at the Congregational chapel. The program will be in charge of the Civics Committee. Each member may bring a guest.

The many friends of Mr. F. E. Leavitt will be sorry to hear that he is severing his connections with the Silas Pierce Company of Boston, where he is Secretary and Treasurer, and will go to California to live permanently. His health is the prime factor in the change. His son Russell and family will go with Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt.

Miss Adeline C. Marston has accepted a fine position in “The Paul Revere School” in Revere, with a good salary. She lives in Chelsea where she has many friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Amesbury were guests of their brother Edward P. Brown on Sunday, attending church with him and visiting there with old friends.

Out of twelve tests, the milk tested by Beatrice Howe, at the Seminary laboratory, and secured from Beecher Yeaton’s herd, brought the highest test, 5 1-10 butterfat. We feel proud of this as there were samples from Exeter, Hampton Falls and Stratham.

The Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Church will meet in the vestry, Tuesday, March 7. Miss Morrill, a returned missionary of India will speak. The supper and farce have been postponed.

The members of the Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a Rubber Social at I. O. O. F. Hall on Tuesday, March 7, at three o’clock. Members please bring old rubbers to be sold later to a junk dealer. Supper will be served by a committee at six o’clock.

Rev. D. S. Jenks, general secretary of the United Baptist Convention of New Hampshire is expected to visit Hampton Friday, March 3. All members of the Baptist church and Society are requested to attend a meeting at the vestry at 1:30 Friday afternoon, to hear Mr. Jenks, as questions of vital importance are to be discussed.

At the Congregational church next Sunday there will be baptism, reception of nine new members and communion. There will be special music furnished by Mrs. Raymond Spackman and Mrs. Willard Emery, consisting of a duet and a violin obligato by Mrs. Spackman. Mrs. Gertrude Young does splendid work as accompanist.

The hall Saturday evening was filled to welcome the movies. Geraldine Farrar was superb in her acting and the other features were equally as pleasing. This Saturday evening there will be Pathe news pictures, vaudeville photos and the usual excellent comedy picture. The main picture will be Shirley Mason in “Lovetime.” Miss Mason is always good in very picture and a great favorite.

The Congregational Missionary meeting was held on Wednesday with a good number present. Mrs. Lane had a carefully prepared program, which was both interesting and instructive. The society is very grateful to Miss Eloise Lane, Mrs. Raymond Spackman, Mrs. Willard Emery, Miss Dorothy Hobbs and Mr. Harold Clark for the very excellent musical program, which they furnished. The hostesses, Mrs. Ardenia and Mrs. Warren Hobbs, furnished an excellent supper.

On Thursday of last week the school house committee formally accepted the new school building from the contractors.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a food sale in Lane’s block on next Friday afternoon, March10, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Light refreshments served.

The statement in last week’s issue concerning a party given by the Golden Gloves Class on February 22, was somewhat confused and misleading. The party was arranged by the Supt., Miss Craig, and Miss Akerman for three classes of the Sunday School. Owing to the storm only three girls were present. The chapel was prettily decorated with festoons of red, white and blue and many flags. Various games were played, and refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream and fruit punch were served, also a beautiful birthday cake, made by Mrs. Toppan for three who were observing a birthday, Rev. G. W. Clark, Arthur Hamilton and Beryl Kelley. A large Jack Horner Pie held favors for all present. The afternoon closed by all singing America and repeating the flag salute.

On Tuesday evening a neighborhood party was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Edward J. Brown, Mrs. Frank Dennett being the guest of honor. Everyone brought their work and a general good time was had. During the evening we had the pleasure of inspecting the contents of Miss Winnifred Taylor’s hope-chest-which we expect will soon take wings and fly away-in which were many useful as well as ornamental articles which she will enjoy in he new home. Refreshments were served and proved delicious. It being our guest’s birthday, gifts were in order, including a birthday cake, illuminated with the required number of candles. At a late hour the guests departed, thanking Mrs. Brown for her hospitality and Mrs. Dennett thanking all for her gifts and the complete surprise given her.

The first of January we started a drive for the $300.00 fund this town’s quota for the Near East Relief. Up to date we have received $296.00 which is very good when we consider the few people that have contributed. As a rule this is a charity that appeals to most people because everyone knows how these Armenians have suffered at the hands of the Turks. Last year $361.00 was contributed and if we could have received more this year it would not have gone amiss, as most of the surrounding towns are not meeting their quotas, and neither are the cities on account of the disturbance in the Textile industries. If there are any more of our townsmen who would like to contribute the treasurer at Manchester would be very glad. Two loaves of bread and two cans of condensed milk a week is the allowance for each individual. Not a very liberal diet.

A joint meeting composed of the executive committee of the Red Cross, the Red Cross Nursing Committee, the School Board, the School Physician, the District Superintendent, and the Red Cross Nurse was recently held at Mrs. Toppan’s. At this meeting Mrs. Hemingway, the Red Cross nurse, was officially elected school nurse. Various topics concerning the health work in the schools was discussed and an outline of the school work drawn. A sincere spirit was shown by all present and it is felt that having such an intelligent basis upon which to work, the benefits of this work will soon be reorganized and appreciated by teachers, pupils and parents. When the new school building is opened a fine room will be used by the nurse as a “First Aid” room. This will be fully equipped for examining the pupils, emergency work, and hygiene classes. The gift or loan of a single width bed is asked for. Anyone willing to contribute such will please notify the nurse, or some member of the committee.

The death of Mrs. Moses W. Brown at her daughter’s home in this village on the morning of March 23rd filled the hearts of her family and relatives with deep grief and caused friends and associates to sympathize with them in their loss. For weeks hopes had been entertained that she would recover but the disease was too deeply settled, and the loss of her presence and her work in her home creates a vacancy widely felt and deeply deplored. The deceased was in her 64th year and has, with the exception of a few years spent in Boston, always resided in this village. Mrs. Brown was the daughter of Samuel Palmer of Hampton and Martha Nourse of Boston. She is survived by her husband and three children, Mrs. Orla A. Stowe of Stockbridge, Michigan, Mr. Albert Brown and Mrs. Verne J. Wright of this village. Funeral services were held on Sunday at 2 o’clock and in those services the Rev. Edgar Warren very plainly and consistently set forth the exemplary life and character he had found in his association with the deceased, as her friend. A large number of sympathetic friends and neighbors were present at the services and the beautiful floral pieces testified to their love and esteem. The internment was made in the Hampton cemetery, the bearers being Mr. Wilson Olney, Mr. Irvin Garland, Mr. Howell M. Lamprey and Mr. Richard Shelton. The funeral director was Mr. Junkins of Exeter. While in sorrow her sacred dust is buried, her memory, her spirit, her influence still abide — a cherished possession.